1,078 research outputs found

    Catalog of Galaxy Morphology in Four Rich Clusters: Luminosity Evolution of Disk Galaxies at 0.33<z<0.83

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    Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging of four rich, X-ray luminous, galaxy clusters (0.33<z<0.83) is used to produce quantitative morphological measurements for galaxies in their fields. Catalogs of these measurements are presented for 1642 galaxies brighter than F814W(AB)=23.0 . Galaxy luminosity profiles are fitted with three models: exponential disk, de Vaucouleurs bulge, and a disk-plus-bulge hybrid model. The best fit is selected and produces a quantitative assessment of the morphology of each galaxy: the principal parameters derived being B/T, the ratio of bulge to total luminosity, the scale lengths and half-light radii, axial ratios, position angles and surface brightnesses of each component. Cluster membership is determined using a statistical correction for field galaxy contamination, and a mass normalization factor (mass within boundaries of the observed fields) is derived for each cluster. In the present paper, this catalog of measurements is used to investigate the luminosity evolution of disk galaxies in the rich-cluster environment. Examination of the relations between disk scale-length and central surface brightness suggests, under the assumption that these clusters represent a family who share a common evolutionary history and are simply observed at different ages, that there is a dramatic change in the properties of the small disks (h < 2 kpc). This change is best characterized as a change in surface brightness by about 1.5 magnitude between z=0.3 and z=0.8 with brighter disks at higher redshifts.Comment: 53 pages, including 13 figures and 7 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    A morphological algorithm for improving radio-frequency interference detection

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    A technique is described that is used to improve the detection of radio-frequency interference in astronomical radio observatories. It is applied on a two-dimensional interference mask after regular detection in the time-frequency domain with existing techniques. The scale-invariant rank (SIR) operator is defined, which is a one-dimensional mathematical morphology technique that can be used to find adjacent intervals in the time or frequency domain that are likely to be affected by RFI. The technique might also be applicable in other areas in which morphological scale-invariant behaviour is desired, such as source detection. A new algorithm is described, that is shown to perform quite well, has linear time complexity and is fast enough to be applied in modern high resolution observatories. It is used in the default pipeline of the LOFAR observatory.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Characterization of Melt Infiltrated SiC/SiC Composite Combustor Liners Using Meso- and Micro-NDE Techniques

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    Melt-infiltrated ceramic matrix composite SiC/SiC material systems are under development for use in combustor liners for low-emission advanced gas turbines. Uncertainty in repeatability of processing methods for these large components (33--76 cm diameter), and hence possible reduced reliability for the end user. This requires that appropriate test methods, at both meso- and micro-scale, be used to ensure that the liners are acceptable for use. Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods, if demonstrated to reliably detect changes caused by processing, would be of significant benefit to both manufacturer and end user. This paper describes the NDE methods and their applications in detecting a process upset in a melt-infiltrated 33 cm combustor liner and how high-resolution scanning electron microscopy was used to verify the NDE data

    A Proto-Galaxy Candidate at z=2.7 Discovered by Its Young Stellar Population

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    A protogalaxy candidate at z=2.72 has been discovered serendipitously by the CNOC cluster redshift survey. The candidate is an extremely luminous (V=20.5 mag, absolute mag -26) and well resolved disk-like galaxy. The redshift is identified from a dozen strong UV absorption lines. No emission lines are found between 1000 and 2000A (rest), including Ly alpha. The photometric data fit the spectral energy distributions of a stellar population from 400 million years to an arbitrarily young age, dependent on the amount of dust extinction. However, the presence of a strong P-Cygni profile in CIV~indicates that a very substantial component of the stellar population must be younger than ~ 10 Myr. We interpret this object as an early-type galaxy observed within about 100 million years of the initial burst of star formation which created most of its stellar mass. Because of the resolved, regular, and smooth nature of the object, it is unlikely that the high luminosity is due to gravitational lensing.Comment: 31 page, Latex file with 9 encapsulated figures, requiring aasppt.sty and epsf.sty (included). Full uuencoded ps file available from: http://manaslu.astro.utoronto.ca/~carlberg/cnoc/general.html Accepted by Astronomical Journal, in press, May 199

    The Luminosity Function of Field Galaxies in the CNOC1 Redshift Survey

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    We have computed the luminosity function for 389 field galaxies from the Canadian Network for Observational Cosmology cluster redshift survey (CNOC1), over redshifts z = 0.2-0.6. We find Schechter parameters M^* - 5 log h = -19.6 \pm 0.3 and \alpha = -0.9 \pm 0.2 in rest-frame B_{AB}. We have also split our sample at the color of a redshifted but nonevolving Sbc galaxy, and find distinctly different luminosity functions for red and blue galaxies. Red galaxies have a shallow slope \alpha \approx -0.4 and dominate the bright end of the luminosity function, while blue galaxies have a steep \alpha \approx -1.4 and prevail at the faint end. Comparisons of the CNOC1 results to those from the Canada-France (CFRS) and Autofib redshift surveys show broad agreement among these independent samples, but there are also significant differences which will require larger samples to resolve. Also, in CNOC1 the red galaxy luminosity density stays about the same over the range z = 0.2-0.6, while the blue galaxy luminosity density increases steadily with redshift. These results are consistent with the trend of the luminosity density vs. redshift relations seen in the CFRS, though the normalizations of the luminosity densities appear to differ for blue galaxies. Comparison to the local luminosity function from the Las Campanas redshift survey (LCRS) shows that the luminosity density at z \approx 0.1 is only about half that seen at z \approx 0.4. A change in the luminosity function shape, particularly at the faint end, appears to be required to match the CNOC1 and LCRS luminosity functions, if galaxy evolution is the sole cause of the differences seen. However, it should be noted that the specific details of the construction of different surveys may complicate the comparison of results and so may need to be considered carefully.Comment: 22 pages, including 6 postscript figures, uses AASTEX v4.0 style files. Corrected minor typos and updated references. Results and conclusions unchanged. Final version to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Diffusion MR Characteristics Following Concurrent Radiochemotherapy Predicts Progression-Free and Overall Survival in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma.

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    The standard of care for newly diagnosed glioblastoma (GBM) is surgery, then radiotherapy (RT) with concurrent temozolomide (TMZ), followed by adjuvant TMZ. We hypothesized patients with low diffusivity measured using apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) histogram analysis evaluated after RT+TMZ, prior to adjuvant TMZ, would have a significantly shorter progression-free (PFS) and overall survival (OS). To test this hypothesis we evaluated 120 patients with newly diagnosed GBM receiving RT+TMZ followed by adjuvant TMZ. MRI was performed after completion of RT+TMZ, prior to initiation of adjuvant TMZ. A double Gaussian mixed model was used to describe the ADC histograms within the enhancing tumor, where ADCL and ADCH were defined as the mean ADC value of the lower and higher Gaussian distribution, respectively. An ADCL value of 1.0 um2/ms and ADCH value of 1.6 um2/ms were used to stratify patients into high and low risk categories. Results suggest patients with low ADCL had significantly shorter PFS (Cox Hazard Ratio = 0.12, P = 0.0006). OS was significantly shorter with low ADCL tumors, showing a median OS of 407 vs. 644 days (Cox Hazard Ratio = 0.31, P = 0.047). ADCH was not predictive of PFS or OS when accounting for age and ADCL. In summary, newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients with low ADCL after completion of RT+TMZ are likely to progress and die earlier than patients with higher ADCL. Results suggest ADC histogram analysis may be useful for patient risk stratification following completion of RT+TMZ

    Calibration of radiation codes in climate models: Comparison of calculations with observations from the SPECtral Radiation Experiment (SPECTRE)

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    The primary goal of SPECTRE is to: close the loopholes by which longwave radiation models have eluded incisive comparisons with measurements. Likewise, the experimental approach was quite simple in concept, namely: accurately measure the zenith infrared radiance at high spectral resolution while simultaneously profiling the radiatively important atmospheric properties with conventional and remote sensing devices. The field phase of SPECTRE was carried out as part of FIRE Cirrus II, and detailed spectra of the down welling radiance were obtained by several interferometers simultaneous to the measurement of the optical properties of the atmosphere. We are now well along in the process of analyzing the data and calibrating radiation codes so that they may be used more effectively in climate related studies. The calibration is being done with models ranging from the most detailed (line-by-line) to the broad-band parameterizations used in climate models. This paper summarizes our progress in the calibration for clear-sky conditions. When this stage is completed, we will move on to the calibration for cirrus conditions
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