100 research outputs found

    Forgetting Aborigines

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    Las tres figuras de la geontología

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    “The Three Figures of Geontology” is the first chapter of Geontologies: a Requiem to Late Liberalism, published by Duke University Press in 2016.“The Three Figures of Geontology” es el primer capítulo del libro Geontologies: a Requiem to Late Liberalism, publicado por Duke University Press en 2016

    Grammaires intimes. Langage, subjectivité et genre : discussion anthropologique et psychanalytique

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    RÉSUMÉGrammaires intimes. Langage, subjectivité et genre : discussion anthropologique et psychanalytiqueCet essai examine comment la métapragmatique et la psychanalyse comprennent le langage, le genre et le désir. Il met en évidence le défi que suscitent pour l'une et l'autre discipline leurs différentes approches de la langue, du genre et du désir. Il soutient qu'une solide théorie de la langue et du genre nécessite que nous voyions la subjectivité comme un ordre de phénomène distinct, si on pouvait l'en extraire, des ordres sémantiques et pragmatiques du phénomène du langage. Et il soutient que lorsqu'on observe la structure et l'usage du langage du point de vue du sujet, on perçoit qu'ils possèdent leur propre forme de signaux, fonction et capacité d'être le médium de communication d'une forme particulière d'être, l'être humain qui doit devenir sujet parlant.Cet article propose deux modestes suggestions pour commencer à comprendre les interre-lations entre langage et subjectivité. II commence avec un survol très bref des approches de l'anthropologie contemporaine du langage pour l'étude du genre et de la sexualité. Il décrit ensuite la grammaire intime des sujets parlants en conjuguant les travaux récents de la métapragmatique et du genre avec une discussion d'inspiration psychanalytique sur la subjectivité et le désir.Mots clés : Povinelli. langage, genre, métapragmatique. psychanalyse, subjectivitéABSTRACTIntimate Grammars : Anthropological and Psychoanalytical Accounts of Language. Subjectivity. and GenderThis essay discusses metapragmatic and psychoanalytic understandings of language. gender and desire. It discusses the challenge each disciplinary approach to language. gender and désire poses to the other. It argues that a robust theory of language and gender necessitates we view subjectivity as an order of phenomenon distinct, if only extractible. from semantic and pragmatic orders of linguistic phenomena. And it argues that when language structure and usage is viewed from the point-of-view of the subject. they are seen to carry in their signal form. function. and capacity the condition of being the communica-tive medium of a particular from of beings. a human being who must become speaking subject. The essay suggests two modest proposais as a way of beginning to understand the interrelationship between language and subjectivity. It begins with a very brief overview of contemporary linguistic anthropological approaches to gender and sexuality. It then describes the intimate grammar of speaking-subjects by articulating recent work in metapragmatics and gender with a psychoanalytically inspired account subjectivity and desire.Key words : Povinelli. language. gender. metapragmatics. psychoanalysis. subjectivit

    Pragmáticas íntimas: linguagem, subjetividade e gênero

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    Militant Fidelity & The Empire of Love

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    1 h 31 minIn the 1960s a war broke out between the two French theorists Gilles Deleuze and Alain Badiou over the role of the philosopher and the procedures of truth, the nature of the event and the possibility of revolutionary politics. Pivotal to both was the status, affects and militancies of love. But so was a shared refusal to puncture the discourses of love, through a radical displacement of Western epistemologies. How might a militant fidelity to a form of love reappear in the empires of love? Elizabeth A. Povinelli is Professor of Anthropology and Gender Studies at Columbia University. Povinelli’s writing has focused on developing a critical theory of late liberalism. She is the author of «The Empire of Love» (Duke, 2006) and «Economies of Abandonment: Social Belonging and Endurance in Late Liberalism» (Duke, 2011) as well as the short film «Karrabing, Low Tide Turning». A new book entitled «Geontologies: A Requiem to Late Liberalism» will be released on Duke in 2016. / På 1960-tallet brøt det ut en krig mellom de to franske teoretikerne Gilles Deleuze og Alain Badiou om filosofens rolle, sannhetsprosedyrer, hendelsens natur og muligheten for revolusjonær politikk. Sentralt for de begge stod kjærligheten; dens status, påvirkningskraft og militante aspekter. Samtidig delte de et ønske om å ikke punktere kjærlighetsdiskursen gjennom en radikal forskyvning av vestige epoistemologier. Hvordan kan en militant troskap til en form for kjærlighet gjenoppstå i kjærlighetsimperiene? Elizabeth A. Povinelli er professor i antropologi og kjønnsstudier ved Columbia University. Povinellis skriftlige arbeider har fokusert på å utvikle en kritisk teori omkring senliberalismen. Hun er forfatteren av «The Empire of Love» (Duke, 2006), «Economies of Abandonment: Social Belonging and Endurance in Late Liberalism» (Duke, 2011) og kortfilmen «Karrabing, Low Tide Turning». Den nye boken «Geontologies: A Requiem to Late Liberalism» (Duke) vil bli gitt ut i 2016. In addition to the lecture there will be a screening of «When the Dogs Talked» (2014) and «Low Tide Turning» (2012), films by the Karrabing Film Collective, Friday 20 February at 4pm. in the main auditorium at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts

    Between Gaia and Ground

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    Elizabeth Povinelli, ‘Between Gaia and Ground’, keynote presented at the symposium Reducing Climate, ICI Berlin, 9 June 2022, video recording, mp4, 45:55 <https://doi.org/10.25620/e220609_2