32 research outputs found

    The Effects of Fibroblast Growth Factor 8b on Reproductive Organs and Prostate Tumorigenesis

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    Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are involved in the development and homeostasis of the prostate and other reproductive organs. FGF signaling is altered in prostate cancer. Fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8) is a mitogenic growth factor and its expression is elevated in prostate cancer and in premalignant prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) lesions. FGF8b is the most transforming isoform of FGF8. Experimental models show that FGF8b promotes several phases of prostate tumorigenesis - including cancer initiation, tumor growth, angiogenesis, invasion and development of bone metastasis. The mechanisms activated by FGF8b in the prostate are unclear. In the present study, to examine the tumorigenic effects of FGF8b on the prostate and other FGF8b expressing organs, an FGF8b transgenic (TG) mouse model was generated. The effect of estrogen receptor beta (ERβ) deficiency on FGF8binduced prostate tumorigenesis was studied by breeding FGF8b-TG mice with ERβ knockout mice (BERKOFVB). Overexpression of FGF8b caused progressive histological and morphological changes in the prostate, epididymis and testis of FGF8b-TG-mice. In the prostate, hyperplastic, preneoplastic and neoplastic changes, including mouse PIN (mPIN) lesions, adenocarcinomas, sarcomas and carcinosarcomas were present in the epithelium and stroma. In the epididymis, a highly cancer-resistant tissue, the epithelium contained dysplasias and the stroma had neoplasias and hyperplasias with atypical cells. Besides similar histological changes in the prostate and epididymis, overexpression of FGF8b induced similar changes in the expression of genes such as osteopontin (Spp1), connective tissue growth factor (Ctgf) and FGF receptors (Fgfrs) in these two tissues. In the testes of the FGF8b-TG mice, the seminiferous epithelium was frequently degenerative and the number of spermatids was decreased. A portion of the FGF8b-TG male mice was infertile. Deficiency of ERβ did not accelerate prostate tumorigenesis in the FGF8b-TG mice, but increased significantly the frequency of mucinous metaplasia and slightly the frequency of inflammation in the prostate. This suggests putative differentiation promoting and anti-inflammatory roles for ERβ. In summary, these results underscore the importance of FGF signaling in male reproductive organs and provide novel evidence for a role of FGF8b in stromal activation and prostate tumorigenesis.Siirretty Doriast

    Ectodysplasin/NF-kappa B Promotes Mammary Cell Fate via Wnt/beta-catenin Pathway

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    Mammary gland development commences during embryogenesis with the establishment of a species typical number of mammary primordia on each flank of the embryo. It is thought that mammary cell fate can only be induced along the mammary line, a narrow region of the ventro-lateral skin running from the axilla to the groin. Ectodysplasin (Eda) is a tumor necrosis factor family ligand that regulates morphogenesis of several ectodermal appendages. We have previously shown that transgenic overexpression of Eda (K14-Eda mice) induces formation of supernumerary mammary placodes along the mammary line. Here, we investigate in more detail the role of Eda and its downstream mediator transcription factor NF-kappa B in mammary cell fate specification. We report that K14-Eda mice harbor accessory mammary glands also in the neck region indicating wider epidermal cell plasticity that previously appreciated. We show that even though NF-kappa B is not required for formation of endogenous mammary placodes, it is indispensable for the ability of Eda to induce supernumerary placodes. A genome-wide profiling of Eda-induced genes in mammary buds identified several Wnt pathway components as potential transcriptional targets of Eda. Using an ex vivo culture system, we show that suppression of canonical Wnt signalling leads to a dose-dependent inhibition of supernumerary placodes in K14-Eda tissue explants.Peer reviewe

    Ectodysplasin target gene Fgf20 regulates mammary bud growth and ductal invasion and branching during puberty

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    Mammary gland development begins with the appearance of epithelial placodes that invaginate, sprout, and branch to form small arborized trees by birth. The second phase of ductal growth and branching is driven by the highly invasive structures called terminal end buds (TEBs) that form at ductal tips at the onset of puberty. Ectodysplasin (Eda), a tumor necrosis factor-like ligand, is essential for the development of skin appendages including the breast. In mice, Eda regulates mammary placode formation and branching morphogenesis, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. Fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) receptors have a recognized role in mammary ductal development and stem cell maintenance, but the ligands involved are ill-defined. Here we report that Fgf20 is expressed in embryonic mammary glands and is regulated by the Eda pathway. Fgf20 deficiency does not impede mammary gland induction, but compromises mammary bud growth, as well as TEB formation, ductal outgrowth and branching during puberty. We further show that loss of Fgf20 delays formation of Eda-induced supernumerary mammary buds and normalizes the embryonic and postnatal hyperbranching phenotype of Eda overexpressing mice. These findings identify a hitherto unknown function for Fgf20 in mammary budding and branching morphogenesis.Peer reviewe

    Aversive emotional interference impacts behavior and prefronto-striatal activity during increasing attentional control

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    Earlier studies have demonstrated that emotional stimulation modulates attentional processing during goal directed behavior and related activity of a brain network including the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and the caudate nucleus. However, it is not clear how emotional interference modulates behavior and brain physiology during variation in attentional control, a relevant question for everyday life situations in which both emotional stimuli and cognitive load vary. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of negative emotions on behavior and activity in IFG and caudate nucleus during increasing levels of attentional control. Twenty two healthy subjects underwent event related functional magnetic resonance imaging while performing a task in which neutral or fearful facial expressions were displayed before stimuli eliciting increasing levels of attentional control processing. Results indicated slower reaction time (RI) and greater right IFG activity when fearful compared with neutral facial expressions preceded the low level of attentional control. On the other hand, fearful facial expressions preceding the intermediate level of attentional control elicited faster behavioral responses and greater activity in the right and left sides of the caudate. Finally, correlation analysis indicated a relationship between behavioral correlates of attentional control after emotional interference and right IFG activity. All together, these results suggest that the impact of negative emotions on attentional processing is differentially elicited at the behavioral and physiological levels as a function of cognitive load.Peer reviewe

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    Deficiency of ER beta and prostate tumorigenesis in FGF8b transgenic mice

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    Estrogens contribute to the development and growth of the prostate and are implicated in prostate tumorigenesis. In their target tissues, estrogens mediate their effects via estrogen receptor alpha (ER alpha (ESR1)) and beta (ER beta (ESR2)). Hyperplasia and decreased differentiation of epithelial cells in the prostate have been reported in ER beta knockout (BERKO) mice. Herein, we studied the effect of ER beta deficiency on prostate tumorigenesis by crossing BERKOFVB mice with prostate-targeted human fibroblast growth factor 8b transgenic (FGF8b-Tg) mice. Consistent with results described in our previous report, the prostates of 1-year-old FGF8b-Tg mice displayed stromal aberrations, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (mPIN) lesions, inflammation, and occasionally cancer. The prostates of BERKOFVB mice exhibited mild epithelial hypercellularity and inflammation. The prostate phenotypes of FGF8b-Tg-BERKOFVB mice closely resembled those of FGF8b-Tg mice. However, mucinous metaplasia, indicated by Goblet-like cells in the epithelium, was significantly more frequent in the prostates of FGF8b-Tg-BERKOFVB mice when compared with FGF8b-Tg mice. Furthermore, compared with FGF8b-Tg mice, there was a tendency for increased frequency of inflammation but milder hyperplasias in the prostate stroma of FGF8b-Tg-BERKOFVB mice. The expression levels of mRNAs for FGF8b-regulated genes including osteopontin (Spp1), connective tissue growth factor (Ctgf), fibroblast growth factor receptors (Fgfrs), and steroid hormone receptors and cytokines were similar in the prostates of FGF8b-Tg and FGF8b-Tg-BERKOFVB mice. Our results indicate that ER beta plays a role in the differentiation of the prostatic epithelium and, potentially, in the defensive mechanism required for protection against inflammation but do not support a direct tumor-suppressive function of ER beta in the prostate of FGF8b-Tg mice

    Androgens Inhibit the Stimulatory Action of 17β-Estradiol on Normal Human Breast Tissue in Explant Cultures.

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    Background: The data concerning the effects and safety of androgen in human breast tissue are conflicting. Objective: Our aim was to analyze the effects of androgens on normal human breast tissue (HBT). Approach: We cultured explants of HBT (obtained from reduction mammoplasty operations of postmenopausal women) with or without testosterone (T) and 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or in combination with 17β-estradiol (E(2)) for 7 and 14 d to study the effects of androgens on proliferation, apoptosis, target gene expression, and steroid receptors. The androgen receptor (AR) and estrogen receptor (ER) dependences of the effects were studied with the antihormones bicalutamide and fulvestrant, respectively.Results:The hormone responsiveness of cultured breast tissue was assessed by assaying apolipoprotein-D and prostate-specific antigen expression increased by androgens and amphiregulin and trefoil factor-1 expression induced by E(2) treatment. T and DHT reduced proliferation and increased apoptosis in breast epithelium, the effects of which were reversed by bicalutamide. In combination with E(2), they suppressed E(2)-stimulated proliferation and cell survival. DHT also inhibited basal (P < 0.05) and E(2)-induced expression of cyclin-D1 mRNA (P < 0.05). Immunohistochemistry showed that T (P < 0.05) and DHT (P < 0.05) increased the relative number of AR-positive cells, whereas ERα-positive (P < 0.001) cell numbers were strongly decreased. The percentage of ERβ-positive cells remained unchanged. E(2) treatment increased ERα-positive (P < 0.01) cells, whereas AR- (P < 0.05) and ERβ-expressing (P < 0.001) cells diminished. These effects were repressed in combination cultures of E(2) with T and DHT. Conclusion: T and DHT inhibited proliferation and increased apoptosis in the epithelium of cultured normal HBT and opposed E(2)-stimulated proliferation and cell survival in an AR-dependent manner. These effects were associated with changes in the proportions of ERα- and AR-positive epithelial cells

    Fibroblast Growth Factor 8b Causes Progressive Stromal and Epithelial Changes in the Epididymis and Degeneration of the Seminiferous Epithelium in the Testis of Transgenic Mice

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    Transgenic (Tg) mice expressing human fibroblast growth factor 8b (FGF8-b) under the probasin promoter (Tg [Pbsn-FGF8] L2-L5Elo; hereafter referred to as FGF8-b-Tg) were shown to produce FGF8-b at high levels in the prostate and epididymis and at lower levels in the testis. The present study examined the effects of FGF8-b expression on the epididymis and testis. In old (age, >6 mo) FGF8-b-Tg mice, epididymides were frequently enlarged, with epithelial and stromal hypercellularity progressing upon aging to epithelial dysplasia and malignant transformation of stroma. In addition, oligospermia, dilatation of the duct, and inflammation were frequently observed in the epididymides. In association with the epididymal changes, some FGF8-b-Tg mice presented a degenerative seminiferous epithelium of the testis. Consistent with this observation, infertile males were found in two FGF8-b-Tg mouse lines. Masson trichrome staining and immunohistochemical analysis of smooth muscle actin, laminin, and androgen receptor revealed that changes in the epididymal stroma closely resembled those previously found in the prostates of the FGF8-b-Tg mice. Genes previously found to be upregulated in the prostate of FGF8-b-Tg mice, such as osteopontin (Spp1) connective tissue growth factor (Ctgf), apolipoprotein D (Apod), and FGF receptor 1c (Fgfr1-c), were also upregulated in the epididymides, suggesting that similar molecular mechanisms were active in both tissues. However, unlike in the prostate, the changes in the epididymal epithelium of the FGF8-b-Tg mice did not progress into invasive carcinoma. The results suggest that prolonged and enhanced FGF signaling induces dramatic changes in the epididymis and testis that lead to infertility in a portion of the FGF8-b-Tg males