10 research outputs found

    A truncating variant of RAD51B associated with primary ovarian insufficiency provides insights into its meiotic and somatic functions

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    Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) causes female infertility by abolishing normal ovarian function. Although its genetic etiology has been extensively investigated, most POI cases remain unexplained. Using whole-exome sequencing, we identified a homozygous variant in RAD51B –(c.92delT) in two sisters with POI. In vitro studies revealed that this variant leads to translation reinitiation at methionine 64. Here, we show that this is a pathogenic hypomorphic variant in a mouse model. Rad51bc.92delT/c.92delT mice exhibited meiotic DNA repair defects due to RAD51 and HSF2BP/BMRE1 accumulation in the chromosome axes leading to a reduction in the number of crossovers. Interestingly, the interaction of RAD51B-c.92delT with RAD51C and with its newly identified interactors RAD51 and HELQ was abrogated or diminished. Repair of mitomycin-C-induced chromosomal aberrations was impaired in RAD51B/Rad51b-c.92delT human and mouse somatic cells in vitro and in explanted mouse bone marrow cells. Accordingly, Rad51b-c.92delT variant reduced replication fork progression of patient-derived lymphoblastoid cell lines and pluripotent reprogramming efficiency of primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Finally, Rad51bc.92delT/c.92delT mice displayed increased incidence of pituitary gland hyperplasia. These results provide new mechanistic insights into the role of RAD51B not only in meiosis but in the maintenance of somatic genome stability.This work was supported by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) Grant 2014/14231-0 (to MMF); FAPESP Grant 2013/02162-8, Nucleo de Estudos e Terapia Celular e Molecular (NETCEM), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico Grant 303002/2016- 6 (to BBM); and FAPESP Grant 2014/50137-5 (to SELA). This work was supported by MINECO (PID2020-120326RB-I00) and by Junta de Castilla y León (CSI239P18 and CSI148P20). NFM, FSS, and MRMH are supported by European Social Fund/JCyLe grants (EDU/310/2015, EDU/556/2019 and EDU/1992/2020). YBC and RSU are funded by a grant from MINECO (BS-2015–073993 and BFU2017-89408-R). Experiments performed at CNIO were supported by grant PID2019-106707-RB to JM, co-sponsored by EU ERDF funds. SM was supported by an international postdoctoral contract “CNIO Friends”. The proteomic analysis was performed in the Proteomics Facility of Centro de Investigación del Cáncer, Salamanca, Grant PRB3(IPT17/0019 -ISCIII-SGEFI/ERDF). CIC-IBMCC is supported by the Programa de Apoyo a Planes Estratégicos de Investigación de Estructuras de Investigación de Excelencia cofunded by the Castilla–León autonomous government and the European Regional Development Fund (CLC–2017–01). Veitia’s Lab is supported by the University of Paris and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

    Genetics of 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis

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    International audienceIn 46,XY men, testis is determined by a genetic network(s) that both promotes testis formation and represses ovarian development. Disruption of this process results in a lack of testis-determination and affected individuals present with 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis (GD), a part of the spectrum of Disorders/Differences of Sex Development/Determination (DSD). A minority of all cases of GD are associated with pathogenic variants in key players of testis-determination, SRY, SOX9, MAP3K1 and NR5A1. However, most of the cases remain unexplained. Recently, unbiased exome sequencing approaches have revealed new genes and loci that may cause 46,XY GD. We critically evaluate the evidence to support causality of these factors and describe how functional studies are continuing to improve our understanding of genotype-phenotype relationships in genes that are established causes of GD. As genomic data continues to be generated from DSD cohorts, we propose several recommendations to help interpret the data and establish causality

    A homozygous donor splice-site mutation in the meiotic gene MSH4 causes primary ovarian insufficiency

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    Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) is a frequent pathology that affects women under 40 years of age, characterized by an early cessation of menses and high FSH levels. Despite recent progresses in molecular diagnosis, the etiology of POI remains idiopathic in most cases. Whole-exome sequencing of members of a Colombian family affected by POI allowed us to identify a novel homozygous donor splice-site mutation in the meiotic gene MSH4 (MutS Homolog 4). The variant followed a strict mendelian segregation within the family and was absent in a cohort of 135 women over 50 years of age without history of infertility, from the same geographical region as the affected family. Exon trapping experiments showed that the splice-site mutation induced skipping of exon 17. At the protein level, the mutation p.Ile743_Lys785del is predicted to lead to the ablation of the highly conserved Walker B motif of the ATP-binding domain, thus inactivating MSH4. Our study describes the first MSH4 mutation associated with POI and increases the number of meiotic/DNA repair genes formally implicated as being responsible for this condition. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved

    A homozygous donor splice-site mutation in the meiotic gene MSH4 causes primary ovarian insufficiency

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    Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) is a frequent pathology that affects women under 40 years of age, characterized by an early cessation of menses and high FSH levels. Despite recent progresses in molecular diagnosis, the etiology of POI remains idiopathic in most cases. Whole-exome sequencing of members of a Colombian family affected by POI allowed us to identify a novel homozygous donor splice-site mutation in the meiotic gene MSH4 (MutS Homolog 4). The variant followed a strict mendelian segregation within the family and was absent in a cohort of 135 women over 50 years of age without history of infertility, from the same geographical region as the affected family. Exon trapping experiments showed that the splice-site mutation induced skipping of exon 17. At the protein level, the mutation p.Ile743_Lys785del is predicted to lead to the ablation of the highly conserved Walker B motif of the ATP-binding domain, thus inactivating MSH4. Our study describes the first MSH4 mutation associated with POI and increases the number of meiotic/DNA repair genes formally implicated as being responsible for this condition. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved

    FOXL2 Is a Female Sex-Determining Gene in the Goat

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    SummaryThe origin of sex reversal in XX goats homozygous for the polled intersex syndrome (PIS) mutation was unclear because of the complexity of the mutation that affects the transcription of both FOXL2 and several long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) [1, 2]. Accumulating evidence suggested that FOXL2 could be the sole gene of the PIS locus responsible for XX sex reversal, the lncRNAs being involved in transcriptional regulation of FOXL2 [2]. In this study, using zinc-finger nuclease-directed mutagenesis, we generated several fetuses, of which one XX individual bears biallelic mutations of FOXL2. Our analysis demonstrates that FOXL2 loss of function dissociated from loss of lncRNA expression is sufficient to cause an XX female-to-male sex reversal in the goat model and, as in the mouse model, an agenesis of eyelids. Both developmental defects were reproduced in two newborn animals cloned from the XX FOXL2−/− fibroblasts. These results therefore identify FOXL2 as a bona fide female sex-determining gene in the goat. They also highlight a stage-dependent role of FOXL2 in the ovary, different between goats and mice, being important for fetal development in the former but for postnatal maintenance in the latter

    A conserved NR5A1-responsive enhancer regulates SRY in testis-determination

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    International audienceThe Y-linked SRY gene initiates mammalian testis-determination. However, how the expression of SRY is regulated remains elusive. Here, we demonstrate that a conserved steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1)/NR5A1 binding enhancer is required for appropriate SRY expression to initiate testis-determination in humans. Comparative sequence analysis of SRY 5’ regions in mammals identified an evolutionary conserved SF-1/NR5A1-binding motif within a 250 bp region of open chromatin located 5 kilobases upstream of the SRY transcription start site. Genomic analysis of 46,XY individuals with disrupted testis-determination, including a large multigenerational family, identified unique single-base substitutions of highly conserved residues within the SF-1/NR5A1-binding element. In silico modelling and in vitro assays demonstrate the enhancer properties of the NR5A1 motif. Deletion of this hemizygous element by genome-editing, in a novel in vitro cellular model recapitulating human Sertoli cell formation, resulted in a significant reduction in expression of SRY . Therefore, human NR5A1 acts as a regulatory switch between testis and ovary development by upregulating SRY expression, a role that may predate the eutherian radiation. We show that disruption of an enhancer can phenocopy variants in the coding regions of SRY that cause human testis dysgenesis. Since disease causing variants in enhancers are currently rare, the regulation of gene expression in testis-determination offers a paradigm to define enhancer activity in a key developmental process

    In vitro cellular reprogramming to model gonad development and its disorders

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    International audienceDuring embryonic development, mutually antagonistic signaling cascades determine gonadal fate toward a testicular or ovarian identity. Errors in this process result in disorders of sex development (DSDs), characterized by discordance between chromosomal, gonadal, and anatomical sex. The absence of an appropriate, accessible in vitro system is a major obstacle in understanding mechanisms of sex-determination/DSDs. Here, we describe protocols for differentiation of mouse and human pluripotent cells toward gonadal progenitors. Transcriptomic analysis reveals that the in vitro–derived murine gonadal cells are equivalent to embryonic day 11.5 in vivo progenitors. Using similar conditions, Sertoli-like cells derived from 46,XY human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) exhibit sustained expression of testis-specific genes, secrete anti-Müllerian hormone, migrate, and form tubular structures. Cells derived from 46,XY DSD female hiPSCs, carrying an NR5A1 variant, show aberrant gene expression and absence of tubule formation. CRISPR-Cas9–mediated variant correction rescued the phenotype. This is a robust tool to understand mechanisms of sex determination and model DSDs