27,416 research outputs found

    Quantum Decoherence in a D-Foam Background

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    Within the general framework of Liouville string theory, we construct a model for quantum D-brane fluctuations in the space-time background through which light closed-string states propagate. The model is based on monopole and vortex defects on the world sheet, which have been discussed previously in a treatment of 1+1-dimensional black-hole fluctuations in the space-time background, and makes use of a T-duality transformation to relate formulations with Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions. In accordance with previous general arguments, we derive an open quantum-mechanical description of this D-brane foam which embodies momentum and energy conservation and small mean energy fluctuations. Quantum decoherence effects appear at a rate consistent with previous estimates.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, two eps figures include

    In-flight simulation study of decoupled longitudinal controls for the approach and landing of a STOL aircraft

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    In this decoupled concept, the natural interactions of the flight variables were suppressed, and the pilot operated a separate controller for each (fore-and-aft control column for flight path angle without speed or pitch attitude change, for example). The handling qualities of the decoupled airplane were judged to be very favorable. The precise path control led to small touchdown point dispersion along with consistently low sink rates. The decoupled control system provided significantly better flying qualities than did conventional SAS applied to the same basic airframe

    Exaggerated CpH methylation in the autism-affected brain.

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    BackgroundThe etiology of autism, a complex, heritable, neurodevelopmental disorder, remains largely unexplained. Given the unexplained risk and recent evidence supporting a role for epigenetic mechanisms in the development of autism, we explored the role of CpG and CpH (H = A, C, or T) methylation within the autism-affected cortical brain tissue.MethodsReduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) was completed, and analysis was carried out in 63 post-mortem cortical brain samples (Brodmann area 19) from 29 autism-affected and 34 control individuals. Analyses to identify single sites that were differentially methylated and to identify any global methylation alterations at either CpG or CpH sites throughout the genome were carried out.ResultsWe report that while no individual site or region of methylation was significantly associated with autism after multi-test correction, methylated CpH dinucleotides were markedly enriched in autism-affected brains (~2-fold enrichment at p < 0.05 cutoff, p = 0.002).ConclusionsThese results further implicate epigenetic alterations in pathobiological mechanisms that underlie autism

    Time-Dependent Vacuum Energy Induced by D-Particle Recoil

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    We consider cosmology in the framework of a `material reference system' of D particles, including the effects of quantum recoil induced by closed-string probe particles. We find a time-dependent contribution to the cosmological vacuum energy, which relaxes to zero as 1/t2\sim 1/ t^2 for large times tt. If this energy density is dominant, the Universe expands with a scale factor R(t)t2R(t) \sim t^2. We show that this possibility is compatible with recent observational constraints from high-redshift supernovae, and may also respect other phenomenological bounds on time variation in the vacuum energy imposed by early cosmology.Comment: 14 pages LATEX, no figure

    M Theory from World-Sheet Defects in Liouville String

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    We have argued previously that black holes may be represented in a D-brane approach by monopole and vortex defects in a sine-Gordon field theory model of Liouville dynamics on the world sheet. Supersymmetrizing this sine-Gordon system, we find critical behaviour in 11 dimensions, due to defect condensation that is the world-sheet analogue of D-brane condensation around an extra space-time dimension in M theory. This supersymmetric description of Liouville dynamics has a natural embedding within a 12-dimensional framework suggestive of F theory.Comment: 17 pages LATEX, 1 epsf figure include

    Stability of attitude control systems acted upon by random perturbations

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    Mathematical models on stability of attitude control systems acted upon by random perturbation processe

    Dark Matter in SuperGUT Unification Models

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    After a brief update on the prospects for dark matter in the constrained version of the MSSM (CMSSM) and its differences with models based on minimal supergravity (mSUGRA), I will consider the effects of unifying the supersymmetry-breaking parameters at a scale above M_{GUT}. One of the consequences of superGUT unification, is the ability to take vanishing scalar masses at the unification scale with a neutralino LSP dark matter candidate. This allows one to resurrect no-scale supergravity as a viable phenomenological model.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figures, To be published in the Proceedings of the 6th DSU Conference, Leon, Mexico, ed. D. Delepin

    RNA-Seq optimization with eQTL gold standards.

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    BackgroundRNA-Sequencing (RNA-Seq) experiments have been optimized for library preparation, mapping, and gene expression estimation. These methods, however, have revealed weaknesses in the next stages of analysis of differential expression, with results sensitive to systematic sample stratification or, in more extreme cases, to outliers. Further, a method to assess normalization and adjustment measures imposed on the data is lacking.ResultsTo address these issues, we utilize previously published eQTLs as a novel gold standard at the center of a framework that integrates DNA genotypes and RNA-Seq data to optimize analysis and aid in the understanding of genetic variation and gene expression. After detecting sample contamination and sequencing outliers in RNA-Seq data, a set of previously published brain eQTLs was used to determine if sample outlier removal was appropriate. Improved replication of known eQTLs supported removal of these samples in downstream analyses. eQTL replication was further employed to assess normalization methods, covariate inclusion, and gene annotation. This method was validated in an independent RNA-Seq blood data set from the GTEx project and a tissue-appropriate set of eQTLs. eQTL replication in both data sets highlights the necessity of accounting for unknown covariates in RNA-Seq data analysis.ConclusionAs each RNA-Seq experiment is unique with its own experiment-specific limitations, we offer an easily-implementable method that uses the replication of known eQTLs to guide each step in one's data analysis pipeline. In the two data sets presented herein, we highlight not only the necessity of careful outlier detection but also the need to account for unknown covariates in RNA-Seq experiments

    Brany Liouville Inflation

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    We present a specific model for cosmological inflation driven by the Liouville field in a non-critical supersymmetric string framework, in which the departure from criticality is due to open strings stretched between the two moving Type-II 5-branes. We use WMAP and other data on fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background to fix parameters of the model, such as the relative separation and velocity of the 5-branes, respecting also the constraints imposed by data on light propagation from distant gamma-ray bursters. The model also suggests a small, relaxing component in the present vacuum energy that may accommodate the breaking of supersymmetry.Comment: 23 pages LATEX, two eps figures incorporated; version accepted for publication in NJ

    The String Coupling Accelerates the Expansion of the Universe

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    Generic cosmological models in non-critical string theory have a time-dependent dilaton background at a late epoch. The cosmological deceleration parameter Q_0 is given by the square of the string coupling, g_s^2, up to a negative sign. Hence the expansion of the Universe must accelerate eventually, and the observed value of Q_0 coresponds to g_s^2 ~ 0.6. In this scenario, the string coupling is asymptotically free at large times, but its present rate of change is imperceptibly small.Comment: 7 page