699 research outputs found

    Tyttöjen fysiikkatunto ja kiinnostus fysiikkaan

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    Tutkimuksessa tutkittiin tyttöjen itseluottamusta fysiikassa sekä kiinnostusta fysiikkaan. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat oppilaiden fysiikan opiskeluun koulussa ja miten opiskelijoita voitaisiin tukea fysiikan opiskelussa. Tässä tutkimuksessa keskityttiin kolmeen oppilaaseen vaikuttavaan tekijään: avaruudelliseen hahmotuskykyyn, kiinnostukseen fysiikassa sekä fysiikkatuntoon. Oppilaan avaruudellinen hahmotuskyky alkaa kehittyä jo ennen fysiikan opetuksen alkua ja se on merkittävässä osassa ratkaistaessa tehtäviä ja hahmotettaessa fysiikan ilmiöitä. Kyky on ominainen, mutta sitä voidaan kehittää opetuksen avulla. Oppilaan kiinnostuminen fysiikan aiheeseen vaatii kiinnostuksen syttymisen ja kiinnipitämisen, jolloin kiinnostus voi muuttua sisäiseksi motivaatioksi. Oppilaita kiinnostavat fysiikan aiheet ja kontekstit riippuvat oppilaan sukupuolesta (kuitenkin niin, että tyttöjä kiinnostavat aiheet kiinnostavat myös poikia). Fysiikkatunto, eli itseluottamus fysiikassa, on osa suoritusitsetuntoa ja sen kehittyminen vaatii oppilaalta, opettajalta ja luokalta panostusta. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin yhdeksäsluokkalaisia tyttöjä heidän kokemuksistaan fysiikasta ja fysiikanopetuksesta. Haastattelujen lisäksi oppilaat oallistuivat avaruudellista hahmotuskykyä mittaavaan testiin. Tutkimuksen mukaan tytöillä, joilla on hyvä avaruudellinen hahmotuskyky, on myös parhaat fysiikan oppimistulokset. Tyttöjä parhaiten tukeva oppimisympäristö on sekaryhmä, kunhan ryhmädynamiikka on opiskelua tukeva. Tyttöjä ei kiinnosta nykyinen koulufysiikan konteksti, vaan he toivovat fysiikan liittyvän enemmän arkipäivään ja heihin itseensä. Haastatelluista oppilaista vain yhdellä oli hyvä fysiikkatunto. Muilla haastatelluista oppilaista fysiikkatunto oli heikko ja se ilmeni uskon puutteena omiin kykyihin

    Visual Stereotypes of Tatars in the Finnish Press from the 1890s to the 1910s

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    Visual stereotypes constitute a set of tropes through which the Other is described and depicted to an audience, who perhaps never will encounter the individuals that those tropes purport to represent. Upon the arrival of Muslim Tatar traders in Finland in the late nineteenth century, newspapers and satirical journals utilized visual stereotypes to identify the new arrivals and draw demarcation lines between them and what was considered “Finnish”. The Tatars arrived during a time of tension in the relationship between the autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland and the Russian Empire, with the Finnish intelligentsia divided along political and language lines. Stereotypical images of Tatar pedlars were used as insults against political opponents within Finland and as covert criticism of the policies of the Russian Empire. Stereotypes about ethnic and religious minorities like the Tatars fulfilled a political need for substitute enemy images; after Finland became independent in 1917, these visual stereotypes almost disappeared.Peer reviewe

    Excitation of carriers from imperfections in diamond

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    Multidecadal time series of satellite-detected accumulations of cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea

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    Cyanobacteria, primarily of the species \textit{Nodularia spumigena}, form extensive surface accumulations in the Baltic Sea in July and August, ranging from diffuse flakes to dense surface scums. The area of these accumulations can reach ~ 200 000 km<sup>2</sup>. We describe the compilation of a 35-year-long time series (1979–2013) of cyanobacteria surface accumulations in the Baltic Sea using multiple satellite sensors. This appears to be one of the longest satellite-based time series in biological oceanography. The satellite algorithm is based on remote sensing reflectance of the water in the red band, a measure of turbidity. Validation of the satellite algorithm using horizontal transects from a ship of opportunity showed the strongest relationship with phycocyanin fluorescence (an indicator of cyanobacteria), followed by turbidity and then by chlorophyll <i>a</i> fluorescence. The areal fraction with cyanobacteria accumulations (FCA) and the total accumulated area affected (TA) were used to characterize the intensity and extent of the accumulations. The fraction with cyanobacteria accumulations was calculated as the ratio of the number of detected accumulations to the number of cloud-free sea-surface views per pixel during the season (July–August). The total accumulated area affected was calculated by adding the area of pixels where accumulations were detected at least once during the season. The fraction with cyanobacteria accumulations and TA were correlated (<i>R</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.55) and both showed large interannual and decadal-scale variations. The average FCA was significantly higher for the second half of the time series (13.8%, 1997–2013) than for the first half (8.6%, 1979–1996). However, that does not seem to represent a long-term trend but decadal-scale oscillations. Cyanobacteria accumulations were common in the 1970s and early 1980s (FCA between 11–17%), but rare (FCA below 4%) during 1985–1990; they increased again starting in 1991 and particularly in 1999, reaching maxima in FCA (~ 25%) and TA (~ 210 000 km<sup>2</sup>) in 2005 and 2008. After 2008, FCA declined to more moderate levels (6–17%). The timing of the accumulations has become earlier in the season, at a mean rate of 0.6 days per year, resulting in approximately 20 days advancement during the study period. The interannual variations in FCA are positively correlated with the concentration of chlorophyll <i>a</i> during July–August sampled at the depth of ~ 5 m by a ship of opportunity, but interannual variations in FCA are more pronounced as the coefficient of variation is over 5 times higher

    Cost-Benefit Analysis in a Framework of Stakeholder Involvement and Integrated Coastal Zone Modeling

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    Active involvement of local stakeholders is currently an increasingly important requirement in European environmental regulations such as the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The same is true for economic analyses such as cost-benefit analysis (CBA). For example, the Swedish WFD implementation requires i) quantification of cost and benefits of proposed measures and ii) stakeholder involvement. How can these two requirements be integrated in practice? And can such requirements facilitate implementation of projects with a potential net benefit? This paper presents a stepwise CBA procedure with participatory elements and applies it for evaluating nutrient management options for reducing eutrophication effects in the coastal area of Himmerfjärden SW of Stockholm, Sweden. The CBA indicates a positive net benefit for a combination of options involving increased nitrogen removal at a major sewage treatment plant, creation of new wetlands and connecting a proportion of private sewers to sewage treatment plants. The procedure also illustrates how the interdisciplinary development of a coupled ecological-economic simulation model can be used as a tool for facilitating the involvement of stakeholders in a CBA.cost-benefit analysis; stakeholder involvement; integrated modeling; eutrophication

    Changing seasonality of the Baltic Sea

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    Changes in the phenology of physical and ecological variables associated with climate change are likely to have significant effect on many aspects of the Baltic ecosystem. We apply a set of phenological indicators to multiple environmental variables measured by satellite sensors for 17–36 years to detect possible changes in the seasonality in the Baltic Sea environment. We detect significant temporal changes, such as earlier start of the summer season and prolongation of the productive season, in several variables ranging from basic physical drivers to ecological status indicators. While increasing trends in the absolute values of variables like sea-surface temperature (SST), diffuse attenuation of light (Ked490) and satellite-detected chlorophyll concentration (CHL) are detectable, the corresponding changes in their seasonal cycles are more dramatic. For example, the cumulative sum of 30 000 W m−2 of surface incoming shortwave irradiance (SIS) was reached 23 days earlier in 2014 compared to the beginning of the time series in 1983. The period of the year with SST of at least 17 °C has almost doubled (from 29 days in 1982 to 56 days in 2014), and the period with Ked490 over 0.4 m−1 has increased from about 60 days in 1998 to 240 days in 2013 – i.e., quadrupled. The period with satellite-estimated CHL of at least 3 mg m−3 has doubled from approximately 110 days in 1998 to 220 days in 2013. While the timing of both the phytoplankton spring and summer blooms have advanced, the annual CHL maximum that in the 1980s corresponded to the spring diatom bloom in May has now shifted to the summer cyanobacteria bloom in July

    Klasskamp och klubbekrig - Mellankrigstidens finländska vänsterpress och Sverige

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    How did the image of Sweden and "swedishness" reflect the construction of a Finnish national identity during the time period 1918-1939? This paper focuses on the socialist and left-wing liberal press of that time. Language: Swedis

    Utrustning inom svensk travsport

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    The trotting in Sweden has a good reputation in an international view, both in the perspective of success and how the sport is managed with focus on security, animal protection and animal welfare. A large number of equipment details are fitted on the horses during training and competition. The Swedish law of prevention of cruelty to animals regulate training and competition with racehorses, and propose to protect horses from unnecessary suffering. The equipment permitted in races is regulated in Tävlingsreglementet (The Regulation of Competititon) and in the regulations of equipment, that the Nordic Regulation Committee and Nordic Animal Welfare Committee have worked out. Due to training and competition the equipment must even meet the Swedish law of prevention of cruelty to animals. However, the behaviour or the senses of the horses is often affected by the equipment due to the way the equipment corrects, modifies, restrains or reduces the behaviour of the horse, which may cause the horse stress or discomfort. The purpose with the equipment is to help the horse and to prevent accidents and injuries. Hence equipment may both benefit and reduce animal welfare. The aim of this work is to investigate how and why equipment is used by the Swedish trotter trainers. The answers given by the trainers were compared with the literature to give suggestions to alterantions and improvements of equipment use and regulations in the Swedish trotting. Trotter trainers were interviewed about how and why they use equipment fitted to the horse. The answers show some variations in when and why equipment is used. All of the interviewed trainers stated that they were satisfied with the, of today, regulations about equipment, but some of the trainers pointed out that they want to entering some alterations in the Tävlingsreglementet (The regulation of competition), and in the approval of some equipments. The literature review study showed importance of learning occouring correctly, and that ethology, senses and individual differences is taken in account. Conclusions from this work are that equipment may be a welfare concern due in the way it affects the horse behaviour and senses, and that there are equipments that may not fulfil the Swedish law of prevention of cruelty to animals. Reinforced by the result from this work, it is important to do further research in this field

    Structure and dynamics of Baltic benthos communities, with particular reference to the relationship between macro- and meiofauna

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    The Baltic Sea is one of the largest brackish water areas in the world, and osmotic stress has severely reduced the number of species in its benthic macro-and meiofauna. This leads to an almost uniquety simple benthic ecosystem. - The benthic macrofauna shows a steep north to south increase in biomass, from mean values of about 1 gm-2 wet weight in the Bothnian Bay, to over 100gm-2 above the halocline in the northern Baltic proper, and even higher values in the southwestern Baltic. Meiofauna biomass is much less variable, and increases only from about 2 gm-2 wet weight to about 6 gm-2 along the same gradient. There is also a north-south gradient in phytoplankton primary production, with an increase by a factor of about 3 to 6. Very low salinities (2-3‰S) exclude filter-feeding bivalves from most of the Bothnian Bay, explaining in part the extremely low biomasses in the north. When filter-feeders are substracted, the benthos-feeding macrofauna biomass still increases more from north to south than the primary production, while the meiofauna biomass, on the other hand' increases less. Calculations are presented which indicate that the total resource use by benthos-feeding macro + meiofauna increases rounghly in proportion to the primary production. The observed shift in dominance from meiofauna to macrofauna is attributed to meiofauna being competitively superior in low food environments (Bothnian Bay), while in richer environments predation by macrofauna limits meiofauna populations (Bothnian Sea, Baltic proper). -Most of the Baltic shows strong salinity stratification, with little or no oxygen present below the primary halocline. This leads to an oxygen-dependent zonation of the fauna, with macrofauna disappearing at higher oxygen levels than some of the meiofauna. Nematodes in low numbers persist even in areas which have been anoxic for long periods. -The secondary productivity of the widely distributed Pontoporeia community is described, and it is concluded that the Pontoporeia populations are primarily food limited, and that the benthic system is intimately coupled to the pelagic system, and may respond to events in the plankton within weeks. -Attempts to estimate the energy flow through the benthos of the Askö-Landort area (N. Baltic proper) indicate that 40 -60gCm to fuel the benthos. - Finally, direct interactions between macro- and meiofauna are discussed. The evidence for control of meiofauna populations by macrofauna predation is suggestive, but not yet conclusive. Examples are also given of more positive interactions between macro- and meiofauna, and it is proposed that a proper balance between different size classes of benthos may be necessary for efficient remineralization