578 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Ketepatan Obat Antidiabetik Dan Antihipertensi Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 Dengan Komplikasi Nefropati Di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta Januari-Juli 2014

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    Diabetic nephropathy is considered a kind of severe complication of diabetes mellitus and lead to a major cause of terminal renal failure. The prevalence of this complication gradually increases each year. This study was aimed at to find out the appropriatness of the drugs used for thediabetes patients with nephropathy complications at RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta in January to July 2014. This study is considered as a non-experimental descriptive study with retrospective data collection. The sample of this study was taken from the medical records of the type 2 diabetes mellitus patient with the complications of nephropathy at Dr. Moewardi hospital who met the inclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria included in this study are the patient who suffer from nephropathy complication, 45 years old, having complete medical record, and the diabetes patient with nephropathy who characterized by persisten proteinuria at one or two times check up with creatinine of more than 2,5 mg/dl. The results obtained from the appropriatness of antidiabetic drug given to patients were 100,00% for the right indications, 98.31% for the right drugand 86.44% for the rightpatient. Meanwhile, the results obtained from the use of antihypertensive were 100,00% for the right indications, 92,59% for the right drug, 96,00% for the right patient and 88,00% for the right dose

    In what Setting Should Women with Ovarian Cancer Receive Care?

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      Latar belakang: Puskesmas Kalibuntu merupakan salah satu puskesmas di wilayah kerja Kabupaten Cirebon, dengan cakupam Persalinan Tenaga Kesehatan (linakes) sebesar 86,5 persen dan 13,5 persen masih ditolong oleh tenaga tradisional. Kondisi ini dapat menyebabkan komplikasi seperti perdarahan, infeksi tali pusat dan lain lain. Hasil Riset Etnografi Kesehatan Tahun 2014 di tempat yang sama, salah satu budaya yang memungkinkan untuk diadop sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan linakes adalah oyog. Oyog adalah pijatan pada ibu hamil yang umumnya dilakukan oleh dukun bayi untuk memberikan sedikit goyangan sesuai posisi ideal janin. Tujuan: untuk meningkatkan empati bidan melalui pemeriksaan Leopold dengan modifikasi oyog di Puskesmas Kalibuntu Kabupaten Cirebon. Metode: penelitian ini adalah experimental non randomized pre and post test with control group design. Sampel penelitian adalah bidan masing-masing 10 orang untuk kelompok kontrol dan kasus. Intervensi adalah pelatihan pemeriksaan Leopold dengan komunikasi internal. Empati bidan diukur dengan kuesioner IRI (Interpersonal Reactivity Indeks) Hasil: Ada perbedaan empati pada bidan antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol (p-value 0,040 dan 0,032). Kesimpulan: Terdapat peningkatan empati bidan melalui pemeriksaan Leopold dengan modifikasi oyog. Metode ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mendekatkan hubungan antara bidan dengan pasien sehingga penerimaan pasien terhadap bidan menjadi lebih baik

    Lo que sabemos acerca de la toma de decisiones en cáncer ovárico

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    Objectives: To describe what is known about the three stages of treatment decision making (TDM) in the medical encounter: (1) information exchange, (2) deliberation, and (3) making the treatment decision for ovarian cancer (OC). Methods: A literature search was completed including original research on TDM as it pertained to the disease continuum of OC. Results: Information exchange shows that patients and physicians feel that life expectancy is the most important issue. Physicians report that they do not discuss this at initial diagnosis. Decision aids could be used as a tool to ensure that information. The deliberation stage is the least researched. There is no information on the role that patients and physicians take. With the exception of one internet based tool, there is no research on how to elicit patient preferences. During making the treatment decision, women do not perceive that they have treatment options yet they feel they are making the decision. “No treatment” is not considered to be an option. Conclusions: TDM in OC is increasingly being evaluated. The stage of information exchange has been assessed in greater depth compared to that of the other stages.Objetivos: exponer lo que se conoce acerca de tres niveles de toma de decisión sobre tratamiento en el encuentro medico: (1) intercambio de información, (2) deliberación, y (3) toma de decisión en el cáncer ovárico. Métodos: Se completó una búsqueda bibliográfica que incluía investigación original acerca de la toma de decisión del tratamiento médico sobre el proceso de enfermedad del cáncer de ovario. Resultados: el intercambio de información mostró que los pacientes y los médicos sienten que la expectativa de vida es el tema más importante. Los médicos informan que no discuten esto en el diagnóstico inicial. Las ayudas a la decisión pueden emplearse como una herramienta para asegurar la información. El nivel de deliberación es el menos investigado. No hay información sobre el rol que los pacientes y médicos toman. Con la excepción de una herramienta basada en Internet, no hay investigación sobre como elicitar las preferencias del paciente. Durante la toma de decisión del tratamiento, las mujeres no perciben que ellas tengan opciones de tratamiento aunque sienten que están tomando una decisión. El “no tratamiento” no se considera una opción. Conclusiones: la toma de decisión sobre los tratamientos en cáncer de ovario esta progresivamente siendo valorada. El nivel de intercambio de información ha sido evaluado en mayor profundidad comparado con otros niveles

    Welterfahrungsspiele: Reisethemen in der Gegenwartslyrik

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    Untersuchungsgegenstand ist eine breite neuere Entwicklung im Bereich der Reiseliteratur, und zwar die reichhaltige deutschsprachige Reiselyrik von den 1990er Jahren bis heute. Zur Annäherung an dieses Phänomen werden vorab literaturtheoretische Grundfragen für eine Lyrik der Fremdheitserfahrung, Forschungsstände für ein begrenzt erschlossenes Feld und literarhistorische Hintergründe von Lyrik und Reiseliteratur aufbereitet. Repräsentativ untersucht werden dann drei gegenwartslyrische Oeuvres, die für sich und im Vergleich besonders aufschlussreich sind für eine spezifisch postmoderne Gattungsentwicklung: Werke von Uwe Kolbe aus den 1990er und 2000er Jahren mit Bezug auf Reisen nach Italien und Bulgarien, ein Gedichtband Jan Wagners von 2010, der diverse Räume etwa in Europa und Amerika fokussiert, und ein Gedichtband Ulrike Almut Sandigs von 2011, die den Horizont ihrer Reiselyrik systematisch entgrenzt und so eine zusätzliche Dimension für die Reiselyrik nach dem Eintritt in die Postmoderne eröffnet. Ein kurzes Fazit mit einem Ausblick auf die Frage nach den literatursoziologischen Bedingtheiten von (heutiger) Reiselyrik beschließt den Beitrag.La contribution s’intéresse à une évolution récente et assez vaste à l’intérieur de la littérature de voyage, à savoir l’émergence, depuis les années 1990, d’une foisonnante poésie de voyage en langue allemande. Pour aborder ce phénomène, on s’interrogera d’abord sur des questions de théorie littéraire concernant une poésie de l’altérité, sur l’état de la recherche dans un domaine qui n’est pas encore entièrement exploré ainsi que sur les liens historiques entre poésie et littérature de voyage. On examinera ensuite trois œuvres représentatives de cette poésie contemporaine qui, en elles-mêmes et comparées les unes aux autres, sont particulièrement éclairantes quant à l’évolution postmoderne du genre. Il s’agit de textes d’Uwe Kolbe des années 1990 et 2000 se référant à des voyages en Italie et en Bulgarie, d’un recueil de poésie de Jan Wagner de 2010 qui se concentre sur différents espaces en Europe et en Amérique, et d’un recueil de poésie d’Ulrike Almut Sandig de 2011, qui décloisonne l’horizon de sa poésie de voyage de façon systématique et ouvre ainsi une dimension supplémentaire à la poésie de voyage après son passage à la postmodernité. La contribution se termine par une brève conclusion sur la question des conditions littéraires et sociologiques de la poésie (contemporaine) de voyage.Aim of the article is an investigation of significant recent development in the field of travel literature: the broad spectrum of contemporary German poetry (1990s-today) addressing journeys and traveling. To approach this phenomenon, the article at first deals with basic questions of literary theory concerning lyrical poetry experiencing foreignness, continuing with current approaches to this relatively new field of interest, then summarizing the literary historical background of lyrical poetry and travel literature. A representative analysis of three works of contemporary lyrical poetry each presenting interesting approaches in themselves as well as in comparison to one another constitute the center of the article: Beginning with Uwe Kolbe’s works of the 1990s and 2000s dealing with Italy respectively Bulgaria, the article applies itself to a poetry collection by Jan Wagner from the year 2010 focusing on several regions e.g. in Europe and in the Americas, and last but not least considers a poetry collection by Ulrike Almut Sandig from 2011 since this specific approach systematically widens the scope of lyrical travel poetry and constitutes a new dimension in its post-modernity. The article concludes with a brief outlook on literary sociological conditions of (contemporary) lyrical travel poetry

    Pengaruh Produksi Jagung, Konsumsi Jagung,Jumlah Penduduk Dan Cadangan Devisa Terhadap Impor Jagung Indonesia

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    The agricultural sector is the primary sector and plays an important role for the national economy. One of the results of the agriculture sector is corn which is the second staple food for Indonesian society and one of strategic sector are being developed by Indonesian government. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect simultaneously and partially corn production, corn consumption, population and foreign exchange reserves to corn import in Indonesia period 1987-2016. The analysis technique used is multiple liniear regression analysis with OLS method. The results showed that simultaneously maize production variables, consumption of corn, population and foreign exchange reserves have a significant effect on the import of maize in Indonesia. Partially, corn production variables have negative and significant influence to the import of maize in Indonesia, while the consumption variable of maize, population and foreign exchange reserve have positive and significant effect to the import of maize in Indonesia

    Parental Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviours towards Human Papillomavirus Vaccination for Their Children: A Systematic Review from 2001 to 2011

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    Objectives. A systematic review of parental surveys about HPV and/or child HPV vaccination to understand parental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour before and after FDA approval of the quadrivalent HPV vaccine and the bivalent HPV vaccine. Search Strategy. Searches were conducted using electronic databases limited to published studies between 2001 and 2011. Findings. The percentage of parents who heard about HPV rose over time (from 60% in 2005 to 93% in 2009), as did their appreciation for the HPV infection and cervical cancer link (from 70% in 2003 to 91% in 2011). During the FDA approval, there was a stronger vaccine awareness but it has waned. The same pattern is seen with parents whose children received the HPV vaccine (peak at 84% in 2010 and now 36% in 2011) or the intention to vaccinate (peak at 80% in 2008 and now 41% in 2011). Conclusions. Parents had safety concerns and wanted more information their physician from to recommend and to confidently HPV vaccinate their children


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan program pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan (PKB) guru di SMK Negeri 26 Jakarta. Sub fokus penelitian ini adalah perencanaan program pengembangan diri guru magang dalam PKB, pelaksanaan program pengembangan diri guru magang dalam PKB, dan evaluasi program pengembangan diri guru magang dalam PKB. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara serta studi dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini meliputi : Kepala Sekolah, Wakil Kepala Sekolah Bidang Kehumasan dan Kemitraan, Wakil Kepala Sekolah Bidang Kurikulum, Guru yang mengikuti program pengembangan diri guru magang dalam PKB, dan Head of Manufacturing PT. Siemens Indonesia yaitu salah satu tempat program pengembangan diri guru magang dalam PKB dilaksanakan. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Perencanaan program pengembangan diri guru magang dalam PKB dilakukan dengan menganalisis kebutuhan guru serta adanya MoU antara sekolah dengan pihak industri, (2) Pelaksanaan program pengembangan diri guru magang dalam PKB dilaksanakan di industri, (3) Evaluasi program pengembangan diri guru magang dalam PKB dilakukan untuk melihat perubahan positif yang ada pada guru sampai tindak lanjut (refleksi). The research aims to describe continuous professional development (CPD) teacher program in state vocational high school 26 jakarta. The sub focus of this research is planning a self-improvement teacher internship program in CPD, Implementation of self-development program of apprentice teacher in CPD, and evaluation of self-development program of apprentice teacher in CPD. The study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. Data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The informant in this study includes : Principal, Deputy Principal of Public Relations and Partnerships, Deputy Principal of Curriculum Field, Teachers who participated in an internship teacher's self-development program in CPD, and Head of Manufacturing PT. Siemens Indonesia which is one of the programs of the self-development program of apprentice teachers in CPD. Research shows that : (1) planning a self-improvement teacher internship program in CPD is conducted by analyzing the needs of teachers and the existence of MoU between schools and industry. (2) Implementation of self-development program of apprentice teacher in CPD conducted in industry. (3) Evaluation of internship Teacher's self-development program in CPD was conducted to see the positive changes in the teacher until follow-up (reflection)


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    Gastritis is inflammation of the inner wall of the stomach caused by infection and irritation factors with signs and symptoms of pain. This disease, which is often referred to as ulcer disease, has a serious impact on daily activities and if not treated can be fatal. Gastritis can usually occur in people whose diet is irregular and who often eats foods that cause stomach acid. The purpose of this application was to determine the effect of the Guided Imagery technique on pain in Gastritis patients in the working area of the Ciaul Health Center, more precisely in Ciaul, Sukabumi City. This application method is done by means of observation and interviews. The application of the Guided Imagery technique was carried out for 3 consecutive days. This therapy is carried out for 10-20 minutes at each meeting. The results obtained after this application of pain felt reduced and the level of comfort increased. It can be concluded that there is a significant effect on the application of the Guided Imagery technique to the pain of Gastritis patients

    Von der DDR in Gegenwart und Antike: Zur lyrischen Weltenreise des Uwe Kolbe

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    Die Arbeit bietet einen Überblick über Uwe Kolbes lyrisches Werk bis 2013, wobei drei Hauptaspekte hervorgehoben werden. Erstens, Kolbes persönliche und politische Auseinandersetzung mit der DDR, einschließlich seiner Erfahrungen mit den gesellschaftlichen und politischen Bedingungen sowie dem Ost-West-Konflikt und der Literaturszene im Prenzlauer Berg. Zweitens, seine Reise- und Zeitreise-Gedichte ab Mitte der 1980er Jahre, die eine individuelle und kompensatorische Erkundung einer 'neuen', 'weiteren' Welt darstellen. Drittens, die spielerische Aufnahme der griechisch-römischen Antike in seinem Werk, die einen markanten Kontrast zu den anderen Themen bildet