372 research outputs found

    Application of Risk Informed Decision Making to Highly Reliable Three Dimensionally Woven Thermal Protection System for Mars Sample Return

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    The NASA Risk Informed Decision Making process is used to assess a trade space of three dimensionally woven thermal protection systems for application to the Mars Sample Return Earth Entry Vehicle. Candidate architectures are assessed based on mission assurance, technical development, cost, and schedule risk. Assessment methodology differed between the architectures, utilizing a four-point quantitative scale for mission assurance and technical development and highly tailored PERT techniques for cost and schedule. Risk results are presented, in addition to a review of RIDM effectiveness for this application

    Post-Flight Evaluation of Stardust PICA Forebody Heatshield Material

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    This presentation was part of the session : Sample Return ChallengesSixth International Planetary Probe WorkshopPhenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA) was developed at NASA Ames Research Center under the lightweight ceramic ablator development program in the '80s. PICA has the advantages of low density (~ 0.27g/cc) coupled with efficient ablative capability at high heat fluxes making PICA an enabling technology for the Stardust mission. Three cores at key locations were extracted from the forebody heatshield of the Stardust Sample Return Capsule (SRC) post flight and evaluated. Core locations include a near stagnation core, a flank core and a segment taken from the shoulder of the heatshield. Evaluation included density profiles, recession determination, thermal analysis profile, PICA bondline examination, strength of remaining virgin PICA, emissivity profile, chemical analysis profile and microstructural analysis. Comparisons between experimental density profiles and profiles derived from FIAT, a tool used to predict ablative performance, are in good agreement. Recession comparisons from measured values and FIAT predictions are currently being obtained. In addition a laser scanning tool developed at ARC is being used to evaluate recession measurements and compare to experimental and predicted values. In general, the PICA material examined in the cores is in good condition and intact. Impact damage is not evident and the main degradation observed was that caused by heating on entry. A substantial amount of "virgin" PICA was present in all cores examined. It is noted that the post-flight analysis of the Stardust heat shield is especially important since PICA is baselined for both the Orion (CEV) and Mars Science Laboratory vehicles.NASA; NESC; Orion Thermal Protection System Advanced Development Projec

    Variation in fast-start performance within a population of polyphenic bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus)

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    Bluegill sunfish Lepomis macrochirus exhibit intraspecific variation in their morphology and swimming performance based on habitat. The pelagic form has a relatively streamlined, fusiform body shape associated with greater steady-state swimming speed and energy economy. In contrast, littoral bluegill have deeper bodies with fins located farther from their center of mass to enhance maneuverability among littoral vegetation. Deeper body shapes have been associated with increased faststart performance to escape predators or capture prey. We hypothesized that littoral bluegill, which have a deeper body shape, would exhibit greater fast-start performance than pelagic bluegill. A total of 29 bluegill (16 littoral, 13 pelagic) were caught by hook and line, and their fast-start performance was analyzed from high-speed video recordings. Body shape appears to be a poor predictor of fast-start performance. Contrary to our expectations, pelagic bluegill had a significantly higher peak velocity, peak acceleration, and angular velocity compared to littoral bluegill. Pelagic bluegill living among larger predators and foraging on mobile prey may be exposed to selection pressures that favor increased fast-start performance. Integrated studies of internal morphology and physiology are needed to fully understand the relationship between morphology and performance in this population

    Population Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Depot Testosterone Cypionate in Healthy Male Subjects

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    A randomized, double-blind clinical trial was conducted to investigate long-term abuse effects of testosterone cypionate (TC). Thirty-one healthy men were randomized into a dose group of 100, 250, or 500 mg/wk and received 14 weekly injections of TC. A pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) model was developed to characterize testosterone concentrations and link exposure to change in luteinizing hormone and spermatogenesis following long-term TC administration. A linear one-compartment model best described the concentration-time profile of total testosterone. The population mean estimates for testosterone were 2.6 kL/day for clearance and 14.4 kL for volume of distribution. Weight, albumin, and their changes from baseline were identified as significant covariates for testosterone. The estimated potency of total testosterone (tT) with respect to suppression of luteinizing hormone (LH) synthesis was 9.33 ng/mL. Simulation based on the indirect response model suggests the suppression of endogenous testosterone secretion, LH synthesis, and spermatogenesis was more severe and of greater duration in the 250 mg and the 500 mg dose groups

    The seed dispersal catapault of Cardamine parviflora is efficient but unreliable

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    Abstract: Premise of the study: Seed dispersal performance is an essential component of plant fitness. Despite their significance in shaping performance, the mechanical processes that drive dispersal are poorly understood. We have quantified seed dispersal mechanics in Cardamine parviflora (Brassicaceae), a ballistic disperser that launches seeds with specialized catapult-like structures. To determine which aspects of catapult function dictate interspecific dispersal differences, we compared this disperser with other ballistic dispersers. Comparison with brassicas that lack ballistic dispersal may also provide insight into the evolution of this mechanism. Methods: Catapult performance was quantified using high-speed video analysis of dehiscence, ballistic modeling of seed trajectories, and measuring the mechanical energy storage capacity of the spring-like siliqua valve tissue that launched the seeds. Key results: The siliquae valves coiled rapidly outward, launching the seeds in 4.7 ± 1.3 ms (mean ± SD, N = 11). Coiling was likely driven by the bilayered valve structure. The catapult was 21.3 ± 10.3% efficient (mean ± SD, N = 11) at transferring stored elastic energy to the seeds as kinetic energy. The majority of seeds (71.4%) were not launched effectively. Conclusions: The efficiency of the C. parviflora catapult was high in comparison to that of a ballistic diplochore, a dispersal mode associated with poor ballistic performance, although the unreliability of the launch mechanism limited dispersal distance. Effective launching requires temporary seed-valve adhesion. The adhesion mechanism may be the source of the unreliability. Valve curvature is likely driven by the bilayered valve structure, a feature absent in nonballistic brassicas

    Challenges in Qualification of Thermal Protection Systems in Extreme Entry Environments

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    Planetary entry vehicles employ ablative TPS materials to shield the aeroshell from entry aeroheating environments. To ensure mission success, it must be demonstrated that the heat shield system, including local features such as seams, does not fail at conditions that are suitably margined beyond those expected in flight. Furthermore, its thermal response must be predictable, with acceptable fidelity, by computational tools used in heat shield design. Mission assurance is accomplished through a combination of ground testing and material response modelling. A material's robustness to failure is verified through arcjet testing while its thermal response is predicted by analytical tools that are verified against experimental data. Due to limitations in flight-like ground testing capability and lack of validated high-fidelity computational models, qualification of heat shield materials is often achieved by piecing together evidence from multiple ground tests and analytical simulations, none of which fully bound the flight conditions and vehicle configuration. Extreme heating environments (>2000 W/sq. cm heat flux and >2 atm pressure), experienced during entries at Venus, Saturn and Ice Giants, further stretch the current testing and modelling capabilities for applicable TPS materials. Fully-dense Carbon Phenolic was the material of choice for these applications; however, since heritage raw materials are no longer available, future uses of re-created Carbon Phenolic will require re-qualification. To address this sustainability challenge, NASA is developing a new dual-layer material based on 3D weaving technology called Heat shield for Extreme Entry Environments (HEEET). Regardless of TPS material, extreme environments pose additional certification challenges beyond what has been typical in recent NASA missions. Scope of this presentation: This presentation will give an overview of challenges faced in verifying TPS performance at extreme heating conditions. Examples include: (1) Bounding aeroheating parameters (heat flux, pressure, shear and enthalpy) in ground facilities. How to certify TPS if environments can't be bounded or aeroheating parameters can't be simultaneously achieved. (2) Higher uncertainties in ground test environments (facility calibration and analytical predictions) at extreme conditions. (3) Testing in flows similar to planetary atmosphere composition (H2/He for Gas and Ice Giants). (4) Test sample size limitations for qualifying seam designs. (5) Lack of computational tools capable of simulating all significant aspects of TPS performance (including initiation and propagation of failures). This presentation will provide recommendations on how the EDL community can address these challenges and mitigate some of the risks involved in flying TPS materials at extreme conditions. Examples include: (1) Dedicated activity to understanding TPS failure modes. Develop computational tools capable of modelling fluid interaction with material's thermostructural response. Validate these tools through failure testing. A better understanding of failure mechanisms may eliminate the need to fully bound all aeroheating parameters in ground testing. (2) Enhancements to current testing facilities to simulate flight-like ablation mechanism (ex. testing in Nitrogen at Ames Interaction Heating Facility to limit oxidation in favor of more sublimation). (3) Improved characterization of test conditions with new diagnostic methods and determination of environment uncertainty through rigorous statistical analysis of available data. (4) Design margin policies that are directly tied to uncertainties in ground test environments and modelling fidelit

    Enabling Entry Technologies for Ice Giant Missions

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    The highest priority science goals for Ice Giant missions are: 1) Interior structure of the Planet, and 2) Bulk composition that includes isotopes and noble gases. The interaction between the planetary interior and the atmosphere requires sustained global measurements. Noble gas and Isotope measurements require in situ measurement. Drag modulated aerocapture utilizing ADEPT offers more mass delivered to the Ice Giants than with propulsive orbit insertion. The Galileo Probe entered at a hot spot which created interpretation challenges. Juno is providing valuable orbital measurements, but without in situ measurements the story is incomplete. Planetary scientists interested in Ice Giant missions should perform mission design studies with these new Entry System technologies to assess the feasibility within the context of the international collaboration framework. A mission architecture that includes probe(s) along with an orbiting spacecraft can deploy the probes at the desired location while taking simultaneous measurements from orbit to provide invaluable data that can correlate both global and local measurements. Entry System Technologies currently being developed by NASA are poised to enable missions that position the Orbiter & Probes through drag modulated aerocapture (ADEPT), and HEEET enables the Probes to survive the extreme environments encountered for entry into the atmospheric interior

    Application of Risk Informed Decision Making to a Highly Reliable Three-Dimensionally Woven Thermal Protection System for Mars Sample Return

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    The NASA Risk Informed Decision Making process is used to assess a trade space of three dimensionally woven thermal protection systems for application to the Mars Sample Return Earth Entry Vehicle. Candidate architectures are assessed based on mission assurance, technical development, cost, and schedule risk. Assessment methodology differed between the architectures, utilizing a four-point quantitative scale for mission assurance and technical development and highly tailored PERT techniques for cost and schedule. Risk results are presented, in addition to a review of RIDM effectiveness for this application