18 research outputs found

    Formulation et Fabrication des Suppositoires à Visée Antipaludique à Base du Beurre de Karité Contenant Artémisia annua Cultivé à L’ouest Cameroun

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    Le but de la présente étude est de formuler et fabriquer des suppositoires à visée antipaludique à base de matières premières locales afin d’améliorer la prise en charge du paludisme, essentiellement chez les enfants âgés de moins de 5 ans. Pour faire cela, on a utilisé comme principe actif la poudre de feuilles et tiges sèches de Artémisia annua provenant de la Région de l’Ouest-Cameroun et comme excipient le beurre de karité en provenance de la région du Nord Cameroun puis amélioré à 4% de silice colloïdale. Les essais organoleptiques ont mis en évidence une poudre de couleur grisâtre, de saveur amère et très odorante. L’analyse granulométrique a montré que la poudre de feuilles et tiges sèches de Artémisia annua a une granulométrie allant de très fine à fineLa concentration en flavonoïdes totaux de la poudre de feuilles et tiges sèches de Artémisia annua est de 76,9 μg/ml d’équivalent de quercétine. Les suppositoires à visée antipaludique fabriqués à partir de 250mg de poudre de feuilles et tiges sèches de Artemisia annua et 1820mg de beurre de karité+4% de silice colloïdale ont suivi un contrôle pharmaceutique. Ce contrôle qualité des suppositoires à visée antipaludique contenant Artémisia annua fabriqués en utilisant le beurre de karité comme excipient a donné des valeurs des paramètres physico-chimiques en adéquation aux valeurs standards. La forme galénique issue de cette formule pourrait présenter une meilleure prise en charge thérapeutique des patients et particulièrement les enfants, au Cameroun et ailleurs en Afrique.   This paper focuses on formulating and manufacturing antimalarial suppositories based on local materials in order to improve the management of malaria mainly for children under 5 years of age. Doing it, we used as active principle the powder of leaves and stems of Artemisia annua from Western Cameroon and, as an excipient, shea butter improved with 4% colloidal silica from the Northern Cameroon. The tests revealed a greyish-coloured powder with a bitter taste and a very fragrant one. The particle size analysis showed that the powder of leaves and stems of Artemisia annua has a particle size ranging from very fine to fine. The concentration of total flavonoids in the powder of leaves and stems of Artemisia annua is 76.9 μg/ml of quercetin equivalent. Antimalarial suppositories made from 250mg of Artemisia annua leaf and stem powder and 1820mg of shea butter, enhanced with 4% colloidal silica, have undergone pharmaceutical control. This quality control of Artemisia annua antimalarial suppositories, manufactured using shea butter as an excipient, gave values ​​of the physico-chemical parameters in line with the standards values. The galenic form resulting from this formula could offer better therapeutic management of patients, particularly children, in Cameroon and elsewhere in Africa

    Formulation et Fabrication des Suppositoires à visée Antipaludique à Base du Beurre de Karité Contenant Artémisia annua Cultivé à l’Ouest Cameroun

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    Le but de la présente étude est de formuler et fabriquer des suppositoires à visée antipaludique à base de matières premières locales afin d’améliorer la prise en charge du paludisme, essentiellement chez les enfants âgés de moins de 5 ans. Pour faire cela, on a utilisé comme principe actif la poudre de feuilles et tiges sèches de Artémisia annua provenant de la Région de l’Ouest-Cameroun et comme excipient le beurre de karité en provenance de la région du Nord Cameroun puis amélioré à 4% de silice colloïdale. Les essais organoleptiques ont mis en évidence une poudre de couleur grisâtre, de saveur amère et très odorante. L’analyse granulométrique a montré que la poudre de feuilles et tiges sèches de Artémisia annua a une granulométrie allant de très fine à fineLa concentration en flavonoïdes totaux de la poudre de feuilles et tiges sèches de Artémisia annua est de 76,9 μg/ml d’équivalent de quercétine. Les suppositoires à visée antipaludique fabriqués à partir de 250mg de poudre de feuilles et tiges sèches de Artemisia annua et 1820mg de beurre de karité+4% de silice colloïdale ont suivi un contrôle pharmaceutique. Ce contrôle qualité des suppositoires à visée antipaludique contenant Artémisia annua fabriqués en utilisant le beurre de karité comme excipient a donné des valeurs des paramètres physico-chimiques en adéquation aux valeurs standards. La forme galénique issue de cette formule pourrait présenter une meilleure prise en charge thérapeutique des patients et particulièrement les enfants, au Cameroun et ailleurs en Afrique.   This paper focuses on formulating and manufacturing antimalarial suppositories based on local materials in order to improve the management of malaria mainly for children under 5 years of age. Doing it, we used as active principle the powder of leaves and stems of Artemisia annua from Western Cameroon and, as an excipient, shea butter improved with 4% colloidal silica from the Northern Cameroon. The tests revealed a greyish-coloured powder with a bitter taste and a very fragrant one. The particle size analysis showed that the powder of leaves and stems of Artemisia annua has a particle size ranging from very fine to fine. The concentration of total flavonoids in the powder of leaves and stems of Artemisia annua is 76.9 μg/ml of quercetin equivalent. Antimalarial suppositories made from 250mg of Artemisia annua leaf and stem powder and 1820mg of shea butter, enhanced with 4% colloidal silica, have undergone pharmaceutical control. This quality control of Artemisia annua antimalarial suppositories, manufactured using shea butter as an excipient, gave values ​​of the physico-chemical parameters in line with the standards values. The galenic form resulting from this formula could offer better therapeutic management of patients, particularly children, in Cameroon and elsewhere in Africa

    Formulation et Fabrication des Suppositoires à visée Antipaludique à Base du Beurre de Karité Contenant Artémisia annua Cultivé à l’Ouest Cameroun

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    Le but de la présente étude est de formuler et fabriquer des suppositoires à visée antipaludique à base de matières premières locales afin d’améliorer la prise en charge du paludisme, essentiellement chez les enfants âgés de moins de 5 ans. Pour faire cela, on a utilisé comme principe actif la poudre de feuilles et tiges sèches de Artémisia annua provenant de la Région de l’Ouest-Cameroun et comme excipient le beurre de karité en provenance de la région du Nord Cameroun puis amélioré à 4% de silice colloïdale. Les essais organoleptiques ont mis en évidence une poudre de couleur grisâtre, de saveur amère et très odorante. L’analyse granulométrique a montré que la poudre de feuilles et tiges sèches de Artémisia annua a une granulométrie allant de très fine à fineLa concentration en flavonoïdes totaux de la poudre de feuilles et tiges sèches de Artémisia annua est de 76,9 μg/ml d’équivalent de quercétine. Les suppositoires à visée antipaludique fabriqués à partir de 250mg de poudre de feuilles et tiges sèches de Artemisia annua et 1820mg de beurre de karité+4% de silice colloïdale ont suivi un contrôle pharmaceutique. Ce contrôle qualité des suppositoires à visée antipaludique contenant Artémisia annua fabriqués en utilisant le beurre de karité comme excipient a donné des valeurs des paramètres physico-chimiques en adéquation aux valeurs standards. La forme galénique issue de cette formule pourrait présenter une meilleure prise en charge thérapeutique des patients et particulièrement les enfants, au Cameroun et ailleurs en Afrique.   This paper focuses on formulating and manufacturing antimalarial suppositories based on local materials in order to improve the management of malaria mainly for children under 5 years of age. Doing it, we used as active principle the powder of leaves and stems of Artemisia annua from Western Cameroon and, as an excipient, shea butter improved with 4% colloidal silica from the Northern Cameroon. The tests revealed a greyish-coloured powder with a bitter taste and a very fragrant one. The particle size analysis showed that the powder of leaves and stems of Artemisia annua has a particle size ranging from very fine to fine. The concentration of total flavonoids in the powder of leaves and stems of Artemisia annua is 76.9 μg/ml of quercetin equivalent. Antimalarial suppositories made from 250mg of Artemisia annua leaf and stem powder and 1820mg of shea butter, enhanced with 4% colloidal silica, have undergone pharmaceutical control. This quality control of Artemisia annua antimalarial suppositories, manufactured using shea butter as an excipient, gave values ​​of the physico-chemical parameters in line with the standards values. The galenic form resulting from this formula could offer better therapeutic management of patients, particularly children, in Cameroon and elsewhere in Africa

    Étude phytochimique et pharmacologique d’Alchornea cordifolia (Schum. & Thonn.) Mull. Arg. et de Mangifera indica dans le traitement traditionnel de la maladie hémorroïdaire

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    Objectif: La maladie hémorroïdaire désigne tous les états pathologiques résultant de la dilatation progressive ou de la rupture des plexus veineux hémorroïdaires. De nombreuses plantes sont citées dans la médecine traditionnelle contre les affections hémorroïdaires à l’instar de Mangifera indica et Alchornea cordifolia.Méthodologie et Résultats: Le matériel végétal a été collecté et préparé par décoction aqueuse. L’étude phytochimique des extraits s’est traduite premièrement par la caractérisation métabolites secondaires révélées par les tests de screening phytochimique et deuxièmement par le dosage des flavonoïdes par la méthode au trichlorure d’aluminium. Le matériel animal (rats et souris femelles) a été préparé pour l’étude pharmacologique. L’activité réductrice du radical libre 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazine des extraits, les essais limites de toxicité aigüe réalisés sur des souris femelles et la détermination du pouvoir anti-inflammatoire des extraits in vivo réalisée suivant la méthode d’induction de l’oedème par la carraghénine sur des rats femelles. Les tanins et les flavonoïdes ont été révélés dans les extraits aqueux. Les teneurs des flavonoïdes d’Alchornea cordifolia et de Mangifera indica sont de 241 et 194 mg équivalent de catéchine respectivement. Les CE 50 des extraits ont montré un pouvoir antioxydant (0,02 mg/ml et 0,03 mg/ml) relativement faible par rapport à l’acide ascorbique avec une CE 50 de 0,003 mg/ml. L’innocuité des extraits aqueux d’Alchornea cordifolia et de Mangifera indica est démontrée pour une DL 50 › 5000 mg/ml. Le test anti-inflammatoire aux doses de 500 mg/kg et 1000 mg/kg d’extraits a confirmé le pouvoir inhibiteur des extraits sur les médiateurs de l’inflammation : l'histamine, la 5-hydroxytryptamine, les kinines et les prostaglandines.Conclusion et applications des résultats: La richesse des extraits aqueux d’Alchornea cordifolia et de Mangifera indica en constituants polyphénoliques capables de piéger les radicaux libres et augmentant le tonus veineux, empêcheraient aussi la formation des médiateurs qui provoquent l’inflammation.Mots clés: Alchornea cordifolia, Mangifera indica, phytochimie, pharmacologieEnglish Title: Phytochemical and pharmacological study of Alchornea cordifolia (Schum. & Thonn.) Mull. Arg. and Mangifera indica in the traditional treatment of hemorrhoidal diseaseEnglish AbstractObjective: hemorrhoidal disease means all conditions resulting from the gradual expansion or rupture of hemorrhoidal venous plexus. Many plants are mentioned in traditional medicine against hemorrhoidal ailments like Mangifera indica and Alchornea cordifolia.Methodology and Results: The plant material was collected and prepared by aqueous decoction. The phytochemical study of extracts resulted firstly by characterizing secondary metabolites revealed by the tests of phytochemical screening and secondly by the assay by the method flavonoids aluminum trichloride. Animal material (rats and female mice) was prepared for the pharmacological study. The reducing activity of the free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazine extracts, the acute toxicity limits tests on female mice and determination of anti-inflammatory activity in vivo extracts taken along the induction method edema by carrageenin in female rats. The tannins and flavonoids were revealed in the aqueous extracts. The contents of Alchornea cordifolia and Mangifera indica Flavonoids are 241 and 194 mg equivalent of catechin respectively. The CE 50 extracts showed an antioxidant (0.02 mg/ml and 0.03 mg/ml) relatively low compared to the ascorbic acid with an CE 50 of 0.003 50 mg/ml. The safety of aqueous extracts of Alchornea cordifolia and Mangifera indica is demonstrated for DL 50> 5000 mg/ ml. The anti-inflammatory test with 500 mg/kg and 1000 mg/kg of extracts confirmed the inhibitory power of the extracts on inflammatory mediators : histamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, kinins and prostaglandins.Conclusion and application of the Results: The rich aqueous extracts of Alchornea cordifolia and Mangifera indica polyphenolic constituents capable of trapping free radicals and increasing venous tone, also prevent the formation of mediators that cause inflammation.Keywords: Alchornea cordifolia, Mangifera indica, Phytochemistry, Pharmacolog


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    Objective: The objective of the present study is to assess physical properties and the quality control parameters of the marketed brands of Mebendazole 100 mg found in illegitimate pharmacy outlets Methods: Five brands of mebendazole 100 mg were identified and purchased in February 2014. The tablets were evaluated for uniformity of weight, friability, hardness, disintegration and assay of active pharmaceutical ingredient according to established methods. Results: Results obtained indicated that all brands comply with official requirements for uniformity of weight and hardness. One brand failed the friability test with more than 1% of weight loss. The disintegration test revealed that two brands disintegrate in less than 2 min while other brands in more than 1 hour. Titrimetric assay of mebendazole content showed only two brands containing not less than 90% (w/w) of labeled chemical content. Conclusion: Brand MBZ3 showed better characteristics of chewable tablet. Consumers need to pay attention to the manufacturer information and chewable tablets have to be treated as such

    Garcinia lucida Vesque (Clusiaceae): from traditional uses to pharmacopeic monograph for an emerging local plant-based drug development

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    Objectives: This paper seeks to assess information on the identity, traditional uses, safety and efficacy of Garcinia lucida Vesque (Essok in Boulou and Ewondo local language), in order to highlight it potential as species to be registered in medicinal plant list and formularies needed for the development of monographs leading to local production of phytomedicines.Methodology and Results: Ethnobotanical survey was carried in the Bipindi-Akom II region (South Cameroon) with the help of interviews based on standardised questionnaires addressed to key-informants. Bark and seeds were the major parts used, highly appreciated due to its properties in preventing consumers from poison, diarrhoea and headaches. The most important therapeutic indications were additive to palm wine, antidote to poisoning, gastritis and snake bite. Other uses in treating included gynaecological pains and infections, sexual diseases and cancers. The bark was also believed by local people to act on the stability of chemical antibiotic drugs in pharmacy, while leaves were used as insect repellent against mosquitoes and cockroaches.Conclusions and application of findings: As an additive in palm wine processing, poisoning antidote, aphrodisiac and medicines, bark and seeds are widely used in the Bipindi-Lolodorf-Akom II area, in the Centre and South regions of Cameroon, in Gabon and Equatorial Guinea, in Central Africa and West Africa. This similarity of use across many regions is considered as important biological activity marker tools guiding plant parts or species selection in drug discovery and development using ethnopharmacological approach. Through the ethnobotanical and biological tests, assessed, accurate information is provided to substantiate safety and efficacy of G. lucida and to satisfy the requirements of official compendia such as pharmacopoeia. Further studies are needed to understand the effects of bark and seeds as additive to palm wine, as well as the interaction between bark and chemical antibiotic drugs.Keywords: Garcinia lucida, traditional uses, medicinal plant list, monograph, pharmacopoeia, phytomedicine productio

    Inventaire et caractérisation des plantes médicinales utilisées en thérapeutique dans le département de la Sanaga Maritime: Ndom, Ngambe et Pouma

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    Objectif: Dans le but de contribuer à la connaissance des plantes médicinales utilisées pour les traitements des symptômes qui affectent les populations rurales du département de la Sanaga maritime, une enquête ethnobotanique et ethnopharmacologique a été réalisée.Méthodologie et Résultats: L’étude réalisée auprès de 94 ménages a permis de recenser 94 espèces végétales appartenant à 92 genres et 54 familles. Les familles les plus représentées ont été les Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae, et les Asteraceae, avec respectivement 9 et 6 espèces. Dix genres ont été majoritaires à savoir : Aframomum, Alchornea, Allium, Carica, Citrus, Entandrophragma, Ocimum, Solanum, Urera et Vernonia dans les proportions de 14% pour Allium et Ocimum et 9% pour les autres genres. Les paramètres écologiques des espèces végétales ont permis d’identifier 12 types de biotopes avec 28,85% d’espèces cultivées et 21,15% d’espèces de forêts primaires. Seize types phytogéographiques recensé soit 24,04% de pantropicales, 20,19% d’Afro tropicales et 19,23% de Guinéo congolaises. Les espèces exploitées ont été en majorité les herbacées soit 37,50% suivis des arbres et arbustes avec respectivement 29,81% et 27,88%. Les sarcochores et les sclérochores ont été les types de diaspores majoritaires avec respectivement 43,27% et 13,46%. La décoction et la macération ont été les modes de préparation les plus utilisés par les tradipraticiens avec 27,46% et 23,94%. La voie orale était la plus utilisée pour l’administration des recettes de plantes médicinales. Quatre-vingt recettes ont été retenues pour le traitement des symptômes affectant les populations de ce département. Le facteur de consensus calculé a permis de confirmer les troubles dus aux protozoaires et les mycoses comme étant celles qui sévissent le plus dans la région avec des indices respectifs de 0,71 et 0,50. Les alcaloïdes, flavonoïdes, coumarines, phénols, tanins, saponosides et terpènes ont été révélés comme métabolites secondaires. Les feuilles représentaient l’organe le plus utilisé pour les recettes.Conclusion et Application des résultats: Les plantes médicinales recensées, aux métabolites secondaires variés constituent un atout indéniable dans la fabrication des médicaments traditionnels améliorés.Mots clés: plantes médicinales, ethnobotanique, ethnopharmacologie, métabolites secondairesEnglish AbstractObjective: In order to contribute to the knowledge of medicinal plants used for diseases treatments and symptoms affecting rural populations of the Sanaga Maritime division, ethnobotanical and ethno pharmacological investigations have been carried.Methodology and results: Only people aged between 29-70 years with a confirmed knowledge of medicinal plants and their usage in curing and willing to take part of the study have been interviewed. The study realized in 94 homes allowed making an inventory of 94 vegetable species belonging to 92 genera and 54 families. The most representative were Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Asteraceae respectively 9 and 6 for the two others. Among those species, 10 genera have been the most representative namely: Aframomum, Alchornea, Allium, Carica, Citrus, Entandrophragma, Ocimum, Solanum, Urera and Vernonia in the following proportions 14% for Allium and Ocimum and 9% for others. Ecological parameters of plants species allowed the identification of 12 types of biotopes with 28.85% species harvested and 21.15% species of primary forests. Sixteen phytogeographical types have been listed to with 24.04% of “pantropicales”, 20.19% “Afro tropicales” and 19.23% “guineo congolaises”. Exploited species have been in majority herbaceous 37.50%, followed respectively by trees and shrubs with 29.81% and 27.88%. Sarcochores and Slerochores were the high majority of diaspores with the following proportions 43.27% and 13.46%. Decoction and maceration have been the preparation method most used by traditional practitioners with 27.46% and 23.94%. The oral route was the most used for the administration of medicinal plants recipes. 80 recipes have been retained for the treatment of diseases and symptoms affecting people of this division. The consensus factor permitted to confirm that troubles caused by protozoa and mycoses were raging in that division with 0.71 and 0.50 respectively. Have been identified as secondary metabolites: alkaloids, flavonoids, coumarins, phenols, tannins, saponins and terpenoids. Leaves represented the most used part for the preparation of recipes.Conclusion and applications of results: The usage of medicinal plants by African people and others in the world for the multiple diseases pushed researchers to explore this way to find new molecules.Keywords: medicinal plants, ethnobotanic, ethnopharmacology, secondary metabolite

    Knowledge, practices and attitudes on antibiotics use in Cameroon: Self-medication and prescription survey among children, adolescents and adults in private pharmacies.

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    Benefits of antibiotics are threatened by the self-medication, people's lack of knowledge and inappropriate use of antibiotics, especially in developing countries. This study was designed to determine knowledge; attitudes and practices toward antibiotics use in an urban community, and evaluate the factors that are associated with antibiotic use. Between January and March 2015, a cross sectional and prospective study was conducted in all pharmacies within the Douala IV health district, Cameroon. Anonymous interviews including both open and closed ended questions were conducted in participants selected by convenience sampling Descriptive and logistic regression analysis were performed using StataSE11 software (version 11 SE) and R software (version 3.1.1) in data analysis. Overall 402 (33.7%) of 1,192 customers purchased antibiotics and of these, 47% bought antibiotics without a prescription. 60.7% of purchased antibiotics was for adult 'patients and around 60% of parents carried out self-medication on their children. The vast majority reported that all microbes can be treated with antibiotics (88.3%). The belief that antibiotics are appropriate for bacterial infections was more common among those with a higher level education (OR = 4.03, 95%CI:1.89-8.57, p<0.0001) and among public/private servants (OR = 2.47, 95%CI:1.21-5.08, p = 0.013). Physicians provide less explanations about antibiotics are and their potential side effects than the pharmacy auxiliaries (OR = 0.205, 95%CI = 0.09-0.46, p<0.0001), but more than pharmacists (OR = 3.692, 95%CI:1.44-9.25, p = 0.005). Indications on antibiotics use were 7 times more given to customers with a prescription compared to those without a prescription (OR = 7.37, 95% CI = 2.13-25.43, p = 0.002). Adult male (OR = 2.32, 95%CI:1.24-4.34, p = 0.009) and higher education (OR = 2.05, 95%CI:1.08-3.89, p = 0.027) were significantly associated with self-medication. Misuse, little "practical knowledge" and high self-medication confirm the unsatisfactory prescription and dispensing practices of the antibiotics in our country. These results highlight the important of the development and implementation appropriate guidelines for the responsible use of antibiotics for health care providers and health education targeting community members themselves


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    &nbsp;Objectives: The specific characteristics of the elderly physiopathology, such as polypathology and polypharmacy, arouse interest in the quality of the care offered to this age group. The study aimed to analyse the gap between the pathological and&nbsp; therapeutic profiles at the local level in Cameroon.&nbsp; Method: This was a six-month cross-sectional situational analysis at the Biwong-Bane District Medical Centre in the South region of Cameroon. Pathological data were collected from the consultation register, and those related to therapeutics were taken from the drug inventory lists for the period of July 2019 to July 2020, using two separate reading grids. The 20th version of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software was used for the analysis of the data set.&nbsp; Results: For a total of 103 patient files, the mean age was 68.6±7.7 years with a sex ratio of 0.75. 21.7% of the population was aged ≥ 75 years. The main pathology groups were infectious diseases (40%) and diseases of the osteoarticular system (16.4%). Out the 140 occurrences counted, malaria, typhoid fever and high blood pressure were the most common at 26, 12 and 7 respectively. Polypathologies represented 28.2% of the sample. With regard to therapeutics, there was a concordance between prescriptions and available drugs, although stock-outs persisted, as with artesunate (10 months) and mineral supplements (6 months). Finally, the average number of active molecules administered per elderly person ≥75 years was 3.47.&nbsp; Conclusion: The pharmacotherapy provided to the Third age remains poorly adapted, mainly due to the unavailability of drugs specific to the needs of this population.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Peer Review History: Received 22 March 2021; Revised 16 April; Accepted 26 April, Available online 15 May 2021 Academic Editor: Essam Mohamed Eissa, Beni-Suef University, Egypt, [email protected] UJPR follows the most transparent and toughest ‘Advanced OPEN peer review’ system. The identity of the authors and, reviewers will be known to each other. This transparent process will help to eradicate any possible malicious/purposeful interference by any person (publishing staff, reviewer, editor, author, etc) during peer review. As a result of this unique system, all reviewers will get their due recognition and respect, once their names are published in the papers. We expect that, by publishing peer review reports with published papers, will be helpful to many authors for drafting their article according to the specifications. Auhors will remove any error of their article and they will improve their article(s) according to the previous reports displayed with published article(s). The main purpose of it is ‘to improve the quality of a candidate manuscript’. Our reviewers check the ‘strength and weakness of a manuscript honestly’. There will increase in the perfection, and transparency.&nbsp; Received file:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Reviewer's Comments: Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 6.0/10 Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 7.0/10 Reviewer(s) detail: Dr. Omid Gholami, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Iran, [email protected] Dr. DANIYAN Oluwatoyin Michael, Obafemi Awolowo University, ILE-IFE, Nigeria,&nbsp;[email protected]

    Poor quality medicines in Cameroon: a critical review

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    Poor-quality medicines are the cause of many public health and socioeconomic problems. We conducted a review to acquire an overview of the situation concerning such medicines in Cameroon. Different searches were performed on databases from several websites of the WHO, the Ministry of Public Health of Cameroon, the Anti-Counterfeit Medicine Research Institute, the Global Pharma Health Fund, and the Infectious Disease Data Observatory. We identified 92 publications comprised of 19 peer-reviewed studies and 73 alerts. Based on studies completed, 1,664 samples were analyzed, and the prevalence of substandard and falsified (SF) medicines could be estimated for 1,440 samples. A total of 67.5% of these samples were collected from the informal sector, 20.9% from the formal sector, and 11.6% from both sectors. We found a prevalence of SF medicines across the peer-reviewed studies of 26.9%, whereas most of the SF medicines belonged to the anti-infective class. The problem of SF medicines is not studied sufficiently in Cameroon; therefore, efforts should be made to conduct adequate studies in terms of representativity and methodology