16 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis empiris menggunakan data primer dari wawancara kepada responden. Syahbandar di pelabuhan adalah seorang pejabat pemerintah yang ditunjuk oleh Menteri dengan otoritas tertinggi untuk mengawasi penegakan hukum menjamin keselamatan dan keamanan pelayaran. Salah satu otoritasnya adalah pencegahan dan pengendalian pencemaran minyak di laut oleh kapal tanker. Dalam pelaksanaan akan pengurangan dan pencegahan polusi. Syahbandar memiliki peran utama dalam kewajiban negara sebagai negara berdaulat pesisir, termasuk diantaranya adalah penegakan hukum maritim wilayah administratif, perdata dan pidana. Tugas Syahbandar dalam melakukan pencegahan polusi ini menjabat sebagai Koordinator/Komandan Puskodalok (Pusat Komando dan Lokasi), suatu tim yang terdiri dari Kepolisian, Angkatan Laut, Pertamina (perusahaan gas dan minyak) dan pemerintah daerah. Tim yang dibentuk untuk mengendalikan dan mencegah pencemaran yang disebut Tier 1 telah membatasi kewenangan dengan kategori tumpahan minyak tanggap darurat yang terjadi di dalam atau di luar wilayah Pelabuhan atau minyak dan aktivitas gas atau unit lain yang bisa ditangani oleh infrastruktur, fasilitas dan sumber daya manusia yang tersedia di pelabuhan atau unit minyak dan gas atau unit kegiatan lainnya.This research was designed by empirical juridical approach study used primary data from an in-depth interview of respondens. Syahbandar at the port was an government official who are appointed by the Minister with a supreme authority to supervise the enforcement of legislation ensuring the safety and security of shipping. One of his authority was the prevention and control of oil pollution at sea by tanker. In the implementation of reduction and prevention pollution, the Syahbandar had a main  role as a mandatory in the coastal sovereign state obligation including the maritime law enforcement of administrative, civil, and criminal areas. The task of  Syahbandar in conducting pollution prevention served as the coordinator/commander of Puskodalok  (Command Control Center at location) teams consisting of the Police, the Navy, the Pertamina (State Oil and Gas Company) and the local government. The teams formed to control and prevention of pollution called Tier 1 had a restrict authority with the categorization of oil spill emergency response occurs inside or outside the Region of Interest Ports Environment (DLKP) and Working Environment Regional Ports (DLKR) or the oil and gas activity or other units that could be handled by the infrastructure, facilities and human resources that available at the port or the oil and gas activity unit or other activity units

    Implementation of Compensation for Oil Pollution by Tanker Ships in the Indonesian Legal System

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    The government needs to restructure the institutions that are responsible for prosecution and the calculation of appropriate compensation to avoid the time-consuming and complicated process of calculating losses and need to establish a loss adjuster agency. The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs is expected to be the coordinator, coordinating other agencies based on a marine data base and a method of calculating compensation for all existing resources. It is necessary to create a special procedural law system for environmental compensation considering the application of the precautionary principle, the polluter pays principle and strict liability in cases of tanker oil pollution which have special characteristics given the civil responsibility and liability for Protection & Indemnity (P&I) insurance. Keywords: Compensation, oil pollution, tankers, legal system

    Legal Protection for Online Shopping Business Receiving Fictive Orders With a Payment System on The Site or Cash on Delivery

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    ABSTRACT The implementation of buying and selling online provides many benefits to streamline time so that everyone can make buying and selling transactions wherever and whenever. However, in practice it raises several problems, such as on the Shopee shopping site with a payment system using the Cash On Delivery (COD) feature, there are obstacles that are detrimental to the seller. This obstacle is caused by consumers who do not have good intentions by disappearing suddenly when the goods arrive at the buyer's address so that the goods are not paid for and are forced to be sent back to the seller. This is clearly detrimental to the seller both in terms of material and immaterial. The focus of research in this thesis is to analyze the concept of consumer protection for Shopee sellers who implement the COD payment system. This study uses empirical juridical research methods using primary data located in Purwokerto. Data analysis techniques using qualitative methods. The results of the study show that good faith as a form of business actor's obligation to the Shopee Marketplace has been fulfilled, but there is an imbalance in the position of unilaterally canceling so that the business actor does not get his rights in the form of payment for goods. So the seller must bear the risk and the goods must be returned, and for the safety of the seller must bear the cost of resend so that COD becomes more expensive. This is referred to as the risk borne by the seller. 


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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan prinsip kehati hatian perjanjian kredit dalam layanan Pay Later pada aplikasi Shopee. Prinsip kehati-hatian adalah suatu asas yang mengatakan bahwa masyarakat bank harus menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian dalam rangka melindungi dana masyarakat yang dipercayakan kepadanya. Dalam Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No.18/SEOJK. 02/2017 tentang Tata Kelola dan Manajemen Risiko teknologi Informasi Pada Layanan Pinjam Meminjam Uang Berbasis Teknologi Informasi juga menyebutkan bahwa pengguna penyedia alih kelola teknologi harus memperhatikan prinsip kehati-hatian. Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder berupa bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier. Analisis yang digunakan adalah data kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa aplikasi Shopee tidak sepenuhnya menerapkan ketentuan yang ditetapkan dalam POJK, aplikasi Shopee masih menyimpang dari aturan yang ada. Dalam memberikan pinjaman kredit berbasis teknologi informasi, aplikasi Shopee kurang menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian yang telah ditetapkan pada SEOJK atau sebagaimana yang ditetapkan oleh Undang-Undang Perbankan pada Prinsip 5C (character, capacity, capital, collateral dan condition). Sehingga akan membuka peluang terjadinya kredit macet.Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan prinsip kehati hatian perjanjian kredit dalam layanan Pay Later pada aplikasi Shopee. Prinsip kehati-hatian adalah suatu asas yang mengatakan bahwa masyarakat bank harus menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian dalam rangka melindungi dana masyarakat yang dipercayakan kepadanya. Dalam Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No.18/SEOJK. 02/2017 tentang Tata Kelola dan Manajemen Risiko teknologi Informasi Pada Layanan Pinjam Meminjam Uang Berbasis Teknologi Informasi juga menyebutkan bahwa pengguna penyedia alih kelola teknologi harus memperhatikan prinsip kehati-hatian. Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder berupa bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier. Analisis yang digunakan adalah data kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa aplikasi Shopee tidak sepenuhnya menerapkan ketentuan yang ditetapkan dalam POJK, aplikasi Shopee masih menyimpang dari aturan yang ada. Dalam memberikan pinjaman kredit berbasis teknologi informasi, aplikasi Shopee kurang menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian yang telah ditetapkan pada SEOJK atau sebagaimana yang ditetapkan oleh Undang-Undang Perbankan pada Prinsip 5C (character, capacity, capital, collateral dan condition). Sehingga akan membuka peluang terjadinya kredit macet

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Kasus Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Online di Era Pandemi Covid-19

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    Gender equality in Indonesia is a very serious problem, because of the patriarchal culture that develops in society. With the development of information and communication technology, various forms of crime have also adapted. One example is the emergence of a new form of gender-based violence, namely Online Gender-Based Violence (KBGO). Online gender-based violence has been a global phenomenon since the early days of internet use. It has become a serious problem, and the COVID-19 pandemic has made things worse. During the COVID-19 pandemic, cases of online gender-based violence increased drastically. This is due to situations and conditions where activities that could previously be carried out directly, must be carried out online or online such as work, teaching and learning, and others. In addition, social media platforms are now very insecure because of the large number of users whose accounts are not based on real identities. In handling it, it is also not enough to only use pre-existing regulations, because it will only become a boomerang for the victims. Cases of online gender-based violence should be a serious concern for all parties

    Ecological and Social Justice as Basis on Marine Environment Protection and Preservation in The System of Indonesian Law

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    This study aimed to determine ecological and social justice as the basis for protecting and preserving the marine environment in the Indonesian legal system. This research was empirical normative legal research. The subject of the study was the implementation of favourable legal provisions in every particular legal event that occurred in society to achieve the predetermined goals. If not careful in its application (still characterized by anthropocentrism), this political economy policy could conflict with the social ecology currently developing in Indonesia through the concept of a green economy and a blue economy. The characteristics of the socialism system in the political economy related to environmental justice after the amendment to the 45th Constitution began to shift in the era of globalization so that it began to respond to ecological modernization. However, due to colliding with the concept of socialism, the ecological justice system in the Indonesian legal system had the nuances of social-ecological justice. This concept would significantly affect the fairness of compensation for oil pollution by tanker accidents in Indonesia

    Diskriminasi terhadap perempuan korban kekerasan seksual di Kabupaten Banyumas dalam prespektif religiusitas

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    The rate of sexual violence is increasing every year. Many cases of sexual violence stop midway or are only resolved at the mediation level. Even though normatively this has been completed, the victim's right to protection does not apply to living his or her life again in society. This research focuses on the response and role of religious figures in handling cases of sexual violence. This research uses a Normative Sociological approach method. The assumption that the victim's way of dressing and behaving was the trigger for this action this continued until discrimination emerged against women victims of sexual violence

    Indonesia's Role in Fulfilling the Right to Education Elementary and Intermediate in Border Areas

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    The role of the state in carrying out educational development and in order to fulfill the right to education, especially primary and secondary education in border areas must be further enhanced. The state must be present among school-age children in border areas by manifesting itself in the form of appropriate and representative school buildings. The state must exist in the form of adequate educational support facilities. The state must be present in the form of teachers and education personnel who are sufficient in number and have competence. The state must be present in the form of budget politics that supports education development in border areas. The state must also be present in a curriculum that suits the needs of school-age children in border areas as well as enhances their national insight