64 research outputs found

    Multidisciplinary Program Approach to Building Food and Business Skills for Agricultural Entrepreneurs

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    Farmers involved in local food systems are seeking opportunities to expand operations and diversify their sources of income through value-added operations and access to new markets. To be successful, producers need further food safety training and business skills acquisition to mitigate potential risks. We outline and discuss a multidisciplinary program developed for Extension personnel to deliver to producers and value-added entrepreneurs participating in local and regional food systems. The program helps participants reduce risks by improving their business skills, marketing tools, market access, market channels, regulatory compliance, and food safety practices

    Mixed Methods Research in LIS Literature: A Scoping Review

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    This poster presentation introduces the initial stages of a scoping review, mapping the existing mixed methods research (MMR) studies in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS) published between 2013-2015. While MMR has no universal definition, it can generally be defined as a mixing of qualitative and quantitative research methods or analytic techniques in a single study (Creswell, 2010). Mixed methods offers a third research paradigm, which aligns more closely with the pragmatic approach being adopted by research which focuses on the research question driving the methods, and not the inclinations of the researcher (Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2005; Small, 2011; Yoshikawa, Weisner, Kalil & Way, 2008). In order to expand research methods to best answer LIS research questions, a better understanding of MMR becomes critical for its useful implementation. The research questions guiding this scoping review are: How is MMR being used in LIS research? What types of qualitative and quantitative methods are being used within a MMR study? How are researchers defining and classifying these studies in relation to the most prominent definitions within the MMR community? What types of research questions are being addressed through MMR? This scoping review will allow academic and research librarians to see how their colleagues are implementing MMR across the field in the intention that they will have a better understanding of mixed methods approaches and feel more confident in using them. The poster presentation will report on the search strategy and initial findings of this scoping review

    Increasing Research Requirements for Tenure at Teaching Universities: Mission Creep or Mission Critical?

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    What social forces are driving the increase in research requirements for tenure at teaching universities? Engaging Pierre Bourdieu\u27s field theory, this case study examines a state comprehensive university, at multiple levels of analysis, and via multiple methods. Field theory is a viable alternative to neoinstitutional theory for higher education scholars. The methods used are quantitative content analysis, qualitative discursive analysis and interviews. The study provides a detailed account of whether economic or cultural forces are the stronger influence on the trend to increase research requirements. Economic factors, such as national enrollment trends, do not necessarily have a strong effect on individual institutions, Also, the drive to increase research is not always initiated by administrators, as suggested by the academic-economy argument. Instead, faculty preferences, at the department level, tend to favor of the teacher-scholar model. This varies by academic discipline. The trend to increase research requirements is moving from the ground up, as faculty preferences become part of university manuals and eventually university missions. It is is suggested that it is mission critical for teaching universities to recognize the worth of integrating teaching and research. Teaching and research are theorized as two sides of a coin. The production and dissemination of knowledge is a key source of legitimacy for professors. This core cultural value may be more important than short-term regard for economic gains

    Towards a measure of superior-subordinate perceptual correspondence and its relationship to the performance appraisal

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    The purpose of the present study was to determine what, if any, relationship existed between the correspondence of perceptions between superior-subordinate work dyads and the superior\u27s rating of the subordinate\u27s work performance

    The TROLLEY Study : Assessing travel, health and equity impacts of a new light rain transit investment during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted life in extraordinary ways impacting health and daily mobility. Public transit provides a strategy to improve individual and population health through increased active travel and reduced vehicle dependency, while ensuring equitable access to jobs, healthcare, education, and mitigating climate change. However, health safety concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic eroded ridership, which could have longstanding negative consequences. Research is needed to understand how mobility and health change as the pandemic recedes and how transit investments impact health and equity outcomes. Methods The TROLLEY (TRansit Opportunities for HeaLth, Livability, Exercise and EquitY) study will prospectively investigate a diverse cohort of university employees after the opening of a new light rail transit (LRT) line and the easing of campus COVID-19 restrictions. Participants are current staff who live either  2 miles from LRT, with equal distribution across economic and racial/ethnic strata. The primary aim is to assess change in physical activity, travel mode, and vehicle miles travelled using accelerometer and GPS devices. Equity outcomes include household transportation and health-related expenditures. Change in health outcomes, including depressive symptoms, stress, quality of life, body mass index and behavior change constructs related to transit use will be assessed via self-report. Pre-pandemic variables will be retrospectively collected. Participants will be measured at 3 times over 2 years of follow up. Longitudinal changes in outcomes will be assessed using multilevel mixed effects models. Analyses will evaluate whether proximity to LRT, sociodemographic, and environmental factors modify change in outcomes over time. Discussion The TROLLEY study will utilize rigorous methods to advance our understanding of health, well-being, and equity-oriented outcomes of new LRT infrastructure through the COVID-19 recovery period, in a sample of demographically diverse adult workers whose employment location is accessed by new transit. Results will inform land use, transportation and health investments, and workplace interventions. Findings have the potential to elevate LRT as a public health priority and provide insight on how to ensure public transit meets the needs of vulnerable users and is more resilient in the face of future health pandemics. Trial registration The TROLLEY study was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT04940481) June 17, 2021, and OSF Registries (https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/PGEHU) June 24, 2021, prior to participant enrollment

    Gestión de procesos para la optimización de citas médicas en el centro médico Guerrero Salud S.A.C.

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    El centro médico Guerrero Salud es una empresa privada dedicada a ofrecer servicios de salud, en diversas especialidades, buscando siempre el bienestar de sus pacientes, capaz de atender de manera oportuna, segura e inmediata para tratar diversos problemas, la misma que muestra inconvenientes para la atención de pacientes, debido a ello se generan largas colas a la espera de ser atendidos.El desarrollo de este estudio de tesis se describió bajo la línea de investigación Gestión empresarial y emprendimiento para perfeccionar la optimización de citas médicas en el Centro médico Guerrero Salud en la ciudad de Chiclayo. Este trabajo desarrollado pone énfasis en la satisfacción del paciente, a través de la propuesta de un sistema tecnológico que ayude a efectuar los procesos de citas médicas de manera eficiente, para ello se realizó un diagnóstico correspondiente para detectar deficiencias en cuanto a los procesos, con el propósito de conseguir minimizar esos problemas y obtener resultados que beneficien tanto a los pacientes como a la empresa. La investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la optimización de citas médicas en el centro médico Guerrero Salud para mejorar los procesos de registros de citas médicas, la investigación tiene un tipo de descriptiva- propositiva, no experimental. La población de este trabajo de investigación es de 168 personas conformada por los pacientes del centro médico, a los cuales se les encuestó para determinar su nivel de percepción con respecto al servicio de citas médicas. Como resultado de las encuestas se obtuvo como promedio de calificación un 90.7% de nivel medio en la optimización de sus procesos y un 6,8% como nivel bajo, lo cual explica que el centro médico debería optimizar sus procesos de citas para generar una mejor atención.TesisGestión empresarial y emprendimient


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    Esta investigación tiene como objetivo proponer un sistema de gestión para optimización de citas médicas en el centro médico Guerrero salud S.A.C. Presenta un enfoque mixto cualitativa - cuantitativa, es de tipo descriptiva propositiva y de diseño no experimental transversal, se utilizaron técnicas de recolección de datos como una encuesta a todos los pacientes que asistieron por una consulta para determinar su nivel de percepción con respecto al proceso de citas médicas y una entrevista realizada al gerente general del centro médico para conocer a detalle cómo funciona el proceso de citas médicas, así como que tan importante considera la implementación de un sistema tecnológico que les permita minimizar el tiempo de espera a todos los pacientes. La validez y confiabilidad del instrumento se realizaron bajo el juicio de tres expertos quienes analizaron de acuerdo a sus conocimientos y emitan su punto de vista según su criterio. Y la confiabilidad del alfa de Cronbach fue de 0,929 el cual indica que es excelente. Teniendo como resultado promedio de calificación de 90.7%, lo cual explica que el centro médico debería optimizar sus procesos de citas, del mismo modo se aprecia un nivel bajo de 6.8% lo cual indica la percepción de los pacientes. Entonces, se concluyó proponer la herramienta tecnológica BizAgi para lograr la optimización de las citas médicas del centro médico Guerrero salud S.A.C, el cual permitirá reducir el tiempo de espera de los pacientes logrando generar una mejor atención

    The polaroid image as photo-object

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    This article is part of a larger project on the cultural history of Polaroid photography and draws on research done at the Polaroid Corporate archive at Harvard and at the Polaroid company itself. It identifies two cultural practices engendered by Polaroid photography, which, at the point of its extinction, has briefly flared into visibility again. It argues that these practices are mistaken as novel but are in fact rediscoveries of practices that stretch back as many as five decades. The first section identifies Polaroid image-making as a photographic equivalent of what Tom Gunning calls the ‘cinema of attractions’. That is, the emphasis in its use is on the display of photographic technologies rather than the resultant image. Equally, the common practice, in both fine art and vernacular circles, of making composite pictures with Polaroid prints, draws attention from image content and redirects it to the photo as object

    Negative pressure wound therapy with instillation: International consensus guidelines update.

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    The use of negative pressure wound therapy with instillation and dwell time (NPWTi-d) has gained wider adoption and interest due in part to the increasing complexity of wounds and patient conditions. Best practices for the use of NPWTi-d have shifted in recent years based on a growing body of evidence and expanded worldwide experience with the technology. To better guide the use of NPWTi-d with all dressing and setting configurations, as well as solutions, there is a need to publish updated international consensus guidelines, which were last produced over 6 years ago. An international, multidisciplinary expert panel of clinicians was convened on 22 to 23 February 2019, to assist in developing current recommendations for best practices of the use of NPWTi-d. Principal aims of the meeting were to update recommendations based on panel members\u27 experience and published results regarding topics such as appropriate application settings, topical wound solution selection, and wound and patient characteristics for the use of NPWTi-d with various dressing types. The final consensus recommendations were derived based on greater than 80% agreement among the panellists. The guidelines in this publication represent further refinement of the recommended parameters originally established for the use of NPWTi-d. The authors thank Karen Beach and Ricardo Martinez for their assistance with manuscript preparation

    Evolution of Burkholderia pseudomallei in Recurrent Melioidosis

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    Burkholderia pseudomallei, the etiologic agent of human melioidosis, is capable of causing severe acute infection with overwhelming septicemia leading to death. A high rate of recurrent disease occurs in adult patients, most often due to recrudescence of the initial infecting strain. Pathogen persistence and evolution during such relapsing infections are not well understood. Bacterial cells present in the primary inoculum and in late infections may differ greatly, as has been observed in chronic disease, or they may be genetically similar. To test these alternative models, we conducted whole-genome comparisons of clonal primary and relapse B. pseudomallei isolates recovered six months to six years apart from four adult Thai patients. We found differences within each of the four pairs, and some, including a 330 Kb deletion, affected substantial portions of the genome. Many of the changes were associated with increased antibiotic resistance. We also found evidence of positive selection for deleterious mutations in a TetR family transcriptional regulator from a set of 107 additional B. pseudomallei strains. As part of the study, we sequenced to base-pair accuracy the genome of B. pseudomallei strain 1026b, the model used for genetic studies of B. pseudomallei pathogenesis and antibiotic resistance. Our findings provide new insights into pathogen evolution during long-term infections and have important implications for the development of intervention strategies to combat recurrent melioidosis