80 research outputs found


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    Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk membantu masyarakat (Mitra) yang memiliki usaha dan berpotensi untuk berkembang namun memiliki berbagai kendala. Kendala tersebut antara lain harga bahan baku yang fluktuatif, kapasitas produksi yang masih terbatas, kerapian dan pengemasan produk, belum adanya ijin PIRT, belum dilakukannya kegiatan pembukuan usaha, serta pemasaran yang masih terbatas.Dengan adanya pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini, kendala-kendala tersebut bisa diatasi. Bahan baku yang fluktuatif serta kapasitas produksi yang terbatas diatasi dengan pengadaan alat pengaduk jenang yang dapat memacu peningkatan volume produksi sehingga biaya produksi dapat ditekan. Usaha peningkatan kualitas dan penentuan desain kemasan yang mampu menambah value dari produk dilakukan dengan mengadakan pelatihan, sehingga produknya layak untuk dijualkan melalui toko oleh-oleh yang ada di Yogyakarta. Sedangkan untuk kerapian produk diatasi dengan pengadaan alat mesin pencetak dan pemotong jenang. Hal ini ditujukan agar produk yang dihasilkan rapi dan memiliki berat bersih yang sama. Mengenai kendala pembukuan dan perijinan PIRT dilakukan pendampingan agar Mitra mampu memiliki ijin usaha dan bisnisnya terbukukan dengan baik. Untuk meningkatkan volume penjualan dilakukan system pemasaran yang memanfaatkan social media, agar jangkauan pasarnya lebih luas.


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    The objective of the present study was to investigate the changes of growth related aspects of seedlings after being exposed to Wi-Fi radiation. Experiment was carried out by exposing seedlings to radiation from a Wi-Fi router. The test seedlings and the control were subjected to the same environment during four weeks. The results showed that corn seedlings when exposed to Wi-Fi radiation grew faster and have shoot length and stem thickness significantly larger than the other control. On the other hand basils and eggplants, both exposed and not exposed to Wi-Fi radiation, were found with no significant effects on the shoot length and stem thickness. Moreover Wi-Fi radiation significantly reduced the fresh weight of corns and basils, whereas eggplants were not affected. Furthermore Wi-Fi radiation significantly increased the dry weight of eggplants, whereas corns and basils were not affected. Finally, the results showed that Wi-Fi radiation significantly decreased the water content of three tested seedlings. The study concluded that the Wi-Fi radiation may alter growth related characters of seedlings

    Pembelajaran Terstuktur untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Tidak Terstuktur Sektor Informal

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    Sektor informal memiliki banyak kelemahan agar dapat bersaing dan terlebih mencapai laba optimal. Sumber daya manusia merupakan kelemahan utama karena para tenaga kerja yang tidak dapat akses pada sektor formal akan berupaya membuat bisnis informal. Padahal di sisi lain, sektor informal telah berkontribusi luar biasa pada negara baik pada era ekonomi stabil dan terlebih pada saat krisis. Kelemahan sumber daya akan berkontribusi pada daya inovasi serta tingginya biaya tenaga kerja, baik berupa pelatihan dan produksi. Berbasis situasi tersebut, pengabdi memfokuskan pada upaya meningkatkan keahlian pelaku sektor informal dengan peningkatan pengetahuan tidak terstruktur. Pengetahuan ini tidak dapat diperoleh dengan pembelajaran formal, sehingga pengabdi menerapkan pembelajaran terstruktur yaitu pembelajaran berbasis pengalaman dengan balikan (feedback). Terkaai dengan metoda pembelajaran tersebut, pengabdi menerapkan eksperimen semu yang melibatkan subjek dengan perlakuan dan subjek sebagai control. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan atas biaya produksi dan hasil panen

    Testing the Growth Rate Hypothesis in Vascular Plants with Above- and Below-Ground Biomass

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    The growth rate hypothesis (GRH) proposes that higher growth rate (the rate of change in biomass per unit biomass, μ) is associated with higher P concentration and lower C∶P and N∶P ratios. However, the applicability of the GRH to vascular plants is not well-studied and few studies have been done on belowground biomass. Here we showed that, for aboveground, belowground and total biomass of three study species, μ was positively correlated with N∶C under N limitation and positively correlated with P∶C under P limitation. However, the N∶P ratio was a unimodal function of μ, increasing for small values of μ, reaching a maximum, and then decreasing. The range of variations in μ was positively correlated with variation in C∶N∶P stoichiometry. Furthermore, μ and C∶N∶P ranges for aboveground biomass were negatively correlated with those for belowground. Our results confirm the well-known association of growth rate with tissue concentration of the limiting nutrient and provide empirical support for recent theoretical formulations

    Minimising losses to predation during microalgae cultivation

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    We explore approaches to minimise impacts of zooplanktonic pests upon commercial microalgal crops using system dynamics models to describe algal growth controlled by light and nutrient availability and zooplankton growth controlled by crop abundance and nutritional quality. Losses of microalgal crops are minimised when their growth is fastest and, in contrast, also when growing slowly under conditions of nutrient exhaustion. In many culture systems, however, dwindling light availability due to self-shading in dense suspensions favours slow growth under nutrient sufficiency. Such a situation improves microalgal quality as prey, enhancing zooplankton growth, and leads to rapid crop collapse. Timing of pest entry is important; crop losses are least likely in established, nutrient-exhausted microalgal communities grown for high C-content (e.g. for biofuels). A potentially useful approach is to promote a low level of P-stress that does not adversely affect microalgal growth but which produces a crop that is suboptimal for zooplankton growth
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