23 research outputs found

    The GAAS Metagenomic Tool and Its Estimations of Viral and Microbial Average Genome Size in Four Major Biomes

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    Metagenomic studies characterize both the composition and diversity of uncultured viral and microbial communities. BLAST-based comparisons have typically been used for such analyses; however, sampling biases, high percentages of unknown sequences, and the use of arbitrary thresholds to find significant similarities can decrease the accuracy and validity of estimates. Here, we present Genome relative Abundance and Average Size (GAAS), a complete software package that provides improved estimates of community composition and average genome length for metagenomes in both textual and graphical formats. GAAS implements a novel methodology to control for sampling bias via length normalization, to adjust for multiple BLAST similarities by similarity weighting, and to select significant similarities using relative alignment lengths. In benchmark tests, the GAAS method was robust to both high percentages of unknown sequences and to variations in metagenomic sequence read lengths. Re-analysis of the Sargasso Sea virome using GAAS indicated that standard methodologies for metagenomic analysis may dramatically underestimate the abundance and importance of organisms with small genomes in environmental systems. Using GAAS, we conducted a meta-analysis of microbial and viral average genome lengths in over 150 metagenomes from four biomes to determine whether genome lengths vary consistently between and within biomes, and between microbial and viral communities from the same environment. Significant differences between biomes and within aquatic sub-biomes (oceans, hypersaline systems, freshwater, and microbialites) suggested that average genome length is a fundamental property of environments driven by factors at the sub-biome level. The behavior of paired viral and microbial metagenomes from the same environment indicated that microbial and viral average genome sizes are independent of each other, but indicative of community responses to stressors and environmental conditions

    Using oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes to track the migratory movement of Sharp-shinned Hawks (Accipiter striatus) along Western Flyways of North America.

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    The large-scale patterns of movement for the Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus), a small forest hawk found throughout western North America, are largely unknown. However, based on field observations we set out to test the hypothesis that juvenile migratory A. striatus caught along two distinct migration routes on opposite sides of the Sierra Nevada Mountains of North America (Pacific Coast and Intermountain Migratory Flyways) come from geographically different natal populations. We applied stable isotope analysis of hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) of feathers, and large scale models of spatial isotopic variation (isoscapes) to formulate spatially explicit predictions of the origin of the migrant birds. Novel relationships were assessed between the measured hydrogen and oxygen isotope values of feathers from A. striatus museum specimens of known origin and the isoscape modeled hydrogen and oxygen isotope values of precipitation at those known locations. We used these relationships to predict the origin regions for birds migrating along the two flyways from the measured isotope values of migrant's feathers and the associated hydrogen and oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation where these feathers were formed. The birds from the two migration routes had overlap in their natal/breeding origins and did not differentiate into fully separate migratory populations, with birds from the Pacific Coast Migratory Flyway showing broader natal geographic origins than those from the Intermountain Flyway. The methodology based on oxygen isotopes had, in general, less predictive power than the one based on hydrogen. There was broad agreement between the two isotope approaches in the geographic assignment of the origins of birds migrating along the Pacific Coast Flyway, but not for those migrating along the Intermountain Migratory Flyway. These results are discussed in terms of their implications for conservation efforts of A. striatus in western North America, and the use of combined hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope analysis to track the movement of birds of prey on continental scales

    Using oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes to track the migratory movement of Sharp-shinned Hawks (Accipiter striatus) along Western Flyways of North America.

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    The large-scale patterns of movement for the Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus), a small forest hawk found throughout western North America, are largely unknown. However, based on field observations we set out to test the hypothesis that juvenile migratory A. striatus caught along two distinct migration routes on opposite sides of the Sierra Nevada Mountains of North America (Pacific Coast and Intermountain Migratory Flyways) come from geographically different natal populations. We applied stable isotope analysis of hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) of feathers, and large scale models of spatial isotopic variation (isoscapes) to formulate spatially explicit predictions of the origin of the migrant birds. Novel relationships were assessed between the measured hydrogen and oxygen isotope values of feathers from A. striatus museum specimens of known origin and the isoscape modeled hydrogen and oxygen isotope values of precipitation at those known locations. We used these relationships to predict the origin regions for birds migrating along the two flyways from the measured isotope values of migrant's feathers and the associated hydrogen and oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation where these feathers were formed. The birds from the two migration routes had overlap in their natal/breeding origins and did not differentiate into fully separate migratory populations, with birds from the Pacific Coast Migratory Flyway showing broader natal geographic origins than those from the Intermountain Flyway. The methodology based on oxygen isotopes had, in general, less predictive power than the one based on hydrogen. There was broad agreement between the two isotope approaches in the geographic assignment of the origins of birds migrating along the Pacific Coast Flyway, but not for those migrating along the Intermountain Migratory Flyway. These results are discussed in terms of their implications for conservation efforts of A. striatus in western North America, and the use of combined hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope analysis to track the movement of birds of prey on continental scales

    Disulfide cross-linking influences symbiotic activities of nodule peptide NCR247

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    Interactions of rhizobia with legumes establish the chronic intracellular infection that underlies symbiosis. Within nodules of inverted repeat-lacking clade (IRLC) legumes, rhizobia differentiate into nitrogen-fixing bacteroids. This terminal differentiation is driven by host nodule-specific cysteine-rich (NCR) peptides that orchestrate the adaptation of free-living bacteria into intracellular residents. Medicago truncatula encodes a family of > 700 NCR peptides that have conserved cysteine motifs. NCR247 is a cationic peptide with four cysteines that can form two intramolecular disulfide bonds in the oxidized forms. This peptide affects Sinorhizobium meliloti transcription, translation, and cell division at low concentrations and is antimicrobial at higher concentrations. By preparing the three possible disulfide-cross-linked NCR247 regioisomers, the reduced peptide, and a variant lacking cysteines, we performed a systematic study of the effects of intramolecular disulfide crosslinking and cysteines on the activities of an NCR peptide. The relative activities of the five NCR247 variants differed strikingly among the various bioassays, suggesting that the NCR peptide-based language used by plants to control the development of their bacterial partners during symbiosis is even greater than previously recognized. These patterns indicate that certain NCR bioactivities require cysteines whereas others do not. The results also suggest that NCR247 may exert some of its effects within the cell envelope whereas other activities occur in the cytoplasm. BacA, a membrane protein that is critical for symbiosis, provides protection against all bactericidal forms of NCR247. Oxidative folding protects NCR247 from degradation by the symbiotically relevant metalloprotease HrrP (host range restriction peptidase), suggesting that disulfide bond formation may additionally stabilize NCR peptides during symbiosis.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM31010)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1DP2OD007045)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P30-ES002109

    Visualizing Attack of <i>Escherichia coli</i> by the Antimicrobial Peptide Human Defensin 5

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    Human α-defensin 5 (HD5) is a 32-residue cysteine-rich host-defense peptide that exhibits broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity and contributes to innate immunity in the human gut and other organ systems. Despite many years of investigation, its antimicrobial mechanism of action remains unclear. In this work, we report that HD5<sub>ox</sub>, the oxidized form of this peptide that exhibits three regiospecific disulfide bonds, causes distinct morphological changes to <i>Escherichia coli</i> and other Gram-negative microbes. These morphologies include bleb formation, cellular elongation, and clumping. The blebs are up to ∼1 μm wide and typically form at the site of cell division or cell poles. Studies with <i>E. coli</i> expressing cytoplasmic GFP reveal that HD5<sub>ox</sub> treatment causes GFP emission to localize in the bleb. To probe the cellular uptake of HD5<sub>ox</sub> and subsequent localization, we describe the design and characterization of a fluorophore–HD5 conjugate family. By employing these peptides, we demonstrate that fluorophore–HD5<sub>ox</sub> conjugates harboring the rhodamine and coumarin fluorophores enter the <i>E. coli</i> cytoplasm. On the basis of the fluorescence profiles, each of these fluorophore–HD5<sub>ox</sub> conjugates localizes to the site of cell division and cell poles. These studies support the notion that HD5<sub>ox</sub>, at least in part, exerts its antibacterial activity against <i>E. coli</i> and other Gram-negative microbes in the cytoplasm

    NMR Solution Structure and Condition-Dependent Oligomerization of the Antimicrobial Peptide Human Defensin 5

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    Human defensin 5 (HD5) is a 32-residue host-defense peptide expressed in the gastrointestinal, reproductive, and urinary tracts that has antimicrobial activity. It exhibits six cysteine residues that are regiospecifically oxidized to form three disulfide bonds (Cys<sup>3</sup>–Cys<sup>31</sup>, Cys<sup>5</sup>–Cys<sup>20</sup>, and Cys<sup>10</sup>–Cys<sup>30</sup>) in the oxidized form (HD5<sub>ox</sub>). To probe the solution structure and oligomerization properties of HD5<sub>ox</sub>, and select mutant peptides lacking one or more disulfide bonds, NMR solution studies and analytical ultracentrifugation experiments are reported in addition to <i>in vitro</i> peptide stability assays. The NMR solution structure of HD5<sub>ox</sub>, solved at pH 4.0 in 90:10 H<sub>2</sub>O/D<sub>2</sub>O, is presented (PDB: 2LXZ). Relaxation <i>T</i><sub>1</sub>/<i>T</i><sub>2</sub> measurements and the rotational correlation time (τ<sub>c</sub>) estimated from a <sup>15</sup>N-TRACT experiment demonstrate that HD5<sub>ox</sub> is dimeric under these experimental conditions. Exchange broadening of the Hα signals in the NMR spectra suggests that residues 19–21 (Val<sup>19</sup>–Cys<sup>20</sup>–Glu<sup>21</sup>) contribute to the dimer interface in solution. Exchange broadening is also observed for residues 7–14 comprising the loop. Sedimentation velocity and equilibrium studies conducted in buffered aqueous solution reveal that the oligomerization state of HD5<sub>ox</sub> is pH-dependent. Sedimentation coefficients of ca. 1.8 S and a molecular weight of 14 363 Da were determined for HD5<sub>ox</sub> at pH 7.0, supporting a tetrameric form ([HD5<sub>ox</sub>] ≥ 30 μM). At pH 2.0, a sedimentation coefficient of ca. 1.0 S and a molecular weight of 7079 Da, corresponding to a HD5<sub>ox</sub> dimer, were obtained. Millimolar concentrations of NaCl, CaCl<sub>2</sub>, and MgCl<sub>2</sub> have a negligible effect on the HD5<sub>ox</sub> sedimentation coefficients in buffered aqueous solution at neutral pH. Removal of a single disulfide bond results in a loss of peptide fold and quaternary structure. These biophysical investigations highlight the dynamic and environmentally sensitive behavior of HD5<sub>ox</sub> in solution, and provide important insights into HD5<sub>ox</sub> structure/activity relationships and the requirements for antimicrobial action