19 research outputs found

    La période précontractuelle : étude comparée des régimes français et égyptien

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    La pĂ©riode prĂ©contractuelle est une pĂ©riode importante dans la vie de la plupart des contrats de nos jours, en raison de la mondialisation et de la complexitĂ© des relations juridiques et Ă©conomiques entre les parties. DĂšs lors, cette pĂ©riode soulĂšve de nombreux problĂšmes et questions concernant sa dĂ©finition, ses dispositions, les droits et les obligations des parties, la nature de la responsabilitĂ© durant cette phase, etc. La complexitĂ© de l’étude de cette pĂ©riode rĂ©side dans sa division en deux phases : les nĂ©gociations prĂ©contractuelles et les contrats prĂ©paratoires. MalgrĂ© l’importance de cette pĂ©riode vitale et la nĂ©cessitĂ© de rĂ©pondre aux questions soulevĂ©es par celle-ci, beaucoup de rĂ©gimes juridiques nĂ©gligent de rĂ©glementer cette pĂ©riode, comme le droit Ă©gyptien et le droit français avant l’ordonnance n° 2016-131 du 10 fĂ©vrier 2016 portant rĂ©forme du droit des contrats, du rĂ©gime gĂ©nĂ©ral et de la preuve des obligations, qui a tentĂ© de codifier cette pĂ©riode. A-t-il rĂ©ussi sa mission ? Le Code civil Ă©gyptien peut-il s’inspirer de l’expĂ©rience du lĂ©gislateur français ? Le but de cette thĂšse est donc de rĂ©pondre Ă  ces questions dans un cadre juridique analytique comparatif.Pre-contractual phase form an important part of contracts’ life cycle; for reasons including globalization and the complexity of legal and economic relations gathering the concerned parties. Building on this importance this phase arises numerous problems and questions concerning its definition, regulation, rights and duties of the parties and nature of liability during this stage including the negotiations and preparatory contracts. Despite the importance and vitality of this phase, and the necessity to answer the risen questions legislations tend to neglect the regulation of this period. A perfect example of this lack of legislative action is the Egyptian law in addition to the French one preceding the major contract law reform that took place in 2016. This reform tried to codify this period. The question rising in this regard is the following: did this reform attend its mission? If so, can the Egyptian civil code be inspired by the experience of the French legislature? This thesis aims to answer these questions using a comparative analytical legal approach

    Pre-contractual period : comparative study of French and Egyptian law

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    La pĂ©riode prĂ©contractuelle est une pĂ©riode importante dans la vie de la plupart des contrats de nos jours, en raison de la mondialisation et de la complexitĂ© des relations juridiques et Ă©conomiques entre les parties. DĂšs lors, cette pĂ©riode soulĂšve de nombreux problĂšmes et questions concernant sa dĂ©finition, ses dispositions, les droits et les obligations des parties, la nature de la responsabilitĂ© durant cette phase, etc. La complexitĂ© de l’étude de cette pĂ©riode rĂ©side dans sa division en deux phases : les nĂ©gociations prĂ©contractuelles et les contrats prĂ©paratoires. MalgrĂ© l’importance de cette pĂ©riode vitale et la nĂ©cessitĂ© de rĂ©pondre aux questions soulevĂ©es par celle-ci, beaucoup de rĂ©gimes juridiques nĂ©gligent de rĂ©glementer cette pĂ©riode, comme le droit Ă©gyptien et le droit français avant l’ordonnance n° 2016-131 du 10 fĂ©vrier 2016 portant rĂ©forme du droit des contrats, du rĂ©gime gĂ©nĂ©ral et de la preuve des obligations, qui a tentĂ© de codifier cette pĂ©riode. A-t-il rĂ©ussi sa mission ? Le Code civil Ă©gyptien peut-il s’inspirer de l’expĂ©rience du lĂ©gislateur français ? Le but de cette thĂšse est donc de rĂ©pondre Ă  ces questions dans un cadre juridique analytique comparatif.Pre-contractual phase form an important part of contracts’ life cycle; for reasons including globalization and the complexity of legal and economic relations gathering the concerned parties. Building on this importance this phase arises numerous problems and questions concerning its definition, regulation, rights and duties of the parties and nature of liability during this stage including the negotiations and preparatory contracts. Despite the importance and vitality of this phase, and the necessity to answer the risen questions legislations tend to neglect the regulation of this period. A perfect example of this lack of legislative action is the Egyptian law in addition to the French one preceding the major contract law reform that took place in 2016. This reform tried to codify this period. The question rising in this regard is the following: did this reform attend its mission? If so, can the Egyptian civil code be inspired by the experience of the French legislature? This thesis aims to answer these questions using a comparative analytical legal approach

    La période précontractuelle : étude comparée des régimes français et égyptien

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    La pĂ©riode prĂ©contractuelle est une pĂ©riode importante dans la vie de la plupart des contrats de nos jours, en raison de la mondialisation et de la complexitĂ© des relations juridiques et Ă©conomiques entre les parties. DĂšs lors, cette pĂ©riode soulĂšve de nombreux problĂšmes et questions concernant sa dĂ©finition, ses dispositions, les droits et les obligations des parties, la nature de la responsabilitĂ© durant cette phase, etc. La complexitĂ© de l’étude de cette pĂ©riode rĂ©side dans sa division en deux phases : les nĂ©gociations prĂ©contractuelles et les contrats prĂ©paratoires. MalgrĂ© l’importance de cette pĂ©riode vitale et la nĂ©cessitĂ© de rĂ©pondre aux questions soulevĂ©es par celle-ci, beaucoup de rĂ©gimes juridiques nĂ©gligent de rĂ©glementer cette pĂ©riode, comme le droit Ă©gyptien et le droit français avant l’ordonnance n° 2016-131 du 10 fĂ©vrier 2016 portant rĂ©forme du droit des contrats, du rĂ©gime gĂ©nĂ©ral et de la preuve des obligations, qui a tentĂ© de codifier cette pĂ©riode. A-t-il rĂ©ussi sa mission ? Le Code civil Ă©gyptien peut-il s’inspirer de l’expĂ©rience du lĂ©gislateur français ? Le but de cette thĂšse est donc de rĂ©pondre Ă  ces questions dans un cadre juridique analytique comparatif.Pre-contractual phase form an important part of contracts’ life cycle; for reasons including globalization and the complexity of legal and economic relations gathering the concerned parties. Building on this importance this phase arises numerous problems and questions concerning its definition, regulation, rights and duties of the parties and nature of liability during this stage including the negotiations and preparatory contracts. Despite the importance and vitality of this phase, and the necessity to answer the risen questions legislations tend to neglect the regulation of this period. A perfect example of this lack of legislative action is the Egyptian law in addition to the French one preceding the major contract law reform that took place in 2016. This reform tried to codify this period. The question rising in this regard is the following: did this reform attend its mission? If so, can the Egyptian civil code be inspired by the experience of the French legislature? This thesis aims to answer these questions using a comparative analytical legal approach

    Advancements in saline water treatment: a review

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    The growing population and increasing water demand necessitate exploring alternative sources of water, including saline water. Saline water treatment technologies have undergone significant advancements in recent years, enabling the production of potable water from seawater and brackish water. This review provides an overview of the current state of saline water treatment technologies, including desalination and membrane-based processes. The advantages and limitations of each technology and their suitability for different applications are discussed. Recent advancements in materials and techniques that have led to improvements in energy efficiency, productivity, and cost-effectiveness of these technologies are highlighted. Finally, the future directions and challenges in the field of saline water treatment are outlined. HIGHLIGHTS An overview of the current state of saline water treatment technologies.; The critical review was conducted on recent advancements in materials and saline water treatment techniques that have led to improvements in energy efficiency, productivity, and cost-effectiveness.; The challenges associated with energy consumption and brine disposal were discussed elaborately.

    Biosorptive removal of selected metal ions from simulated wastewater using highly metal-resistant bacteria

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    In the current scenario of the need for cost-effective remediation, our study aimed to assess the remedial potential of bacteria obtained from metal-rich wastewater. To simulate the conditions, we prepared wastewater containing five toxic metals (Cu, Cr, Ni, Fe, and Pb). Two types of metal-resistant bacteria were isolated from a prominent wastewater drain in Lahore, Pakistan. These isolated bacteria were thoroughly characterized, both phenotypically and genotypically. Subsequently, the isolated bacteria were exposed to the wastewater solution containing each of the aforementioned metals at a concentration of 250 ppm. The exposed isolates were then incubated for a duration of 15 days. After 5 days, we measured the uptake of metals by the bacterial isolates. Following the 15-day incubation period, we observed that the bacterial isolates demonstrated the maximum efficiency in removing metals, with approximately 47.5% of Fe, 77% of Ni, 75.75% of Cu, 64% of Cr, and 82.5% of Pb being removed. These findings have significant implications for the development of environmentally friendly and cost-effective strategies for metal ion remediation. HIGHLIGHTS Assess the remedial potential of bacteria obtained from metal-rich wastewater.; Isolated bacteria were thoroughly characterized, both phenotypically and genotypically.; Bacterial isolates demonstrated maximum efficiency in removing metals, with approximately 47.5% of Fe, 77% of Ni, 75.75% of Cu, 64% of Cr, and 82.5% of Pb being removed.

    He ion irradiation effects on multiwalled carbon nanotubes structure

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    Samples of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) were irradiated with 80 keV He ions. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) inspection showed that the average outer diameters of the tube decreased as a result of ion irradiation. The samples were also characterized using Raman spectrometry by analysis of the intensity of main bands in the spectra of virgin and irradiated MWNT samples. Modifications of the disorder mode (D-band) and the tangential mode (G-band) were studied as a function of irradiation fluences. Raman spectra showed that as the fluence increases, the MWNTs first show disorder due to the produced defects, and then amorphization under still higher fluence of ion irradiation. Thermal and athermal mechanisms of the radiation induced MWNTs modifications are discussed