15 research outputs found

    Organic taste of yoghurt : Sensory insights out of the EC-project ECROPOLIS

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    Distributors and promoters of organic food claim superior tastes for their products compared to the conventional alternative. This argument however is still subject to a hard debate and thus deserves more scientific evidence. Since repurchases are dependent on the overall liking of a product and sensory experiences may have an important impact, knowledge about these dimensions is crucial for producers and marketers of organic food to offer products which meet consumer expectations. Besides other important aspects, sensory properties as well as consumer acceptance of six different product groups (dairy-, meat-, bakery- and tomato-products, vegetable oil and apples) were analysed in detail within the EU funded project ECROPOLIS (www.ecropolis.eu) in six European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, The Netherlands). In order to explain how the scientific approach of the project helps to explore product insights, dairy products represented by “natural (plain) full cram yoghurts” were chosen as an example. On the one side results of the detailed analysis are capable to show relevant information concerning sensory product properties (sensory profiles) of plain yoghurts as well as the influence of these aspects on the product popularity by the consumer (acceptance and preference mapping). Additionally results show how the regulatory framework respectively the requirements for plain yoghurts produced under organic regulation influences the sensory appearance of the products. And results show as well the product improvement potential of organically produced plain yogurts. Some consolidated key-insights from the results out of six European countries: Sensory differences between organic and conventional products depend more on production technology (stirred or semisolid) and regulatory framework (application of milk powder, homogenisation of milk) than on the organic or conventional origin of raw material. For example semi-solid yoghurts in some countries are less accepted and yoghurts that additionally are produced without application of milk powder all show a certain sedimentation of whey and are even less accepted. Disregarding the aspect of “organic” and “conventional”, the acceptance towards plain yoghurt seems to be more or less dependent on certain sensory attributes as there are especially creaminess, smoothness (both texture) and a moderate and balanced sourness (taste). And the presence of liquid on the surface is often not liked. Consumers respond differently in the six European countries concerning the labelling (halo) effect of organic and conventional, meaning that consumer from some countries (e.g. Germany, …) are more influenced by the declaration of “organic” and “conventional” when tasting the products than others (e.g. Switzerland). German consumerses assumes better sensory quality in “healty, fair-traide etc. products

    Exploratory Survey on European Consumer and Stakeholder Attitudes towards Alternatives for Surgical Castration of Piglets

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    Simple SummaryIn many countries, surgical castration of piglets without pain relief or anaesthesia is still common practice. Castration is performed to minimise the incidence of boar taint, a bad taste (urine/fecal like), typically present in the meat of 5 to 10% of uncastrated male pigs. It also helps to avoid aggressive and sexual behaviour. For animal welfare reasons, alternatives are being considered, and in some countries, an alternative is already practiced. One option is to perform surgical castration with anaesthesia and relieve pain. A second option is to produce male pigs without castration, which requires detection of tainted carcasses in the slaughter house. A third option is to apply immunocastration: by a two-fold injection of a vaccine, the testes function is inhibited, which reduces boar-like behaviour and avoids boar taint. In this study, we evaluated the acceptability of each of these methods in 16 countries in Europe. Of the 4 presented options, the practice of surgical castration was least accepted (32%), whilst there was a high acceptance of castration with anaesthesia (85%), followed by immunocastration (71%) and production of boars (49%). The developed questionnaire and infographic can be used in future studies to further gain insights in consumer and stakeholder attitudes on this topic.Surgical castration of piglets without pain relief is still common practice in many countries. Possible alternatives for surgical castration are application of pain relief or anaesthesia or production of boars (entire males) and immunocastrates. Each of these alternatives faces advantages and disadvantages which may result in different citizen attitudes and consumers acceptability. Understanding which practice is acceptable to whom and why may further stimulate implementation. Consumer (n = 3251) and stakeholder (n = 1027) attitudes towards surgical castration without pain relief, surgical castration with anaesthesia, immunocastration, and production of boars were surveyed from April to June 2020 via an online questionnaire in 16 countries (>175 respondents per country). Surgical castration without pain relief was separated from each of the alternatives due to animal welfare and showed the lowest acceptability (32%). Within the alternatives, a further partitioning between the alternatives was based on perceived quality and food safety, with an acceptance of 85% for applying anaesthesia, 71% for immunocastration, and 49% for boar production. Differences depending on professional involvement and familiarity with agriculture could be observed, mainly for the acceptance of surgical castration without anaesthesia, immunocastration, and boars. Castration with anaesthesia was highly accepted by all types of respondents

    Sensory Profile, Consumers’ Perception and Liking of Wheat–Rye Bread Fortified with Dietary Fibre

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    Evidence of global dietary fibre (DF) deficits provides impetus for research to develop new food products and reformulate commonly consumed foods to enable the transition to more healthy diets. The main aim of the study was to evaluate the sensory properties and consumers’ perception, liking, and willingness to buy wheat–rye bread fortified with DF. The study combined expert sensory profiling with consumers evaluation of DF fortified bread in blind and informed conditions. A sensory-trained panel evaluated six samples of bread with flour replaced by 0%, 4%, 8%, 12%, 16%, and 20% with oat DF using 29 pre-identified attributes. A consumer panel (n = 300) evaluated bread samples in blind condition for liking and perception of healthiness, naturalness, and attractiveness and willingness to buy (WTB). Consumers were also asked to indicate the maximum price they were willing to pay for a standard bread of 700 g. In the informed condition, consumers evaluated the 0%, 8%, 12% oat DF samples labelled with either nutritional or health related claims using the same attributes as in blind condition including visual liking. The results of profiling revealed that replacement of flour with oat DF influenced intensity of several attributes related to different modalities. Results of the consumer studies showed that replacement of flour up to 20% with oat DF did not adversely affect consumers’ acceptance and willingness to buy wheat–rye breads. The mean values for bread samples labelled with information related to positive health outcomes of DF consumption were not significantly different from those with nutritional claims only. Combining sensory profiling with consumers acceptance studies gives valuable insights for consumer led new product development. The fortification of staple foods like bread with dietary fibre seems like a promising avenue, but other sources of fibre should also be considered in bread fortification to enhance health-related properties and prevent food waste

    Searching for a Measure Integrating Sustainable and Healthy Eating Behaviors

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    Sustainable and healthy food-related behavior is high on the public policy and research agenda due to its potential to cope with negative environmental and health outcomes. There are several measures related to sustainability in food choices but there have not been many attempts to integrate sustainable and healthy eating (SHE) behaviors into one measurement instrument so far. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to identify how young adults interpret the SHE concept and to develop an instrument that measures a self-reported consumer’s SHE behavior. The process of scale development involved an exploratory qualitative study and two quantitative studies. As a result of 20 individual in depth interviews with Polish young adults, 50 items were generated reflecting their perspective on principles of SHE (Study 1). Two samples were used in the scale validation process: n = 217 (Study 2) and n = 220 (Study 3). Via principal component analysis, reliability analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis, the final form of the scale was derived. The proposed 34-item scale offers insights into the most relevant aspects of SHE behaviors, grouped in eight factors: “healthy and balanced diet”, “certification and quality labels”, “meat reduction”, “selection of local food”, “choice of low fat food products”, “avoidance of food waste” and purchase and consumption of food products that are respecting “animal welfare” and finally choice of “seasonal food”. Although the developed scale can benefit from further refinement and validity testing in different cultural and social background, it is clear that the scale, as developed, can be a useful tool for researchers who are interested in the study of SHE behaviors

    Microbiological and Sensory Quality of Milk on the Domestic Market

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    The evaluation of the microbiological and sensory quality of 30 assortments of market milk was the objective of the presented research. The study also compared the sensory profile of selected samples of milk differing in preservation method. Microbiological tests included determination of the presence and number of Enterobacteriaceae and the total number of microorganisms. Sensory characteristics of all the milk samples was performed by scaling method (5-points scale). Selected samples of milk were additionally assessed by means of profile method. Microbiological tests showed satisfactory microbiological purity of milk, which indicates the effectiveness of the heat treatment and the lack of secondary contamination. Regardless of the preservation method, all the evaluated milk samples were characterised by a high sensory quality (4.25-5 points). There were no changes in smell and taste, resulting from the development of undesirable microflora. The tested samples of milk differing in the preservation method (sterilisation, pasteurisation at high temperature and subjected to microfiltration and low pasteurisation) varied in the sensory profile. Milk pasteurised at high temperature was characterised by the most harmonised overall quality

    Sensory Profiling and Liking of Salami and Pancetta from Immunocastrated, Surgically Castrated and Entire Male Pigs

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    Consumer studies on acceptability of pork from immunocastrates (IC) and entire males (EM) are of primary importance, if these alternatives are to replace surgical castration (SC) of piglets. Data on the sensory traits and consumers acceptance of IC and EM meat products are still limited. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to (1) describe the sensory profile by quantitative descriptive analysis and (2) test the perception and consumer liking of salami (dry-fermented sausage) and pancetta (dry-cured belly) from EM, IC and SC animals. The consumer tests included the scaling method and check-all-that-apply. Profiling showed that EM products were scored lower in the overall sensory quality compared to IC or SC. EM products differed mainly from IC and SC in the intensity of the manure, sweat odor and flavor, persistent impression and texture (hardness, gumminess and easy to fragment). Salami samples did not differ in liking. In pancetta, the differences were significant for odor liking and visual quality (expected liking). Consumers did not perceive EM products as inferior in terms of liking, while sensory profiling indicated differences for boar taint presence and texture. Using meat originating from IC did not result in any differences in consumers acceptance as compared to products from SC

    Sensory Features, Liking and Emotions of Consumers towards Classical, Molecular and Note by Note Foods

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    Modern cuisine served at top-end restaurants attempts to attract customers, who increasingly demand new flavor, pleasure and fun. The materials were six dishes prepared using lemon or tomatoes and made in the traditional (classical), molecular and Note by Note (NbN) versions. The study explores sensory characteristics, consumer liking of key attributes, their declared sensations and emotions, as well as consumers’ facial expressions responding to the dishes. These objectives were investigated by descriptive quantitative analysis and consumer tests. Tests included a 9-point hedonic scale for degree of liking a dish, Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) for declared sensations and FaceReader for facial expressions. The influence of factors associated with consumer attitudes toward new food and willingness to try the dishes in the future were also determined. It was stated that the product profiles represent different sensory characteristics due to the technology of food production and the ingredients used. The food neophobia and consumer innovativeness had a significant (p ≤ 0.05) effect on liking. The odor-, flavor-, texture- and overall-liking of the NbN dishes were lower than that of traditional versions but did not vary from scores for molecular samples. The expected liking of NbN dishes was higher than experienced-liking. Traditional and modern products differed in CATA terms. Classical dishes were perceived by consumers as more tasty, traditional and typical while modern cuisine dishes were perceived as more surprising, intriguing, innovative and trendy. Mimic expressions assessment by FaceReader showed similar trends in some emotions in both classical dishes and separate temporal patterns in modern products

    Characteristics of Volatile Compounds and Sensory Properties of Mixed Organic Juices Based on Kiwiberry Fruits

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    Nowadays, the trend related to healthy eating is constantly growing among consumers. The juices based on kiwiberry containing over 20 vital nutrients may have a potential for usage in developing innovative products targeting health-concerned consumers. The aims of the study were: (1) to identify the volatile compounds of kiwiberry juice and its mixes with basic organic juices; (2) to determine the sensory characteristics and level of liking with regard to the tested samples and (3) to select the juice-mix with the highest sensory quality properties and liking. The measurements of volatile compounds in juices were made using a Heracles Neo ultrafast gas chromatograph (HS-GC). The sensory characteristics of the juices were assessed by Descriptive Quantitative Analysis, whereas the consumers’ overall liking was assessed on a 9-point hedonic scale. It was stated that the examined juices differed in the pattern of volatile compounds as well as in the sensory properties and the level of liking. The increasing addition of apple and pear juice to kiwiberry based juices in different ratios contributed to the exposed volatile compounds responsible for floral, sweet and fruity odours. The juice mixes with higher addition of apple or pear juices were more harmonized in terms of sensory image and represented higher levels of overall liking among consumers