39 research outputs found

    Seasonal mesozooplankton patterns and timing of life history events in high-arctic fjord environments

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    Seasonal patterns in mesozooplankton composition, vertical distribution, and timing of reproduction are challenging to study in the open sea due to ocean currents and mix of populations of different origins. Sill fjords, on the other hand, with restricted water exchange, are ideal locations for studying taxa- and community-specific adaptations to the prevailing environment. Here, we present re-occurring patterns in the mesozooplankton community structure in Billefjorden, Svalbard, a high Arctic sill fjord with extensive seasonal ice cover, based on monthly sampling from 2011 to 2013. The zooplankton community composition confirmed the Arctic character of this fjord. Predominantly herbivorous taxa, such as Calanus glacialis and Pseudocalanus spp., showed strong seasonal variation in abundance and depth distribution, with population minima in spring being compensated by a rapid population recovery during summer. Omnivorous taxa, such as Microcalanus spp. and copepods of the family Aetideidae, largely remained at depth throughout the year and had an extended or year-round reproductive period. Deep-dwelling omnivorous/ carnivorous species peaked in abundance in winter–spring when herbivorous populations were severely depleted. Taxa with seasonally limited occurrences, i.e., meroplankton, peaked in spring and summer at the surface, but were largely absent for the rest of the year. The different life histories, with contrasting feeding modes, depth preferences, and timing of reproduction lead to reduced interspecies competition and allow for a rather high and stable abundance of mesozooplankton year-round despite the short primary production window at high latitudes

    Structures of coexisting marine snow and zooplankton in coastal waters of Svalbard (European Arctic)

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    <p>How plankton and particles are arranged spatially and the configurations of their co-occurrence shape the rates of organic matter production, utilization, and export within marine systems. The aim of this study was to examine whether the composition of marine snow (particles and aggregates >500 µm) and its coexistence with zooplankton change with depth layer, level of zooplankton dominance, chlorophyll fluorescence, and turbidity across the coastal–offshore gradients of hydrographically different Arctic fjords. The distribution and concentrations of zooplankton and marine snow were assessed <i>in situ</i> using an underwater vision profiler (UVP) in Svalbard waters during summer 2019. UVP counts of marine snow drastically outnumbered zooplankton at glacial stations, whereas zooplankton dominated offshore and in upper water layers, even in coastal waters. The most common compositional structure was dominance by an elongated morphotype of marine snow, often co-occurring with small dark (opaque) particles below 40 m depth, implying that these were the typical forms exported directly from surface layers. The other widespread type of structuring was dominance of UVP counts by copepods. They often coexisted with a flake morphotype of marine snow associated with high chlorophyll fluorescence. Structuring dominated by dark morphotypes was observed mainly near glaciers and in deep fjord basins. The highest amount of marine snow, represented by a high degree of dark morphotype, was observed in Hornsund, the most Arctic-type fjord. A <i>Phaeocystis</i>-associated agglomerated morphotype of marine snow occurred scarcely and only in more Atlantic-influenced fjords. A bimodal distribution pattern, with one abundance peak at the surface and another in deeper layers (>80 m) was observed offshore and in Kongsfjorden. This study emphasizes the high potential of UVPs for tracking links between plankton and detritus directly in their natural environment, and that variation in their co-occurrence may provide a proxy for the state of a pelagic ecosystem.</p&gt

    Mid-summer mesozooplankton biomass, its size distribution, and estimated production within a glacial Arctic fjord (Hornsund, Svalbard)

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    Author's accepted version (post-print).NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of Marine Systems (2014). Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of Marine Systems (2014), 137. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.04.010

    Comparison of acoustical and optical zooplankton measurements using an acoustic scattering model: A case study from the Arctic frontal zone

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    High-frequency acoustic measurements supplemented by a modern optical method, Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC), allowed us to perform a comparative analysis through the application of a mathematical model. We have studied the correspondence between measured and modelled echoes from zooplankton aggregations consisted mainly of two Calanus species. Data were collected from the upper 50 m water layer within the hydrographical frontal zone on the West Spitsbergen Shelf. The application of a “high-pass” model of sound scattering by fluid-like particles to the distribution of zooplankton sizes measured by LOPC resulted mostly in very good agreement between the measured (420 kHz BioSonics) and modelled values, except for cases with very low zooplankton abundance or with occurrence of stronger scatterers (e.g. macrozooplankton, fish). An acoustic model validated for the elastic parameters of zooplankton confirmed that particles smaller than 1mmin diameter, although highly abundant, did not contribute significantly to the sound scattering process at a frequency of 420 kHz. The implementation of diverse complementary methods has great potential to obtain high spatial and temporal resolution in zooplankton distribution studies; however, their compatibility has to be tested first

    Large versus small zooplankton in relation to temperature in the Arctic shelf region

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    Climate change results in the alteration of the size structure of plankton, which consequently may affect higher trophic levels, such as planktivorous seabirds. In this study Laser Optical Plankton Counter measurements were performed over seven summer seasons (2010–2016) to test the ratio of large versus small zooplankton in relation to environmental conditions. Investigated transects were repeated during the same time of the year (July/August) in different zones of the West Spitsbergen Shelf crossing the Arctic front. The plankton particles were grouped into two size fractions: “Calanus”, potentially consisting of a majority of the high-energetic, older life stages of the preferred prey for little auk (Alle alle) and the “small” fraction including less preferred items. The vertical availability of the Calanus fraction was tested on the background of usually abundant smaller zooplankton, which may hinder the detection of larger zooplankters by little auk. Larger zooplankton were found closer to the coast, in the upper 20-m depth layer in years characterized by significantly lower mean temperatures. Potential availability of prey for the little auk thus could be higher in colder years than in warmer years. Additionally, our study indicated the tendency of the small plankton fraction to concentrate near the locations of the highest chlorophyll fluorescence, in the 20–30-m water layer. The high spatial and temporal resolution of the data indicated a variation in the proportion of large versus small zooplankton, and thus in the availability of Calanus to little auk with respect to temperature

    Large versus small zooplankton in relation to temperature in the Arctic shelf region

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    Climate change results in the alteration of the size structure of plankton, which consequently may affect higher trophic levels, such as planktivorous seabirds. In this study Laser Optical Plankton Counter measurements were performed over seven summer seasons (2010–2016) to test the ratio of large versus small zooplankton in relation to environmental conditions. Investigated transects were repeated during the same time of the year (July/August) in different zones of the West Spitsbergen Shelf crossing the Arctic front. The plankton particles were grouped into two size fractions: “Calanus”, potentially consisting of a majority of the high-energetic, older life stages of the preferred prey for little auk (Alle alle) and the “small” fraction including less preferred items. The vertical availability of the Calanus fraction was tested on the background of usually abundant smaller zooplankton, which may hinder the detection of larger zooplankters by little auk. Larger zooplankton were found closer to the coast, in the upper 20-m depth layer in years characterized by significantly lower mean temperatures. Potential availability of prey for the little auk thus could be higher in colder years than in warmer years. Additionally, our study indicated the tendency of the small plankton fraction to concentrate near the locations of the highest chlorophyll fluorescence, in the 20–30-m water layer. The high spatial and temporal resolution of the data indicated a variation in the proportion of large versus small zooplankton, and thus in the availability of Calanus to little auk with respect to temperature