377 research outputs found

    Exact isolated solutions for the two-photon Rabi Hamiltonian

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    The two-photon Rabi Hamiltonian is a simple model describing the interaction of light with matter, with the interaction being mediated by the exchange of two photons. Although this model is exactly soluble in the rotating-wave approximation, we work with the full Hamiltonian, maintaining the non-integrability of the model. We demonstrate that, despite this non-integrability, there exist isolated, exact solutions for this model analogous to the so-called Juddian solutions found for the single-photon Rabi Hamiltonian. In so doing we use a Bogoliubov transformation of the field mode, as described by the present authors in an earlier publication.Comment: 15 Pages, 1 Figure, Latex, minor change

    Entangled microwave photons from quantum dots

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    We describe a mechanism for the production of polarisation-entangled microwaves using intra-band transitions in a pair of quantum dots. This proposal relies neither on spin-orbit coupling nor on control over electron-electron interactions. The quantum correlation of microwave polarisations is obtained from orbital degrees of freedom in an external magnetic field. We calculate the concurrence of emitted microwave photon pairs, and show that a maximally entangled Bell pair is obtained in the limit of weak inter-dot coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Thermal phase transitions for Dicke-type models in the ultra-strong coupling limit

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    We consider the Dicke model in the ultra-strong coupling limit to investigate thermal phase transitions and their precursors at finite particle numbers NN for bosonic and fermionic systems. We derive partition functions with degeneracy factors that account for the number of configurations and derive explicit expressions for the Landau free energy. This allows us to discuss the difference between the original Dicke (fermionic) and the bosonic case. We find a crossover between these two cases that shows up, e.g., in the specific heat.Comment: 4 pages Brief Report styl

    Non-equilibrium correlations and entanglement in a semiconductor hybrid circuit-QED system

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    We present a theoretical study of a hybrid circuit-QED system composed of two semiconducting charge-qubits confined in a microwave resonator. The qubits are defined in terms of the charge states of two spatially separated double quantum dots (DQDs) which are coupled to the same photon mode in the microwave resonator. We analyze a transport setup where each DQD is attached to electronic reservoirs and biased out-of-equilibrium by a large voltage, and study how electron transport across each DQD is modified by the coupling to the common resonator. In particular, we show that the inelastic current through each DQD reflects an indirect qubit-qubit interaction mediated by off-resonant photons in the microwave resonator. As a result of this interaction, both charge qubits stay entangled in the steady (dissipative) state. Finite shot noise cross-correlations between currents across distant DQDs are another manifestation of this nontrivial steady-state entanglement.Comment: Final versio

    Perpetual emulation threshold of PT-symmetric Hamiltonians

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    We describe a technique to emulate a two-level \PT-symmetric spin Hamiltonian, replete with gain and loss, using only the unitary dynamics of a larger quantum system. This we achieve by embedding the two-level system in question in a subspace of a four-level Hamiltonian. Using an \textit{amplitude recycling} scheme that couples the levels exterior to the \PT-symmetric subspace, we show that it is possible to emulate the desired behaviour of the \PT-symmetric Hamiltonian without depleting the exterior, reservoir levels. We are thus able to extend the emulation time indefinitely, despite the non-unitary \PT dynamics. We propose a realistic experimental implementation using dynamically decoupled magnetic sublevels of ultracold atoms.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure