34 research outputs found

    Molecular diversity among Turkish oaks (QUERCUS) using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis

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    The genus Quercus (Fagaceae) includes the most important woody plants with decidious and evergreen species in Northern hemisiphere. They have a problematic taxonomy because of widespread hybridization between the infrageneric taxa. Turkey is one of the most important region of the world according to oak species number and variation. In this study, species belonging to evergreen oaks in Turkey were investigated to solve taxonomic problems and to design the limit of taxa by using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data. Here, three species of evergreen oaks known as Quercus coccifera, Quercus ilex and Quercus aucheri were studied in all area located and made the comparison within and among species studied using ten RAPD markers. As a result; it can be stated that the presence of the three species in Ilex section is clear. Furthermore, existence of two infraspecific taxa or two seperate taxa in species level within Q. coccifera may be quite possibly considered.Key words: Quercus ilex, Quercus coccifera, Quercus aucheri, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)

    Genetic Diversity of Some Quercus (Fagaceae) and their Putative Hybrids in Turkey

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    In the study, Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) method was used to identify and differentiate between twelve different white oaks to show their genetic diversity. On the other hand, interspecific hybridization is quite common among oak species. This situation makes the hybridization between closely related parents possible. Besides genetic diversity of some white oaks, the five putative hybrids which are morphologically indistinguishable were also studied. ISSR markers produced a total of 89.71 %25 polymorphism with Quercus taxa and a total of 175 bands were revealed by 11 ISSR primers. Statistical analysis softwares, Minitab, NTSYS-pc (Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System) and POPGENE (Population Genetic Analysis) softwares were used to reveal variations between these white oaks. Effective allelic frequency, Shannon index, genetic distance was calculated by the POPGENE software. The most distance taxon was Q. pontica, then Q. vulcanica found to be genetically distant among the taxa. The results of the two analyses, cluster (CA) and principal component (PCA) are in correlation with each other and giving four groups among the studied oak taxa. Putative hybrids are usually located between their presumed parents in the dendrogram and graphs. Consequently, this preliminary study showed that ISSR markers can be used with confidence for genetic diversity of white oaks. It can also be helpful for putative hybrids to some extent

    Measurement of cognitive dynamics during video watching through event-related potentials (ERPs) and oscillations (EROs)

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    Event-related potentials (ERPs) and oscillations (EROs) are reliable measures of cognition, but they require time-locked electroencephalographic (EEG) data to repetitive triggers that are not available in continuous sensory input streams. However, such real-life-like stimulation by videos or virtual-reality environments may serve as powerful means of creating specific cognitive or affective states and help to investigate dysfunctions in psychiatric and neurological disorders more efficiently. This study aims to develop a method to generate ERPs and EROs during watching videos. Repeated luminance changes were introduced on short video segments, while EEGs of 10 subjects were recorded. The ERP/EROs time-locked to these distortions were analyzed in time and time-frequency domains and tested for their cognitive significance through a long term memory test that included frames from the watched videos. For each subject, ERPs and EROs corresponding to video segments of recalled images with 25% shortest and 25% longest reaction times were compared. ERPs produced by transient luminance changes displayed statistically significant fluctuations both in time and time-frequency domains. Statistical analyses showed that a positivity around 450 ms, a negativity around 500 ms and delta and theta EROs correlated with memory performance. Few studies mixed video streams with simultaneous ERP/ERO experiments with discrete task-relevant or passively presented auditory or somatosensory stimuli, while the present study, by obtaining ERPs and EROs to task-irrelevant events in the same sensory modality as that of the continuous sensory input, produces minimal interference with the main focus of attention on the video stream

    Cutaneous Larva Migrans: Report of Three Cases from theWestern Black Sea Region, Turkey

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    Kütanöz larva migrans (KLM), sıklıkla tropikal ve subtropikal bölgelere seyahat eden ve toprakla temas öyküsü olan kişilerde görülen bir parazitoz olarak bilinmektedir. Kancalı kurt larvaları deriyi delerek vücuda girdikten sonra, epidermiste tüneller oluşturarak ilerlemekte ve kaşıntılı, eritematöz, serpijinöz lezyonlar meydana getirmektedir. Sıklıkla Ancylostoma braziliensis ve Ancylostoma caninum türlerine bağlı olarak gelişmektedir. İkincil bakteriyel enfeksiyonların da eklenebildiği lezyonlar özellikle ayak ve kalçada görülmektedir. Bu raporda ülkemizden daha önce bildirimine rastlamadığımız ve atipik yerleşimli üç olgu sunulmaktadır. Elli dört yaşında erkek hasta olan birinci olgu, Ağustos ayında gövde ön yüzünde bir haftadır olan kızarıklık ve kaşıntı şikayetiyle başvurmuştur. Karın sağ yanında bulunan, kaşıntılı, kavisli şekilde, deriden kabarık, eritemli, ip benzeri lezyonlarının küçük bir bölümünde sivilceleşme izlenmiştir. Kültüründe Streptococcus pyogenes üremesi de olan hastada eozinofi li saptanmamıştır. Hastaya mevcut klinikle KLM ile birlikte ikincil bakteriyel enfeksiyon tanısı konularak, amoksisilin-klavulanik asit 1 gr, mupirosin krem ve albendazol 400 mg/gün olmak üzere üç gün tedavi uygulanmıştır. Kontrolünde lezyonların gerilediği görülmüştür. İkinci olgu olan 38 yaşındaki erkek hasta, Ağustos ayında gövdede kaşıntı ve kızarıklık şikayetiyle başvurmuştur. Gövdenin sol tarafına yerleşmiş, kaşıntılı, serpijinöz karakterde, deriden kabarık, ip benzeri lezyonları bulunan hastanın hemogram değerleri normaldir. Bakteriyolojik kültürlerinde üremesi olmayan hastaya klinik olarak KLM tanısı konularak albendazol 400 mg/gün ile üç gün tedavi uygulanmış ve lezyonların gerilediği gözlenmiştir. Üçüncü olgu, 23 yaşında erkek hasta olup Eylül ayında boynunda kaşıntı ve kızarıklık şikayetiyle başvurmuştur. Boyunda yay şeklinde kaşıntılı, eritemli bir lezyon tespit edilen hastanın bakteriyolojik kültürleri ve hemogramı normaldir. Klinik olarak KLM teşhisi konulan hastaya albendazol 400 mg/gün ile üç gün tedavi uygulanmış ve lezyonlar tamamen gerilemiştir. Her üç olguda da fındık bahçesinde motorlu tırpanla ot biçme öyküsü mevcuttur ve yurt dışına seyahat öyküsü bulunmamaktadır. Dolayısıyla KLM'nin, motorlu tırpanın oluşturduğu güçle yüzeyel toprak tabakasının havalanması ve topraktaki larvaların vücudun açık kısımlarından girmesiyle oluştuğu kanısına varılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, KLM etkeni kancalı kurt larvalarıyla ülkemizde de karşılaşılabileceğinin akılda tutulması ve bu parazitozun ülkemizdeki yaygınlığının saptanabilmesi için benzer olguların bildirilmesi gerektiği düşünülmüştürCutaneous larva migrans (CLM) is a parasitosis frequently seen in persons who have travelled to tropical or subtropical regions and in those who have worked in contact with soil. The disease frequently develops due to Ancylostoma braziliensis and Ancylostoma caninum species. After penetrating the skin and entering the body, the hookworm larva proceeds to bore tunnels through the epidermis, creating pruritic, erythematous, serpiginous lesions. Secondary bacterial infections of the lesions can often be seen, especially on the legs and buttocks. In this article we presented three atypical local cases which have not been declared previously in our country. The fi rst case, a 54-year-old male who was admitted to hospital in August with complaints of an obverse body rash and itching lasting for a week. Eruptions were observed over a small area on the right side of the abdomen, consisting of itchy, raised, erythematous, curvilinear string-like lesions. Moreover, no eosinophilia was detected in the patient, whose culture showed a growth of Streptococcus pyogenes. The patient was clinically diagnosed with CLM accompanied by secondary bacterial infection and treated for three days with 1 g of amoxicillinclavulanic acid, mupirocin cream and albendazole 400 mg/d. Under this regime, the lesions were seen to decline. The second case, a 38-year-old male was also admitted in August, complaining of itching and redness on his body. The patient, whose blood count values were normal, exhibited itchy, raised, serpiginous string-like lesions located on the left side of his body. The patient, whose bacterial culture was negative, was clinically diagnosed as CLM and treated for three days with albendazole 400 mg/d and the lesions were seen to improve. The third case, a 23-year old male was admitted in September complaining of itching and redness on his neck. An itchy, crescent-shaped erythematous lesion was detected on his neck; bacteriological cultures and blood count were normal. The common feature for all three cases was the story of working in a hazelnut orchard and mowing weeds using a motorized string trimmer (weed whacker). None of them had a history of travel outside the country. Therefore CLM assumed to be occurred due to the aeration of surface earth layer with the force of motorized string trimmer and entrance of the larvae were from the open parts of the body. In conclusion, it should be keep in mind that hookworm larva-related CLM can be encountered in our country, and reporting of the patients with similar fi ndings are necessary to determine the prevalence of this parasitosis in our countr

    A Case of Acrodermatitis Chronica Atrophicans Causedby Borrelia burgdorferi Infection

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    Lyme hastalığı Borrelia burgdorferi'nin neden olduğu multisistemik bir zoonozdur. B. burgdorferi Spirochaetacea ailesinden gevşek kıvrımlı ve hareketli bir spiroket olup, İxodes cinsi sert kenelerin ısırması ile insanlara geçmektedir. Eritema migrans, akrodermatitis kronika atrofikans ve morfea benzeri lezyonlar, deri bulguları olarak karşımıza çıkabilmektedir. Geç dönem lezyonu olan ve sıklıkla kırk yaş üstü kadınlarda görülen akrodermatitis kronika atrofikans, kızarıklık ve şişlikle başlayıp aylar ya da yıllar içinde atrofi ve skleroza neden olabilmektedir. Bu raporda akrodermatitis kronika atrofikansa neden olan bir B. burgdorferi enfeksiyonunun sunulması amaçlanmıştır.Lyme disease is a multisystemic zoonosis caused by Borrelia burgdorferi. B. burgdorferi is a motile spirochete with loose spirals from Spirochaetaceae family and Lyme disease is acquired by humans through the bite of hard ticks of Ixodes species. Erythema migrans, acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans and morphea-like lesions present as skin lesions. Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans that is the late lesion of Lyme disease and that is often seen in women over the age of forty presents as hyperemia and swelling and can lead to atrophy and sclerosis within months or years. In this study we report a case of acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans caused by B. burgdorferi infection

    Evaluation of the relationships between burnout, eating behavior and quality of life in academicans

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    Background: Burnout may lead to decreased healthy eating behaviors. Particularly intense and strenuous working conditions in academicians can increase burnout and decrease quality of life by negatively affecting health. Objectives: The study was conducted to examine the burnout level, eating behaviors, and quality of life of academicians and to reveal the relationship between these parameters. Methods: 194 academicians who accepted to participate voluntarily in the study were included. A questionnaire form about the sociodemographic characteristics, Dutch Eating Behaviors Questionnaire (DEBQ), Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educator Survey, and Quality of Life Questionnaire -Short Form (SF-36) were applied to the participants. Results: Emotional eating score has positive relationships with emotional burnout and depersonalization and has a negative relationship with personal success (p >= 0.05). The emotional eating score has positive meaningless relationships with physical function and social functionality which are sub-parameters of quality of life. While positive relationships between personal success and all parameters other than the pain from the quality of life sub-parameters are observed. Conclusions: Emotional eating and burnout can have negative effects on the academicians' quality of life. Taking precautions to increase healthy nutrition and physical activity in academic staff and being directed by experts in their field can be effective in preventing this problem

    Determination of the irradiation effects on senna (Casia acutifolia) leaves by ESR technique and microbiological analysis

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    WOS:000491301000036In this study, the effects of irradiation on the Senna (Casia acutifolia) leaves exposed to gamma rays at various doses were investigated by means of Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) technique. Before irradiation a broad and asymmetric signal having g value of 2.0038 which was attributed to quinone radicals were observed. In the irradiated samples, a symmetric singlet signal with the g value of 2.0050 was detected and it was determined as radiation sensitive. According to isochronal annealing and fading studies it was shown that this signal was formed of short and long-lived two radicals. Because one of the components of the singlet signal in irradiated samples was quite stable at room temperature, so it was suggested to be used in irradiated food detection studies. It was revealed out by kinetic studies that the thermal responses of the singlet signals in natural and irradiated samples are different, thus it was emphasized that doing kinetic measurements for irradiated food detection was quite important, especially when the satellite signals could not be observed. Furthermore, by microbiological analysis, in order to investigate the effects of radiation on microorganisms in samples, microbial loads of irradiated samples at different doses were examined, and the lowest irradiation doses to inactive the microorganisms found in the natural sample were determined.Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit (BAP) at Selcuk University in Turkey [15401052]This work was financially supported by a project with the grant number [15401052] of Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit (BAP) at Selcuk University in Turkey