95 research outputs found

    Tax-and-Spend, Spend-and-Tax, Fiscal Synchronization, or Fiscal Separation: Emerging Evidence from Nigeria

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    The main thrust of this research was to explore the revenue and expenditure nexus on Nigeria from 1981 to 2016. It tried to uncover the expenditure hypothesis that Nigeria’s government had adopted in her budgeting. Time series data obtained from the statistical bulletin of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) was used for the study, and it was subjected to unit-root tests. The results from Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) and Philip-Perron tests indicated that the variables only became stationary after differencing once. Accordingly, Johansen cointegration test was conducted and results revealed a longrun relationship between the variables. An Error Correction Model (ECM) was carried out to tie the shortrun dynamics with longrun equilibrium. The ECM exhibited the right sign and significant in both models. The results equally provided empirical evidence that government expenditure has significant effect on revenue in Nigeria as there was a negative and significant relationship between them at various lags when expenditure was made the dependent variable. A positive and significant relationship existed between the variables at various lags when revenue was made the dependent variable. The results of Granger causality tests showed that unidirectional causality runs from expenditure to revenue in Nigeria and this confirmed the adoption of Spend-Tax Hypothesis in Nigeria.  Based on these findings, it was recommended that the government should lay more emphases on revenue than expenditure to remove/reduce budget deficits; should explore other viable avenues other than oil to increase its revenue; emphases should be placed on capital expenditure than on recurrent expenditure as this will help in reducing the over bearing expenditure profile of the country and removal of fiscal imbalances. Keywords: Revenue, Expenditure, Budgeting, Cointegration, Error Correction Mode

    Capital Market Predictive Power on the Development of the Nigerian Economy: An Impulse Response and Variance Decomposition Approach

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    The study investigates the contributions of Nigeria s capital market to the development of Nigeria economy Most researchers focused on the capital market and growth nexus while we deviated by focusing on the role played by the capital market in ensuring the reduction of unemployment and poverty in Nigeria Specifically we investigated the contributions of market capitalization MCAP the value of share traded VST and all share index ASI to the unemployment rate UNPR and poverty NPI reductions in Nigeria within the period 1981 to 2017 The data series used was obtained from the annual statistical bulletin of the central bank of Nigeria CBN and Nigeria stock exchange NSE Preliminary analyses of stationarity and cointegration tests revealed that the series was non stationary at levels and cointegrated respectivel

    A hermeneutic approach to the problem of illusion in sense perception

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    This paper is a hermeneutic exposition of the problem of illusion in sense perception, using the methods of critical and content analysis as tool of engagement. For decades, post-modern epistemology was steeped in the murky waters of the brilliant, sceptic argument from illusion, according to which the senses could not be relied upon for knowledge of the external world of reality, due to problems believed to be inherent in sensory perception. Why was the argument from illusion so important to epistemologists as to elicit enormous interest for such a long time? What are the implications of the argument for science? Did the argument from illusion portend any real danger for the foundations of empirical knowledge claims, as supposed by many frontline epistemologists? Exploring the concept and science of perceptual illusion, and the implications of the argument from illusion for science and epistemology, the paper found that the argument failed as a refutation of direct realism because it views illusion as the norm rather than an exception, and portrays human knowing process as an automatic, rather than a procedural, gradual phenomenon.Keywords: Argument from Illusion, Empiricism, Epistemology, Science, Scepticis

    Integration of Learners with Physical Disabilities: Panacea for Sustainable Development in Nigeria

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    This study investigated the integration of learners with physical disabilities as panacea for sustainable development in Nigeria. Using a descriptive survey research design, data were collected using questionnaires from 185 purposively selected teachers involved in teaching students with physical disabilities in fifty secondary schools in South East Nigeria. Three research questions were answered and data was analysed using descriptive statistics. The result of the study revealed that when students with physical disabilities are integrated with non-physically challenged learners, they adjust favourably to overcome their challenges, are well focused and determined to excel academically and in other extra curricula activities. Therefore, integration policy should be practiced with more vigour. Keywords: Development, Integration, Learners, Nigeria, Panacea, Physical Disabilities. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-6-22 Publication date: February 29th 202

    Inclusive Education and Sustainable Peace in Africa

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    Inclusive education is an innovative approach to education by which all children, youths and adults on the globe have equal opportunities to learn comfortably in the same academic environment regardless their intellectual and physical ability/disability and irrespective of their political, ethnic and socio-economic background. It is a brain child of UNESCO (the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization); part of its Education For All (EFA) initiative which seeks to overcome the global challenges of marginalization, discrimination and exclusion. In this light, this paper examines the concept of inclusive education as a means of attaining long-lasting peace in Africa, which in turn will rekindle socio-economic and political progress. The paper provides copious evidence of the fact that socio-economic and political exclusion and marginalization are major sources of conflict and instability in Africa. Its underlying assumption is that inclusive education is a sure means of attaining optimum integral development and sustainable peace in Africa. Keywords: Inclusive education, sustainable peace in Afric


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    Digital technology has become an indispensable communication tool for students and educators in the past two decades. Currently, academic institutions view digital technologies as essential instructional content delivery media for both pedagogical and research purposes. This study assesses the extent of improvement of students’ learning through the use of Web 2.0 as an instructional tool in large classes using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). It juxtaposes this with the overall performance of students after the use of traditional lecture delivery method on some selected courses at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB), Nigeria. These experiments were carried out at the end of the 2014/2015 academic session. Within this period, out of the selected courses, two courses (GNS 103 and GNS 204) were taught without the use of ICT technology while the others (HSM 207 and AAD 507) were taught using Web 2.0. The study revealed that there was a significant difference in the evaluation of the academic performance of the students taught with Web 2.0 technology, compared with those taught without it: 95.4% of the students taught with Web 2.0 technology in class were able to make evaluative comments and contributions to

    An Analysis of Preservation Methods in Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

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    This study analyzed the preservation methods in Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) Yenagoa. Objectives such as: identifying the types of records kept; preservation methods of records and Challenges encountered in the preservation of records in NTA Yenagoa. The population comprised of 67 records managers in the area of study, a questionnaire was used to collect the data, Descriptive statistics of frequency, and tables were used to analyze the data in line with the research objectives. Findings of the study include: Records created, used, kept, and maintained by NTA as examined were payroll, personnel, security, management meetings, sales, production, and news records; most of which were predominantly in paper-based format; Storing materials at least 15 to 25 centimeter off the floor; Installation of dehumidifiers and air conditioners; Installation of water alarms; Periodic fumigation; and Monitoring of abuse and mishandling were some of the preservation methods deployed by NTA Yenagoa. The study concluded that some preservation efforts are being carried out in NTA Yenagoa, but done inappropriately due to lack of well-written preservation policy and inadequate facilities and funding. The study, therefore, recommended among others that adequate budgetary provisions should be provided for records management programs in NTA Yenagoa. Adequate finance should be provided to procure modern and adequate storage equipment and facilitie

    Surgical emergency presentation in a private teaching hospital in Nigeria: a 2- year review

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    Background: Pattern of admissions into the accident and emergency units vary worldwide with most studies showing surgical preponderance. Unlike the outcome of our study that showed more of medical cases, another study done in University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, Nigeria showed that 61% of admissions into the accident and emergency unit were surgical with trauma in general constituting 45.1%. With rising population and reduced funding, most tertiary care hospitals in developing countries grapple with high patient admissions into their emergencyunits. Lack of adequate personnel and facilities to cater for such patients result in poor patient satisfaction and management. Adequate funding and regular training of personnel should therefore be emphasized if we are to approach the standard care provided in developed countries 4 and reap a satisfactory outcome in care of emergency surgical situations.Method: This is a 2-year retrospective study, data of all patients admitted in the adult accident and emergence section of Babcock University between January 2016 and December 2017 were retrieved and reviewed. Frequencies were presented as absolute values, charts and percentages.Results: In 2016, a total of 1901 emergency cases presented to the adult accident and emergency unit of Babcock University Teaching Hospital of which 341 were surgical. In 2017, a total of 1887 emergency cases were seen in the adult accident and emergency unit of Babcock University Teaching Hospital of which 363 [17.24%] were surgical. Overall, a total of 3788 emergency cases presented of which 704 [17.24%] were surgical cases. Of these 704 cases ,457 of them [64.9%] were acute surgical emergencies like head injuries, burns, cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction, testicular torsion, deep laceration injuries, acute urinary retention, fractures, appendicitis, pleural effusion, upper GI bleeding, , cervical spine injuries [table 1] and the remaining 247 cases [35.1%] were non-emergencies (cold) cases. Of these 457 surgical emergencies, appendicitis accounted for 133 [ 29.10%] of cases making it the commonest surgical emergency that presented in our hospital in these two years.Conclusion: The most common surgical emergency was acute appendicitis 133 cases [40.06%]followed closely by deep lacerations resulting from road traffic accidents 98 cases [25.83%] and head injuries 47cases [13.4%] among others This study also highlights the pattern of emergency surgical cases expected from the accident and emergency department of a typical private hospital which does not always mimic the pattern seen in other public hospitals. This information may help the management in recruiting appropriate staff for the surgical emergency unit/department of a teaching hospitalKeywords: Babcock University Teaching Hospital, Adult Accident and Emergency Unit, Surgical Emergency, Appendicectom

    Unlimited potentials of carbon: different structures and uses (a Review)

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    Carbon is a unique chemical element whose different forms or allotropes are inexhaustible in number. It has been in use since antiquity and now, the possibility of manipulating the lattice structure of its crystalline allotropes, offers it unlimited advanced applications. This review aims at demonstrating certain aspects of engineering material in different applications. Various structures of some identified allotropes carbon, respective properties and uses of the allotropes were reviewed. Amorphous carbon materials find application mainly as fuels and sometimes as parent materials for synthesis of more useful chemicals. Their limited application was ascribed to their unstable irregular patterned structure which cannot be manipulated easily to meet further needs. Structurally, carbon exists in the sp3 and sp2 hybridized state in the crystal lattice of its crystalline allotropes. Due to the salient features of its allotropes, carbon finds application in energy generation and storage, optics, electronics, opto-electronics, electro-catalysis, corrosion control, bio-sensing (diagnostics), sensing, agriculture, water treatment, making of composite materials with unique properties and more. There is no limit to the application of carbon. It was recommended that renewable and sustainable alternative precursors for synthesis of carbon nanomaterials with crystal growth control be sought for

    The Asymmetric Effect of Exchange Rate on the Household Consumption Expenditures

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    Previous literature on the exchange rate and household consumption failed to examine the effect of positive and negative changes in the exchange rate on household consumption expenditures. We extended the available literature by investigating the asymmetric impacts in African emerging economies (AEE). To attain this aim, we utilized the nonlinear ARDL model, which covers both negative and positive shocks in the exchange rate. Our results indicate that movements in the exchange rate have asymmetric impacts on household consumption in all the included emerging economies, excluding Nigeria. Our findings propose recommendations for the policymakers to ensure the alignment of the optimal exchange rate for countries of emerging African economies and propose relevant policies for the countries.JEL Classification: D12, D60, I30How to Cite:Gohar, R., Chang, B. H., Uche, E., & Bhatty, K. (2023). The Asymmetric Effect of Exchange Rate on the Household Consumption Expenditures. Etikonomi, 22(1), 31–44. https://doi.org/10.15408/etk.v22i1.23428
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