29 research outputs found

    Actitudes hacia la donación de órganos

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    Treball Final de Grau en Psicologia. Codi: PS1048. Curs acadèmic: 2014-2015Con el propósito de identificar y describir los factores que influyen en la actitud general hacia la donación de órganos (AGDO) en la población general española, se llevó a cabo una encuesta telefónica a 1200 ciudadanos mayores de 18 años de todo el estado español. A partir del análisis factorial se ha obtenido la variable dependiente (VD), donde los factores influyentes hacia esta fueron las variables personales y demográficas. Asimismo, se quiso ver la interacción entre las variables Comunidad-Sexo-Edad a partir del análisis por modelos mixtos lineales. Los resultados muestran que aunque por sí solas las variables no son influyentes, la interacción entre estas afecta significativamente a la AGDO. La comprensión y el análisis de estos resultados que favorecen u obstaculizan la actividad de la donación en el estado español proporcionan una información muy útil para el futuro diseño, desarrollo e implantación de programas educativos o proyectos de intervención que incrementen la cantidad de donaciones de órganos y minimicen las barreras que existen actualmente sobre la realización exitosa de este tipo de tratamiento para aquellas personas con enfermedades terminales en algún órgano de su cuerpo. Para aumentar el número de donaciones proponemos el diseño de programas y actuaciones centradas especialmente en cada comunidad autónoma, sexo y edad.In order to identify and describe the factors that influence in general attitude towards organ donation (GAOD) in the Spanish general population, we conducted a telephone survey of 1,200 citizens over 18 years throughout the Spanish state. From the factorial analysis we were obtained the dependent variable (DV), where the influential factors to this were the personal and demographic variables. It also wanted to see the interaction between Community-Sex-Age variables among linear mixed models analysis. The results exhibit that although themselves are not influential variables, the interaction between these significantly affect to GAOD. Understanding and analysis of these results that favour or hinder the donation activity in the Spanish state provide useful information for the future design, development and implementation of educational intervention programs or projects to increase the number of organ donations and minimize the barriers that currently exist on the successful realization of this type of treatment for people with terminal illnesses in some organ of your body. To increase the number of donations we propose the design of programs and actions especially focused in each region, gender and age

    Estimating sexual knowledge of people with mild intellectual disability through a valid and reliable assessment scale: The ISK-ID

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    Background Despite the relevance of assessing sexual knowledge in people with Intellectual Disability, there is a lack of appropriate assessment tools to measure this domain. The current study tests the psychometric properties of the new ‘Inventory of Sexual Knowledge of people with Intellectual Disability’ (ISK-ID). Method 345 individuals with mild intellectual disability completed the ISK-ID before and after the implementation of a sexual education program. Psychometric properties of the ISK-ID were analysed according to Multidimensional Item Response Theory (MIRT). Results Its underlying factorial structure, along with parameters derived from the MIRT (item discrimination, difficulty, and participant's ability), support the use of the ISK-ID as a measure of sexual knowledge. Moreover, the ISK-ID was able to detect changes in the level of sexual knowledge resulting from educational interventions (i.e., responsiveness). Conclusions The ISK-ID is an appropriate assessment tool to measure sexual knowledge in men and women with mild intellectual disability

    Do we chat? Motivation for using dating apps in LGB community

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    Las aplicaciones de citas suponen un nuevo entorno para experimentar relaciones afectivo-sexuales, en particular entre personas lesbianas, gais y bisexuales (LGB). Por ello, se analiza el uso las aplicaciones de citas en población LGB, en comparación con población heterosexual, evaluando también las diferencias de género en el uso y la relación con otras variables como el valor otorgado a la sexualidad y sensualidad, la autoestima y la regulación emocional. En total, participaron 185 personas (65.4% mujeres y 34.6% hombres) con edad promedio de 29.15 años (DT = 6.91), identificándose un 44.3% como heterosexuales y un 55.7% como parte del colectivo LGB. En general, la población LGB usa en mayor medida las aplicaciones de citas y de manera más frecuente que la heterosexual. Dentro del colectivo, se observa que los hombres informan un mayor uso que las mujeres y, entre las personas usuarias, se observaría una mayor autoestima y uso del sexo para evitar el malestar emocional. Dadas las diferencias encontradas, además de la existencia de indicadores psicológicos asociados al riesgo, parece necesario incluir este escenario de interacción sexual en las estrategias de intervención preventivas y de atención clínica, desde un enfoque inclusivo y con perspectiva de género.Dating apps provide a new context to experience affective-sexual relationships, particularly among the lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) community. Therefore, the use of dating applications is analyzed among LGB people, compared to heterosexual people, also evaluating the gender differences in the use and variables such as the value given to sexuality and sensuality, self-esteem, and emotional regulation. In total, 185 people participated (65.4% women and 34.6% men) with an average age of 29.15 years (SD= 6.91), self-identifying 44.3% as heterosexual and 55.7% as part of the LGB community. In general, LGB participants use dating apps more and more frequently than heterosexual participants. Within the group, men report higher use than women and, the app users show higher self-esteem and the use of sex to avoid emotional distress. Given these differences, as well as the existence of psychological indicators related to risk, it seems necessary to include this context of sexual interaction in preventive strategies and clinical interventions, from an inclusive approach and gender perspective

    Pooled Time Series Modeling Reveals Smoking Habit Memory Pattern

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    Smoking is a habit that is hard to break because nicotine is highly addictive and smoking behavior is strongly linked to multiple daily activities and routines. Here, we explored the effect of gender, age, day of the week, and previous smoking on the number of cigarettes smoked on any given day. Data consisted of daily records of the number of cigarettes participants smoked over an average period of 84 days. The sample included smokers (36 men and 26 women), aged between 18 and 26 years, who smoked at least five cigarettes a day and had smoked for at least 2 years. A panel data analysis was performed by way of multilevel pooled time series modeling. Smoking on any given day was a function of the number of cigarettes smoked on the previous day, and 2, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, and 56 days previously, and the day of the week. Neither gender nor age influenced this pattern, with no multilevel effects being detected, thus the behavior of all participants fitted the same smoking model. These novel findings show empirically that smoking behavior is governed by firmly established temporal dependence patterns and inform temporal parameters for the rational design of smoking cessation programs

    Emotion elicitation during music listening: subjective self-reports, facial expression, and autonomic reactivity

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    The use of music as emotional stimuli in experimental studies has grown in recent years. However, prior studies have mainly focused on self-reports and central measures, with a few works exploring the time course of psychophysiological correlates. Moreover, most of the previous research has been carried out either from the dimensional or categorical model but not combining both approaches to emotions. This study aimed to investigate subjective and physiological correlates of emotion elicitation through music, following the three-dimensional and the discrete emotion model. A sample of 50 healthy volunteers (25 women) took part in this experiment by listening to 42 film music excerpts (14 pleasant, 14 unpleasant, 14 neutral) presented during 8 s, while peripheral measures were continuously recorded. After music offset, affective dimensions (valence, energy arousal, and tension arousal) as well as discrete emotions (happiness, sadness, tenderness, fear, and anger) were collected using a 9-point scale. Results showed an effect of the music category on subjective and psychophysiological measures. In peripheral physiology, greater electrodermal activity, heart rate acceleration, and zygomatic responses, besides lower corrugator amplitude, were observed for pleasant excerpts in comparison to neutral and unpleasant music, from 2 s after stimulus onset until the end of its duration. Overall, our results add evidence for the efficacy of standardized film music excerpts to evoke powerful emotions in laboratory settings; thus, opening a path to explore interventions based on music in pathologies with underlying emotion deregulatory processes.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    Experiences and Psychological Impact Derived from Unwanted Exposure to Online Pornography in Spanish Adolescents

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    Introduction Unwanted exposure (UE) to sexual content may have important consequences on children/adolescents’ psychosexual development. Our objective was to analyze UE to online pornography, parental filter use, type of sexual contents seen, emotional/behavioral reactions, and UE as positive/traumatic experience in Spanish adolescents and to examine these experiences and reactions depending on the type of sexual content. Methods In 2020, 500 Spanish teenagers (13–18 years) completed an ad hoc questionnaire for the evaluation of different dimensions involved in UE to sexual contents, such as those mentioned in the study objectives. Results A high frequency of UE (88.2%) is observed. Regarding the kind of scenes, naked people, straight porn, and people showing genitals are the most unexpectedly seen. Adolescents used to react to the UE closing the window and deleting sexual materials. A greater predominance of negative emotions was revealed, and another noteworthy result is related to the role played by type of sexual content and gender. Gay scenes and being woman increased the probability of living the experience as non-positive, and being woman and viewing naked people/BDSM scenes/under-age sex were associated with reactions of rejection. Conclusions This study contributes significantly to the knowledge of UE to online pornography in adolescents. It provides valuable information about the role played by the type of sexual content seen and the gender in the diverse reactions/experiences derived from the UE to pornography. Policy Implications This topic, that is, involuntary exposure to online sexual material in adolescents, should be included in affective-sexual education and prevention programs at early ages, so that children/adolescents are already trained in healthy sexuality when facing this type of content for the first time. These programs, adjusted to the reality of our adolescents, will minimize the negative impact that UE may have on their psychosexual development

    Development and psychometric properties of a self-report instrument for the assessment of sexual behaviour and concerns of people with mild intellectual disabilities (SEBECOMID-S)

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    Background: This paper presents a description of the development and psychometric properties of a self-report instrument for the assessment of sexual behaviour and concerns of people with mild intellectual disabilities (SEBECOMID-S). Methods and procedures: The study included 281 people with mild intellectual disabilities. The psychometric properties were examined through exploratory factorial analysis, descriptive statistics, and reliability indices. Results: The exploratory factor analyses offered a structure with three factors: concern about the appropriateness of their sexual behaviour, sexual practices performed, and safe sex practices. The model presents an excellent fit (χ2 /df = 1.10, RMSEA = 0.019, CFI = 0.997, TLI = 0.995, and SRMR = 0.065). General test reliability was good (α = 0.77, Ω = 0.76). Conclusions: SEBECOMID-S is a valid and reliable tool to obtain objective information about the sexual behaviour and concerns of people with mild intellectual disabilities. The use of this instrument will make it possible to adjust their training to their real experiences, making it more effective.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    Differences in the sexual life of Spanish men during the COVID-19 lockdown by sexual orientation

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    Background: The pandemic affected the psychological well-being and sexuality of the population, especially among vulnerable groups such as men from sexual minorities. Method: In Spain, a total of 320 heterosexual men and 151 sexual minority men, aged between 18 and 60, answered an ad hoc online questionnaire about sexual behavior during the lockdown. Results: Compared to heterosexual men, during the lockdown, sexual minority men masturbated more, engaged in more sexual activities online, and had more sex with non-cohabitants. Heterosexual men had more sexual relations with their partners. Living with a partner during the lockdown predicted an improvement in sex life, especially for heterosexual men. Furthermore, the emotional impact of lockdown was a predictor of a worsening sex life regardless of sexual orientation. Conclusions: Future interventions should take into account that men’s sex lives are mediated by the emotional impact of the moment, especially among sexual minority men, since the quality of their sex life shows a weaker relationship with some of the protective variables studied (living with a partner).Antecedentes: La pandemia ha afectado al bienestar psicológico y a la sexualidad de la población, especialmente entre grupos vulnerables como los hombres de una minoría sexual. Método: En España, un total de 320 hombres heterosexuales y 151 hombres de minorías sexuales, de entre 18 y 60 años, respondieron un cuestionario online ad hoc sobre comportamiento sexual durante el confinamiento. Resultados: Durante el confinamiento, respecto a los hombres heterosexuales, los hombres de minorías sexuales se masturbaron más, realizaron más actividades sexuales en línea y tuvieron más sexo con no convivientes. En cambio, los hombres heterosexuales tuvieron más relaciones sexuales con su pareja. El hecho de vivir en pareja durante el confinamiento fue predictor de una mejoría de la vida sexual, sobre todo para los hombres heterosexuales. Además, el impacto emocional del confinamiento fue predictor de un empeoramiento de la vida sexual sin distinción por orientación sexual. Conclusiones: En futuras intervenciones habría que tener en cuenta que la vida sexual de los hombres está mediada por el impacto emocional del momento, especialmente entre los hombres de minorías sexuales, ya que su calidad de vida sexual muestra menor relación con algunas de las variables protectoras estudiadas (vivir en pareja)

    Proyecto SAFO: La diversidad sexual a lo largo del ciclo vital en España

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    Sexual orientation has been, especially in the past, a highly guarded and restricted dimension of sexuality, with any behavior or desire that departed from heterosexuality being punished. However, nowadays, young people have much more information and openness towards sexual diversity. For this reason, this study aims to evaluate sexual diversity in Spain according to life cycle. A total of 6274 people, with a mean age of 37.85 years (SD = 13.03), answered an ad hoc survey on sexual diversity and associated experiences, within the SAFO Project (Salusex, UJI-UV). To analyze the data, six age groups were performed (18-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, 56-65, over 65 years) with 50% cis men and 50% cis women in each group. Depending on age, it is observed that older people identify more with heterosexuality and younger people identify more with less normative and traditional labels. These differences are also observed when evaluating sexual attraction on the Kinsey continuum, with older groups showing the highest percentage of exclusive attraction to the other sex. In addition, the youngest groups are the ones who have experienced the most doubt and the most change with sexual orientation. The younger population seems to reflect and question their sexual orientation more and shows more sexual diversity than the older population. This effect may be due to the greater repression and scarcity of information on sexual diversity in the past, which limited the experiences and freedom of older people during their adolescence and youth, a key time for the development of identity and the formation of sexual orientation.La orientación sexual ha sido, sobre todo en épocas pasadas, una dimensión de la sexualidad muy vigilada y restringida, castigándose cualquier comportamiento o deseo que se alejara de la heterosexualidad. Sin embargo, en la actualidad, las personas jóvenes disponen de mucha más información y apertura hacia la diversidad sexual. Por ello, este trabajo pretende evaluar la diversidad sexual existente en España en función del ciclo vital. Un total de 6274 personas, con una edad media de 37.85 años (DT = 13.03), contestaron una encuesta ad hoc sobre diversidad sexual y experiencias asociadas, dentro del Proyecto SAFO (Salusex, UJI-UV). Para analizar los datos, se realizaron seis grupos de edad (18-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, 56-65, más de 65 años) con 50% de hombres cis y 50% de mujeres cis en cada grupo. En función de la edad, se observa que las personas mayores son quienes más se identifican con la heterosexualidad y los más jóvenes los que se identifican más con etiquetas menos normativas y tradicionales. Estas diferencias también se observan al evaluar la atracción sexual en el continuo de Kinsey, siendo los grupos de mayor edad los que muestran mayor porcentaje de atracción exclusiva hacia el otro sexo. Además, los grupos más jóvenes son los que más dudas y más cambios han experimentado con la orientación sexual. La población joven parece reflexionar y cuestionarse más su orientación sexual y muestra mayor diversidad sexual que la población más adulta. Este efecto puede ser debido a la mayor represión y a la escasez de información sobre diversidad sexual existente en épocas pasadas, lo que limitaba las experiencias y la libertad de los más mayores durante su adolescencia y juventud, una época clave para el desarrollo de la identidad y la formación de la orientación sexual

    Consumo excesivo de alcohol ¿existen diferencias de género?

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    Alcohol consumption is a very widespread practice in our society, despite its harmful consequences (alcohol poisoning, traffic accidents, brawls, STIs, etc.). Although its effects affect the entire population, regardless of gender or age, preventive strategies do not always take such diversity into account; aspect that, surely, reduces its effectiveness. Given the need to have a more specific profile of those who consume alcohol in a riskier way, the goal of this work is to find out if there are differences, according to gender and age, in the experience of some consequences derived from alcohol consumption. For that purpose, 60 participants (35 women and 25 men), aged between 22 and 64, answered a survey on substance use. Results show that 100% of men and 97% of women have consumed alcohol. Men are who have vomited the most due to the alcohol intake (52.8%; 2=4.91; p=.027), the more times they have gone intoxicated to work (87.5%; 2=7.72; p=.005), and the more times they have driven drunk (66.7%; 2=7.88; p=.005). Additionally, the only difference that exists based on age is focused on the experience of having vomited, being greater among older people. According to the results, the amount of risk consequences associated with excessive alcohol consumption is concerning, especially for men; also highlighting the vomiting indicator according to age. That is why, when carrying out prevention interventions, gender perspective should be taken into account, expanding efforts to all ages in the same way, and not only focusing campaigns and interventions on the youngest.El consumo de alcohol es una práctica muy extendida en nuestra sociedad, pese a sus nocivas consecuencias (intoxicaciones etílicas, accidentes de tráfico, reyertas, ITS, etc.). Aunque sus efectos afectan a toda la población, con independencia del género o la edad, las estrategias preventivas no siempre tienen en cuenta dicha diversidad; aspecto que, seguramente, reduce su eficacia. Dada la necesidad de contar con un perfil más concreto de quienes consumen alcohol de manera más riesgosa, el objetivo de este trabajo es conocer si existen diferencias, según el género y la edad, en la vivencia de algunas consecuencias derivadas del consumo de alcohol. Para ello, 60 participantes (35 mujeres y 25 hombres), con edades comprendidas entre los 22 y los 64 años, respondieron una encuesta sobre el consumo de sustancias. Los resultados muestran que el 100% de hombres y el 97% de mujeres han consumido alcohol. Los primeros son los que más han vomitado por la ingesta de alcohol (52.8%; 2=4.91; p=.027), más veces han ido en estado de embriaguez al trabajo (87.5%; 2=7.72; p=.005), y más veces han conducido borrachos (66.7%; 2=7.88; p=.005). Por otro lado, la única diferencia que existe en función de la edad se centra en la experiencia de haber vomitado, siendo mayor entre las personas que tienen más años. A la vista de los resultados, preocupa la cantidad de consecuencias de riesgo que están asociadas a un consumo excesivo de alcohol, especialmente para los hombres; destacando igualmente el indicador de vomitar según la edad. Es por eso que, a la hora de realizar intervenciones de prevención, debería tenerse en cuenta la perspectiva de género, ampliando de igual forma los esfuerzos a todas las edades, y no solamente centrar las campañas e intervenciones hacia los más jóvenes