1,885 research outputs found

    Human-Environmental Interactions in The Amazon Rain Forest

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    Herman B Wells Distinguished Lecture of the Institute and Society for Advanced Study given on November 9, 2007

    Materials chemistry under high pressures - Some recent aspects

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    Among the thermodynamic parameters governing the preparation of novel materials, temperature (T) and pressure (p) play an important role. In Materials Chemistry, the synthesis of materials needs energy in order to enhance the diffusion of atoms to the equilibrium positions required by the specific structure and to induce the formation of chemical bonds..

    A Comparison of the Sensitivity of Contrast-Specific Imaging Modes on Clinical and Preclinical Ultrasound Scanners

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    Ultrasonic contrast agents are used routinely to aid clinical diagnosis. All premium- and mid-range scanners utilise contrast-specific imaging techniques to preferentially isolate and display the nonlinear signals generated from the microbubbles when insonated with a series of ultrasound pulses. In this manuscript the abilities of four premium ultrasound scanners to detect and display the ultrasound signal from two commercially available contrast agents—SonoVue and DEFINITY®—are compared. A flow phantom was built using tubes with internal diameters of 1.6 mm and 3.2 mm, suspended at depths of 1, 5 and 8 cm and embedded in tissue-mimicking material. Dilute solutions of SonoVue and DEFINITY® were pumped through the phantom at 0.25 mL/s and 1.5 mL/s. Four transducers were used to scan the tubes—a GE Logiq E9 (C2-9) curvilinear probe, a Philips iU22 L9-3 linear array probe, an Esaote MyLab Twice linear array LA523 (4–13 MHz) and a Fujifilm VisualSonics Vevo3100 MX250 (15–30 MHz) linear array probe. We defined a new parameter to compare the ability of the ultrasound scanners to display the contrast enhancement. This was defined as the ratio of grey-scale intensity ratio in contrast-specific imaging mode relative to the B-mode intensity from the same region-of-interest within the corresponding B-mode image. The study demonstrated that the flow rates used in this study had no effect on the contrast-specific imaging mode to B-mode (CSIM-BM) ratio for the three clinical scanners studied, with SonoVue demonstrating broadly similar CSIM-BM ratios across all 3 clinical scanners. DEFINITY® also displayed similar results to SonoVue except when insonated with the Esaote MyLab Twice LA523 transducer, where it demonstrated significantly higher CSIM-BM ratios at superficial depths

    Multi-decadal hydrologic change and variability in the Amazon River basin: understanding terrestrial water storage variations and drought characteristics

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    We investigate the interannual and interdecadal hydrological changes in the Amazon River basin and its sub-basins during the 1980–2015 period using GRACE satellite data and a physically based, 2 km grid continental-scale hydrological model (LEAF-Hydro-Flood) that includes a prognostic groundwater scheme and accounts for the effects of land use–land cover (LULC) change. The analyses focus on the dominant mechanisms that modulate terrestrial water storage (TWS) variations and droughts. We find that (1) the model simulates the basin-averaged TWS variations remarkably well; however, disagreements are observed in spatial patterns of temporal trends, especially for the post-2008 period. (2) The 2010s is the driest period since 1980, characterized by a major shift in the decadal mean compared to the 2000s caused by increased drought frequency. (3) Long-term trends in TWS suggest that the Amazon overall is getting wetter (1.13 mm yr−1), but its southern and southeastern sub-basins are undergoing significant negative TWS changes, caused primarily by intensified LULC changes. (4) Increasing divergence between dry-season total water deficit and TWS release suggests a strengthening dry season, especially in the southern and southeastern sub-basins. (5) The sub-surface storage regulates the propagation of meteorological droughts into hydrological droughts by strongly modulating TWS release with respect to its storage preceding the drought condition. Our simulations provide crucial insight into the importance of sub-surface storage in alleviating surface water deficit across Amazon and open pathways for improving prediction and mitigation of extreme droughts under changing climate and increasing hydrologic alterations due to human activities (e.g., LULC change).This research has been supported by the National Science Foundation (grant no. 1639115)S

    Human dimensions of climate change: the vulnerability of small farmers in the Amazon

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    This paper argues for a twofold perspective on human adaptation to climate change in the Amazon. First, we need to understand the processes that mediate perceptions of environmental change and the behavioural responses at the levels of the individual and the local population. Second, we should take into account the process of production and dissemination of global and national climate information and models to regional and local populations, especially small farmers. We discuss the sociocultural and environmental diversity of small farmers in the Amazon and their susceptibility to climate change associated with drought, flooding and accidental fire. Using survey, ethnographic and archival data from study areas in the state of Pará, we discuss farmers' sources of knowledge and long-term memory of climatic events, drought and accidental fire; their sources of climate information; their responses to drought and fire events and the impact of changing rainfall patterns on land use. We highlight the challenges of adaptation to climate change created by the influence of migration and family turnover on collective action and memory, the mismatch of scales used to monitor and disseminate climate data and the lack of extension services to translate large-scale forecasts to local needs. We found that for most farmers, memories of extended drought tend to decrease significantly after 3 years. Over 50% of the farmers interviewed in 2002 did not remember as significant the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) drought of 1997/1998. This helps explain why approximately 40% of the farmers have not changed their land-use behaviours in the face of the strongest ENSO event of the twentieth century

    Report CR-A-219-B - Cabo Verde Estudo do Sector Agrícola

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    A. A Singularidade de Cabo Verde Cabo Verde e unica entre a familia de na90es. ~ uma republica de ilhas (Fig. 1.1) suficientemente distanciadas umas das outras e do continente africano (600 km) para dissuadir visitas imprevistas ou fortuitas. Seu isolamento serviu para fortalecer sua singular cultura crioula, porem a cllsta de contactos frequentes com influencias e inforrna90es externas. Cabo Verde e muito pequeno. Sua popula9ao de 300.000 habitantes, que mal chegaria para tornar uma cidade auto-suficiente num complexo industrial, esta dividida entre nove ilhas. A capital, Praia, conta somente com 23.000 habitantes, e e, essencialmente, urna pequena e simpatica cidade onde a maior parte dos vercursos pode ser feita a pe e onde encontros casuais entre funcionarios do governo sao provavelmente tao irnportantes quanto os formais meios de comunica9ao pelo telefone ou por escrito. Cabo Verde e tambem pequeno ern termos de area territorial, embora ocupe urna area relativamente grande de ocea~o. Sua superficie total e pouco mais de 4.000 km2 , porem suas nove ilhas principais estao espalhadas por uma POr9aO grande, quadrangular, do Atlantico medindo aproximadamente 240 qUilometros de urn lado. A superficie total (nao incluindo partes da plataforma continental que se estende para alem do litoral externo das ilhas) e comparavel as republicas de Togo ou Sri Lanka, ou cerca de metade da Guatemala. A nao ser pelo servi90 de barcas entre Fogo e Brava, e entre Sao Vicente e Santo Antao, as ilhas estao demasiado distantes entre si para urn conveniente transporte maritimo. Avioes sao, portanto, essenciais as comunica90es e trafego entre as ilhas, embora para transac90es lentas e volurnosas 0 transporte maritimo, seja por embarca90es a vela ou a motor, e sempre urna alternativa devido aos ventos constantes e condi90es atmosfericas geralmente boas

    Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation with Landsat and LiDAR Data and Uncertainty Analysis of the Estimates

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    Landsat Thematic mapper (TM) image has long been the dominate data source, and recently LiDAR has offered an important new structural data stream for forest biomass estimations. On the other hand, forest biomass uncertainty analysis research has only recently obtained sufficient attention due to the difficulty in collecting reference data. This paper provides a brief overview of current forest biomass estimation methods using both TM and LiDAR data. A case study is then presented that demonstrates the forest biomass estimation methods and uncertainty analysis. Results indicate that Landsat TM data can provide adequate biomass estimates for secondary succession but are not suitable for mature forest biomass estimates due to data saturation problems. LiDAR can overcome TM’s shortcoming providing better biomass estimation performance but has not been extensively applied in practice due to data availability constraints. The uncertainty analysis indicates that various sources affect the performance of forest biomass/carbon estimation. With that said, the clear dominate sources of uncertainty are the variation of input sample plot data and data saturation problem related to optical sensors. A possible solution to increasing the confidence in forest biomass estimates is to integrate the strengths of multisensor data