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Enhancing Puerto Rican culture for mainland school children.
The purpose of this study is to create in the Bilingual Puerto Rican Teachers an awareness of his/her role as a transmitter of Puerto Rican cultural values. This dissertation proposes the development of a Teaching Handbook which teachers can use to amplify his/her knowledge of his/her own culture and which can serve those teachers that are not Puerto Rican as a learning/teaching guide. The investigator conducted a review of literature which includes: (a) aspects of the culture learned through literature; (b) aspects of the culture not necessarily found in literary sources and is acquired. The investigator presented the results from the findings of the present study that reveal that the majority of Puerto Rican teachers in the United States come here for different reasons. Later they became teachers in different parts of Western Massachusetts. Each one of the teachers agreed that they are and should be transmitters of the culture. Other findings were the fact that some students had problems or cultural shocks in the new country. For example: language, climate, foods and in high school a greater problem communicating with other students and teachers. Those parents that were interviewed agreed that they came to this country to help their children in receiving a better education. Another of the parental worries of those parents that were interviewed, was that their children\u27s adaptation to the new school system was difficult. The parents were concerned that the education of their children should include the Puerto Rican culture. They saw it as something that they could learn in the schools via the teacher. The investigator introduces a model for a handbook to serve as an outline for the transmission of cultural knowledge to Puerto Rican teachers and non-Puerto Rican teachers and the students they teach. It was concluded from the study that through the proposed cultural workshops, bilingual teachers will be able to acquire a wider knowledge of Puerto Rican culture. Through the handbook s/he will get a clearer idea of the possible way in which s/he can communicate this knowledge to his/her Puerto Rican students
Consumers' Perceptions about Food Quality Attributes and Their Incidence in Argentinean Organic Choices
There is an increasing consumers' concern for food safety and quality and, at the same time, there has been a significant market increment in differentiated or high value products consumption, including organic products. The lack of empirical research in Argentina regarding consumers' awareness of food safety brought our attention. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to analyse consumers' perceptions about the risk and quality attributes of food consumption; and to evaluate the incidence of these factors when buying organic products in Argentina. The Lancaster model (1966) provided the theoretical basis for the use of products attributes and characteristics to analyse the incidence of these attributes in consumers' choices. The data used in this study derives from a food consumption survey on organic and non-organic consumers conducted in Buenos Aires City, Argentina, in April 2005. According to consumers' perceptions, 67% were worried about their health, 79% take care in meals, 57% perceived the high risk of hormones and pesticides in food content and 91% of consumers are used to reading labels before or during their purchase. A Logit Binomial Regression Model was applied to explore which factors affected organic food consumption. The results yielded by this model suggest that the consumers with higher educational level, who eat healthy food, and consider food control organisms 'inefficient' are more likely to buy organic products. A high percentage of consumers read and trust label information in Argentina. This has interesting policy implications to promote differentiated and high value products, and to reduce information asymmetries.Food safety, Quality attributes, Consumers, Organics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Q18, D1,
Contingent Valuation of Consumers’ Willingness-to-Pay for Organic Food in Argentina
Throughout these last years, organic agriculture has undergone a remarkable expansion due, among other things, to the greater interest shown by consumers aware of food safety concerns involving real or perceived quality risks [1]. This paper aims to estimate consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for organic food products available in the Argentinean domestic market, with a view to providing some useful insights to gain support and outline strategies for promotion of organic production, marketing, regulation, and labelling programs of organic food products. A Binomial Multiple Logistic Regression model is estimated with data from a food consumption survey conducted in Buenos Aires city, Argentina, in April 2005. The Contingent Valuation Method was chosen in order to calculate their WTP for five organic selected products: Regular Milk, Leafy Vegetables, Whole Wheat Flour, Fresh Chicken and Aromatic Herbs. The empirical results reveal that consumers are willing to pay a premium for these products and that although prices play an important role, lack of store availability and of a reliable regulatory system to mitigate quality risks constraint consumption of organic products in this country.Willingness-to-pay, Food attributes, Organics, Demand and Price Analysis,
Willingness to pay for organic food in Argentina: Evidence from a consumer survey
Most food markets do not count on complete information about food quality for consumers. Quality has become a key concept in the new approaches of the Demand Theory (Lancaster, 1966; Antle, 1999), and, therefore, food quality information has turned into a crucial factor when explaining the existing differences between demand profiles. Throughout these last years, organic agriculture has undergone a notorious expansion due, among other things, to the greater interest shown by consumers aware of food safety concerns involving real or potential quality risks perceptions. (Henson, 1996) This paper aims to estimate consumers´ willingness to pay (WTP) for organic food products available in the Argentinean domestic market, with a view to providing useful evidence to the government, and thus gain support in the promotion of organic production, regulation processes and labelling programs. The Contingent Valuation Method (Hanemann, 1984) was selected to estimate WTP. Data derives from a food consumption survey conducted in Buenos Aires city in April 2005. The parameters estimates for the selected products were obtained by applying a Binomial Multiple Logistic Regression. The results indicate that Argentinean consumers are willing to pay a price premium to acquire better quality products. Indeed, this is conditioned by the effective prices in the domestic market, in which price premiums range from 6% to 200%, thereby restricting their acquisition. Besides, the scarce availability of these healthy products has also become another meaningful obstacle for domestic consumption expansion in Argentina.Willingness to pay, Food quality attributes, Organic price premium, Argentina., Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,
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Social Workers\u27 Perception on HIV/AIDS and the Effects on Their Service Delivery
This study explores the relationship between social workers’ perceptions of the HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) /AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) population and the effects on their service delivery. This study used a quantitative online survey with a self-administered questionnaire. Data was collected for 60 social worker participants for this study. Participants were provided a postcard to a link of the questionnaire that surveyed participants’ regarding demographics, general knowledge, knowledge about contracting HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS risk, and service delivery. Implications from the correlation coefficients identify a significant negative relationship between stigma and HIV/AIDS knowledge, suggesting that higher levels of stigma were present based on lower levels of HIV/AIDS knowledge. This study found that social workers were comfortable with PLWHA (people living with HIV/AIDS) and that social workers did not have strong levels of stigma towards PLWHA. A significant negative relationship between stigma and service delivery was found indicating that service delivery decreases based on the levels of stigma on behalf of the social worker. The findings of this study suggest further research and examination of social workers’ perception of PLWHA due to underrepresentation of social workers perceived stigma. The study also suggests that social workers need to increase their knowledge about PLWHA and the need for additional cultural competency trainings
87 p.Control biológico es el uso de un organismo para controlar a otro. Se basa en la utilización, principalmente, de un grupo de hongos y bacterias que presentan efectos antagónicos frente a otros microorganismos patógenos vegetales. De este modo, cepas especialmente seleccionadas pueden ser aplicadas y formuladas artesanal o industrialmente, para el control biológico de enfermedades de cultivos de importancia agrícola. Entre los biocontroladores más importantes se encuentran las bacterias de los géneros Bacillus, Fusarium y Pseudomonas; y hongos de los géneros Gliocladium y Trichoderma. Los microorganismos antagonistas son los más utilizados, éstos expresan oposición de manera activa, por medio de antibiosis, competencia (por nutrientes y espacio) y parasitismo. El interés científico respecto de la utilización de biocontroladores, se ha expandido,debido a la preocupación pública a cerca de los potenciales efectos dañinos de algunos productos agroquímicos sobre la salud humana y la conservación del ambiente. Existe, además la necesidad de controlar varias enfermedades, frente a las cuales no se dispone de control total, sólo parcial, debido a que la resistencia en el hospedero es escasa o nula; la rotación de cultivos es, en ocasiones, poco práctica o no rentable (Cook, 1993). El desafío que enfrenta el control biológico es encontrar enemigos naturales que sean efectivos limitando la densidad de una invasión en un ambiente nuevo, sin generar rupturas ecológicas ni consecuencias
a largo plazo para las comunidades receptoras; manteniendo durante su desarrollo las potencialidades frente al objetivo al cual esta destinado (Louda; et al., 2005). El control de las enfermedades producidas por patógenos de diversos géneros, será abordado desde la perspectiva del análisis de los mecanismos que expresan tanto bacterias como hongos antagonistas seleccionados para ejercer
Rubrics and Academic Performance in English as a Foreign Language Teaching: Assessing Writing Tasks
Using rubrics in foreign language teaching has become a popular procedure among academics around the world. Rubrics are useful tools to improve educational in-class processes, as well as, to assess students’ learning outcomes. This study aims to determine whether the application of rubrics as an assessment tool influences eighth-grade foreign language students’ Academic Performance.A diagnostic survey was applied to the teachers of the foreign language department at the high school to determine which assessment tools were used to assess and grade students’ writing class work. Twenty-eight students of eighth grade, classroom “D” (octavo año de educación básica class "D") and foreign language teachers of Unidad Educativa Colegio Militar Nº6 “Combatientes de Tapi (UECMCT), Riobamba, Ecuador, participated in the study. The Academic Performance data of the students was collected during the second term of the second five-month school period (quimester) and analyzed through figures and tables, where a written activity was assessed without the application of a rubric. The results of this first students’ performance assessment showed that many students were not proficient in learning. Subsequently, an assessment rubric was elaborated and applied as an evaluation instrument of a written activity during the third term of the second quimester. In this opportunity, as a result, a large number of students improved their performance and achieved the expected learning outcomes. The application of this assessment tool not only enhanced the Academic Performance of the students but also allowed the teacher to facilitate the assessment process
Estudo de intervenção para controle das doenças crônicas: Hipertensão arterial e diabetes mellitus na unidade básica de saúde de Santa Cecilia. Carandaí-MG
Este estudo teve como objetivo fundamentar a construção de um plano de intervenção sobre as doenças de Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e Diabetes Mellitus através de um programa de educação sobre estas doenças. O público destinado para as ações foram os pacientes portadores de Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) e Diabetes Mellitus (DM) cadastrados em na Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) de Santa Cecília, município Carandaí, MG. Os pacientes cadastrados na equipe foram convidados a participar de um Programa de Educação que constou de atendimento individualizado, e atividades educativas por meio de formação de grupos de pacientes diabéticos e hipertensos para as ações educativas, seguimento regular, fornecimento de medicação, controles periódicos e atendimento de intercorrências, num período de seis meses. Com os 100 pacientes, foram formados grupos de hipertensos (50 pacientes) e grupos de diabéticos (50 pacientes). Após a aplicação do programa de educação, um aumento significativo no nível de conhecimento foi alcançado e atingido 89,1%, de acertos. Ao analisar a avaliação qualitativa do nível de conhecimento em ambas fases do plano, observou-se que antes da intervenção do nível de conhecimento era regular na maior percentual de pacientes (49,1) e apenas quatro pacientes (7,3%) obtiveram boa avaliação. Após o programa educacional implementado 89,1% dos pacientes foram capazes de marcar bem e obteve apenas três regularmente e três ruim. A existência de ignorância em relação ao tratamento não farmacológico da hipertensão e diabetes, bem como a importância do que foi encontrado. o nível de conhecimento sobre o assunto foi levantado após a intervenção educativa, apoiada pelo fato de que quase todos os pacientes responder adequadamente após a aplicação da estratégia. A utilidade de intervenções educativas, a fim de aumentar o conhecimento dos pacientes em relação ao tratamento não farmacológico da hipertensão e diabetes mellitus foi evident
Influencia de los tipos de personalidad en el grado de violencia recibida desde la pareja en las alumnas de 18 a 24 años de la carrera de Psicología de la Universidad Continental, Huancayo 2018
En el presente trabajo de investigación, el objetivo fue determinar la relación entre los tipos de personalidad y el grado de violencia recibida desde la pareja en alumnas de 18 a 24 años de la carrera de Psicología de la Universidad Continental Huancayo 2018. Se constituye como un tipo de investigación básica de diseño descriptivo-correlacional y de naturaleza cuantitativa. Asimismo, la muestra estuvo compuesta por un total de 240 estudiantes mujeres de la carrera de Psicología, se utilizaron la Versión Española del Index of Spouse Abuse y del Woman Abuse Screening Tool y la revisión de la prueba Big Five Questionnaire (BFQ) NEO-FFI
Buenas Prácticas de Manipulación en la Cebichería Big Beng - 2017
Las sociedades actuales privilegian y dan mucha importancia a la calidad y optimización de los procesos, productos, servicios y eventos en general. Con mayor razón todo aquello que tenga que ver con la salud humana. Es el caso de los alimentos para el consumo humano, en condiciones de calidad e inocuidad, es decir, libre de contaminantes. Los restaurantes participan de la oferta de alimentos preparados, por lo que representan elementos importantes para la conservación de la salud. En este contexto, el propósito del presente trabajo de investigación se orientó a elaborar una Guía de Buenas Prácticas de manipulación de alimentos en la Cebichería Big Beng, localizada de la ciudad de Chimbote.
La metodología del estudio de investigación se calificó como descriptiva, explicativa, porque su objeto de estudio fue una entidad o negocio en funcionamiento, del cual se llevó a cabo estudios de identificación, diagnóstico, y descripción del proceso y el cotejo de ?tiene y no tiene? de elementos, recursos y condiciones básicas de operatividad para la preparación y expendio de alimentos.
Como resultado esperado, se trató de mejorar el procesamiento de la Cebichería Big Beng, a través de una Guía de Buenas Prácticas de manipulación de alimentos; de manera que la infraestructura, personal, utensilios, equipamiento y preparación de los alimentos sean tal, que los platos preparados sean productos de calidad y garantía de inocuidad para los comensales y clientes en general.Tesi
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