35 research outputs found

    Testing the extraction of past seawater Nd isotopic composition from North Atlantic deep sea sediments and foraminifera

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    Neodymium isotopes provide a paleoceanographic proxy for past deep water circulation and local weathering changes and have been measured on various authigenic marine sediment components, including fish teeth, ferromanganese oxides extracted by acid-reductive leaching, cleaned foraminifera, and foraminifera with Fe-Mn oxide coatings. Here we compare Nd isotopic measurements obtained from ferromanganese oxides leached from bulk sediments and planktonic foraminifera, as well as from oxidatively-reductively cleaned foraminiferal shells from sediment cores in the North Atlantic. Sedimentary volcanic ash contributes a significant fraction of the Nd when the ferro-manganese (Fe-Mn) oxide coatings are leached from bulk sediments. Reductive leachates of marine sediments from North Atlantic core tops near Iceland, or directly downstream from Iceland-Scotland Overflow Waters, record ɛNd values that are significantly higher than seawater, indicating that volcanic material is easily leached by acid-reductive methods. The ɛNd values from sites more distal to Iceland are similar to modern seawater values, showing little contamination from Iceland-derived volcanogenic material. In all comparisons, core top planktonic foraminifera ɛNd values more closely approximate modern deep seawater than the bulk sediment reductive leached value suggesting that the foraminifera provide a route toward quantifying the Nd isotopic signature of deep North Atlantic water masses

    Antarctic Intermediate Water properties since 400 ka recorded in infaunal (Uvigerina peregrina) and epifaunal (Planulina wuellerstorfi) benthic foraminifera

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    Reconstruction of intermediate water properties is important for understanding feedbacks within the ocean-climate system, particularly since these water masses are capable of driving high–low latitude teleconnections. Nevertheless, information about intermediate water mass evolution through the late Pleistocene remains limited. This paper examines changes in Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), the most extensive intermediate water mass in the modern ocean through the last 400 kyr using the stable isotopic composition (δ18O and δ13C) and trace element concentration (Mg/Ca and B/Ca) of two benthic foraminiferal species from the same samples: epifaunal Planulina wuellerstorfi and infaunal Uvigerina peregrina. Our results confirm that the most reasonable estimates of AAIW temperature and Δ[CO2−3] are generated by Mg/CaU. peregrina and B/CaP. wuellerstorfi, respectively. We present a 400 kyr record of intermediate water temperature and Δ[CO2−3] from a sediment core from the Southwest Pacific (DSDP site 593; 40°30′S, 167°41′E, 1068 m water depth), which lies within the core of modern AAIW. Our results suggest that a combination of geochemical analyses on both infaunal and epifaunal benthic foraminiferal species yields important information about this critical water mass through the late Pleistocene. When combined with two nearby records of water properties from deeper depths, our data demonstrate that during interglacial stages of the late Pleistocene, AAIW and Circumpolar Deep Water (CPDW) have more similar water mass properties (temperature and δ13C), while glacial stages are typified by dissimilar properties between AAIW and CPDW in the Southwest Pacific. Our new Δ[CO2−3] record shows short time-scale variations, but a lack of coherent glacial–interglacial variability indicating that large quantities of carbon were not stored in intermediate waters during recent glacial periods

    Using Science, Engineering, and Education to Address Water Supply Challenges in the Highlands of Guatemala

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    Economic and Environmental Benefits of Using a Wind Turbine to Power a Groundwater Remediation System

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    A global evaluation of temperature and carbonate ion control on Mg/Ca ratios of ostracoda genus Krithe

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    [1] Improving estimates of past ocean temperatures is paramount to our understanding of ocean circulation and its role in climate change. Magnesium/calcium (Mg/Ca) ratios of carapaces of the benthic ostracod genus Krithe were determined from new, globally distributed core top samples from the Norwegian Sea, Cape Hatteras shelf, Gulf of Mexico, Sulawesi Margin (Indonesia), New Zealand shelf, Ceara Rise, and the North Atlantic. A linear regression of the Krithe Mg/Ca ratios and bottom water temperature (BWT) reveals a significant correlation for locations where temperature during carapace calcification was above ∼3°C, which can be described by the equation Mg/Ca = (0.972 ± 0.152) * BWT + (7.948 ± 1.103) consistent with previous North Atlantic calibrations. Deviations from the global calibration line below ∼3°C follow the same pattern observed for benthic foraminifera, suggesting that the incorporation of magnesium into ostracodal calcite may be secondarily controlled by changes in carbonate ion concentration. Therefore, we propose a linear regression that describes the relationship between magnesium incorporation, temperature, and carbonate saturation for low temperatures (<3°C); Mg/Ca = (0.972 ± 0.152) * BWT + (0.100 ± 0.030) * Δ[CO32−]) + (4.440 ± 1.103) (1 SE = ± 0.3°C). While the standard error of the calibration is small, it requires an accurate knowledge of past Δ[CO32−] concentration, which necessitates additional proxy data. Applying the calibration to glacial samples from the deep North Atlantic Ocean we show that estimates of bottom water temperatures generated from the new Δ[CO32−]- corrected equations are more consistent with results from oxygen isotopes and pore water studies

    Determination of B/Ca of natural carbonates by HR-ICP-MS

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    We report a new method for HR-ICP-MS based accurate and precise B/Ca determination from low mass natural carbonates (≤5 µg CaCO3), utilizing a mixed acid matrix (0.1 M HNO3 and 0.3 M HF) and accurate matrix matching technique. Our procedural B/Ca blank of 2.0 ± 1.0 µmol/mol, internal precision ≤1.0%, average within run external precision ≤4.0% (2σ), and rapid sample analysis (60 samples/day) make the method well suited for routine measurements. Established methods of B/Ca determination require ≥65 µg CaCO3 to achieve a comparable external precision of 3.5% (2σ). We report a B/Ca detection limit of 2 µmol/mol compared to ≥10 µmol/mol for previous methods, a fivefold improvement. The method presented here can determine a wide range of B/Ca (9.0–250 µmol/mol) in mass limited samples with considerable tolerance for matrix matching efficiency (≤±30%). The long-term reproducibility of B/Ca measured on Cambridge in-house consistency standards containing <20, ∼85, and ∼200 µmol/mol of B/Ca are ±3.7% (2σ, n = 100), ±3.9% (2σ, n = 150), and ±3.2% (2 s, n =180), respectively. A host of other trace element to Ca ratios can also be determined at comparable external precision from samples containing ≤5 µg CaCO3. This method is suitable for trace element analysis of single foraminifera shells

    Mid Pleistocene foraminiferal mass extinction coupled with phytoplankton evolution

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    Understanding the interaction between climate and biotic evolution is crucial for deciphering the sensitivity of life. An enigmatic global mass extinction occurred in the deep oceans during the Mid Pleistocene, with a loss of over 100 species (20%) of sea floor calcareous foraminifera. An evolutionarily conservative group, benthic foraminifera often comprise >50% of benthic eukaryote biomass on the deep ocean floor. Here, we test extinction hypotheses (temperature, corrosiveness, productivity) in the Tasman Sea, using geochemistry and micropalaeontology, and find evidence from several globally distributed sites for a change in phytoplankton food source as the extinction cause. Coccolithophore evolution may have enhanced the seasonal ‘bloom’ nature of primary productivity and fundamentally shifted it towards a more intra-annually variable state at ~0.8 Ma. Our results highlight seasonality as a potential new consideration for Mid-Pleistocene global biogeochemical climate models, and imply that deep sea biota may be sensitive to future changes in productivity