1,069 research outputs found

    Influence of Crohn’s disease related polymorphisms in innate immune function on ileal microbiome

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    We have previously identified NOD2 genotype and inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) phenotype, as associated with shifts in the ileal microbiome (“dysbiosis”) in a patient cohort. Here we report an integrative analysis of an expanded number of Crohn's disease (CD) related genetic defects in innate immune function (NOD2, ATG16L1, IRGM, CARD9, XBP1, ORMDL3) and composition of the ileal microbiome by combining the initial patient cohort (Batch 1, 2005–2010, n = 165) with a second consecutive patient cohort (Batch 2, 2010–2012, n = 118). These combined patient cohorts were composed of three non-overlapping phenotypes: 1.) 106 ileal CD subjects undergoing initial ileocolic resection for diseased ileum, 2.) 88 IBD colitis subjects without ileal disease (predominantly ulcerative colitis but also Crohn’s colitis and indeterminate colitis, and 3.) 89 non-IBD subjects. Significant differences (FDR C. difficile infection, and NOD2 genotype on ileal dysbiosis in the expanded analysis. The relative abundance of the Proteobacteria phylum was positively associated with ileal CD and colitis phenotypes, but negatively associated with NOD2R genotype. Additional associations with ORMDL3 and XBP1 were detected at the phylum/subphylum level. IBD medications, such as immunomodulators and anti-TNFα agents, may have a beneficial effect on reversing dysbiosis associated with the IBD phenotype. Exploratory analysis comparing microbial composition of the disease unaffected region of the resected ileum between 27 ileal CD patients who subsequently developed endoscopic recurrence within 6–12 months versus 34 patients who did not, suggested that microbial biomarkers in the resected specimen helped stratify patients with respect to risk of post-surgical recurrence.</div

    VWF/ADAMTS13 Imbalance, But Not Global Coagulation or Fibrinolysis, Is Associated With Outcome and Bleeding in Acute Liver Failure

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    Background and Aims Recent studies of acute liver failure (ALF) in man and animals have suggested that rebalanced hemostasis occurs, with distinct hypercoagulable features clinically evidenced by a low risk of bleeding. Rodent models have shown a link between intrahepatic microthrombus formation and progression of ALF. We sought to confirm these earlier findings in a large series of patients with well-characterized ALF from the Acute Liver Failure Study Group.Approach and Results Citrated plasma samples taken on admission from 676 patients with ALF or acute liver injury (international normalized ratio &gt;= 2.0 without hepatic encephalopathy) were used to determine levels of von Willebrand factor (VWF), a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with a thrombospondin type 1 motif, member 13 (ADAMTS13) activity, thrombomodulin-modified thrombin generation, and clot lysis time (CLT) and compared with the levels in 40 healthy controls. Patients had 3-fold increased VWF levels, 4-fold decreased ADAMTS13 activity, similar thrombin generating capacity, and 2.4-fold increased CLT, compared with controls. Increasing disease severity was associated with progressively more elevated VWF levels as well as hypofibrinolysis. Patients who died or underwent liver transplantation within 21 days of admission had higher VWF levels, lower ADAMTS13 activity, but similar thrombin generation and a similar proportion of patients with severe hypofibrinolysis, when compared with transplant-free survivors. Likewise, patients with bleeding complications had higher VWF levels and lower ADAMTS13 activity compared to those without bleeding. Thrombin generation and CLT did not differ significantly between bleeding and nonbleeding patients.Conclusions Rebalanced hemostatic status was confirmed in a large cohort of patients with acute liver injury/ALF, demonstrating that VWF/ADAMTS13 imbalance is associated with poor outcome and bleeding. The association between VWF/ADAMTS13 imbalance and bleeding suggests that bleeding in ALF relates more to systemic inflammation than a primary coagulopathy.</p

    Improving signal intensities for genes with low-expression on oligonucleotide microarrays

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    BACKGROUND: DNA microarrays using long oligonucleotide probes are widely used to evaluate gene expression in biological samples. These oligonucleotides are pre-synthesized and sequence-optimized to represent specific genes with minimal cross-hybridization to homologous genes. Probe length and concentration are critical factors for signal sensitivity, particularly when genes with various expression levels are being tested. We evaluated the effects of oligonucleotide probe length and concentration on signal intensity measurements of the expression levels of genes in a target sample. RESULTS: Selected genes of various expression levels in a single cell line were hybridized to oligonucleotide arrays of four lengths and four concentrations of probes to determine how these critical parameters affected the intensity of the signal representing their expression. We found that oligonucleotides of longer length significantly increased the signals of genes with low-expression in the target. High-expressing gene signals were also boosted but to a lesser degree. Increasing the probe concentration, however, did not linearly increase the signal intensity for either low- or high-expressing genes. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the longer the oligonuclotide probe the better the signal intensities of low expressing genes on oligonucleotide arrays

    Rhodopsin Phosphorylation Sites and Their Role in Arrestin Binding

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    Rhodopsin, the rod cell photoreceptor, undergoes rapid desensitization upon exposure to light, resulting in uncoupling of the receptor from its G protein, transducin (Gt). Phosphorylation of serine and threonine residues located in the COOH terminus of rhodopsin is the first step in this process, followed by the binding of arrestin. In this study, a series of mutants was generated in which these COOH-terminal phosphorylation substrate sites were substituted with alanines. These mutants were expressed in HEK-293 cells and analyzed for their ability to be phosphorylated by rhodopsin kinase and to bind arrestin. The results demonstrate that rhodopsin kinase can efficiently phosphorylate other serine and threonine residues in the absence of the sites reported to be the preferred substrates for rhodopsin kinase. A correlation was observed between the level of rhodopsin phosphorylation and the amount of arrestin binding to these mutants. However, mutants T340A and S343A demonstrated a significant reduction in arrestin binding even though the level of phosphorylation was similar to that of wild-type rhodopsin. Substitution of Thr-340 and Ser-343 with glutamic acid residues (T340E and S343E, respectively) was not sufficient to promote the binding of arrestin in the absence of phosphorylation by rhodopsin kinase. When S343E was phosphorylated, its ability to bind arrestin was similar to that of wild-type rhodopsin. Surprisingly, arrestin binding to phosphorylated T340E did not increase to the level observed for wild-type rhodopsin. These results suggest that 2 amino acids, Thr-340 and Ser-343, play important but distinct roles in promoting the binding of arrestin to rhodopsin

    Mapping the Structure and Function of the E1 and E2 Glycoproteins in Alphaviruses

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    The 9 Å resolution cryo-electron microscopy map of Sindbis virus presented here provides structural information on the polypeptide topology of the E2 protein, on the interactions between the E1 and E2 glycoproteins in the formation of a heterodimer, on the difference in conformation of the two types of trimeric spikes, on the interaction between the transmembrane helices of the E1 and E2 proteins, and on the conformational changes that occur when fusing with a host cell. The positions of various markers on the E2 protein established the approximate topology of the E2 structure. The largest conformational differences between the icosahedral surface spikes at icosahedral 3-fold and quasi-3-fold positions are associated with the monomers closest to the 5-fold axes. The long E2 monomers, containing the cell receptor recognition motif at their extremities, are shown to rotate by about 180^o and to move away from the center of the spikes during fusion

    An Ileal Crohn's Disease Gene Signature Based on Whole Human Genome Expression Profiles of Disease Unaffected Ileal Mucosal Biopsies

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    Previous genome-wide expression studies have highlighted distinct gene expression patterns in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) compared to control samples, but the interpretation of these studies has been limited by sample heterogeneity with respect to disease phenotype, disease activity, and anatomic sites. To further improve molecular classification of inflammatory bowel disease phenotypes we focused on a single anatomic site, the disease unaffected proximal ileal margin of resected ileum, and three phenotypes that were unlikely to overlap: ileal Crohn's disease (ileal CD), ulcerative colitis (UC), and control patients without IBD. Whole human genome (Agilent) expression profiling was conducted on two independent sets of disease-unaffected ileal samples collected from the proximal margin of resected ileum. Set 1 (47 ileal CD, 27 UC, and 25 Control non-IBD patients) was used as the training set and Set 2 was subsequently collected as an independent test set (10 ileal CD, 10 UC, and 10 control non-IBD patients). We compared the 17 gene signatures selected by four different feature-selection methods to distinguish ileal CD phenotype with non-CD phenotype. The four methods yielded different but overlapping solutions that were highly discriminating. All four of these methods selected FOLH1 as a common feature. This gene is an established biomarker for prostate cancer, but has not previously been associated with Crohn's disease. Immunohistochemical staining confirmed increased expression of FOLH1 in the ileal epithelium. These results provide evidence for convergent molecular abnormalities in the macroscopically disease unaffected proximal margin of resected ileum from ileal CD subjects

    Blank assessment for ultra-small radiocarbon samples : chemical extraction and separation versus AMS

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    Author Posting. © Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of the University of Arizona, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of Dept. of Geosciences, University of Arizona for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Radiocarbon 52 (2010): 1322-1335.The Keck Carbon Cycle AMS facility at the University of California, Irvine (KCCAMS/UCI) has developed protocols for analyzing radiocarbon in samples as small as ~0.001 mg of carbon (C). Mass-balance background corrections for modern and 14C-dead carbon contamination (MC and DC, respectively) can be assessed by measuring 14C-free and modern standards, respectively, using the same sample processing techniques that are applied to unknown samples. This approach can be validated by measuring secondary standards of similar size and 14C composition to the unknown samples. Ordinary sample processing (such as ABA or leaching pretreatment, combustion/graphitization, and handling) introduces MC contamination of ~0.6 ± 0.3 ÎŒg C, while DC is ~0.3 ± 0.15 ÎŒg C. Today, the laboratory routinely analyzes graphite samples as small as 0.015 mg C for external submissions and ≅0.001 mg C for internal research activities with a precision of ~1% for ~0.010 mg C. However, when analyzing ultra-small samples isolated by a series of complex chemical and chromatographic methods (such as individual compounds), integrated procedural blanks may be far larger and more variable than those associated with combustion/graphitization alone. In some instances, the mass ratio of these blanks to the compounds of interest may be so high that the reported 14C results are meaningless. Thus, the abundance and variability of both MC and DC contamination encountered during ultra-small sample analysis must be carefully and thoroughly evaluated. Four case studies are presented to illustrate how extraction chemistry blanks are determined

    Bcl11b and combinatorial resolution of cell fate in the T-cell gene regulatory network

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    T-cell development from hematopoietic progenitors depends on multiple transcription factors, mobilized and modulated by intrathymic Notch signaling. Key aspects of T-cell specification network architecture have been illuminated through recent reports defining roles of transcription factors PU.1, GATA-3, and E2A, their interactions with Notch signaling, and roles of Runx1, TCF-1, and Hes1, providing bases for a comprehensively updated model of the T-cell specification gene regulatory network presented herein. However, the role of lineage commitment factor Bcl11b has been unclear. We use self-organizing maps on 63 RNA-seq datasets from normal and perturbed T-cell development to identify functional targets of Bcl11b during commitment and relate them to other regulomes. We show that both activation and repression target genes can be bound by Bcl11b in vivo, and that Bcl11b effects overlap with E2A-dependent effects. The newly clarified role of Bcl11b distinguishes discrete components of commitment, resolving how innate lymphoid, myeloid, and dendritic, and B-cell fate alternatives are excluded by different mechanisms

    GATA-3 Dose-Dependent Checkpoints in Early T Cell Commitment

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    GATA-3 expression is crucial for T cell development and peaks during commitment to the T cell lineage, midway through the CD4CD8 (double-negative [DN]) stages 1–3. We used RNA interference and conditional deletion to reduce GATA-3 protein acutely at specific points during T cell differentiation in vitro. Even moderate GATA-3 reduction killed DN1 cells, delayed progression to the DN2 stage, skewed DN2 gene regulation, and blocked appearance of the DN3 phenotype. Although a Bcl-2 transgene rescued DN1 survival and improved DN2 cell generation, it did not restore DN3 differentiation. Gene expression analyses (quantitative PCR, RNA sequencing) showed that GATA-3–deficient DN2 cells quickly upregulated genes, including Spi1 (PU.1) and Bcl11a, and downregulated genes, including Cpa3, Ets1, Zfpm1, Bcl11b, Il9r, and Il17rb with gene-specific kinetics and dose dependencies. These targets could mediate two distinct roles played by GATA-3 in lineage commitment, as revealed by removing wild-type or GATA-3–deficient early T lineage cells from environmental Notch signals. GATA-3 worked as a potent repressor of B cell potential even at low expression levels, so that only full deletion of GATA-3 enabled pro–T cells to reveal B cell potential. The ability of GATA-3 to block B cell development did not require T lineage commitment factor Bcl11b. In prethymic multipotent precursors, however, titration of GATA-3 activity using tamoxifen-inducible GATA-3 showed that GATA-3 inhibits B and myeloid developmental alternatives at different threshold doses. Furthermore, differential impacts of a GATA-3 obligate repressor construct imply that B and myeloid development are inhibited through distinct transcriptional mechanisms. Thus, the pattern of GATA-3 expression sequentially produces B lineage exclusion, T lineage progression, and myeloid-lineage exclusion for commitment
