285 research outputs found

    Generation of improved E.coli strains to be used in the construction of ligand libraries

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Biotechnology, Izmir, 2005Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 56)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxiv, 75 leavesThe first step in the construction of ligand libraries is the total cloning of gene fragments coding millions of ligand variants into selected plasmid vectors. Since ligand proteins are expressed in fusion with the phage pIII protein, they can be incorporated into the newly synthesized phage particles in bacteria. The other proteins that make up the phage particle are supplied by the super infection of bacteria containing the ligand DNA clones with the helper phage. The diversity of the ligand libraries is directly proportional to the number of different gene fragments. In the current phage display technology, there are some drawbacks which can dramatically influence the diversity of a given ligand library. One of the drawbacks arises from the fact that, theoretically half of the phage particles, which are produced after super-infection, can carry only the helper phage genome instead of the ligand gene, even though they display a specific ligand protein. These phages can compete with those which carry both the ligand gene and its protein during the selection process and consequently they loose the ligand protein during the second round of selection. In any given library, this problem can cause the loss of rare but functionally very important ligands during the sequential selection procedure. Another drawback is the reinfection of a super-infected bacteria during or after the super-infection. This can increase the frequency of those phage particles which only carry the helper-phage genome, in the total phage population.These two disadvantages in the phage display technology are due to super-infection.This study aimed at the elimination of the super-infection step from the phage display technology by the insertion of M13 phage genome excluding intergenic region which contains the DNA sequences necessary for replication instead of uses of helper phage.To accomplish this purpose, Homologous Recombination method was used. It is an in vivo method for the replacement, deletion or insertion of sequences in bacteria.After Homologous Recombination, three colonies were observed and observed colonies were exposed some confirmation tests. First step of these tests was related to the presence of unique recombination cassette sequences in chromosomal DNA.Results we obtained showed that the presence of such fragments in chromosomal DNA. However, the functional test of the M13 genes in E.coli chromosome suggested the toxicity of an unidentified M13 gene products on E.coli chromosome

    Organik Koşullarda Uzun Süreli Önbitki - Salçalık Biber (Capsicum annum L. cv. Kapya) Kombinasyonu Şeklinde Yapılan Yetiştiriciliğin Verim Meyve ve Toprak Özelliklerine Etkisi

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    Çalışma 2001-2010 yıllarında Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Menemen Araştırma Uygulama ve Üretim Çiftliğinin “organik” sertifikalı alanında yürütülmüştür. Ana bitki olarak Yalova Yağlık 28 kapya biber çeşidi, ön bitki olarak da fiğ, kırmızı lahana, marul, bakla, brokkoli, kereviz, karnabahar ve bezelye kullanılmıştır. Organik tarım yönetmeliğine uygun yürütülen çalışmada 9 yıllık süre içerisinde ön bitkilere göre elde edilen biber verim değerleri ile bazı kalite özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Her ön bitki üretiminden sonra alınan toprak örneğinde de organik madde ve bitki besin elementlerindeki değişim incelenmiştir. Çalışmadan elde edilen verilere göre, fiğ ön bitkisi desteğindeki geçiş sürecinde yüksek oranlarda (4352 kg da-1) elde edilen biber toplam verim değeri, organik sertifikanın başlangıç yıllarında önemli oranda azalış göstermiştir. Ancak organik sertifikalı son yıllarda ise yükselen eğilimle devam ederek ilk geçiş yıllarında elde edilen verim değerlerine benzer seviyelere (4172 kg da-1) ulaşmıştır. Ayrıca toplam 9 yıllık süreçte diğer ön bitki türleri ile karşılaştırıldığında özellikle fiğ, bakla ve bezelye sonrasında elde edilen yüksek verim değerleri (sırasıyla 4352 kg da-1, 3666 kg da-1, 4172 kg da-1) dikkat çekici bulunmuştur. Deneme alanına ait toprakta ilk yıllarda belirlenen % 1.66-1.77 organik madde miktarı, % 3.15-3.97’ye; toplam N içeriği de % 0.08-0.09’dan % 0.19-0.21’e yükselmiştir. Buna karşılık alınabilir P ve K miktarlarında; N içeriğindeki gibi düzenli bir artışın olmadığı, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu ve Mn içeriklerinin ise organik yetiştiricilik sürecindeki değişime paralel olarak artış gösterdiği saptanmıştır

    Higher Dimensional Chaotic Linear Transformations of Colored Image Encryptions

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    In this study, a well-known chaotic transformation namely Arnold’s CAT map is used to extend 2-dimensional mapping to a higher dimension. This extension is achieved by means of the planar extension and Multinacci series. The demonstration of a 3-dimensional Arnold’s CAT map is performed by RGB component substitution of a colored image. For this purpose, the colored image is converted from a standard RGB space into an intensity-hue-saturation (IHS) space. Consequently, both Chebyshev and Hadamard map is employed for encryption of the intensity component. Besides, CAT map is engaged to encrypt the hue and saturation components. According to the results, the proposed method has a great potential to be an efficient tool for data encryption.Tubita

    An Efficient Image Encryption Algorithm for the Period of Arnold's CAT Map

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    Arnold's CAT Map (ACM) is a chaotic transformation of the 2-dimensional toral automorphism T^2 defined by the mapping Γ ∶ T^2 → T^2. There are many applications of ACM in various research areas such as: steganography, encryption of images, texts and watermarks. The transformation of an image is achieved by the randomized order of pixels. After a finite number of repetitions of the transformation, the original image reappears. In this study, encryption of two images is demonstrated together with a proposed algorithm. Moreover, the periodicity of ACM is discussed and an algorithm to change the period of ACM is suggested. The resultant period obtained from the new algorithm is compared with the period obtained from the usual ACM. The results show that the period of the proposed algorithm grows exponentially while the period of ACM has an upper bound

    A Case Report of Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection

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    DergiPark: 420845tmsjAims: Spontaneous coronary artery dissection is a random rupture of the coronary artery wall, which may leadto ischemia of the heart tissue. 30% of the cases are male patients. The aim of this article is to report a patient withspontaneous coronary artery dissection, raise awareness and extend the literature.Case Report: A 43-year-old male patient was presented to Trakya University Hospital with a complaint of persistentchest pain. The patient underwent coronary angiography, revealing spontaneous coronary artery dissection inthe left anterior descending artery and circumflex artery.Conclusion: In this case report, we demonstrated the diagnosis of spontaneous coronary artery dissection withcoronary angiography. Our patient had the most common dissection, left anterior descending artery, right coronaryartery and left main coronary artery. Only medical therapy could be started for the patient due to his voluntary discharge

    The Epidemiology of Vascular Dementia

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    Research of Urgent Biochemistry Test Ordering Habit

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    DergiPark: 481892tmsjAims: This study aims to reveal the inappropriate use of biochemical laboratory testing at Trakya University Hospital Biochemistry Laboratory, increase the awareness of the physicians and prevent time loss.Methods: This study was descriptive, retrospective and carried out by scanning data resources. Two 48-hour intervals were chosen to evaluate the test ordering habits of the physicians working at Trakya University Hospital. Between the dates of 3rd - 5th of November 2017, Trakya University Hospital Biochemistry Laboratory was working fully functionally. However, between the dates of 10th - 12th of November 2017, the automation system of the hospital was scheduled to be shutdown due to a technical error. All the physicians working at Trakya University Hospital were informed about the technical error of the automation system and were told that they would need to order only stat tests by using old-fashioned test request forms. The data of ordered tests in these two-time intervals were analyzed and compared by using frequencies and percentages as descriptive statistics. Results: The mean number of tests per patient was 23 between 3rd - 5th of November 2017 and 15.5 between 10th - 12th of November 2017. The number of patients who had at least one test order decreased only 13.1% between 10th - 12th of November 2017. The total number of departments who made at least one test order increased by one between 10th - 12th of November 2017. Conclusion: This study indicates that physicians should be more careful while ordering tests which are necessary. Therefore, there is a need for better communication between the laboratory staff and physicians that also plays a significant role in providing better health care for the patients

    Lıpoma and ıncomplete agenesıs of the corpus callosum assocıated wıth arachnoıd cyst located ın the temporal pole: case report

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    This is a rare case of corpus callosum lipoma appearing with an intracranial arachnoid cyst located in the temporal pole. This case has been incidentally diagnosed by cranial computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging