19 research outputs found

    Daily Activity And Microhabitat Preference of Sambar Deer (Cervus Unicolor Kerr, 1792) In The University of Lampung Sanctuary

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    The study to learn the daily activity and microhabitat preference of sambar deer was conducted in theUniversity of Lampung Sanctuary by scanning method. The general condition of the sanctuary was observed by rapidassessment method, vegetation registration was noted by one meter-quadrant. The highest daily activity proportionwere feeding (45.8%), followed by sleeping (30.6%) and resting (23.7%) respectively. Sambar microhabitatpreferences included Imperata- bushed areas for sleeping and resting activities and areas with grasses, shrubs andtrees for feeding activity

    Daily Activity And Microhabitat Preference of Sambar Deer (Cervus Unicolor Kerr, 1792) In The University of Lampung Sanctuary

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    The study to learn the daily activity and microhabitat preference of sambar deer was conducted in theUniversity of Lampung Sanctuary by scanning method. The general condition of the sanctuary was observed by rapidassessment method, vegetation registration was noted by one meter-quadrant. The highest daily activity proportionwere feeding (45.8%), followed by sleeping (30.6%) and resting (23.7%) respectively. Sambar microhabitatpreferences included Imperata- bushed areas for sleeping and resting activities and areas with grasses, shrubs andtrees for feeding activity


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    Gajah sumatera, Elephas maximus sumatranus dalam status kritis. Kendala yang dihadapi dalam upaya konservasi gajah sumatera binaan, salah satunya adalah infeksi ektoparasit. Kajian tentang jenis-jenis dan keanekaragaman ektoparasit yang menginfeksi gajah sumatera di Pusat Latihan Gajah Taman Nasional Way Kambas telah dilakukan pada bulan Maret-Mei 2017 di Pusat Latihan Gajah, Taman Nasional Way Kambas. Penentuan sampel gajah dilakukan secara Purposive sampling yaitu memilih gajah binaan yang kesehatannya kurang baik atau terindikasi terinfeksi ektoparasit. Tiga metode pengambilan sampel dilakukan meliputi metode rabaan, light trap, dan sweep net. Empat famili dan lima jenis ektoparasit yang teridentifikasi yaitu dari Famili Tabanidae dengan spesies Tabanus sp. 1, Tabanus sp. 2, Chrysops sp., Family Muscidae: Musca domestica, Famili Calliphoridae: Chrysomya sp. dan Haematomyzus elephantis dari Family Haematomyzidae

    Keanekaragaman Spesies Burung di Repong Damar Pekon Pahmungan Kecamatan Pesisir Tengah Krui Kabupaten Lampung Barat

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    Repong Damar is a management system in cultivated area by local community of Krui. It has great biodiversity and plays an important role as avian natural habitat. This research was conducted to learn the diversity of bird species in Repong Damar using concentrated method in four different locations: area between padi field and forest, settlement area, opened damar forest, and damar forest. Three replications were done on each location. There are 16 birds species of 10 families (N=468). The highest diversity index was in damar forest (H'= 1.082), and the lowest was in opened damar forest (H'= 0.502)

    Kajian Interaksi Gajah Sumatera (Elephas Maximus Sumatranus) dengan Masyarakat Kuyung Arang, Kabupaten Tanggamus

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    Study on the interaction and its effects between sumateran elephants and Kuyung Arang's local people, Tanggamus was conducted in October-December 2014, direct and indirect observation, by questionnaire was applied. Amensalism is the interaction found between sumatran elephants and local people of Kuyung arang. Negative impacts include harvest fail (29,58%; n=21), crop (60,56%; n=43), and hut (9,86%; n=7) destruction

    Keanekaragaman Spesies Burung Di Repong Damar Pekon Pahmungan Kecamatan Pesisir Tengah Krui Kabupaten Lampung Barat

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    Repong Damar is a management system in cultivated area by local community of Krui.  It has great biodiversity and plays an important role as avian natural habitat.  This research was conducted to learn the diversity of bird species in Repong Damar using concentrated method in four different locations: area between padi field and forest, settlement area, opened damar forest, and damar forest.  Three replications were done on each location. There are 16 birds species of 10 families (N=468).  The highest diversity index was in damar forest (H’= 1.082), and the lowest was in opened damar forest (H’= 0.502)

    Studi Perilaku Makan dan Analisis Vegetasi Pakan Lutung Jawa (Trachypithecus Auratus) di Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai

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    Javanmonkey (Trachypithecus auratus) an endemic primate of Java is vulnerable and listed in Appendix II of CITES. This study was done to observeits feeding behavior and food diversity.The results is expected to support its population in the wild from the destruction of habitat. It was conducted in March-April 2012 in Situ Sangiang Gunung Ciremai National Park, Majalengka, West Java Province. The method used is animal scan sampling was applied feeding behavior and purposive sampling to determine the vegetation diversity. Its feeding monkey between 07:00 to 11:00; 13:00 to 14:00; and 15:00 to 17:00 time in tree stratum(>15 meters), mostly on haripingku (Dysoxylum densiflorum). Other food plant shantap (Sterculia oblongata), kigambir (Uncaria gambir), nangsi (Villebrunea rubescens), kiara (Ficus globosa), hamirung (Vernonea arborea), mara (Macaranga tanarius), tisuk (Hibiscus macrophyllus), kiara koneng (Ficus annulata Bl.), mahoni (Swietenia mahagoni), saninten (Castanopsis argentea), and nunuk (* not identified)

    Pendampingan Potensi Wisata Kearifan Lokal Batik Motif Khas Satwa Lampung di Desa Labuhan Ratu VII Lampung Timur

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    Abstract Labuhan Ratu VII is one of settlements next to Way Kambas National Park, and has experienced elephants – human conflict. Batik BARATA has developed wildlife motives such as sumatran elephants, tigers and rhinos.  It is potential for ecotourism packages and education as well as wildlife conservation in Lampung.  Its companionship were carried out by off and online from July 2019 - October 2020 under TFCA Sumatra UNILA-ALeRT Consortium program.  BARATA Batik becomes one great ecotourism attractant in Labuhan Ratu VII.   Keywords: Companionship, ecotourism, wildlife, Labuhan Ratu VII, TFCA Sumater


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    Forest provides basic ecosystem services to adjacent local people welfare. Ecotourism is one of the goverment program to improve the livelihood, by full local people involvement on planning, management and evaluation. Margasari, East L ampung, with its 700 ha mangrove forest, has a ahigh potential natural resources to develop community based ecotourism program. Study on evaluating mangrove forestas community based ecotourism was conducted in Lampung Mangrove Center, Margasari, East Lampung. collected data were analyzed qualitatively using SWOT with hope to obtain a mangrove forest potential for community-based ecotourism development. Potential of mangrove forests in LMC into category medium. Total of 98 % agreed if the community perception was developed as a community-based ecotourism. Motivation tourists visiting as much as 27 % for research, 37 % for recreation and rest along the mangroves by boat (36 %). LMC real carrying capacity of area can accommodate as many as 170 people / day, while the carrying capacity of the facility and amenitas 174 people / visit. SWOT analysis illustrates the mangrove forests in LMC has potential to be developed as a community-based ecotourism destination