159 research outputs found

    STEM Students and Faculty See Value in a Classroom Belonging Exercise

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    Enhancing belonging in undergraduate STEM classrooms are pivotal for student success. This study examines a belonging exercise\u27s implementation and impact in multiple STEM courses from 2017 to 2019. Faculty perspectives were gathered from a survey of 92 respondents, indicating a high level of perceived benefit (92%). Coded responses highlighted shared experiences and diversity mindset promotion. 30% explicitly mentioned benefits for both students and instructors. Additionally, 76% of faculty saw potential of belonging exercises in their own classrooms. It is important to promote using belonging interventions and also understand how STEM students perceive their value and utility. Three focus groups with PSU STEM students were designed and conducted. Students shared their perceptions of campus belonging. Following this, they reviewed the OLL exercise plus original data. Finally, they were presented with faculty responses, and asked to share their opinions and reactions (i.e. surprised, dismayed, or in agreement with the faculty responses). Collected responses from the focus groups were coded for analysis. Our goal was to understand how STEM students value belonging interventions and to acquire qualitative data to understand students\u27 views and contradictions regarding the current system and their belief in greater success and persistence with a stronger sense of belonging

    Student Perceptions: How STEM Students Value Belonging Interventions

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    With the prioritization of increasing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) graduates in the United States, researchers have become increasingly interested in how to promote STEM students\u27 sense of belonging. Sense of belonging is considered a marker of persistence in STEM. Facilitated \u27belonging interventions\u27 are one way to strengthen a sense of belonging amongst STEM students. How students respond to, value, and understand these belonging interventions is relatively understudied. In this study, focus groups were conducted with STEM students from a single university to investigate how they value an in-class belonging activity. Qualitative thematic coding of focus group responses revealed three emergent themes including Value of the Activity, Accepting the System As-Is, and Unsafe Pedagogy. Moving forward with the study includes data analysis for subthemes and follow-up interviews with focus group participants

    Metástasis oral de carcinoma de células renales. A propósito de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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    Los tumores metastásicos en cavidad oral son pocos frecuentes, representan el 1% de las neoplasias malignas orales, son relativamente más frecuentes en los maxilares, respecto a aquellos localizados en los tejidos blandos orales. Se describe el caso de una paciente de 75 años de edad, con antecedentes de carcinoma renal de células claras, que consulta por la aparición repentina de una lesión tumoral en reborde alveolar superior izquierdo. Se realizó la biopsia exéresis con diagnóstico presuntivo de tumor metastásico o posible lesión reactiva. El informe anátomo - patológico confirma el diagnóstico de metástasis de un carcinoma renal. Las metástasis orales tienen un pronóstico generalmente malo, compromete la sobrevida, por lo que es importante realizar un exhaustivo estudio del paciente y considerar sus antecedentes, ya que en ocasiones son diagnosticadas tardı́amente


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    A presente pesquisa versou sobre o direito fundamental à vida e o instituto do aborto, analisados sob o prisma da teoria da proporcionalidade de Robert Alexy. Os estudos realizados tiveram por escopo o desenvolvimento e a discussão sobre o direito fundamental à vida embasado pelo princípio da dignidade humana, em que se verifica a possibilidade de relativização em face do aborto. Analisa-se o direito à liberdade e o princípio da autonomia da vontade diante do corpo da mulher, com a pretensão de verificar se há possibilidade de utilização da famigerada teoria da proporcionalidade para uma possível solução da problemática do aborto no sistema jurídico nacional. As análises foram realizadas sob a ótica histórica, filosófica e jurídica, tendo por base a colisão dos direitos fundamentais. Entre os pressupostos analisados e destacados estão o direito à vida, o princípio da dignidade humana, o aborto, o direito à liberdade e o princípio da autonomia da vontade. Como proposta de resolução dessa problemática jurídica e social, propõe-se a regra da proporcionalidade e sua subsunção dentro do sistema jurídico brasileiro. O presente estudo foi desenvolvido pelo método científico bibliográfico.Palavras-chave: Direito fundamental à vida. Princípio da dignidade humana. Aborto. Direito fundamental à liberdade. Teoria da proporcionalidade.


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    O objetivo deste artigo é o de estudar o fenômeno da globalização e os seus impactos e custos sociais sobre os direitos humanos. Para tanto, busca-se compreender os motivos históricos que levaram ao surgimento do processo de globalização, bem como encontrar as possíveis formas de proteção e respeito dos direitos humanos, diante dos efeitos desse fenômeno político-econômico-social.Palavras-chave: Direitos humanos. Direitos fundamentais. Dignidade humana. Globalização


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    A presente pesquisa versa sobre o direito fundamental a vida e o princípio da autonomia da vontade no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, em que faz referência a uma discussão em face do aborto analisado sob uma perspectiva histórica. Os estudos realizados têm por objetivo dissertar de forma breve sobre o significado e entendimentos doutrinários do direito fundamental a vida e do princípio da autonomia da vontade. Pretende-se também explicar quais são as espécies de abortos permitidos e proibidos no ordenamento jurídico pátrio, bem como sua história e alterações através dos tempos. Ainda, desenvolver a discussão sobre a prática do aborto no direito pátrio diante dos direitos supramencionados. Entre os pressupostos mencionados e destacados estão o direito fundamental a vida, o princípio da autonomia da vontade, e o instituto do aborto analisados em consonância com o princípio da dignidade humana que é o pilar da Constituição Federal

    Cavin1; a regulator of lung function and macrophage phenotype.

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    Caveolae are cell membrane invaginations that are highly abundant in adipose tissue, endothelial cells and the lung. The formation of caveolae is dependent on the expression of various structural proteins that serve as scaffolding for these membrane invaginations. Cavin1 is a newly identified structural protein whose deficiency in mice leads to loss of caveolae formation and to development of a lipodystrophic phenotype. In this study, we sought to investigate the functional role of Cavin1 in the lung. Cavin1 deficient mice possessed dramatically altered distal lung morphology and exhibited significant physiological alterations, notably, increased lung elastance. The changes in distal lung architecture were associated with hypercellularity and the accumulation of lung macrophages. The increases in lung macrophages occurred without changes to circulating numbers of mononuclear cells and without evidence for increased proliferation. However, the increases in lung macrophages were associated with higher levels of macrophage chemotactic factors CXCL2 and CCL2 in BAL fluid from Cavin1-/- mice suggesting a possible mechanism by which these cells accumulate. In addition, lung macrophages from Cavin1-/- mice were larger and displayed measurable differences in gene expression when compared to macrophages from wild-type mice. Interestingly, macrophages were also increased in adipose tissue but not in liver, kidney or skeletal muscle from Cavin1-/- mice, and similar tissue specificity for macrophage accumulation was observed in lungs and adipose tissue from Caveolin1-/- mice. In conclusion, this study demonstrates an important role for Cavin1 in lung homeostasis and suggests that caveolae structural proteins are necessary for regulating macrophage number and phenotype in the lung

    Opposing community assembly patterns for dominant and non-dominant plant species in herbaceous ecosystems globally

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    Biotic and abiotic factors interact with dominant plants—the locally most frequent or with the largest coverage—and nondominant plants differently, partially because dominant plants modify the environment where nondominant plants grow. For instance, if dominant plants compete strongly, they will deplete most resources, forcing nondominant plants into a narrower niche space. Conversely, if dominant plants are constrained by the environment, they might not exhaust available resources but instead may ameliorate environmental stressors that usually limit nondominants. Hence, the nature of interactions among nondominant species could be modified by dominant species. Furthermore, these differences could translate into a disparity in the phylogenetic relatedness among dominants compared to the relatedness among nondominants. By estimating phylogenetic dispersion in 78 grasslands across five continents, we found that dominant species were clustered (e.g., co-dominant grasses), suggesting dominant species are likely organized by environmental filtering, and that nondominant species were either randomly assembled or overdispersed. Traits showed similar trends for those sites (<50%) with sufficient trait data. Furthermore, several lineages scattered in the phylogeny had more nondominant species than expected at random, suggesting that traits common in nondominants are phylogenetically conserved and have evolved multiple times. We also explored environmental drivers of the dominant/nondominant disparity. We found different assembly patterns for dominants and nondominants, consistent with asymmetries in assembly mechanisms. Among the different postulated mechanisms, our results suggest two complementary hypotheses seldom explored: (1) Nondominant species include lineages adapted to thrive in the environment generated by dominant species. (2) Even when dominant species reduce resources to nondominant ones, dominant species could have a stronger positive effect on some nondominants by ameliorating environmental stressors affecting them, than by depleting resources and increasing the environmental stress to those nondominants. These results show that the dominant/nondominant asymmetry has ecological and evolutionary consequences fundamental to understand plant communities.EEA Santa CruzFil: Arnillas, Carlos Alberto. University of Toronto Scarborough. Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences; Canadá.Fil: Borer, Elizabeth T. University of Minnesota; Estados UnidosFil: Seabloom, Eric W. University of Minnesota; Estados UnidosFil: Alberti, Juan. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; Argentina.Fil: Baez, Selene. Escuela Politécnica Nacional. Department of Biology; Ecuador.Fil: Bakker, Jonathan D. University of Washington. School of Environmental and Forest Sciences; Estados UnidosFil: Boughton, Elizabeth H. Archbold Biological Station. Venus, Florida; Estados UnidosFil: Buckley, Yvonne M. Trinity College Dublin. School of Natural Sciences, Zoology; IrlandaFil: Bugalho, Miguel Nuno. University of Lisbon. Centre for Applied Ecology Prof. Baeta Neves (CEABN-InBIO). School of Agriculture; Portugal.Fil: Donohue, Ian. Trinity College Dublin. School of Natural Sciences, Zoology; IrlandaFil: Dwyer, John. University of Queensland. School of Biological Sciences; Australia.Fil: Firn, Jennifer. Queensland University of Technology (QUT); Australia.Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santa Cruz; Argentina.Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral; Argentina.Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Cadotte, Marc W. University of Toronto Scarborough. Department of Biological Sciences; Canadá.Fil: Cadotte, Marc W. University of Toronto. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Canadá

    BDA-410 Treatment Reduces Body Weight and Fat Content by Enhancing Lipolysis in Sedentary Senescent Mice

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    Loss of muscle mass and force with age leads to fall risk, mobility impairment, and reduced quality of life. This article shows that BDA-410, a calpain inhibitor, induced loss of body weight and fat but not lean mass or skeletal muscle proteins in a cohort of sedentary 23-month-old mice. Food and water intake and locomotor activity were not modified, whereas BDA-410 treatment decreased intramyocellular lipid and perigonadal fat, increased serum nonesterified fatty acids, and upregulated the genes mediating lipolysis and oxidation, lean phenotype, muscle contraction, muscle transcription regulation, and oxidative stress response. This finding is consistent with our recent report that lipid accumulation in skeletal myofibers is significantly correlated with slower fiber-contraction kinetics and diminished power in obese older adult mice. A proteomic analysis and immunoblot showed downregulation of the phosphatase PPP1R12B, which increases phosphorylated myosin half-life and modulates the calcium sensitivity of the contractile apparatus. This study demonstrates that BDA-410 exerts a beneficial effect on skeletal muscle contractility through new, alternative mechanisms, including enhanced lipolysis, upregulation of "lean phenotype-related genes," downregulation of the PP1R12B phosphatase, and enhanced excitation- contraction coupling. This single compound holds promise for treating age-dependent decline in muscle composition and strength.Fil: Pereyra, Andrea Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata "Prof. Dr. Rodolfo R. Brenner". Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata ; Argentina. Wake Forest School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Wang, Zhong-Min. Wake Forest School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Messi, Maria Laura. Wake Forest School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Zhang, Tan. Wake Forest School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Wu, Hanzhi. Wake Forest School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Register, Thomas C.. Wake Forest School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Forbes, Elizabeth. Wake Forest School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Devarie Baez, Nelmi O.. Wake Forest School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Files, Daniel Clark. Wake Forest School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Abba, Martín Carlos. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Furdui, Cristina. Wake Forest School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Delbono, Osvaldo. Wake Forest School of Medicine; Estados Unido

    BDA-410 Treatment Reduces Body Weight and Fat Content by Enhancing Lipolysis in Sedentary Senescent Mice

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    Loss of muscle mass and force with age leads to fall risk, mobility impairment, and reduced quality of life. This article shows that BDA-410, a calpain inhibitor, induced loss of body weight and fat but not lean mass or skeletal muscle proteins in a cohort of sedentary 23-month-old mice. Food and water intake and locomotor activity were not modified, whereas BDA-410 treatment decreased intramyocellular lipid and perigonadal fat, increased serum nonesterified fatty acids, and upregulated the genes mediating lipolysis and oxidation, lean phenotype, muscle contraction, muscle transcription regulation, and oxidative stress response. This finding is consistent with our recent report that lipid accumulation in skeletal myofibers is significantly correlated with slower fiber-contraction kinetics and diminished power in obese older adult mice. A proteomic analysis and immunoblot showed downregulation of the phosphatase PPP1R12B, which increases phosphorylated myosin half-life and modulates the calcium sensitivity of the contractile apparatus. This study demonstrates that BDA-410 exerts a beneficial effect on skeletal muscle contractility through new, alternative mechanisms, including enhanced lipolysis, upregulation of "lean phenotype-related genes," downregulation of the PP1R12B phosphatase, and enhanced excitation- contraction coupling. This single compound holds promise for treating age-dependent decline in muscle composition and strength.Facultad de Ciencias MédicasInstituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La PlataCentro de Investigaciones Inmunológicas Básicas y Aplicada