2,554 research outputs found

    Un análisis input-output de la economía balear

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    El propósito de este artículo es analizar algunos aspectos de la economía de la Comunidad Autónoma da las Islas Baleares (CAIB) empleando la correspondiente tabla input-output da 1997 (TlOlB-97), elaborada por la Consalleria d'Economia i Hisanda. En primar lugar, se examinan las interdependencias productivas entre las diferentes ramas da la TIOIB-97 empleando diversos índices definidos a partir de los coeficientes técnicos y los multiplicadoras da Leontief; lógicamente, centramos nuestra atención en las ramas más importantes de la economía balear y los sectores productores de servicios turísticos. En segundo lugar, evaluamos el impacto que tendría sobre la economía balear una reducción significativa de la demanda turística, un escenario que a la luz de la evolución reciente del turismo en 2001 y los datos disponibles sobre reservas para la temporada 2002 es algo más que una mera conjetura. Finalmente, estimamos las variaciones de los precios locales que podemos imputar a los cambios registrados en los salarios y en los precios de las importaciones, especialmente de aquellas procedentes del resto de España

    Un análisis estructural de la economía balear

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    El propósito de este artículo es analizar comparativamente el papel de los sectores turísticos en la economía balear empleando un mode-lo input-output estándar y un modelo SAM. Desde la perspectiva me-ramente estadística, el artículo presenta una aportación interesante en si misma, a saber, la primera matriz de contabilidad regional de la economía balear. Elaborada a partir de la tabla input-output de 1997 y los escasos y a veces conflictivos datos disponibles sobre la econo-mía balear, es un primer paso hacia la elaboración de una matriz de contabilidad social más ambiciosa. Desde una perspectiva analítica, el artículo examina el papel que juegan los sectores turísticos en la eco-nomía balear a la luz de los resultados que proporcionan la inversa de Leontief y la matriz de multiplicadores generalizados. Además, se es-tima y compara el impacto de una reducción del 10% de la demanda de consumo de los no residentes sobre la producción y el empleo con ambos modelo

    The impact of a fall in tourism on the Balearic economy

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    Abstract: According to the Institute of Tourist Studies, the Balearic Islands Autonomous Community (CAIB) -a region with a just over one million inhabitants-received 9,6 million international arrivals out of the 52,3 million registered for the entire Spain in 2003. Although a rather impressive figure, it is 8.6% below the 10,5 million recorded in 1999. A look at the 1997 input-output table, shows the CAIB as a service oriented economy, highly specialized in the production of services for tourists. The main goal of this paper is to evaluate with alternative multisectoral models the impact on the CAIB economy of a 10% permanent fall in tourist demand. First, we estimate the impact of the reduction in nonresidents consumption using a rather standard input-output model. Then, we estimate its effects using an extended general linear model implemented with a Social Accounting Matrix elaborated by the authors. Finally, we use an applied (computable) general equilibrium model using alternative closure rules to those encountered in other regional studies

    A Relevância da Avaliação Institucional na UNIVALI

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    A Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI, ao longo de sua história, vem privilegiando a Avaliação Institucional como instrumento de gestão e de autoconhecimento em busca da excelência. Sua proposta de Avaliação Institucional foi anunciada no documento base do projeto da Universidade, em 1993, e, desde então, vem ampliando e aperfeiçoando seus métodos de trabalho. A UNIVALI tem como meta, em seu Projeto Institucional, o rigor com a qualidade de ensino e, para isso, está consciente da necessidade de um processo de avaliação permanente e criterioso. O tema avaliação institucional ocupa posição relevante na formulação e implementação das políticas públicas de educação, por indicar possibilidades de integração de diferentes perspectivas no planejamento das instituições de ensino. As modalidades de avaliação descritas foram: auto-avaliação dos cursos da graduação; desempenho docente, discente e da organização didático-pedagógica e infra-estrutura, perfil socioeconômico discente; avaliação do curso pelo egresso; avaliação dos colégios de aplicação; dos cursos de pós-graduação lato sensu e stricto sensu; e avaliação dos estágios supervisionados. É a comunidade que indica o mérito e a relevância do que a universidade produz, e o Programa de Avaliação Institucional, integrado às demais modalidades de Avaliações Externas, deve investir em uma linguagem comum na divulgação de resultados, que permita, não simplesmente uma classificação de cursos, pessoas ou unidades de ensino, mas o estabelecimento de diagnósticos que possam sinalizar necessárias mudanças no processo interno da Universidade

    Un abordaje del conjunto de los números racionales positivos en la virtualidad

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    Informe final de la asignatura Metodología y práctica de la enseñanza.El siguiente informe describe las prácticas virtuales realizadas en el contexto de pandemia llevadas a cabo por tres estudiantes de la Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación. Las mismas se realizaron en una división de primer año perteneciente a un colegio público de gestión privada ubicado en Córdoba capital. A lo largo del informe se encontrarán con la descripción de la institución, las clases observadas, sus desafíos y la planificación de las prácticas virtuales. En la práctica se abordó el conjunto de los números racionales positivos como solución a problemas en diversos contextos. Asimismo, encontrarán reflexiones de cómo las tecnologías permitieron el acercamiento al “aula virtual”, de la relevancia que tomó la evaluación formativa y de la experiencia vivida.This report describes the online professional teaching practices implemented by three students from the Faculty of Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics and Computing Sciences, in the context of a pandemic. They were carried out in a first-year course of a privately managed public school in the City of Córdoba. The report contains the description of the institution, the observed classes, and the challenges of planning online classes. In the teaching practice, the set of positive rational numbers was addressed as a solution to problems in various contexts. Furthermore, reflections about how technologies allowed the developed of a “virtual classroom”, the relevance that the formative evaluation took and, also, about the lived experience are fully considered.Fil: Báez, Ariana del Valle. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación; Argentina.Fil: Naretto, Emilse Gisel del Valle. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación; Argentina.Fil: Presotti, Marcela Elisabeth. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación; Argentina

    Hepatites crônicas B e D: prognóstico segundo escore Child-Pugh

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    Objective: compare chronic hepatitis B patients to those superinfected with hepatitis D virus, according to Child-Pugh score regarding disease severity. Method: retrospective descriptive study, performed with 59 patients followed in the ambulatory, of which 22 (37.3%) were chronically infected with hepatitis B virus (Group HBV) and 37 (62.7%) superinfected with Delta virus (Group HBV+HDV)variables of sex, age and items of Child-Pugh score were collected by consulting medical records. Results: out of the patients, 57.6% were male, with a mean age of 30.5 years. Score A, which indicates lesser severity, was found in 100% of group HBV and 78.4% of group HBV+HDV. Score B, which indicates greater severity, was found only in group HBV+HDV in 21.6% of the patients. Conclusion: by means of the Child-Pugh score, it was observed that patients with superinfection by HDV tended to present a worse prognosis.Objetivo: comparar os pacientes com hepatite B crônica com superinfectados pelo vírus D segundo escore de Child-Pugh quanto à gravidade da doença. Método: estudo descritivo retrospectivo, realizado com 59 pacientes acompanhados em ambulatório, sendo 22 (37,3%) cronicamente infectados pelo vírus da hepatite B (Grupo VHB) e 37 (62,7%) com superinfecção por vírus Delta (Grupo VHB+VHD); foram coletadas variáveis quanto ao sexo, idade e referentes ao escore de Child-Pugh por meio de consulta a prontuários. Resultados: entre os pacientes 57,6% era do sexo masculino, com idade média de 30,5 anos. O escore A, que indica menor gravidade, foi encontrado em 100% do grupo VHB e 78,4% do grupo VHB+VHD. O escore B, que indica maior gravidade, foi encontrado apenas no grupo VHB+VHD em 21,6% dos pacientes. Conclusão: por meio do escore de Child-Pugh, observou-se que os pacientes com superinfecção por VHD tendem a apresentar pior prognóstico.Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Paulista Nursing Sch, Postgrad Program Nursing, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Acre, Multidisciplinary Ctr Cruzeiro Do Sul, Cruzeiro Do Sul, Acre, BrazilUniv Fed Acre, Ctr Hlth & Sports Sci, Rio Branco, Acre, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Paulista Nursing Sch, Dept Collect Hlth Nursing, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Paulista Nursing Sch, Dept Clin & Surg Nursing, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Paulista Nursing Sch, Postgrad Program Nursing, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Paulista Nursing Sch, Dept Collect Hlth Nursing, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Paulista Nursing Sch, Dept Clin & Surg Nursing, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Sharing culture in a tech world: Grandparent–grandchild cultural exchanges over video chat.

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    Grandparents who were separated from their infant grandchildren during COVID-19 sought other ways to connect, including video chat. Video chat supports learning, and its features (e.g., contingent responsiveness) may allow for cultural exchange. However, technological problems may disrupt these exchanges. In a semi-naturalistic, longitudinal study, 47 families submitted up to three video chats and surveys. Families were predominantly White/Caucasian, highly-educated, and lived between 1 and 2700 miles apart. Multilevel models were used to predict the proportion of the sessions devoted to exchanging culture (e.g., holidays, parenting advice) and managing tech problems. Culture exchange did not change as a function of infant age, video chat experience, or when encountering tech problems. Although only marginally statistically significant, culture exchange increased as distance increased. Tech problems changed as a function of tech talk. A qualitative analysis revealed that cultural transmission occurred via a culture of care and sharing of information across video chat, that families adapted their behaviors to the new technology, and that technology disruptions rarely interfered with the flow of information. These findings demonstrate the ability to share culture when physically separated and in the presence of tech disruptions. Further, this study supports previous work on the emerging culture of video chat. Families adapted to being separated, and grandparents and infants successfully communicated through a new modality. Because video chat supports family relationships, equitable access to high-speed internet should be a priority to enable more families to use it

    CNVfilteR: an R/bioconductor package to identify false positives produced by germline NGS CNV detection tools.

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    Germline copy-number variants (CNVs) are relevant mutations for multiple genetics fields, such as the study of hereditary diseases. However, available benchmarks show that all next-generation sequencing (NGS) CNV calling tools produce false positives. We developed CNVfilteR, an R package that uses the single nucleotide variant calls usually obtained in germline NGS pipelines to identify those false positives. The package can detect both false deletions and false duplications. We evaluated CNVfilteR performance on callsets generated by 13 CNV calling tools on 3 whole-genome sequencing and 541 panel samples, showing a decrease of up to 44.8% in false positives and consistent F1-score increase. Using CNVfilteR to detect false-positive calls can improve the overall performance of existing CNV calling pipelines. Availability: CNVfilteR is released under Artistic-2.0 License. Source code and documentation are freely available at Bioconductor (http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/CNVfilteR). Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    Development of a program of mixed radiolucent-radiopaque lesions imaging via radiographic cases for active learning in oral medicine

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    A través del presente proyecto se ha creado un fichero de imágenes radiográficas mixtas (radiopacas-radiolucidas) que serán utilizadas por los alumnos del tercer curso de Grado de la asignatura Medicina Bucal a fin de mejorar la enseñanza práctica del apartado lesiones radiográficas de los maxilares. Dichos ficheros se incorporarán al Campus Virtual para que el alumno pueda hacer uso de ellos. La elaboración de un fichero de estas características ha exigido en primer lugar la selección de las imágenes radiográficas mixtas de los maxilares más representativas. Se han seleccionado 43 imágenes radiográficas mixtas que se han clasificado en “Mixed Radiolucent-Radiopaque periapical lesions” (15 imágenes), “Mixed Radiolucent-Radiopaque pericoronal lesions” (8 imágenes) y “Mixed Radiolucent-Radiopaque lesions not necessarily contacting teeth“ ( 20 imágenes). Se han realizado 4 flowchart (el tercer grupo se subdividió en dos) para esquematizar las lesiones mixtas más frecuentes con sus características clínicas y radiográficas más habituales. Dichos flowchart ayudarán al alumno a poder llegar al diagnóstico de las lesiones de los casos clínicos seleccionados, cuya historia clínica también se ha reflejado. Todo el trabajo se ha realizado en dos idiomas inglés y español, que ayudará a los alumnos a aprender el vocabulario en inglés relacionado con el tema. Además, facilitará la comprensión de los alumnos de otras nacionalidades que pueden acudir a nuestra facultad y ayudará a los alumnos de la UCM que acuden a otras universidades Europeas o Americanas

    Evaluation of CNV detection tools for NGS panel data in genetic diagnostics

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    Although germline copy-number variants (CNVs) are the genetic cause of multiple hereditary diseases, detecting them from targeted next-generation sequencing data (NGS) remains a challenge. Existing tools perform well for large CNVs but struggle with single and multi-exon alterations. The aim of this work is to evaluate CNV calling tools working on gene panel NGS data and their suitability as a screening step before orthogonal confirmation in genetic diagnostics strategies. Five tools (DECoN, CoNVaDING, panelcn.MOPS, ExomeDepth, and CODEX2) were tested against four genetic diagnostics datasets (two in-house and two external) for a total of 495 samples with 231 single and multi-exon validated CNVs. The evaluation was performed using the default and sensitivity-optimized parameters. Results showed that most tools were highly sensitive and specific, but the performance was dataset dependant. When evaluating them in our diagnostics scenario, DECoN and panelcn.MOPS detected all CNVs with the exception of one mosaic CNV missed by DECoN. However, DECoN outperformed panelcn.MOPS specificity achieving values greater than 0.90 when using the optimized parameters. In our in-house datasets, DECoN and panelcn.MOPS showed the highest performance for CNV screening before orthogonal confirmation. Benchmarking and optimization code is freely available at https://github.com/TranslationalBioinformaticsIGTP/CNVbenchmarkeR