82 research outputs found

    Regional Variations in the Permeable Rocks and Porosity of the Water Bearing Formations in Central North Kordofan and West White Nile Areas

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         The present study aimed to delineate the regional variations in the permeable rocks and porosity of the water bearing formations in Bara and Kosti basins. The study depended on the determination of the permeable rock ratios and porosity calculation for the lithological samples obtained from borehole pertaining to the study area. Freehand 9.02 software application was used in this study for drawing maps and sections .The lithology indicates vertical and lateral changes in the rocks (sediments) facies forming the subsurface formations. The permeable rocks form the water bearing formations (aquifers) while the impermeable rocks such as clays represent aquiclude layers. The permeable sediments compose of coarse sands and gravels in the western part whereas they consist of medium sands in the eastern part of the study area. The facies description indicates that the ratio (percent) of the permeable rocks decrease from more than 60 % in Bara Basin (Umm Rawaba and El Basheri Sub-basins) in the West to less than 20 % as in Kosti Basin in the East. The porosity values of these rocks range from 17 - 23 % in the western part (Bara Basin) to 28 % in the eastern part. The variation in the rock facies indicates that the sediments composing the water bearing formations were transported from the northwest and southwest directions

    Presentation of Invasive Fungal Rhinosinusitis in Sudanese Children: A Report of Four Cases

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    Fungal rhinosinusitis (FS) is considered as a disease spectrum that ranges from allergic fungal sinusitis (AFS) and chronic fungal rhinosinusitis (CFS) to invasive fungal rhinosinusitis (IFS) invading the orbit, Dura, and intra-cranium. Fungal rhinosinusitis is a common disease in Sudan. Objective: To present four rare cases of InvasiveFungal Rhinosinusitis in Sudanese children presented with orbital extension. Patients and Method: The authors have reported four cases of children in the age range of 9–11 years, two girls and two boys; they were presented with invasive fungal rhinosinusitis in Africa ENT hospital (Sudan) during the period from September 2015 to August 2017. Patients’ diagnosis was made by endoscopic examination, CT, and MRI,and it was confirmed by tissue biopsy. Results: Patients’ age range was 9–11 years, two girls and two boys. The unilateral disease was the commonest type. An orbital extension was detected in all cases on CT and MRI. No intracranial extension was detected. Aspergillus flavus was the most responsible agent detected in all the fourcases. Conclusion: Fungal rhinosinusitis (FS) is a common disease in adult Sudanese patients but rarely affects children. It is mainly caused by Aspergillus species. The disease is extensive and can be associated with orbital and intracranial complications

    Al-Ārā’ al-Balāghiyyah li Sheikh al-Azhar Muḥammad Sayyid Ṭanṭāwī fī Tafsīr al-Wasīṭ [Arabic Rhetorical Opinions of Sheikh Al-Azhar Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi in the Tafsir al-Wasit]

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    A linguistic interpretation appeared at the hands of the Sheikh al-Azhar, Muhammad Sayed Tantawi, whose field was in tafsir. He wrote a tafsir book of the Holy Qur'an in thirty volumes until he became famous as an interpreter, modernizer, and Islamic thinker. He formulated his interpretation with balāghah's (Arabic Rhetoric) explanation in linguistic studies. The problem was whether Sheikh al-Azhar specialized in linguistic studies. This study aims to find his scientific personality and creativity in the balāghah explanation. The researchers used inductive and analytical approaches in three sections (juz) of Tafsīr al-Wasīṭ: the first, second, and third. The finding is that Sheikh al-Azhar was a prominent figure in the balāghah aspect, as he created a single opinion when explaining the rhetorical verses of the Qur'an. In his explanation, he may transfer from the books of the former interpreters. However, he was not only satisfied with conveying their opinions but also showed the existence of scientific discussion among the interpreters, adding a new opinion, preferring an opinion, or confirming a correct opinion by relying on Arabic grammar, tafsir, and hadith. This work indicated the existence of multidisciplinary studies in linguistics and Islamic studies

    A Study On Bacterial Contaminats Of Raw Milk In Small Dairy Producing Units In Omdurman, Khartoum State

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    Sixty samples were collected from small dairy producing units in Omdurman, Khartoum state to study the bacteriological quality of milk. Collected samples included thirty-six milk samples (30 from lactating cows, and 6 from bulk tanks), six swabs from milker’s hands, six swabs from milk utensils, six samples from water which used in the farms, and six samples from the environment of the units. All milk samples were investigated by total plate count and milk ring test. Results revealed that milk produced in these units was of good quality according to tropical standards, although 47% of samples were positive to milk ring test. Many bacterial contaminants were isolated from different samples. Bacillus cereus was the most common (25% of the isolates). The environment of these producing units was the most probable source of this bacterium

    Prevalence of Human T- cell Lymphoma/Leukaemia Virus among Sudanese Blood Donors in Wad Medani, Sudan

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    Abstract: Background: HTLV type I/II is a blood borne infection that can be transmitted via blood transfusion. Objective: To determine the seroprevalence of human T – lymphotropic virus among blood donors in Wad Medani Central Blood Bank, Sudan. Methods: A total of 540 serum samples were collected from blood donors who visited the Wad Medani Central Blood Bank from January to July 2013. These sera were screened by ELISA for the determination of antibodies to T- Human Cell Lymphotropic Virus type 1/11.  Results: Only one out of 540 (0.2%) samples was found to be positive for HTLV-I/II while 539 (96.4%) samples were negative. Conclusion: The seroprevalence of HTLV-I/II among the blood donors in Wad Medani Central Blood Bank was found to be very low, 0.20%. Therefore, there is no need for routine screening of blood donors for this virus. The introduction of these extra serological tests to the tests that already were carried out may have an extra financial burden, but because of the seriousness of the diseases that were caused by this virus, these tests should be carried out

    Nonspecific colitis a forgotten entity in Central Sudan

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    Background: Nonspecific colitis is an inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) that runs a clinically benign course. Histopathologically it is characterized by superficial mucosal erosions with lymphocytic infiltration in the lamina propria with no granuloma. Aim of this study: is to describe the clinical presentation of Non-Specific Colitis (NSC), and to evaluate its response to 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) in Sudanese patients.Setting and Design: This study is a prospective cohort. A total of 26 patients presenting with bloody, mucoid diarrhoea, lower abdominal pain or colonic mass were included in the study.Methods and Materials: A total of 26 patients presenting with bloody mucoid diarrhoea, lower abdominal pain with or without colonic mass were included in the study. All patients underwent colonoscopy. Statistical analysis: A descriptive statistical analysis was done using SPSS.Results: 19 (%) of patients were males and 7 were females with male to female ratio of 3:1. The majority of patients 16 (61.6%) had bloody diarrhea while 18 (69.2%) opened their bowel 4-6 times a day. The majority 10 (38.8%) had rectum and sigmoid involvement. All patients showed a good response to 5-ASA.Conclusions: This study showed that NSC has clinical features that are very much similar to mild UC with a rather good clinical response to oral 5-ASA.Keywords: Nonspecific colitis, indeterminate colitis, 5-aminosaclyic acid

    Letterer Siwe Disease (LSD): A Case Report

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    Background: Letterer–Siwe Disease (LSD) is one of the variants of Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH), which is considered as a rare disease that affects many systems in the body; it is characterized by monoclonal migration and proliferation of specific dendritic cells. The disease affects the bones and skin primarily, but can involveother organs as well, or appear as a multi-system disease leading to different clinical manifestations and eventually death. Summary: The authors present a case report of LSD in a two-year-old child from western Sudan, Messeria tribe, who is presented with one and a half-month history of fever, cutaneous ulcers, purprae,scaly crusted scalp, and pallor. His full blood count showed very low Hb with marked reduction of platelets. TWBC was normal. US showed hepatosplenomegaly with lymphadenopathy. A suspicion of sickle cell anemia and leukemia was suggested. He received treatment in his area in the form of antibiotics, skin care, blood transfusion and platelets aggregate without improvement. Patient was referred to Khartoum for further investigations and management. On presentation, a diagnosis of histiocytosis x was suggested depending on the clinical presentation of a general ill health in a child with purpurae, skin ulcers, and a scaly crusted scalp. A skin biopsy, bone marrow aspirate, and a skull x-ray were requested. Bone marrow aspiration showed hyper cellular BM with marked hemophagocytosis. Patient was admitted in a pediatric ward for further general investigations and blood transfusion, but he passed few days later before starting chemotherapy. Usually this is the prognosis of this rare and fatal aggressive form of histiocytosis x. Conclusion: A sick child with fever, anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, scaly scalp, and skin lesions should be investigated for LSD

    Management of Congenital Heart Disease in Low-Income Countries: The Challenges and the Way Forward

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    In this article, we will discuss the management of congenital heart disease in low-income and low-middle income countries. First, we will review the epidemiology of congenital heart disease in the low-income and low-middle income countries and compare it to that in the high-income countries; cardiac disease is the commonest cause of death globally. The challenges that are facing the delivery of pediatric cardiac services will be discussed and some solutions will be suggested to improve these services. Pediatric cardiac services face huge economic, financial, social, and health care system delivery challenges. Collaboration between countries and non-governmental and philanthropy organizations is strongly needed to improve delivery of pediatric cardiac services in low-income and low-middle income countries. Planning of pediatric cardiac services in these countries should consider the context of each country or region; some countries managed to transform their pediatric cardiac services to be better

    Phenotypes in Sudanese Diabetic Patients

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    Abstract In this case -control study conducted during the period from February 2013 to January 2015, Haptoglobin phenotypes in diabetes patients has been investigated in 300 type 2 diabetic patients and 100 non diabetic healthy controls in Sudan. The samples were obtained from Elmotakmel diabetic center in Omdurman, Sudan and were categorized by their haptoglobin phenotypes using Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The result of the study showed no significant difference in the distribution of haptoglobin phenotypes. Diabetic patients with Hp 2-2 phenotype tend to had highest fasting blood glucose levels and lower hemoglobin levels