13 research outputs found

    Water Governance for Urban Resilience Analysis of Key Factors and the Role of Stakeholders in Metropolitan Area

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    Water governance is critical for water security and as enabling condition to achieve urban resilience. Water governance involves multi-actor, multi-sector and multi-level. Water governance system is the foundation for all stakeholders involved in water management in urban areas. Clarity of roles and responsibilities of each actor and coordination at all levels can help to meet the goals of urban water security to be more efficient, effective and inclusive. This article highlights the current water governance in a metropolitan area with level analysis on policy, organizational and operational. This is a multidisciplinary perspective of environmental science and public policy. Bandung Metropolitan Area (BMA) is chosen as a case study. Data and information gathered from secondary sources. The output is an initial baseline of water governance in BMA including key factors shaping water governance and role of stakeholder. This result will be used for the further research on dynamic and adaptive governance on the urban water sector


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    AbstrakSalah satu dampak semakin tingginya jumlah penduduk di perkotaan adalah munculnya permukiman kumuh, termasuk yang terjadi di Kelurahan Kotabaru, kota Serang. Berbagai upaya penanganan permukiman kumuh telah lama dilakukan, namun kenyataannya secara keseluruhan program penanganan permukiman kumuh yang telah dilaksanakan hasilnya belum menunjukkan perubahan yang berarti dalam membantu penataan dan perbaikan permukiman kumuh. Untuk mengetahui penanganan permukiman kumuh yang sesuai maka perlu dilakukan analisis tingkat kekumuhan berdasarkan karakteristik lingkungan, ekonomi, dan sosial masyarakatnya dan menyusun konsep penanganan permukiman kumuh yang sesuai. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode campuran untuk mengumpulkan data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa strata kekumuhan di permukiman Kotabaru terdiri dari kumuh sedang (RW 1 dan RW 2) dan kumuh berat (RW 3 dan RW 5). Tingkat kekumuhan yang berbeda membutuhkan penanganan yang berbeda pula, untuk wilayah kumuh sedang, penanganan dilakukan melalui peremajaan dengan land sharing. Untuk wilayah kumuh berat penanganan melalui pembangunan rumah susun. AbstractThe increase in the urban population has led to various impacts, and it also occurs in Sub Kotabaru city of Serang. One consequence is the increasing demand for appropriate housing, but this increase is not offset by an increase in the amount of land in the city. Limitations of land in the city resulted in land prices high and not affordable by low-income people. They occupied the land with the designation not to settlements such as riverbanks, railroad tracks and lead to slums in urban areas. Various efforts to address the slum has long been done, but in fact the overall program management of slums that have been implemented the results have not shown significant changes in assisting the structuring and slum upgrading. To determine the proper handling of slums it is necessary to identify the level of squalor by environmental characteristics, economic, and social communities; and draft handling of slums. This study used a qualitative approach with a mix of methods to collect qualitative and quantitative data. The results of the study explained that the strata level of slum in Kotabaru consists of medium slum (RW 1 and RW 2) and heavy slum (RW 3 and RW 5). Squalor different level requires different handling, anyway, to the slums being, handling through rejuvenation with land sharing. To the slums of heavy handling through the construction of flats

    Examine Living Space on the Human Settlement Around the Market:The Problems of the City on the Macro and Micro Scale

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    There have been some misfits between the practice of urban planning at a macro scale and the needs of the society at amicro scale. This paper intends to discuss this issue by illustrating a case of high density urban housing as a supportingsystem for the activities in a traditional market as urban public facilities. The case suggests a dialog between thephysical space determined by macro-scale planning and the everyday social life of the community living in the housingsurrounding the market. The housing plays an important role as a living space for the market workers and as a settingfor various activities that support the trading activities in the market. Unfortunately, there is a tendency that despite itsimportance, the quality of the housing is still far from sufficient as a space for living. The findings in this study suggestthat the practice of urban design, especially in the provision of public facilities, needs to integrate macro urban scalewith more micro everyday life of the communities. The practice of urban design needs to be sensitive to the diversity inurban environment and the interrelationships between urban elements. In this way, it would be possible to create urbanenvironment that caters for the needs of its inhabitants in a sustainable way, both at macro scale and micro scale

    A Model of Environmental Harmony towards Sustainable Walk-up Flats Community in Kemayoran-Jakarta

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    How to create a sustainable community is the main problem in the urban settlement development. It is no exception for the walk-up flats development. The general objective of this research was to formulate the model of environmental harmony to create a sustainable walk-up flats community. There are three specific objectives. The fisrt is to prove the effect of individual on the sustainability of community. It was used the survey methode using questionnaire and the regression analysis to test the conceptual model. The second is to identify the effort to create a sustainable community. It was used the interview which directed to find it.  The third is to recognize the characteristics of the model of environmental harmony. It was achieved by sintesize the output of the first and the second objectives. The results were: 1) the individual affects the sustainability of community significantly; 2) to create the community sustainability needs the law enforcement at the flats which depend on the local leadership; 3) the nature of the model is a dynamics which includes individual harmony, social harmony, and harmony with other elements of the walk-up flats environment which synergizes each other. Keywords: environmental harmony, sustainable community, walk-up flats, elements of environmen

    Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Kondisi Masyarakat pada Wilayah Hilir Sungai

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    River by nature is a unity, but there is a tendency to separate river management based on administrative areas. River is also related to the community living in its surrounding area. This paper discusses watershed issues related to the management and community condition, especially within the framework of interrelationship between upstream and downstream areas. Department of Public Works as the institution was responsible for the national water resource management  has proposed the idea of "one river oneplan one management." However, in reality this idea is not consistent with the regulations made by the government, especially in the context of regional autonomy. This paper also attempts to illustrate the condition of settlementand community condition in Bale Kambang and Kampung Pulo as downstream areas. The findings of this study suggest the needs for an integrated management for various watershed areas, with the understanding of community condition in those areas. The findings provide inputs for the practice of planning and management of urban areas with emphasis on the interrelationship between various areas of wathershed, as well as the physical environment of watershed and the community condition of the surrounding communities

    Modeling Abundance and Control of Litter on Kuta Beach, Bali, Indonesia

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    The research aims to simulate the behavior of the abundance of litter on Kuta Beach and the dominan


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    ABSTRAKJakarta sebagai kota dengan kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi akan menimbulkan berbagai masalah lingkungan akibat terbatasnya daya tampung kota untuk memberikan kehidupan yang berkualitas. Kenyataan ini bertentangan dengan konsep aksesibilitas perumahan yang didefinisikan sebagai suatu kesempatan untuk mendapatkan hak atas perumahan yang layak salah satunya berdasarkan kriteria ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana lingkungan perumahan. Kriteria ini sangat erat kaitannya dengan keberlanjutan lingkungan dalam konsep perumahan berkelanjutan. Pendekatan kualitatif dianggap sebagai pendekatan yang tepat dalam penelitian ini. Namun metode pengumpulan data penelitian dirancang untuk mengumpulkan data kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang dapat memperkaya evaluasi ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana lingkungan di rumah susun sederhana sewa, serta partisipasi masyarakat penghuni rumah susun. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana lingkungan, yang berkaitan erat dengan perwujudan keberlanjutan lingkungan dalam konsep perumahan berkelanjutan, belum diterapkan dengan baik pada Rusunawa Jatinegara Barat. Partisipasi masyarakat penghuni secara kelompok dalam menjaga kebersihan lingkungan rusunawa belum dapat dikaji mendalam mengingat rusunawa baru saja dihuni. Namun kesadaran untuk menjaga kebersihan secara individu mulai terlihat. Inisiatif individu untuk berpartisipasi menjaga kebersihan lingkungan adalah langkah awal yang dapat dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat, terutama dalam hal pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga.ABSTRACTJakarta as the city with high density of population will rise several environmental issues due to the limited city capacity in providing quality living to its dense population. This fact contradicts the housing accessibility, which is defined as an opportunity to access one’s rights to sustainable housing based on a criteria of facilities and infrastructure in the residential neighborhood. This criterion is closely related to environmental sustainability aspect in the concept of sustainable housing. Qualitative approach was considered as the best approach for this study. However, the data collection methodology was designed to gather qualitative and quantitative data that can enrich the evaluation of the availability of facilities and infrastructure in the residential neighborhood, as well as participation of the rented simple flat’s residents. The result of the study explains that the availability of facilities and infrastructure in the residential neighborhood, which is closely related with the creation of environmental sustainability in the concept of housing sustainability has not been applied properly in Rusunawa Jatinegara Barat. Participation within community group has not been able to be observed in depth since the building has just been occupied. However, the awareness in maintaining environmental hygiene has been observed.  Individual innitiatives to participate in maintaining environmental hygiene are initial steps that can be developed to improve community participation, especially in household waste management.

    Assessment of Green Total Factor Productivity Impact on Sustainable Indonesia Productivity Growth

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    AbstractThis paper explores the concept of Green Total Factor Productivity (GTFP) for low carbon economic development towards sustainable development in Indonesia. Evaluating the effect of CO2 intensity to the total factor productivity (TFP) can be usedin government policy intervention to enhance productivity growth and to reduce CO2 emissions. This study made an analysis on time series data of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), labor productivity, capital stock and CO2 intensity emissions. The data, from 1992 until 2012, were assessed using growth accounting method (GAM). TFP growth without CO2 (TFP-CO2G) in general gave the smallest contribution to the economic growth from 1976 until 2011 at -0.62%. The average TFP-CO2G infivegrowth that internalized CO2 emission (TFP+CO2G) from 1976 until 2010 reached -1.83% in average per year. The average of TFP+CO2G in the five phases of Indonesia economic development reached the highest level on 1.20% andthe lowest level on -4.81%. In the same period of time, the growth of CO2 mission reached 6.62% in average per year. The highest average growth of CO2 emission reached 11.4% and the lowest reached 4.04%.In conclusion, this paper states that GTFP wouldimproveproductivity growth and emission reduction. This can be a concept of national policy to enhance sustainable economy development

    Analysis of impact of city forest utilization to improvement of envirovment qualty in Serang City

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    Serang city is the capital city of Banten province surrounded by cities and counties nearby. At this time serang city has become center of activities and migration of the counties nearits that cause the past population growth. This of course will affect to the building both physical and non physical ones. At the same time environment problem increases too, such as the height of temperature , the increase of air pollution, trafkic jam, the decrease of water quality. One of the ways of handling the problems is bye keeping and developing green open space, that will become city forest. This research is to find out the potency of the impact of city forest management to envirounment in Serang city, like air quality. CO2 decrease, noise, moisture, and potency of carbon as well as potency of water absorbance. Research methodoly used is using primary data of environmental quality test in fivelocation in Serang city which is placed near the city forest area to colculate the potency of carbon absorbance using formula of biomassa tree calcution which is calculated based on the ability of plantation water absorbance. The research show that the value of physical environment in city forest area is better than the condition of physical environment which is forer from the city forest

    Analysis of impact of city forest utilization to improvement of envirovment qualty in Serang City

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    Serang city is the capital city of Banten province surrounded by cities and counties nearby. At this time serang city has become center of activities and migration of the counties nearits that cause the past population growth. This of course will affect to the building both physical and non physical ones. At the same time environment problem increases too, such as the height of temperature , the increase of air pollution, trafkic jam, the decrease of water quality. One of the ways of handling the problems is bye keeping and developing green open space, that will become city forest. This research is to find out the potency of the impact of city forest management to envirounment in Serang city, like air quality. CO2 decrease, noise, moisture, and potency of carbon as well as potency of water absorbance. Research methodoly used is using primary data of environmental quality test in fivelocation in Serang city which is placed near the city forest area to colculate the potency of carbon absorbance using formula of biomassa tree calcution which is calculated based on the ability of plantation water absorbance. The research show that the value of physical environment in city forest area is better than the condition of physical environment which is forer from the city forest