172 research outputs found

    Lipid profile in higher education students: characterization of a young population

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    O perfil lipídico é condicionado por diversos fatores, entre os quais os estilos de vida, a prática de exercício físico e os hábitos alimentares. Com o presente estudo pretende‑se avaliar o perfil lipídico numa população de jovens e estudar a sua associação com o índice de massa corporal, com os estilos de vida e os hábitos alimentares. Com um estudo exploratório descritivo, transversal, foi determinado o perfil lipídico de 97 estudantes, voluntários, do ensino superior, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 25 anos. O perfil lipídico foi determinado pelo doseamento do colesterol total e frações (HDL e LDL) e triglicéridos. Foi identificado o índice de massa corporal e hábitos e estilos de vida, recolhidos pela aplicação de um questionário validado. No presente estudo não se observou alteração significativa do perfil lipídico, do IMC nem com o total do score alimentar. Não se encontraram associações entre as alterações lipídicas e o género, sendo que, nos estudantes com hábitos tabágicos, a fração HDL se encontrava mais baixa. O baixo score alimentar não se encontra associado ao perfil lipídico, o mesmo não se verificando em relação à prática de exercício físico. Verificou‑se um perfil lipídico alterado em 44,4% dos participantes, média de colesterol de 198,04mg/dl, triglicéridos de 82,58mg/dl, que são valores elevados para esta faixa etária. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que esta população deve monitorizar os fatores de risco de modo a prevenir patologia do foro cardio e cerebrovascular. ABSTRACT - The lipid profile is conditioned by several factors including the styles of life, physical exercise and eating habits. The present study is to evaluate the lipid profile in a population of students in higher education, and study their association with body mass index, with the lifestyles and eating habits. A descriptive exploratory study, transversal, we determined the lipid profile of 97 students, volunteers, higher education, aged 18 to 25 years. The lipid profile was determined by assay of total cholesterol and fractions (HDL and LDL) and triglycerides. It identified the body mass index and habits and lifestyles, collected by applying a validated questionnaire. In the present study, no significant change in lipid profile, BMI, nor with the total food score. No associations were found between lipid disorders and gender, and smoking habits in the students with the HDL fraction was lower. The low food score is not associated with lipid profile, the same was not observed in relation to physical exercise. There is an altered lipid profile in 44.4% of participants, average 198.04mg/dl cholesterol, triglycerides 82.58mg/dl, which are high values for this age group. The results of this study indicate that this population is to monitor the risk factors to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

    Cost Effectiveness of New Diagnostic Tools for Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Afghanistan

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    Background and Objectives: Cutaneous leishmaniasis is responsible for chronic and disfguring skin lesions resulting in morbidity and social stigma. The gold standard to diagnose cutaneous leishmaniasis is microscopy but has a variable sensitivity and requires trained personnel. Using four scenarios, the objective of this study is to compare the cost efectiveness of microscopy with two new tools: Loopamp™ Leishmania Detection Kit (LAMP) and CL Detect™ Rapid Test (RDT). Methods: Data related to the cost and accuracy of these tools were collected at the clinic of the National Malaria and Leishmaniasis Control Program in Kabul, Afghanistan. The efectiveness estimates were measured based on the tools’ performance but also indirectly, using the disability-adjusted life years. A decision tree was designed in TreeAge Healthcare Pro 2016, combined with a Markov model representing the natural history of cutaneous leishmaniasis. In addition to a deterministic analysis, univariate sensitivity and probabilistic analyses were performed to test the robustness of the results. Results: If the tools are compared at the National Malaria and Leishmaniasis Control Program level in a period of low incidence, microscopy remains the preferred option. LAMP becomes more appropriate during cutaneous leishmaniasis seasons or outbreaks when its capacity to process several tests (e.g. up to 48) at a time can be maximised. RDT has a cost similar to microscopy when used at the reference clinic but as it is relatively easy to use, it could be implemented at the peripheral level, which would become cheaper than employing microscopy at the reference clinic. Moreover, combining RDT with microscopy or LAMP at the reference clinic for the negative suspects is economically more interesting than directly performing LAMP or microscopy respectively on all cutaneous leishmaniasis suspects at the reference clinic. Conclusions: When taking advantage of their respective strengths, LAMP and RDT can prove to be cost-efective alternatives to using microscopy alone at the reference clinic

    Entry to higher education: Analysis in Ecuador in the framework of the right to equity

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    La educación como derecho universal debe ser garantizada por los Estados sin distingos de ninguna índole. A partir de la educación y en cualquier contexto deben generarse espacios que incluyan a todos los ciudadanos. En ese sentido la evaluación se constituye en un elemento curricular que puede servir para este fin o para excluir. Desde el punto de vista de la protección de derechos, los resultados de las pruebas estandarizadas para la medición del éxito escolar son un escenario riesgoso desde el punto de vista del proceso de aceptación o rechazo de la diversidad y pluralidad del ser humano. En este estudio, se presenta una reflexión sobre la situación internacional y nacional de Ecuador del ingreso a la Educación Superior, se realiza una revisión de literatura en la que se puntualiza que hasta la actualidad se ha mantenido vigente una matriz de ingreso que no favorece la equidad. Aunque se han incrementado los cupos, la existencia de un número creciente de jóvenes insatisfechos que no ingresan a la carrera que desean, si lo hacen se sienten decepcionados y en no pocos casos las abandonan antes de concluir; permite afirmar que en la actualidad la educación superior ecuatoriana ha favorecido en sus procesos de acceso una inclusión desigual, permitiendo que se mantengan las desigualdades.Education as a universal right must be guaranteed by the States without distinctions of any kind. From education and in any context, spaces must be generated that include all citizens. In this sense, the evaluation constitutes a curricular element that can serve for this purpose or to exclude. From the point of view of the protection of rights, the results of the standardized tests to measure school success are a risky scenario from the point of view of the process of acceptance or rejection of the diversity and plurality of the human being. In this study, a reflection on the international and national situation of Ecuador regarding admission to Higher Education is presented, a literature review is carried out in which it is pointed out that until now an income matrix has remained in force that does not favor the equity. Although the quotas have increased, the existence of a growing number of dissatisfied young people who do not enter the career they want, if they do they feel disappointed and in many cases they abandon them before concluding; It allows to affirm that at present Ecuadorian higher education has favored unequal inclusion in its access processes, allowing inequalities to be maintained

    Stability of zirconium silicate films on Si under vacuum and O/sub 2/ annealing

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    The effect of postdeposition annealing in vacuum and in dry O2 on the atomic transport and chemical stability of chemical vapor deposited ZrSixOy films on Si is investigated. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, narrow nuclear resonance profiling, and low energy ion scattering spectroscopy were used to obtain depth distributions of Si, O, and Zr in the films. The chemical environment of these elements in near-surface and near-interface regions was identified by angle-resolved x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. It is shown that although the interface region is rather stable, the surface region presents an accumulation of Si after thermal annealing

    Lipid profile in higher education students: characterization of a young population

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    The lipid profile is conditioned by several factors including the styles of life, physical exercise and eating habits. The present study is to evaluate the lipid profile in a population of students in higher education, and study their association with body mass index, with the lifestyles and eating habits. A descriptive exploratory study, transversal, we determined the lipid profile of 97 students, volunteers, higher education, aged 18 to 25 years. The lipid profile was determined by assay of total cholesterol and fractions (HDL and LDL) and triglycerides. It identified the body mass index and habits and lifestyles, collected by applying a validated questionnaire. In the present study, no significant change in lipid profile, BMI, nor with the total food score. No associations were found between lipid disorders and gender, and smoking habits in the students with the HDL fraction was lower. The low food score is not associated with lipid profile, the same was not observed in relation to physical exercise. There is an altered lipid profile in 44.4% of participants, average 198.04mg/dl cholesterol, triglycerides 82.58mg/dl, which are high values for this age group. The results of this study indicate that this population is to monitor the risk factors to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

    Interaction of SiC thermal oxidation by-products with SiO2

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    We investigated oxygen incorporation and exchange during thermal growth of silicon oxide films on silicon carbide. This investigation was carried out in parallel with the thermal growth of silicon oxide films on silicon for comparison.We provide experimental evidence that oxidation by-products of silicon carbide out-diffuse and interact with the silicon oxide overlayer, incorporating C and O. This and other results are in sharp contrast to those obtained for silicon samples, constituting a key issue in the stability of any dielectric material used on silicon carbide

    A flexible methanol-to-methane thermochemical energy storage system (TCES) for gas turbine (GT) power production

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    This study introduces an innovative solution to address the challenges arising from the volatile natural gas market and the growing integration of renewable energy sources within the industrial sector. The research strives to confront this challenge by including renewable methanol (CH3OH) and converting it into methane (CH4), with an intermediate step involving synthesis gas (CO/H2) by using concentrating solar power. This approach provides a sustainable and adaptable solution to reduce dependence on natural gas. The process entails a methanol decomposition reaction at moderate temperatures (500 °C). The resulting methane is used as fuel for gas turbines and can also serve as feedstock in the chemical industry. The simulations were conducted in ASPEN HYSYS and yielded overall system efficiencies exceeding 29% and roundtrip efficiencies of 44%. Through techno-economic optimisation of the reaction conditions, competitive levelized fuel costs (LCOF) of €172/MWh and future LCOE values of €145/MWh were achieved. These findings present an innovative strategy for integrating gas turbine cycles and additional conversion pathways for green methanol.ESASUR and VS Energy Tech SL (University of Seville, Spain