309 research outputs found

    Extremely metal-poor gas at a redshift of 7

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    In typical astrophysical environments, the abundance of heavy elements ranges from 0.001 to 2 times the solar value. Lower abundances have been seen in selected stars in the Milky Way’s halo and in two quasar absorption systems at redshift z = 3 (ref. 4). These are widely interpreted as relics from the early Universe, when all gas possessed a primordial chemistry. Before now there have been no direct abundance measurements from the first billion years after the Big Bang, when the earliest stars began synthesizing elements. Here we report observations of hydrogen and heavy-element absorption in a spectrum of a quasar at z =  7.04, when the Universe was just 772 million years old (5.6 per cent of its present age). We detect a large column of neutral hydrogen but no corresponding metals (defined as elements heavier than helium), limiting the chemical abundance to less than 1/10,000 times the solar level if the gas is in a gravitationally bound proto-galaxy, or to less than 1/1,000 times the solar value if it is diffuse and unbound. If the absorption is truly intergalactic, it would imply that the Universe was neither ionized by starlight nor chemically enriched in this neighbourhood at z ≈ 7. If it is gravitationally bound, the inferred abundance is too low to promote efficient cooling, and the system would be a viable site to form the predicted but as yet unobserved massive population III stars

    The effects of the Islamic revolution and the gulf war on Iran's economy

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    The Islamic revolution, followed by the eight-year Gulf war, has caused severe disruption and extensive changes in the structure of the Iranian economy. This thesis is concerned with an analytical study of Iran’s economy In the period from the Shah's western-style modernisation to the Islamic revolution and the war with Iraq. Thus, the thesis provides first, an overview of the economic development and industrialisation activity under the Shah, which glides a yardstick for understanding the post-revolutionary economy. Secondly, the thesis examines the concept of Islamic economics as articulated by the prominent contemporary Shi'i figures that continue to influence the post-revolutionary economic policies. Thirdly, the major part of the thesis devotes considerable attention to the study and evaluation of the post-revolutionary economy, focusing on agriculture, industry, foreign and domestic trade. Islamic balancing, public finance, the oil sector and the oil war. The latter was a determining factor in the continuation of the Gulf war. The appraisal and the overall picture of the post-revolutionary economy makes bleak reading. The negative Impact of the revolution and the war has left Iran with a shattered infrastructure and a moribund industrial base. Unprecedented destruction of wealth, both in human and non-human terms, has further exacerbated the pre-revolutionary economic problems. The politico-religious government has not been able to address the country's economic Ills effectively, partly owing to self -imposed constraints. A lack of active and structured economic policies has adversely affected all sectors of the economy, in particular, agriculture. While facing the daunting task of post-war reconstruction, Iran, more than ever before, is dependent on trading oil in exchange for basic commodities and consumer goods

    Spirituality as an Essential Determinant for the Good Life, its Importance Relative to Self-Determinant Psychological Needs

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    This study focuses on the relevance of spirituality as an essential element for the Good Life. Despite spirituality’s prominence in people’s lives and cultures, it has been mostly neglected in psychological needs theories. This paper investigates the value of spirituality compared to that of the three basic psychological needs of self-determination theory: relatedness, competence and autonomy. In a scenario study design, participants in two samples (students and train passengers) were asked to judge a survey on the personal well-being of an imaginary person. The results show that spirituality positively contributes to the qualification of a good life, in terms of desirability and moral goodness. In addition, the crucial role of relatedness was confirmed

    The association between family and community social capital and health risk behaviours in young people: an integrative review

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    Background: Health risk behaviours known to result in poorer outcomes in adulthood are generally established in late childhood and adolescence. These ‘risky’ behaviours include smoking, alcohol and illicit drug use and sexual risk taking. While the role of social capital in the establishment of health risk behaviours in young people has been explored, to date, no attempt has been made to consolidate the evidence in the form of a review. Thus, this integrative review was undertaken to identify and synthesise research findings on the role and impact of family and community social capital on health risk behaviours in young people and provide a consolidated evidence base to inform multi-sectorial policy and practice.<p></p> Methods: Key electronic databases were searched (i.e. ASSIA, CINAHL, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, Embase, Medline, PsycINFO, Sociological Abstracts) for relevant studies and this was complemented by hand searching. Inclusion/exclusion criteria were applied and data was extracted from the included studies. Heterogeneity in study design and the outcomes assessed precluded meta-analysis/meta-synthesis; the results are therefore presented in narrative form.<p></p> Results: Thirty-four papers satisfied the review inclusion criteria; most were cross-sectional surveys. The majority of the studies were conducted in North America (n=25), with three being conducted in the UK. Sample sizes ranged from 61 to 98,340. The synthesised evidence demonstrates that social capital is an important construct for understanding the establishment of health risk behaviours in young people. The different elements of family and community social capital varied in terms of their saliency within each behavioural domain, with positive parent–child relations, parental monitoring, religiosity and school quality being particularly important in reducing risk.<p></p> Conclusions: This review is the first to systematically synthesise research findings about the association between social capital and health risk behaviours in young people. While providing evidence that may inform the development of interventions framed around social capital, the review also highlights key areas where further research is required to provide a fuller account of the nature and role of social capital in influencing the uptake of health risk behaviours.<p></p&gt

    Adjusting for BMI in analyses of volumetric mammographic density and breast cancer risk

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    Abstract Background Fully automated assessment of mammographic density (MD), a biomarker of breast cancer risk, is being increasingly performed in screening settings. However, data on body mass index (BMI), a confounder of the MD–risk association, are not routinely collected at screening. We investigated whether the amount of fat in the breast, as captured by the amount of mammographic non-dense tissue seen on the mammographic image, can be used as a proxy for BMI when data on the latter are unavailable. Methods Data from a UK case control study (numbers of cases/controls: 414/685) and a Norwegian cohort study (numbers of cases/non-cases: 657/61059), both with volumetric MD measurements (dense volume (DV), non-dense volume (NDV) and percent density (%MD)) from screening-age women, were analysed. BMI (self-reported) and NDV were taken as measures of adiposity. Correlations between BMI and NDV, %MD and DV were examined after log-transformation and adjustment for age, menopausal status and parity. Logistic regression models were fitted to the UK study, and Cox regression models to the Norwegian study, to assess associations between MD and breast cancer risk, expressed as odds/hazard ratios per adjusted standard deviation (OPERA). Adjustments were first made for standard risk factors except BMI (minimally adjusted models) and then also for BMI or NDV. OPERA pooled relative risks (RRs) were estimated by fixed-effect models, and between-study heterogeneity was assessed by the I 2 statistics. Results BMI was positively correlated with NDV (adjusted r = 0.74 in the UK study and r = 0.72 in the Norwegian study) and with DV (r = 0.33 and r = 0.25, respectively). Both %MD and DV were positively associated with breast cancer risk in minimally adjusted models (pooled OPERA RR (95% confidence interval): 1.34 (1.25, 1.43) and 1.46 (1.36, 1.56), respectively; I 2 = 0%, P >0.48 for both). Further adjustment for BMI or NDV strengthened the %MD–risk association (1.51 (1.41, 1.61); I 2 = 0%, P = 0.33 and 1.51 (1.41, 1.61); I 2 = 0%, P = 0.32, respectively). Adjusting for BMI or NDV marginally affected the magnitude of the DV–risk association (1.44 (1.34, 1.54); I 2 = 0%, P = 0.87 and 1.49 (1.40, 1.60); I 2 = 0%, P = 0.36, respectively). Conclusions When volumetric MD–breast cancer risk associations are investigated, NDV can be used as a measure of adiposity when BMI data are unavailable

    Epigenetic deregulation of multiple S100 gene family members by differential hypomethylation and hypermethylation events in medulloblastoma

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    Deregulated expression of genes encoding members of the S100 family of calcium-binding proteins has been associated with the malignant progression of multiple tumour types. Using a pharmacological expression reactivation approach, we screened 16 S100 genes for evidence of epigenetic regulation in medulloblastoma, the most common malignant brain tumour of childhood. Four family members (S100A2, S100A4, S100A6 and S100A10) demonstrated evidence of upregulated expression in multiple medulloblastoma cell lines, following treatment with the DNA methyltransferase inhibitor, 5′-aza-2′-deoxycytidine. Subsequent analysis revealed methylation of critical CpG sites located within these four genes in an extended cell line panel. Assessment of these genes in the non-neoplastic cerebellum (from which medulloblastomas develop) revealed strong somatic methylation affecting S100A2 and S100A4, whereas S100A6 and S100A10 were unmethylated. Assessed against these normal tissue-specific methylation states, S100A6 and S100A10 demonstrated tumour-specific hypermethylation in medulloblastoma primary tumours (5 out of 40 and 4 out of 35, respectively, both 12%) and cell lines (both 7 out of 9, 78%), which was associated with their transcriptional silencing. Moreover, S100A6 hypermethylation was significantly associated with the aggressive large cell/anaplastic morphophenotype (P=0.026). In contrast, pro-metastatic S100A4 displayed evidence of hypomethylation relative to the normal cerebellum in a significant proportion primary tumours (7 out of 41, 17%) and cell lines (3 out of 9, 33%), which was associated with its elevated expression. In summary, these data characterise complex patterns of somatic methylation affecting S100 genes in the normal cerebellum and demonstrate their disruption causing epigenetic deregulation of multiple S100 family members in medulloblastoma development. Epigenetic events affecting S100 genes have potential clinical utility and merit further investigation as molecular biomarkers for this disease

    Testosterone levels are negatively associated with childlessness in males, but positively related to offspring count in fathers

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    Variation in testosterone (T) is thought to affect the allocation of effort between reproductive and parenting strategies. Here, using a large sample of elderly American men (n = 754) and women (n = 669) we examined the relationship between T and self-reported parenthood, as well as the relationship between T and number of reported children. Results supported previous findings from the literature, showing that fathers had lower T levels than men who report no children. Furthermore, we found that among fathers T levels were positively associated with the number of children a man reports close to the end of his lifespan. Results were maintained when controlling for a number of relevant factors such as time of T sampling, participant age, educational attainment, BMI, marital status and reported number of sex partners. In contrast, T was not associated with either motherhood or the number of children women had, suggesting that, at least in this sample, T does not influence the allocation of effort between reproductive and parenting strategies among women. Findings from this study contribute to the growing body of literature suggesting that, among men, pair bonding and paternal care are associated with lower T levels, while searching and acquiring sex partners is associated with higher T levels.27 Jun 2013: Pollet TV, Cobey KD, van der Meij L (2013) Correction: Testosterone Levels Are Negatively Associated with Childlessness in Males, but Positively Related to Offspring Count in Fathers. PLoS ONE 8(6): 10.1371/annotation/bccccb7e-48a7-4594-b3e6-ce8c9d2489a2

    Hyponatremia revisited: Translating physiology to practice

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    The complexity of hyponatremia as a clinical problem is likely caused by the opposite scenarios that accompany this electrolyte disorder regarding pathophysiology (depletional versus dilutional hyponatremia, high versus low vasopressin levels) and therapy (rapid correction to treat cerebral edema versus slow correction to prevent osmotic demyelination, fluid restriction versus fluid resuscitation). For a balanced differentiation between these opposites, an understanding of the pathophysiology of hyponatremia is required. Therefore, in this review an attempt is made to translate the physiology of water balance regulation to strategies that improve the clinical management of hyponatremia. A physiology-based approach to the patient with hyponatremia is presented, first addressing the possibility of acute hyponatremia, and then asking if and if so why vasopressin is secreted non-osmotically. Additional diagnostic recommendations are not to rely too heavily of the assessment of the extracellular fluid volume, to regard the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis as a diagnosis of exclusion, and to rationally investigate the pathophysiology of hyponatremia rather than to rely on isolated laboratory values with arbitrary cutoff values. The features of the major hyponatremic disorders are discussed, including diuretic-induced hyponatremia, adrenal and pituitary insufficiency, the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis, cerebral salt wasting, and exercise-associated hyponatremia. The treatment of hyponatremia is reviewed from simple saline solutions to the recently introduced vasopressin receptor antagonists, including their promises and limitations. Given the persistently high rates of hospital-acquired hyponatremia, the importance of improving the management of hyponatremia seems both necessary and achievable. Copyrigh
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