8 research outputs found


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    This study aims to analyze the financial feasibility and sensitivity of the chrysanthemum seeding business using shoot cutting techniques if there is a change in seed production, selling price of seeds and cost of seedling production. The research was conducted using a case study method on chrysanthemum breeders with shoot cutting techniques in Kakaskasen Dua from August to October 2020. Data were collected through interviews and field observations. The data analysis usedin this research are financial feasibility analysis with investment criteria of NPV value, Net B/C, IRR, PP and sensitivity analysis. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the chrysanthemum seeding business using shoot cuttings in Kakaskasen Dua is considered profitable, so it is feasible to continue as a solution to meet the demand for chrysanthemum seedlings. The limit for reducing the production of chrysanthemum cuttings that are still tolerable so that businesses do not lose money is 11.77%, the limit for decreasing the selling price of seeds is up to 11.77% and the limit for increasing the cost of producing seeds is up to 19.08%

    ANALISIS KELAYAKAN FINANSIAL USAHATANI JAMBU BIJI KRISTAL (Psidium guajava L.) (Studi Kasus : Petani Jambu Biji Kristal di Desa Warisa Kecamatan Talawaan Kabupaten Minahasa Utara)

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    This study aims to determine the potential and opportunities for developing crystal guava farming and to analyze the financial feasibility of crystal guava farming in Warisa Village, Talawaan Sub-district, North Minahasa Regency. The study was conducted from July to October 2020. The selection of respondents was carried out by purposive sampling method. The research used primary data and secondary data. Primary data obtained from interviews, based on a questionnaire to one guava crystal farmer. Secondary data were obtained from the Head of Village Office, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and the Agriculture Office of North Minahasa Regency. The results showed that the potential of natural resources, namely the availability of land for the development of crystal guava cultivation is still quite extensive and the use of existing land can still be maximized. Warisa Village fulfills the growing requirements for the development of guava plants because it is located at an altitude of ± 1-500 meters above sea level (masl), has a temperature of around 26.9-33,710 C in the daytime, rainfall is 1,993 mm year, type of soil is loose and fertile. Based on the financial feasibility analysis, Warisa Village's guava crystal cultivation is financially feasible to continue because it meets all investment criteria. *eprm


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    Teknologi biogas saat ini sudah dikembangkan oleh masyarakat pedesaan. Teknologi biogas bermanfaat dalam meminimalkan pencemaran lingkungan. Teknologi biogas telah dikembangkan di pedesaan dengan memanfaatkan limbah kotoran ternak sapi. Permasalahannya sejauhmana teknologi biogas dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat pedesaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengetahui pemanfaatan kotoran sapi dan manfaat biogas bagi masyarakat pedesaan Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei, dengan pendekatan PRA dan studi kasus. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Penentuan lokasi Kecamatan dan Desa sampel adalah secara purposive sampling. Kecamatan yang dipilih adalah Kecamatan Sangkub yang memiliki populasi sapi terbanyak. Desa yang dipilih adalah Desa Sidodadi dan Tombolango yang memiliki kelompok petani yang telah memanfaatkan biogas bersumber dari kotoran sapi. Responden ditentukan secara purposive sampling yaitu petani yang memanfaatkan biogas, pejabat Dinas Pertanian Peternakan dan penyuluh. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Teknologi biogas diintroduksi bagi petani yang memiliki ternak sapi yang dikandangkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah ternak sapi milik petani dalam kelompok Beringin Jaya berjumlah 6 ekor dan kelompok Keong Mas 24 ekor. Limbah ternak sapi bila tidak diminimalkan memberikan dampak negatif terhadap pencemaran lingkungan. Reaktor dibangun untuk menampung limbah kotoran sapi dan menghasilkan gas. Biogas bersumber dari limbah sapi telah dihasilkan dan dimanfaatkan oleh petani peternak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknologi biogas bermanfaat bagi petani dalam minimalisasi biaya pembelian gas LPG dan menghasilkan pupuk cair. Saran, perlu sosialisasi dan intervensi pemerintah untuk introduksi biogas bagi petani yang lain.Kata Kunci : teknologi, biogas, limbah, ternak sapiBIOGAS TECHNOLOGY WITH RAW MATERIALS SOURCED FROM CATTLE WASTECurrently, biogas technology has been developed by rural communities. Biogas technology was useful in minimizing environmental pollution. Biogas technology was developed in rural areas by utilizing cattle waste. The problem was the extent to which biogas technology was used by rural communities. This study was conducted with the aim of knowing the use of cattle waste and the benefits of biogas for rural communities in North Bolaang Mongondow Regency. The research method used was a survey method, with the PRA approach and case studies. The data collected were primary and secondary data. The determination of the locations of the sample districts and villages was purposive sampling. The district chosen was Sangkub District which had the largest cattle population. The villages chosen were Sidodadi and Tombolango which had groups of farmers who have used biogas from cattle waste. Respondents were determined by purposive sampling, namely farmers who use biogas, officials from the Department of Agriculture and Livestock and extension workers. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. Biogas technology was introduced for farmers who had cattles that were penned. The results showed that the number of cattles belonging to farmers in the Beringin Jaya group was 6 cows and 24 cows in the Keong Mas group. If not minimized, cattle waste had a negative impact on environmental pollution. The biogas reactor was built to accommodate cattle waste and produce gas. Biogas with raw materials sourced from cow waste was produced and utilized by farmers. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that biogas technology was beneficial for farmers in minimizing the cost of purchasing LPG gas and producing liquid fertilizer. Suggestions, socialization and government intervention was needed for the introduction of biogas for other farmers.Keywords: technology, biogas, waste, cattl

    Development Potential of Integrated Farming System (Local Cattle - Food Crops)

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    Local cattle farming as an income source for farmers in rural areas is mostly developed traditionally. The local cattle farm continues, even though it is a side business, but is a mainstay in supporting national beef needs. The problem is whether integration of local cattle and food crops have the potential to be developed by farmers. The research was conducted to determine the potential integration of local cattle local and corn in North Bolaang Mongondow Regency. A survey method using a purposive sampling selected 60 farmers from Sangkub District where farmers practiced an integrated cattle-crops farming. Data were subjected to proximate and feasibility analysis. The results showed that the total cattle owned by respondents were 209. The feed consisted of grass and corn waste, with an average consumption of 5.33 and 11.15 kg/head/day, respectively. A proximate analysis of waste corn reported 86.48% dry material, 7.36% crude protein, 1.84% fat, 28.95% crude fiber, 9.10% ash and 68.18% carbohydrate.  Respondents' income from cattle farming in Bintauna and Sangkub Districts were Rp. 151,000,000 vs. Rp. 169,900,000, production costs were Rp. 101,150,625 vs. Rp. 107,298,593.8, and RC ratio was 1.49 vs. 1.58. In conclusion, corn waste consumption was greater (67.66%) than the grass. RC ratio value >1 indicated that cattle farming was feasible. The corn-cattle farming integration system can minimize environmental pollution because it enables the concept of LEISA (Low External Input Sustainability Agriculture)


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    Analysis of The Economic Behavior of Coconut-Cattle Farmer Households in Facing The Transaction Cost in Bolaang Mongondow. A number of households in Bolaang Mongondow raise cattle integrated in their coconut plants. A farmer household farmer as an analysis unit plays the roles of a producer, a consumer and a labor provider. The phenomenon faced is the existence of transaction costs during the trades of cattle and copra. The objective of the study was to analyze the factors influencing the input, output, farmer household income and expenditures in Bolaang Mongondow related to the transaction cost. The research method carried out was the survey method. The 233 household respondents were determined by using simple random sampling. The analysis method used simultaneous equations model with two SLS. The results show that higher transactions costs cause the decrease on the household economic activities especially in the production side and labor allocation for the cattle and coconut farm operations. The intermediary cost as a cost component in cattle transaction is influenced by the cattle price, cattle selling and the distance to the market. The transportation cost as a cost component in copra selling is affected by the copra price, the use of cattle labors to carry copra.Key words : Transaction cost, household economics, coconut-cattle farming systemABSTRAKSebagian rumahtangga di Bolaang Mongondow memelihara ternak sapi diintegrasikan dengan tanaman kelapa. Rumahtangga petani peternak sapi sebagai suatu unit analisis selain berperan sebagai produsen, konsumen juga sangat berperan sebagai penyedia tenaga kerja. Fenomena yang dihadapi adalah adanya biaya transaksi dalam penjualan ternak sapi dan penjualan kopra. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan input, produksi, pendapatan dan pengeluaran rumahtangga petani peternak sapi di Bolaang Mongondow berkaitan dengan biaya transaksi. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah metode survai. Jumlah responden 233 rumahtangga yang ditentukan secara simple random sampling. Metode analisis menggunakan 2SLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan biaya transaksi yang semakin tinggi mengakibatkan penurunan aktivitas ekonomi rumahtangga terutama sisi produksi dan alokasi tenaga kerja pada usahaternak sapi maupun usahakebun kelapa. Biaya perantara sebagai komponen biaya transaksi penjualan sapi dipengaruhi harga ternak sapi, penjualan sapi dan jarak pasar. Biaya transpor sebagai komponen biaya transaksi penjualan kopra dipengaruhi harga kopra dan penggunaan tenaga kerja ternak sapi untuk angkut kopra.Kata kunci : Rumahtangga, biaya transaksi, ternak sapi, kelap

    Household  farmers have allocated the family labour resources to their cattle farming that contribute to farmers’ income generation and distributed to their household expenditures.  Household farmers face the transaction cost during the production process.  The highest transaction cost, the least income allocation. The objectives of the study were (1) to develop household  economy model in the corn-cattle farming system include transaction cost and (2) to analyze factors influencing the input use, output, income generation and expenditures of household farmers.  A survey was used to gather and collect information of 194 household farmers that sampling by simple random.  Simultaneous equations model with to SLS method was used to estimate the parameter.  The result showed that household economy model could describe promptly the impact of transaction cost.  The transaction cost significantly affected the farmers behavior on production decision, the use of production input and family labor as well as consumption expenditures.  A change on the policy of increasing output price, transaction costs of the cattle intermediaries and corn transport cost have affected the farmer’s household economic performances.   Key words: transaction cost, household economics, corn-cattle farming systems

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    Household  farmers have allocated the family labour resources to their cattle farming that contribute to farmers’ income generation and distributed to their household expenditures.  Household farmers face the transaction cost during the production process.  The highest transaction cost, the least income allocation. The objectives of the study were (1) to develop household  economy model in the corn-cattle farming system include transaction cost and (2) to analyze factors influencing the input use, output, income generation and expenditures of household farmers.  A survey was used to gather and collect information of 194 household farmers that sampling by simple random.  Simultaneous equations model with to SLS method was used to estimate the parameter.  The result showed that household economy model could describe promptly the impact of transaction cost.  The transaction cost significantly affected the farmers behavior on production decision, the use of production input and family labor as well as consumption expenditures.  A change on the policy of increasing output price, transaction costs of the cattle intermediaries and corn transport cost have affected the farmer’s household economic performances.   Key words: transaction cost, household economics, corn-cattle farming system