174 research outputs found

    Measurement of two-qubit states by quantum point contacts

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    We solve the master equations of two charged qubits measured by two serially coupled quantum point contacts (QPCs). We describe two-qubit dynamics by comparing entangled states with product states, and show that the QPC current can be used for reading out results of quantum calculations and providing evidences of two-qubit entanglement. We also calculate the concurrence of the two qubits as a function of dephasing rate that originates from the measurement. We conclude that coupled charge qubits can be effectively detected by a QPC-based detector.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. Full paper is prepare

    Controlled exchange interaction for quantum logic operations with spin qubits in coupled quantum dots

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    A two-electron system confined in two coupled semiconductor quantum dots is investigated as a candidate for performing quantum logic operations on spin qubits. We study different processes of swapping the electron spins by controlled switching on/off the exchange interaction. The resulting spin swap corresponds to an elementary operation in quantum information processing. We perform a direct time evolution simulations of the time-dependent Schroedinger equation. Our results show that -- in order to obtain the full interchange of spins -- the exchange interaction should change smoothly in time. The presence of jumps and spikes in the corresponding time characteristics leads to a considerable increase of the spin swap time. We propose several mechanisms to modify the exchange interaction by changing the confinement potential profile and discuss their advantages and disadvantages

    Charge detection enables free-electron quantum computation

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    It is known that a quantum computer operating on electron-spin qubits with single-electron Hamiltonians and assisted by single-spin measurements can be simulated efficiently on a classical computer. We show that the exponential speed-up of quantum algorithms is restored if single-charge measurements are added. These enable the construction of a CNOT (controlled NOT) gate for free fermions, using only beam splitters and spin rotations. The gate is nearly deterministic if the charge detector counts the number of electrons in a mode, and fully deterministic if it only measures the parity of that number.Comment: 5 pages including 3 figure

    Efficient multiqubit entanglement via a spin-bus

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    We propose an experimentally feasible architecture with controllable long-range couplings built up from local exchange interactions. The scheme consists of a spin-bus, with strong, always-on interactions, coupled dynamically to external qubits of the Loss and DiVincenzo type. Long-range correlations are enabled by a spectral gap occurring in a finite-size chain. The bus can also form a hub for multiqubit entangling operations. We show how multiqubit gates may be used to efficiently generate WW-states (an important entanglement resource). The spin-bus therefore provides a route for scalable solid-state quantum computation, using currently available experimental resources.Comment: Published versio

    Production of multipartite entanglement for electron spins in quantum dots

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    We propose how to generate genuine multipartite entanglement of electron spin qubits in a chain of quantum dots using the naturally available single-qubit rotations and two-qubit Heisenberg exchange interaction in the system. We show that the minimum number of required operations to generate entangled states of the GHZ-, cluster and W-type scales linearly with the number of qubits and estimate the fidelities of the generated entangled cluster states. As the required single and two-qubit operations have recently been realized, our proposed scheme opens the way for experimental investigation of multipartite entanglement with electron spin qubits.Comment: 8 pages, 2 Figure

    Measurement efficiency and n-shot read out of spin qubits

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    We consider electron spin qubits in quantum dots and define a measurement efficiency e to characterize reliable measurements via n-shot read outs. We propose various implementations based on a double dot and quantum point contact (QPC) and show that the associated efficiencies e vary between 50% and 100%, allowing single-shot read out in the latter case. We model the read out microscopically and derive its time dynamics in terms of a generalized master equation, calculate the QPC current and show that it allows spin read out under realistic conditions.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    The Kondo Effect in the Unitary Limit

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    We observe a strong Kondo effect in a semiconductor quantum dot when a small magnetic field is applied. The Coulomb blockade for electron tunneling is overcome completely by the Kondo effect and the conductance reaches the unitary-limit value. We compare the experimental Kondo temperature with the theoretical predictions for the spin-1/2 Anderson impurity model. Excellent agreement is found throughout the Kondo regime. Phase coherence is preserved when a Kondo quantum dot is included in one of the arms of an Aharonov-Bohm ring structure and the phase behavior differs from previous results on a non-Kondo dot.Comment: 10 page