16 research outputs found

    ENSO-driven extreme oscillations in mean sea level destabilise critical shoreline mangroves—An emerging threat

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    Recent ENSO-related, extreme low oscillations in mean sea level, referred to as ‘Taimasa’ in Samoa, have destabilised shoreline mangroves of tropical northern Australia, and possibly elsewhere. In 1982 and 2015, two catastrophic Taimasa each resulted in widespread mass dieback of ~76 km2 of shoreline mangroves along 2,000 km of Australia’s Gulf of Carpentaria. For the 2015 event, we determined that a temporary drop in sea level of ~0.4 metres for up to six months duration caused upper zone shoreline mangroves across the region to die from severe moisture deficit and desiccation. The two dramatic collapse events revealed a previously unrecognised vulnerability of semi-arid tidal wetland habitats to more extreme ENSO influences on sea level. In addition, we also observed a relationship between annual sea level oscillations and mangrove forest productivity where seasonal oscillations in mean sea level were co-incident with regular annual mangrove leaf growth during months of higher sea levels (March-May), and leaf shedding during lower sea levels (September-November). The combination of these periodic fluctuations in sea level defined a mangrove ‘Goldilocks’ zone of seasonal productivity during median-scale oscillations, bracketed by critical threshold events when sea levels became unusually low, or high. On the two occasions reported here when sea levels were extremely low, upper zone mangrove vegetation died en masse in synchrony across northern Australia. Such extreme pulse impacts combined with localised stressors profoundly threaten the longer-term survival of mangrove ecosystems and their benefits, like minimisation of shoreline erosion with rising sea levels. These new insights into such critical influences of climate and sea level on mangrove forests offer further affirmation of the urgency for implementing well-considered mitigation efforts for the protection of shoreline mangroves at risk, especially given predictions of future re-occurrences of extreme events affecting sea levels, combined with on-going pressure of rapidly rising sea levels

    The hospital microbiome project: meeting report for the UK science and innovation network UK-USA workshop ‘beating the superbugs: hospital microbiome studies for tackling antimicrobial resistance’, October 14th 2013

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    The UK Science and Innovation Network UK-USA workshop ‘Beating the Superbugs: Hospital Microbiome Studies for tackling Antimicrobial Resistance’ was held on October 14th 2013 at the UK Department of Health, London. The workshop was designed to promote US-UK collaboration on hospital microbiome studies to add a new facet to our collective understanding of antimicrobial resistance. The assembled researchers debated the importance of the hospital microbial community in transmission of disease and as a reservoir for antimicrobial resistance genes, and discussed methodologies, hypotheses, and priorities. A number of complementary approaches were explored, although the importance of the built environment microbiome in disease transmission was not universally accepted. Current whole genome epidemiological methods are being pioneered in the UK and the benefits of moving to community analysis are not necessarily obvious to the pioneers; however, rapid progress in other areas of microbiology suggest to some researchers that hospital microbiome studies will be exceptionally fruitful even in the short term. Collaborative studies will recombine different strengths to tackle the international problems of antimicrobial resistance and hospital and healthcare associated infections

    Physical modelling of wave setup in deep and shallow mobile bed river entrances

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    Recent laboratory measurements of wave setup in a physical model representing a sandy, mobile bed, narrow river entrance with smooth training walls are presented. Data were collected for random wave conditions for both deep and shallow entrances, using a buried manometer system from the breakpoint through the entrance channel to a back beach lagoon. Near simultaneous morphology measurements provided accurate measurement of still water depth. The lagoon water level was controlled to be at either the ocean level, simulating an infinite lake, or allowed to rise to the setup level in the entrance, simulating a small inlet or lagoon. The magnitude of the setup strongly depends on the entrance depth, and in the entrance itself, the setup is largely independent of the controlled upstream lagoon water level. For a closed upstream boundary the setup then remains constant. For an open upstream boundary the setup decreases landward to the controlled level. If the upstream water elevation is higher than the setup elevation, then the water surface gradient is likely to adjust to match. In non-dimensional form the entrance setup is typically of the same magnitude as that observed on natural beaches at the same relative depth, consistent with field observations from a similar scenario

    An outbreak of Shigella boydii serotype 20 in January 2015 amongst United Kingdom healthcare workers involved in the Ebola response in Sierra Leone

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    In January 2015, Public Health England and the United Kingdom (UK) Ministry of Defence investigated cases of diarrhoea and fever in military personnel recently returned to the UK after supporting the response to the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone. Tests for Ebola virus infection were negative. PCR tests detected the ipaH gene in 10/12 faecal specimens, and Shigella boydii serotype 20 was isolated from 7 patients. A case control study was undertaken and analysed using multivariable logistic regression. Consumption of a coronation chicken lunch at the transit camp in Sierra Leone (SL) 24–48 h prior to departure for the UK was significantly associated with disease [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 28.15, 95 % CI: 1.87–422.65]. In the context of heightened concern during the Ebola epidemic, this outbreak highlights the importance of rapid and effective microbiological and epidemiological investigations to identify the aetiological agent in patients presenting with fever and diarrhoea

    Diagnosis of Febrile Illnesses Other Than Ebola Virus Disease at an Ebola Treatment Unit in Sierra Leone.

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    Patients with febrile illnesses presenting to an Ebola treatment unit in Sierra Leone had a wide range of diagnoses other than Ebola virus disease. Rapid diagnostic tests were useful in confirming these diagnoses, reducing the length of patient stay with valuable consequences. These alternative diagnoses should assist in future planning

    SARS-CoV-2 population dynamics in immunocompetent individuals in a closed transmission chain shows genomic diversity over the course of infection.

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    BackgroundSARS-CoV-2 remains rapidly evolving, and many biologically important genomic substitutions/indels have characterised novel SARS-CoV-2 lineages, which have emerged during successive global waves of the pandemic. Worldwide genomic sequencing has been able to monitor these waves, track transmission clusters, and examine viral evolution in real time to help inform healthcare policy. One school of thought is that an apparent greater than average divergence in an emerging lineage from contemporary variants may require persistent infection, for example in an immunocompromised host. Due to the nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and sampling, there were few studies that examined the evolutionary trajectory of SARS-CoV-2 in healthy individuals.MethodsWe investigated viral evolutionary trends and participant symptomatology within a cluster of 16 SARS-CoV-2 infected, immunocompetent individuals with no co-morbidities in a closed transmission chain. Longitudinal nasopharyngeal swab sampling allowed characterisation of SARS-CoV-2 intra-host variation over time at both the dominant and minor genomic variant levels through Nimagen-Illumina sequencing.ResultsA change in viral lineage assignment was observed in individual infections; however, there was only one indel and no evidence of recombination over the period of an acute infection. Minor and dominant genomic modifications varied between participants, with some minor genomic modifications increasing in abundance to become the dominant viral sequence during infection.ConclusionsData from this cohort of SARS-CoV-2-infected participants demonstrated that long-term persistent infection in an immunocompromised host was not necessarily a prerequisite for generating a greater than average frequency of amino acid substitutions. Amino acid substitutions at both the dominant and minor genomic sequence level were observed in immunocompetent individuals during infection showing that viral lineage changes can occur generating viral diversity

    Comparison of stool collection and storage on Whatman FTA Elute cards versus frozen stool for enteropathogen detection using the TaqMan Array Card PCR assay.

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    The use of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assays for pathogen detection in travelers' diarrhea (TD) field studies is limited by the on-site processing and storage requirements for fecal specimens. The objectives of this investigation were to i) characterize the pathogen distribution in deployed military personnel with TD using the TaqMan® Array Card PCR (TAC) on frozen stool and diarrheal smears on Whatman FTA Elute cards (FTA cards), and to ii) compare TAC detection of enteropathogen targets using smeared FTA cards and frozen stool, using TAC on frozen stool as the 'reference standard'. Stool samples, obtained from active duty personnel with acute TD enrolled in a field trial, were smeared onto FTA cards and stored at room temperature. A corresponding aliquot of stool was frozen in a cryovial. FTA cards and frozen stool samples were tested at a central lab, using a customized TAC for detection of TD pathogens. 187 paired frozen stool samples and smeared FTA cards were stored for a median of 712 days (IQR 396-750) before testing. Overall detection rates were 78.6% for frozen stool and 73.2% for FTA cards. Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli were the most common bacteria identified. Using the TAC results on frozen stool as the reference, the overall sensitivity and specificity of TAC on FTA cards was 72.9% and 98.0% respectively. TAC on FTA cards demonstrated a decrease in sensitivity with increasing frozen stool quantification cycle (Cq) (90.0% in FTA cards with a corresponding frozen stool Cq < 30, and 72.9% in samples with a corresponding frozen stool Cq < 35). Our findings support the use and further development of FTA cards in combination with a quantitative PCR assay for enteropathogen detection in TD field studies

    The hospital microbiome project: meeting report for the UK science and innovation network UK-USA workshop ‘beating the superbugs: hospital microbiome studies for tackling antimicrobial resistance’, October 14th 2013

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    The UK Science and Innovation Network UK-USA workshop ‘Beating the Superbugs: Hospital Microbiome Studies for tackling Antimicrobial Resistance’ was held on October 14th 2013 at the UK Department of Health, London. The workshop was designed to promote US-UK collaboration on hospital microbiome studies to add a new facet to our collective understanding of antimicrobial resistance. The assembled researchers debated the importance of the hospital microbial community in transmission of disease and as a reservoir for antimicrobial resistance genes, and discussed methodologies, hypotheses, and priorities. A number of complementary approaches were explored, although the importance of the built environment microbiome in disease transmission was not universally accepted. Current whole genome epidemiological methods are being pioneered in the UK and the benefits of moving to community analysis are not necessarily obvious to the pioneers; however, rapid progress in other areas of microbiology suggest to some researchers that hospital microbiome studies will be exceptionally fruitful even in the short term. Collaborative studies will recombine different strengths to tackle the international problems of antimicrobial resistance and hospital and healthcare associated infections