20 research outputs found

    Instructional Support for Novice Law Students: Reducing Search Processes and Explaining Concepts in Cases

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    Nievelstein, F., Van Gog, T., Van Dijck, C., & Boshuizen, H. P. A. (2011). Instructional support for novice law students: Reducing search processes and explaining concepts in cases. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25(3), 408-413. doi:10.1002/acp.1707Reasoning about legal cases is a complex skill that imposes a high working memory load,especially for novice students. Not only do novices lack necessary conceptual knowledge,searching through the information sources that are used during reasoning can also be assumed to impose a high additional working memory load that does not contribute to learning. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of supporting novice law students’ learning by a) providing the meaning of important concepts in the case, and b) reducing the search process by providing a condensed (relevant articles only) rather than a complete civil code. Results show that performance on a test case (for which they had to use the complete civil code) was significantly better for participants who had used the condensed civil code during learning. Performance on a conceptual knowledge posttest was significantly enhanced when students had received the concept explanations during learning

    The worked example and expertise reversal effect in less structured tasks: Learning to reason about legal cases

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    Nievelstein, F., Van Gog, T., Van Dijck, G., & Boshuizen, H. P. A. (2013). The worked example and expertise reversal effect in less structured tasks: Learning to reason about legal cases. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 38, 118–125.The worked example effect indicates that learning by studying worked examples is more effective than learning by solving the equivalent problems. The expertise reversal effect indicates that this is only the case for novice learners; once prior knowledge of the task is available problem solving becomes more effective for learning. These effects, however, have mainly been studied using highly structured tasks. This study investigated whether they also occur on less structured tasks, in this case, learning to reason about legal cases. Less structured tasks take longer to master, and hence, examples may remain effective for a longer period of time. Novice and advanced law students received either a description of general process steps they should take, worked examples, worked examples including the process steps, or no instructional support for reasoning. Results show that worked examples were more effective for learning than problem-solving, both for novice and advanced students, even though the latter had significantly more prior knowledge. So, a worked example effect was found for both novice and advanced students, and no evidence for an expertise-reversal effect was found with these less structured tasks

    M & L Jaargang 31/4

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    Geert Van der Linden Een sierlijke kromme op een kruispunt van wegen: de beschermde populier op de Vollanderkouter in Strijpen. [A graceful curve on a crossroad: the protected poplar on the Vollanderkouter in Strijpen.]Een sierlijke kromme op een kruispunt van wegen. Wie associeert spontaan deze prozaïsche omschrijving met de S-curve die de stam van een populier op een kouter in het Zottegemse ommeland beschrijft? Geert Van der Linden doet het relaas van een vereenzaamde, bijna honderdjarige katoenpopulier uit Maryland op de Vollanderkouter in Strijpen. Met eiken als voorgangers brengen lokale heemkundigen de als monument beschermde boom in verband met de vierschaar die er in een ver verleden zou gestaan hebben.Marjan Buyle met medewerking van Els Jacobs en Philippe Schurmans Mission impossible? De restauratie van een gipsreliëf van Pieter Braecke. [Mission impossible? The restoration of a plaster relief by Pieter Braecke.]Gipsen objecten zijn uitermate kwetsbaar als ze niet in goede condities bewaard worden, en gipscollecties krijgen niet altijd de waardering die ze verdienen. Een omgevallen gipsen reliëf van Pieter Braecke uit de verzameling van de stad Nieuwpoort bood de gelegenheid aan het conservatieteam van het agentschap om de jarenlang opgebouwde expertise terzake tot een hoog niveau op te tillen. Philippe Schurmans en Els Jacobs gingen de uitdaging aan en Marjan Buyle vertelt het verhaal van deze haast onmogelijke reddingsoperatie.Maarten Van Dijck De IJslandvisser O.129 Amandine. [The Icelandic fishing vessel O.129 Amandine.]Gebouwd in Oostende werd de Amandine in september 1961 te water gelaten. Jarenlang zou dit - door diesel aangedreven - stalen schip ingezet worden op IJslandvaart, de meest tot de verbeelding sprekende tak van onze Belgische visserijgeschiedenis. In 1995 werd de Amandine als laatste schip van de Europese IJslandvloot uit de vaart genomen en na enige omzwervingen uiteindelijk gerestaureerd en ingericht als museumschip. Maarten Van Dijck is gespecialiseerd in varend erfgoed en neemt ons mee op sleeptouw doorheen de geschiedenis van s lands laatste IJslandvisser.Dieter Nuytten Monumentale ingenieurskunsten. De eigenheid van historische constructies in hun gevecht met de zwaartekracht. [Monumental art of engineering.The particularities of historical monuments in their struggle with gravity.]Dat monumenten blijven rechtstaan is uiteraard de eerste bekommernis van elke monumentenzorger, want stabiliteitsproblemen kunnen het duurzaam behoud van gebouwen in gevaar brengen. Dieter Nuytten specialiseerde zich in de belangrijke materie van de standzekerheid en hoopt aldus dit essentieel element in het beheer van monumenten naar voren te schuiven op de agenda´s van ontwerpers en erfgoedverantwoordelijken, waarbij de kennis van historische constructietechnieken minstens even belangrijk is als het uitwerken van hedendaagse technologische oplossingen.Summar

    An invertebrate defense molecule activates membrane conductance in mammalian cells by means of its lectin-like domain

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    The invertebrate defense molecule Coelomic Cytolytic Factor-1 (CCF-1) and the mammalian cytokine Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) share a similar lectin-like domain that, upon interaction with specific sugars, causes lysis of African trypanosomes. In contrast to TNF, CCF-1 does not require an acidification of a lysosomal compartment for this activity. Moreover, we could demonstrate using the whole cell patch clamp technique that both TNF and CCF-1 activate amiloride-sensitive channels in mammalian cells, in a TNF receptor-independent way, but, unlike TNF, CCF-1 does not require acidic conditions for this activity. These data confirm the functional analogies of an invertebrate defense molecule and a mammalian cytokine, based on a similar lectin-like interaction. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Trypanosoma cruzi is lysed by coelomic cytolytic factor-1, an invertebrate analogue of tumor necrosis factor, and induces phenoloxidase activity in the coelomic fluid of Eisenia foetida foetida

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    A cytolytic protein named Coelomic Cytolytic Factor-1 (CCF-1) was isolated from the coelomic fluid of the earthworm Eisenia foetida foetida. Despite the absence of any gene homology, CCF-1 showed functional analogy with the mammalian cytokine tumour necrosis factor (TNF), particularly based on similar lectin-like activity. Indeed, both CCF-1 and TNF recognise N,N′-diacetylchitobiose and exert lytic activity on African Trypanosoma brucei brucei. In this report, we show that South-American Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes, but not epimastigotes, were lysed by earthworm coelomic fluid or purified CCF-1. However, T. cruzi was less susceptible to lysis than T. brucei brucei. This lytic effect of coelomic fluid and CCF-1 on T. cruzi trypomastigotes was partially inhibited in the presence of anti-CCF-1 monoclonal antibody, antibody neutralising the lectin-like activity of TNF or N,N′-diacetylchitobiose. In contrast, this lytic effect was completely inhibited when using T. b. brucei. In addition, T. cruzi components, upon recognition by CCF-1 in E. f. foetida coelomic fluid, triggered the prophenoloxidase cascade, an invertebrate defence mechanism. These results further extend the functional analogies of CCF-1 and TNF, suggesting that both molecules share a similar lectin-like activity that has been conserved as an innate recognition mechanism in invertebrates and vertebrates. They also establish a link between stercorarian (T. cruzi) and salivarian (T. brucei) trypanosomatids having divergent phylogenetic origins and patterns of evolution, but possessing closely related cell surface sugar moieties. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Infective endocarditis of a transcatheter pulmonary valve in comparison with surgical implants

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    Background Melody valved stents (Medtronic Inc, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA) have become a very competitive therapeutic option for pulmonary valve replacement in patients with congenital heart disease. After adequate prestenting of the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) Melody valved stents have a good medium term functional result but are exposed to infective endocarditis (IE). Patients and methods Retrospective study of tertiary centre Congenital Heart Disease database; to compare incidence of IE in three different types of valved conduits in RVOT: Melody valved stent, cryopreserved homograft (European Homograft Bank) and Contegra graft (Medtronic Inc). Results Between 1989 and 2013, 738 conduits were implanted in 677 patients. 107 Melody valved stents were implanted in 107 patients; IE occurred in 8 (7.5%) patients during a follow-up of 2.0 years (IQR 2.4 years, range 0.3-7.8 years). 577 Homografts were implanted in 517 patients; IE occurred in 14 patients (2.4%) during a median follow-up of 6.5 years (IQR 9.2 years; range 0.1-23.7 years). Finally, 54 Contegra grafts were implanted in 53 patients; 11 patients (20.4%) had IE during a follow-up of 8.8 years (IQR 7.7 years; range 0.2-3.5 years). Survival free of IE by Kaplan-Meier for homografts was 98.7% at 5 years and 97.3% at 10 years; for Contegra 87.8% at 5 years and 77.3% at 10 years and for Melody 84.9% at 5 years (log-rank test;