4 research outputs found

    Impacto del examen del Sistema de Nivelación y Admisión (SNNA) en los estudiantes de primer semestre de la carrera de agronomía de la ESPOCH/Impact of the examination of the Leveling and Admission System (SNNA) in the first semester students of the agrono

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    En el Ecuador, el gobierno desde el año 2010 asumió el control de admisión de los estudiantes a la Educación Superior, estableciendo nuevos métodos de ingreso a las universidades públicas del país, el mecanismo más significativo y de mayor debate e impacto fue la introducción del Examen Nacional para la Educación Superior (ENES) que se tomó por primera vez en 2011 y que modificó drásticamente el mecanismo de ingreso a la educación de tercer nivel en Ecuador y provocó multiples efectos que han sido poco estudidos; por lo que, con la presente investigación pretendemos contribuir a conocer este fenómeno mediante el analisis algunos de los problemas presentados a los estudiantes de la carrera de Agronomía de la Facultad de Recursos Naturales de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH) de la ciudad de Riobamba, provincia Chimborazo. Para realizar el presente trabajo se aplicaron encuestas a los estudiantes que se encontraban matriculados en el primer semestre de la carrera de Agronomía para el período académico octubre de 2016 y marzo de 2017, considerando aspectos como la auto-identificación étnica, sexo, edad, provincia y cantón en la que se encuentra el colegio en el que se graduó como bachiller, el número de postulaciones que realizó para lograr un cupo en la carrera deseada por los estudiantes de acuerdo a los cupos ofertados en el Sistema Nacional de Nivelación y Admisión. También se consideran aspectos como el egreso económico que las familias tuvieron que realizar para preparar a sus hijos para obtener mejores puntajes y los gastos que están realizando para que ellos estudien en la ESPOCH en la ciudad de Riobamba. Entre los resultados mas significativos obtenidos tenemos que el el 50.4% mujeres y 49.6% hombres; el 83% de los estudiantes matriculados en el primer semestre de la carrera de Agronomía se autoidentificó como mestizo, el 15% como indígena y un 2% como afroecuatoriano; el 78% se graduó en colegios fiscales, el 13% en colegios particulares y el 9% en fiscomisionales. El 67.37% proviene de la provincia de Chimborazo y el 51.6% es de Riobamba. Para ingresar a la carrera el 55,8% realizó una postulación, 2 el 33,7%; 3 ocasiones el 7,4%; y, mas de 4 oportunidades el 2,1%. En cuanto al puntaje en la primera postulación los resultados fueron el 62,92% entre 701 y 800 puntos; el 26,97% entre 601 y 700 puntos; el 6,74% de 801 a 900 puntos. El 51% se inscribió en cursos prepratorios para realizar el examen; y el 73.91% dijo que le fue útil, pero solo el 6.74% alcanzo notas entre 801 y 900 puntos en la primera postulación puntajes que solo al 47% de los estudiantes les permitió lograr un cupo para la carrera que ellos deseaban. El 46% se vio en la necesidad de cambian su lugar de residencia para realizar sus estudios, de ellos el 64% lo hizo desde otra provincia, lo que implica que debe realizar gastos para su estadía. Este es un trabajo pionero, que parte desde el punto de vista de los estudiantes y presenta las primeras evidencias empíricas y nos da pistas para tratar de comprender lo que está sucediendo con la aplicación del ENES, tanto en los efectos como en las consecuencias que está teniendo la implementación del sistema de ingreso a las universidades ecuatorianas que tiene a esta prueba como su eje angular, también proporciona datos para dilucidar algunos mitos que se han construido alrededor de este instrumento, que a su vez pueden servir para la realización de nuevas investigaciones. In Ecuador, the government since 2010 assumed control of admission of students to Higher Education, establishing new methods of admission to public universities in the country, the most significant mechanism and the most debate and impact was the introduction of the Exam National for Higher Education (ENES) which was taken for the first time in 2011 and drastically modified the mechanism of entry to third level education in Ecuador and caused multiple effects that have been little studied; so, with this research we intend to contribute to know this phenomenon by analyzing some of the problems presented to the students of the career of Agronomy of the Faculty of Natural Resources of the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH) of the city of Riobamba, Chimborazo province.To carry out this work, surveys were applied to students who were enrolled in the first semester of the Agronomy career for the academic period October 2016 and March 2017, considering aspects such as ethnic self-identification, sex, age, province and the canton in which the college where he graduated as a bachelor is located, the number of applications he made to achieve a quota in the career desired by the students according to the quotas offered in the National Leveling and Admission System. They also consider aspects such as the economic income that families had to make to prepare their children to obtain better scores and the expenses, they are making so that they study at the ESPOCH in the city of Riobamba. Among the most significant results obtained we have that 50.4% women and 49.6% men; 83% of students enrolled in the first semester of Agronomy self-identified as mestizo, 15% as indigenous and 2% as Afro-Ecuadorian; 78% graduated in tax colleges, 13% in private schools and 9% in fiscomisionales. 67.37% comes from the province of Chimborazo and 51.6% comes from Riobamba. To enter the race, 55.8% made a nomination, 2 33.7%; 3 occasions 7.4%; and, more than 4 opportunities 2.1%. As for the score in the first application, the results were 62.92% between 701 and 800 points; 26.97% between 601 and 700 points; 6.74% from 801 to 900 points. 51% enrolled in prep courses to take the exam; and 73.91% said that it was useful, but only 6.74% reached scores between 801 and 900 points in the first postulation scores that only 47% of the students allowed them to achieve a quota for the career they wanted. 46% saw the need to change their place of residence to carry out their studies, of which 64% did so from another province, which implies that they must make expenses for their stay. This is a pioneering work, which starts from the point of view of the students and presents the first empirical evidence and gives us clues to try to understand what is happening with the application of the ENES, both in the effects and in the consequences that are having the implementation of the entrance system to the Ecuadorian universities that has this test as its cornerstone, it also provides data to elucidate some myths that have been built around this instrument, which in turn can be used to carry out new research. Palabras Claves: Examen Nacional de Educación Superior, educación superior, gratuidad, asignación de cupos, postulaciones. Keywords: National Examination of Higher Education, higher education, gratuity, quota allocation, applications

    Diseño De Una Planta De Tratamiento De Aguas Residuales Para Su Reutilización En Riego En Áreas Verdes

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    Over the last few years uncontrolled wastewater discharges have been generated in bodies of water which pose a high risk to the environment and human health. The present study is based on a laboratory prototype under controlled conditions with the aim: To return water quality indexes to safe conditions within the “Edison Riera” Campus at National University of Chimborazo for its reuse in the green areas irrigation, through unit processes based on the percentages reduction results of polluting organic matter and applying treatment processes by activated sludge. During the investigation the following results were obtained: Efficiency and reduction of biological and chemical oxygen demand by 93.75%, and 85.02%, coliforms color and turbidity decrease in 87.51%, 93.84% and 90.29% simultaneously, the same ones that have allowed designing a waste water treatment plant for irrigations in green areas in real scale

    Logistic Model for Predicting Coliform Growth in Wastewater Effluent From the Chambo River (Ecuador)

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    Purpose: The objective of this work is to apply a predictive model of bacterial growth to determine the concentration of total coliforms, under controlled laboratory conditions, in wastewater from the city of Riobamba that flows into the Chambo River (Ecuador).   Theoretical Framework: Wastewater pollution is a global problem that affects water quality and public health. Population growth has a drastic impact on the contamination of water bodies, particularly in Ecuador, since most of the effluents are not adequately treated, which becomes a public health and environmental problem. For this reason, over the years, total and fecal coliforms have been used as indicators of water quality.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The study used a mathematical modeling approach of a logistic and deterministic type, and calculated through an executable command designed in the integrated development environment (IDE) with the Visual C# programming language (logic) and the XAML design language (interface).   Findings: The results achieved are 1) the theoretical construction of a mathematical model (logistic model) starting from a differential equation and the taking of three experimental measurements, 2) the computer construction of the bacterial growth model and 3) it has been demonstrated that there is agreement between the values obtained from the model of total coliform growth and the experimental results with a margin of error of less than 1%.   Research, Practical & Social Implications: This information can be used by stakeholders to determine actions that could improve current conditions.   Originality/Value: The result of this study emphasizes that the model proposed can reproduce the growth of coliforms up to a maximum growth point, it is necessary to continue with the development of the same in the stationary phase of bacterial growth and then in the decay phase

    Propuesta De Modelo De Gestión De Información Y Conocimiento En El Marco De Un Observatorio Turístico Cantonal En La Ciudad De Riobamba

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    We present a sustainable management model capable of delivering timely products and services demanded by public and private tourism stakeholders. The case study is for the strategic decision-making of the tourism sector in Riobamba County, Ecuador, within the framework of a Tourism Observatory as a means of information management. Other cases of information management related to tourism and literature on national and international tourist observatories were analyzed. Locally, information gaps were identified through personal interviews with actors in the sector. The preferred organizational structure follows the Red Model, which uses the construction of knowledge as a barometer of quality, an opportunity for investment, market research, learning spaces and exchange of experiences. It also presents the profile of services and products that will be offered by the observatory, flow of processes, financing alternatives and strategic alliances for its operation. Our research demonstrates the willingness of tourism stakeholders to move from information management to knowledge management. It is concluded that our Information and Knowledge Management Model could be promoted in the future as an alternative to address real problems in information management. We recommend implementing our Information and Knowledge Management Model because it demonstrates a contribution to the generation of unique and transferable knowledge among tourism stakeholders. It is indispensable for stakeholder institutions to work in coordination with joint responsibility for the success of the Tourism Observatory