9 research outputs found

    La "Zone minéralisée de l'Entre-deux-Mers" : Caractérisation hydrogéologique, géochimique et isotopique - CARISMEAU 2.

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    Au nord du Bassin Adour-Garonne, la ressource en eau principalement exploitĂ©e pour l'alimentation en eau potable est l'aquifĂšre EocĂšne (masse d'eau 5071). Le projet de recherche CARISMEAU 2, initiĂ© dĂ©but 2009 s'inscrit Ă©troitement dans le cadre de la Directive Cadre sur l'Eau. Il vise Ă  mieux comprendre les hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ©s et les interconnections au sein de la masse d'eau 5071. En effet, cet aquifĂšre prĂ©sente des teneurs anomaliques en sulfates et fluor qui induisent des difficultĂ©s d'exploitation de la ressource. L'origine de ces minĂ©ralisations excessives, rĂ©parties de façon hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne, n'est pas encore connue. Le projet CARISMEAU 2, auquel est associĂ©e la thĂšse " Zone minĂ©ralisĂ©e de l'Entre-deux-Mers ", met en application une approche couplĂ©e hydrogĂ©ologique, gĂ©ochimique et isotopique. Les objectifs sont de mieux connaĂźtre l'origine de la salinitĂ© et de dĂ©finir les circulations de ces eaux minĂ©ralisĂ©es dans l'aquifĂšre EocĂšne, lui-mĂȘme compris au sein du systĂšme aquifĂšre multicouche du Bassin aquitain. Afin de mieux caractĂ©riser cette masse d'eau, une cinquantaine de points ont Ă©tĂ© suivis fin 2009. Des mĂ©thodes de gĂ©ochimie et de gĂ©ochimie isotopique classiques sont utilisĂ©es, mais aussi des mĂ©thodes isotopiques innovantes et/ou expĂ©rimentales. Les premiers rĂ©sultats des analyses gĂ©ochimiques et multi-isotopiques sont prĂ©sentĂ©s dans l'objectif de mieux comprendre l'origine de ces Ă©lĂ©ments, leur comportement et leur migration dans les aquifĂšres

    Geochemical, multi-isotopic and hydrogeological characterization of mineralized groundwaters, Entre-deux-Mers area, Gironde (SW France).

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    Groundwater quality sustainability In the south-west of France, the Eocene aquifer is one of the main resources for irrigation, thermo-mineral water, and mainly for drinking water in the Bordeaux region. This aquifer is characterized by the presence of a large mineralized area, centered on the Entre-deux-Mers region, between the Garonne and the Dordogne rivers, where the groundwaters show strong mineralization and anomalous levels of critical elements, such as sulphates and fluoride, leading to difficulties of resource exploitation for drinking water supply. Ongoing analyses of major elements confirm the salinity variation in the system and the multi-isotopes results will be presented at the conference, in order to decipher the origin of this salinity

    Analysis of the geological control on the spatial distribution of potentially toxic concentrations of As and F- in groundwater on a Pan-European scale

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    The distribution of the high concentrations of arsenic (As) and fluoride (F-) in groundwater on a Pan-European scale could be explained by the geological European context (lithology and structural faults). To test this hypothesis, seventeen countries and eighteen geological survey organizations (GSOs) have participated in the dataset. The methodology has used the HydroGeoToxicity (HGT) and the Baseline Concentration (BLC) index. The results prove that most of the waters considered in this study are in good conditions for drinking water consumption, in terms of As and/or F- content. A low proportion of the analysed samples present HGT≄ 1 levels (4% and 7% for As and F-, respectively). The spatial distribution of the highest As and/or F- concentrations (via BLC values) has been analysed using GIS tools. The highest values are identified associated with fissured hard rock outcrops (crystalline rocks) or Cenozoic sedimentary zones, where basement fractures seems to have an obvious control on the distribution of maximum concentrations of these elements in groundwaters.This research was co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (GeoERA HOVER project) under grant agreement number 731166. D. Voutchkova, B. Hansen, and J. Schullehner were also supported by Innovation Fund Denmark (funding agreement number 8055- 00073B). N. Rman participation was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency, research program P1-0020 Groundwaters and Geochemistry. A. Felter, J. Cabalska and A. MikoƂajczyk participation was supported by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science. E. GimĂ©nez-Forcada is grateful for the support received from the CIPROM/2021/032 Project. Valencian Government. University of Valencia (Spain)

    Origine de la minéralisation des eaux dans un aquifÚre multicouche profond : exemple de la "zone minéralisée de l'Entre-Deux-Mers" (Bassin Aquitain, France)

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    Geochemical and isotopic characterizations of groundwaters in the "mineralized Entre-Deux-Mers area" indicate a common origin of the mineralization, directly linked to the mineralogy of the formations abstracted by drilling.Geochemistry shows that water-rock interactions are mainly influenced by the presence of evaporites, and that but that other interactions involving carbonates, silicates and clays exist. A geochemical model based on the water geochemistry and mineralogy of the Tertiary formations of northern Aquitaine Basin fix waters in equilibrium with evaporitic and carbonated formations. This model reconstitutes perfectly the groundwaters’ chemistry across the study area and explains the mineralization acquisition. Improving the understanding of the lateral and vertical distribution of tertiary formations and their mineralogy requires a sedimentological and paleogeographical approach. This approach allowed to locate the different layers rich in sulphates and/or fluoride and to understand also their origin.Based on hydrogeology, paleogeography, mineralogy and geochemistry, the distribution of the mineralization has been tested at the borehole scale. The results of this coupled hydrodynamic-transport modeling reconstitute the chemistry of the groundwaters in the "mineralized Entre-Deux-Mers area." A model, that considers the sealing of sulphates- and fluorides-rich layers has been tested and its results highlights future research perspectives. This work has allowed understanding the origin of the mineralization of the waters "of the mineralized Entre-Deux-Mers area" and also suggests improvements and prospects for sustainable management of a major drinking water resource in Gironde.La caractĂ©risation gĂ©ochimique et isotopique des eaux souterraines de la « zone minĂ©ralisĂ©e de l’Entre-Deux-Mers » indique une origine commune de la minĂ©ralisation, directement liĂ©e Ă  la minĂ©ralogie des formations captĂ©es par les forages.La gĂ©ochimie montre que les interactions eau-roche sont majoritairement influencĂ©es par la prĂ©sence d’évaporites, mais que d’autres interactions mettant en jeu des carbonates, des silicates et des argiles existent. Un modĂšle gĂ©ochimique d’acquisition de la minĂ©ralisation reconstitue parfaitement la chimie des eaux souterraines Ă  l’échelle de la zone d’étude. Ce modĂšle, construit en se basant sur la gĂ©ochimie des eaux et sur la minĂ©ralogie des formations tertiaires du nord du Bassin aquitain, met Ă  l’équilibre des eaux avec des formations carbonatĂ©es et Ă©vaporitiques. Afin de mieux comprendre la distribution latĂ©rale et verticale des formations tertiaires et leur minĂ©ralogie, une approche palĂ©ogĂ©ographique et sĂ©dimentologique a permis de localiser les diffĂ©rents horizons riches en sulfates et/ou en fluorures, mais aussi de comprendre leur origine de dĂ©pĂŽt. En se basant sur l’hydrogĂ©ologie, la palĂ©ogĂ©ographie, la minĂ©ralogie et la gĂ©ochimie, des hypothĂšses de rĂ©partition de la minĂ©ralisation Ă  l’échelle du forage ont pu ĂȘtre testĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats de la modĂ©lisation couplĂ©e hydrodynamique–transport reconstituent la chimie des eaux prĂ©levĂ©es par les forages de la « zone minĂ©ralisĂ©e de l’Entre-Deux-Mers ». Au vu de ces rĂ©sultats, un modĂšle avec obturation des horizons riches en sulfates et en fluorures a Ă©tĂ© testĂ© et les rĂ©sultats obtenus ouvrent des perspectives pour des futures recherches. Ce travail a donc permis de comprendre l’origine de la minĂ©ralisation des eaux de « la zone minĂ©ralisĂ©e de l’Entre-Deux-Mers », mais aussi de proposer des amĂ©liorations et des perspectives pour une meilleure gestion d’une des principales ressources en eau potable de la Gironde

    Origin of groundwaters’ mineralization in a deep multi-layered aquifer : example of the “mineralized Entre-Deux-Mers area” (Aquitaine Basin, France)

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    La caractĂ©risation gĂ©ochimique et isotopique des eaux souterraines de la « zone minĂ©ralisĂ©e de l’Entre-Deux-Mers » indique une origine commune de la minĂ©ralisation, directement liĂ©e Ă  la minĂ©ralogie des formations captĂ©es par les forages.La gĂ©ochimie montre que les interactions eau-roche sont majoritairement influencĂ©es par la prĂ©sence d’évaporites, mais que d’autres interactions mettant en jeu des carbonates, des silicates et des argiles existent. Un modĂšle gĂ©ochimique d’acquisition de la minĂ©ralisation reconstitue parfaitement la chimie des eaux souterraines Ă  l’échelle de la zone d’étude. Ce modĂšle, construit en se basant sur la gĂ©ochimie des eaux et sur la minĂ©ralogie des formations tertiaires du nord du Bassin aquitain, met Ă  l’équilibre des eaux avec des formations carbonatĂ©es et Ă©vaporitiques. Afin de mieux comprendre la distribution latĂ©rale et verticale des formations tertiaires et leur minĂ©ralogie, une approche palĂ©ogĂ©ographique et sĂ©dimentologique a permis de localiser les diffĂ©rents horizons riches en sulfates et/ou en fluorures, mais aussi de comprendre leur origine de dĂ©pĂŽt. En se basant sur l’hydrogĂ©ologie, la palĂ©ogĂ©ographie, la minĂ©ralogie et la gĂ©ochimie, des hypothĂšses de rĂ©partition de la minĂ©ralisation Ă  l’échelle du forage ont pu ĂȘtre testĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats de la modĂ©lisation couplĂ©e hydrodynamique–transport reconstituent la chimie des eaux prĂ©levĂ©es par les forages de la « zone minĂ©ralisĂ©e de l’Entre-Deux-Mers ». Au vu de ces rĂ©sultats, un modĂšle avec obturation des horizons riches en sulfates et en fluorures a Ă©tĂ© testĂ© et les rĂ©sultats obtenus ouvrent des perspectives pour des futures recherches. Ce travail a donc permis de comprendre l’origine de la minĂ©ralisation des eaux de « la zone minĂ©ralisĂ©e de l’Entre-Deux-Mers », mais aussi de proposer des amĂ©liorations et des perspectives pour une meilleure gestion d’une des principales ressources en eau potable de la Gironde.Geochemical and isotopic characterizations of groundwaters in the "mineralized Entre-Deux-Mers area" indicate a common origin of the mineralization, directly linked to the mineralogy of the formations abstracted by drilling.Geochemistry shows that water-rock interactions are mainly influenced by the presence of evaporites, and that but that other interactions involving carbonates, silicates and clays exist. A geochemical model based on the water geochemistry and mineralogy of the Tertiary formations of northern Aquitaine Basin fix waters in equilibrium with evaporitic and carbonated formations. This model reconstitutes perfectly the groundwaters’ chemistry across the study area and explains the mineralization acquisition. Improving the understanding of the lateral and vertical distribution of tertiary formations and their mineralogy requires a sedimentological and paleogeographical approach. This approach allowed to locate the different layers rich in sulphates and/or fluoride and to understand also their origin.Based on hydrogeology, paleogeography, mineralogy and geochemistry, the distribution of the mineralization has been tested at the borehole scale. The results of this coupled hydrodynamic-transport modeling reconstitute the chemistry of the groundwaters in the "mineralized Entre-Deux-Mers area." A model, that considers the sealing of sulphates- and fluorides-rich layers has been tested and its results highlights future research perspectives. This work has allowed understanding the origin of the mineralization of the waters "of the mineralized Entre-Deux-Mers area" and also suggests improvements and prospects for sustainable management of a major drinking water resource in Gironde

    Izrazoslovje in značilnosti naravnih mineralnih in termalnih voda v izbranih evropskih drĆŸavah

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    This study discusses 1) the national legislative frameworks, terminologies, and criteria for the recognition of natural mineral waters and thermal waters in selected European countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, France, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Spain), and 2) it provides a first extensive multi-national overview of hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical characteristics of numerous water sources from those regions.Ć tudija razpravlja o: 1) nacionalnih zakonodajnih okvirjih, izrazoslovju in kriterijih za priznavanje naravnih mineralnih in termalnih voda v izbranih evropskih drĆŸavah (Avstrija, Bosna in Hercegovina, Danska, Francija, MadĆŸarska, Islandija, Italija, Litva, Poljska, Portugalska, Romunija, Srbija, Slovenia in Ć panija), ter 2) predstavlja prvi pregledni več-nacionalni pregled hidrogeoloĆĄkih in hidrogeokemijskih značilnostih ĆĄtevilnih vodnih virov v teh regijah

    Analysis of the geological control on the spatial distribution of potentially toxic concentrations of As and F- in groundwater on a Pan-European scale

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    The distribution of the high concentrations of arsenic (As) and fluoride (F-) in groundwater on a Pan-European scale could be explained by the geological European context (lithology and structural faults). To test this hypothesis, seventeen countries and eighteen geological survey organizations (GSOs) have participated in the dataset. The methodology has used the HydroGeoToxicity (HGT) and the Baseline Concentration (BLC) index. The results prove that most of the waters considered in this study are in good conditions for drinking water consumption, in terms of As and/or F- content. A low proportion of the analysed samples present HGT≄ 1 levels (4% and 7% for As and F-, respectively). The spatial distribution of the highest As and/or F- concentrations (via BLC values) has been analysed using GIS tools. The highest values are identified associated with fissured hard rock outcrops (crystalline rocks) or Cenozoic sedimentary zones, where basement fractures seems to have an obvious control on the distribution of maximum concentrations of these elements in groundwaters

    A Broad-Scale Method for Estimating Natural Background Levels of Dissolved Components in Groundwater Based on Lithology and Anthropogenic Pressure

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    The Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires EU member states to assess the chemical status of groundwater bodies, a status defined according to threshold values for harmful elements and based on/the natural background level (NBL). The NBL is defined as the expected value of the concentration of elements naturally present in the environment. The aim of this study is to propose a methodology that will be broadly applicable to a wide range of conditions at the regional and national scale. Using a statistical approach, the methodology seeks to determine NBLs for SO4, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, and F based on the lithology of aquifers from which groundwater monitoring data were collected. The methodology was applied in six EU countries to demonstrate validity for a wide range of European regions. An average concentration was calculated for each parameter and chosen water point and linked to a lithology. Based on the dataset created, significant differences between lithologies and pressure categories (urban, agricultural, industrial, and mining) were tested using a nonparametric test. For each parameter, 90th percentiles were calculated to provide an estimation of the maximum natural concentrations possible for each lithology