82 research outputs found

    Electrical Characterization of Textile-Based Enzymatic Biofuel Cell for Energy Harvesting Interface Circuit

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    International audienceThis paper presents electrical characterization and power management circuit of textile-based enzymatic biofuel cell. Firstly, static electrical characteristics (open circuit voltage, short circuit current, and maximum power) of the enzymatic biofuel cell have been investigated by imposing a voltage across the biofuel cell and measuring corresponding output current. Output power of the biofuel cell has been characterized as a function of load resistance, while a glucose solution of 100 mM is fed from one end of the textile-based biofuel cell. Two-step approach based on supercapacitor and DC-DC converter has been proposed and tested as power management of the proposed biofuel cell

    Vers un récupérateur d'énergie pour stimulateur intracardiaque

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    Ce travail consiste à développer un système convertissant une partie de l énergie mécanique du cœur en électricité pour alimenter les stimulateurs cardiaques de nouvelle génération, implants sans sonde ni batteries implantés directement dans la cavité cardiaque. Après études de différentes sources d énergies et concept associés, l option liée à la pression sanguine, appliquant sur une partie souple du boîtier de l implant des efforts transmis à un transducteur interne les convertissant en électricité, s est révélée la plus prometteuse. Cette solution présente les avantages principaux suivants par rapport aux systèmes inertiels usuels : grande densité de puissance, adaptabilité au rythme cardiaque et potentiel de miniaturisation. Un boîtier ultra-souple électro-déposé de 10 m d épaisseur en forme de soufflet a été modélisé, fabriqué et caractérisé, validant ainsi le concept de récupérateur proposé. Un transducteur électrostatique novateur (3D multicouche à peignes interdigités et à chevauchement hors-plan), étudié par des modélisations analytiques et numériques, est en cours de fabrication. Selon l électronique associée, ce transducteur promet une grande densité d énergie extraite. Un transducteur piézoélectrique micro-usiné en forme de spirale et à électrodes micro-structurées, est également présenté. Les défis spécifiques des spirales dontla flexibilité permet d augmenter l énergie mécanique d entrée sont étudiés notamment par simulation numériques, et des prototypes ont été micro-fabriqués et caractérisés. Au final, une énergie de 3 J/cm3/cycle est obtenue et de nombreuses perspectives d amélioration permettent d envisager une puissance au moins 10 fois supérieure.This work consists in the development and design of an energy harvesting device to supply power to the new generation pacemakers, miniaturized leadless implants without battery placed directly in heart chambers. After analyzing different mechanical energy sources in the cardiac environment and associated energy harvesting mechanisms, a concept based on regular blood pressure variation stood out: an implant with a flexible packaging that transmits blood forces to an internal transducer. Advantages compared to traditional inertial scavengers are mainly: greater power density, adaptability to heartbeat frequency changes and miniaturization potential. Ultra-flexible 10- m thin metal bellows have been designed, fabricated and tested. These prototypes acting as implant packaging that deforms under blood pressure actuation have validated the proposed harvesting concept. A new type of electrostatic transducer (3D multi-layer out-of-plane overlap structure with interdigitated combs) has been introduced and fully analyzed. Promising numerical results and associated fabrication processes are presented. Also, large stroke optimized piezoelectric spiral transducers including their complex electrodes patterns have been studied through a design analysis, numerical simulations, prototype fabrication and experimental testing. Apower density of 3 J/cm3/cycle has been experimentally achieved. With further addressed developments, the proposed device should provide enough energy to power autonomously and virtually perpetually the next generation of pacemakers.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Le marais doux endigué de Bourgneuf-Machecoul (Pays de Loire) Premier éléments de connaissance du peuplement piscicole. Relation ichtyofaune-habitat et problèmes majeurs de gestion (Maroc)

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    Le peuplement ichtyologique d'un marais littoral endigué, géré en eau douce, a été étudié sur une zone de 2 700 ha, située au nord du marais Breton-Vendéen (Loire-Atlantique, France). Le réseau hydraulique, qui représente près de 16 % de cette surface, se compose, d'environ 91 m de linéaire de fossés par ha (en tout 234 km) et de bassins présents uniquement dans la partie d'origine salicole du marais. Les hauteurs d'eau, l'envasement et le recouvrement par la végétation aquatique dépendent de la gestion humaine et sont très variables (moyennes respectives : 42 cm; 43 cm; 70 %). Cela se traduit par un morcellement spatial de l'habitat pour les poissons. La stratégie d'échantillonnage adoptée, qui tient compte de cette hétérogénéité, a permis de décrire un peuplement comportant 21 espèces. Dominé par les poissons-chats et par les anguilles, ce dernier est caractéristique de la zone à brèmes des cours d'eau. Les abondances sont relativement élevées (en moyenne 315 kg/ha et 11 460 poissons/ha), mais elles sont très hétérogènes. L'évolution qualitative et quantitative de la répartition spatio-temporelle est décrite à l'aide d'une analyse factorielle des correspondances portant sur 74 échantillons prélevés par pêche électrique entre 1987 et 1989. Bien que l'approche de ce milieu soit complexe et les références bibliographiques relativement rares, l'analyse des premières données permet d'ores et déjà d'identifier quelques problèmes de gestion ayant des répercussions directes sur le peuplement piscicole de cette zone.The dammed up marshes of the French Atlantic coast cover about 200 000 ha between River Vilaine and the « Bassin d'Arcachon ». Eighty eight % are managed with freshwater. They constitute original environments initially created for agriculture or for salt production, and they are now threatened by land abandonment within the next decade. Concurrently to aquaculture (in created or existing ponds), exploitation of the fish stocks in the ditchweb is likely to encourage a diversification of agricultural activities. Unfortunately, bibliographic analysis reveals the relative scarceness of research about sampling methods and qualitative or quantitative characteristics of these fish communities. This is quite surprising considering the importance of the ditchwed of this kind of environment outlined by several authors. In the Netherlands, BELTMANN (1984) assessed that there is a total of 400 000 km of ditches. In France, the littoral dyked marshes of the Atlantic coast couid comprise 20 000 km of ditches and about 24 000 ha of open water. The present work provides for the first data on the fish community of Bourgneuf marsh.The northern part of the marsh of Bourgneuf, 2 700 ha provided whith f reshwater, contains nearly every kind of landscapes found throughout the whole Breton-Vendéen marsh. The pattern of the ditch network strongly changes from a zone to another (fig.1) : presence of former salt pans in the western part, regular geometric shapes in the recently created polders next to the River Falleron, irregular ditchweb pattern in the eastern part. The average density of the ditch network is 91 m of ditches per ha, totalizing 234 km in the study area. The total surface of open water, composed of ditches and basins (former salt pans), covers 411 ha (over 15 % of the study site). Diversity of ditch types occurs at fine scales (<1 000 m2), they vary according to their widths (0,3 to 7 m), depths (average, 42 cm; SD, 20,4), thickness of silt layer (average, 43 cm; SD, 42) and their hydrophyte vegetation cover (average, 70 %; SD, 60 %). As a consequence of this heterogeneity, available habitats are scattered over the marsh (mosaïc distribution). A nested sampling (FRONTIER, 1983) was carried out to take into account this high heterogeneity : 5 sampling areas were selected randomly. In each one, 3 to 5 ditches were chosen according to their characteristics (see above). Sampling stations were delimited by 2 stop nets (5 mm mesh) settled 30 m apart, in order to avoid fish migration. Field work was conducted using « Heron » electric fishing material (see LAMARQUE et al., 1978). In each ditch-section, we carried out as many successive catches as necessary to apply the maximum likelihood weighted estimation method of CARLE and STRUB (1978). Nine to 19 stations were sampled at 5 periods, between 1987 and 1989. A total of 74 samples were collected.The fish community was composed of 21 species (table 1) and corresponded to the bream zone of Verneaux's classification (1977). The densities and biomass were quite high (on average 315 kg/ha and 11 460 fishes/ha) but very variable (0 to 2 120 kg/ ha and 0 to 39 300 fishes/ha). The catfish, Ictalurus nebulosus (170 kg/ha), the eel, Anguilla anguilla (47 kg/ha) and the tench, Tinca tinca (28 kg/ha), represented on average 77,5 % of the standing crop, but their spatial distribution was very irregular. These estimates are assumed to be reliable considering that the data used for the calculations were provided by a sampling design which permits to respect the basic assumptions of the removal method. (f) The population size could only change because of the fishings (no migration because of the stop nets; no recruitment/death because of the short duration of the fishing sequences). (ii) The standard sampling design permitted to reduce the variations of the catch probabilities between the successive removals. Several studies have shown that this removal method under-estimates by about 20 % the true size of the fish populations (e. g. BOHLIN and SUNDSTROM, 1977; MAHON, 1980). But they were based on Zippin's method, and the estimator of CARLE and STRUB (1978), that we used, was shown to be more robust (COWX, 1983; GERDEAUX, 1987). Nevertheless, we assume that the values presented in this paper provide for an approached information on the sizes of the studied fish populations.To assess the fish-habitat relationship, a correspondence analysis (fig. 2) was performed on the 74 samples X 17 species matrix (excluding the sticklebacks, Gaslerosteus aculeatus and Pungitius pungitius, which population size estimations failed because of their low catchabilities). Four groups of samples were ordinated according to their specific richness and the species they contained. Several habitat parameters were projected on F1-F2 factorial map (fig. 3). Hydrophyte cover, thickness of silt layer, water depth (fig. 3 and 4), which are directly controlled by human maintenance, appeared to be the major structuring habitat parameters for the fish community. In the deepest and less silted stations, the communities were rich (on average 11 species; group 4, fig. 2). Predators such as pike-perch, Stizostedion lucioperca, and perch, Perca fluviatilis, occurred, and cold water species were found, such as minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus, or chub, Leuciscus cephalus. When the silt layer was thicker and the water level was intermediate, the specific richness decreased (average, 6,2 species) and the community was either dominated by the cattish (group 2, fig. 2) or by the rudd, Scardinius erythrophtalmus (group 3, fig. 2), according to the importance of the aquatic vegetation cover. Habitats with thickest silt layers, shallowest waters and maximum aquatic vegetation cover contained the poorest communities (average 3,9 species) dominated by eel (group 1, fig. 2). There is also evidence that the diversity of the community has progressively decreased since 1987 (fig. 5). The most stenothermous species disappeared, and the importance of the catfish increased : it doubled between May 1987 and September 1989 (fig. 6). Although the eel is the species most adapted to this environment, we emphasize the diminution of its biomass (fig. 7). These phenomena could be partly due to the climate (cold winter in 1987, important swelling in January 1988 and 2 droughts in summers 1988 and 1989). But they are mainly caused by the water management policy which is intended to favour agriculture by keeping stable water levels (evacuation of swellings) and by preventing the freshwater part from the marine influence (collective sluice gates). This does mot permit an optimal breeding of the species that have to spawn on flooded meadows, neither a proper colonisation of the marsh by elvers

    Tunable unipolar synchronized electric charge extraction strategy for piezoelectric energy harvesting

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    International audienceThis article focuses on an intelligent control strategy to improve the performances of shunt-rectifier architectures for vibration energy harvesting. It demonstrates how proper tuning can improve the frequency bandwidth and maximum power of unipolar synchronized electric charge extraction architectures. For resonators with strong enough coupling (k 2 Q. p=2), tuning the duration of charge extraction with the oscillation frequency improves the power harvesting performances. The main differences with other similar solutions such as unipolar synchronized electric charge extraction without tuning strategy or tunable synchronized electric charge extraction are illustrated. In particular, we show how the choice of the shunt rectifier significantly affects the power response of the generator due to electromechanical coupling phenomenon. The analytical study is experimentally validated on a cantilever-based piezoelectric generator

    Composition of fish communities in macrotidal salt marshes of the Mont Saint-Michel bay (France)

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    At least 100 fish species are known to be present in the intertidal areas (estuaries, mudflats and salt marshes) of Mont Saint-Michel Bay. These and other comparable shallow marine coastal waters, such as estuaries and lagoons, play a nursery role for many fish species. However, in Europe little attention has been paid to the value of tidal salt marshes for fishes. Between March 1996 and April 1999, 120 tides were sampled in a tidal creek. A total of 31 species were caught. This community was largely dominated by mullets (Liza ramada represent 87% of the total biomass) and sand gobies(Pomatoschistus minutus and P. lozanoi represent 82% of the total numbers). These species and also Gasterosteus aculeatus, Syngnathus rostellatus, Dicentrarchus labrax, Mugil spp., Liza aurata and Sprattus sprattus were the most frequent species (>50% of monthly frequency of occurrence). In Europe, salt marshes and their creeks are flooded only during high spring tides. So, fishes only invade this environment during short immersion periods, and no species can be considered as marsh resident. But, the salt marsh was colonized by fish every time the tide reached the creek, and during the short time of flood, dominant fishes fed actively and exploited the high productivity. Nevertheless, this study shows that there is little interannual variation in the fish community and there are three ‘ seasons ’ in the fish fauna of the marsh. Marine straggler and marine estuarine dependent species colonize marshes between spring (recruitment period in the bay) and autumn before returning into deeper adjacent waters. Estuarine fishes are present all year round with maximum abundances in the end of summer. The presence of fishes confirms that this kind of wetland plays an important trophic and nursery role for these species. Differences in densities and stages distribution of these species into Mont Saint-Michel systems (tidal mudflats, estuaries and tidal salt marshes) can reduce the trophic competition


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    ABSTRACT This paper deals with the so-called SSDI technique which is a semi-passive approach developed to address the problem of structural vibration damping. This technique takes advantage of an original non-linear processing of the voltage generated by piezoelements. It was shown that the original control law corresponding to the SSDI technique was optimal in the case of mono-modal solicitations. In the case of wide band multi-modal solicitation it is not ever true. This paper proposes a novel multi-modal control law for the SSDI technique. It is based on a probabilistic description of the piezovoltage and results in an optimization of the energy dissipated in the nonlinear device connected to the piezoelectric elements. INTRODUCTION The problem of structural vibration damping in many industrial sectors such as automobile, aerospace, sport equipment, measurement devices, etc, has instigated a sharp increase in research in the area of vibration control. In this field, piezoelectric materials are of main interest because they are solid state, reliable, lightweight, possess relatively high bandwidths, and consume relatively small amounts of power. These properties are ideal for operating the materials as sensors, actuators or both sensor and actuator. Piezoelectric materials are embedded in the vibrating structure. When the structure vibrates, the piezoelectric elements are stressed and convert part of the mechanical energy by piezoelectric effect. Degradation or transfer of this energy results in control and reduction of the vibration. For active vibration control, a complex system built with at least a sensor, a control unit and

    Semi-Active Vibration Control of CFRP Beam Structures Using Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting

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    Vers des micro-haut-parleurs à hautes performances électroacoustiques en technologie silicium

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    Ce mémoire présente la conception, la réalisation et la caractérisation d'un micro-haut-parleur en silicium destiné à des applications électroniques portables, telles que les tablettes et les téléphones cellulaires. L'objectif est d'évaluer le potentiel des microtechnologies pour améliorer la qualité sonore et le rendement électroacoustique, qui sont deux points faibles majeurs des micro-haut-parleurs actuels.En analysant les paramètres dont dépendent le rendement et la qualité sonore, nous montrons que le silicium monocristallin présente des propriétés particulièrement intéressantes pour réaliser la surface émissive et la suspension du transducteur. Une microstructure de la partie mobile est proposée pour satisfaire la double exigence d'une surface émissive très rigide, nécessaire à la qualité sonore, et d'une masse très faible, permettant d'augmenter le rendement. Les aimants et la bobine, qui constituent le moteur électrodynamique, sont également optimisés en utilisant conjointement des modèles analytiques et à éléments finis. La microfabrication du transducteur MEMS est étudiée, étape par étape. Elle repose sur l'utilisation d'un substrat SOI (silicium sur isolant), qui sert de base à la structuration des différents composants, et sur lequel sont rapportés des aimants massifs. La caractérisation électroacoustique des échantillons réalisés montre une très bonne qualité de reproduction sonore. Un niveau sonore de 80 dB à 10 cm est obtenu pour une puissance électrique de 0,5 W, ce qui place le rendement au niveau des micro-haut-parleurs du marché. Ces travaux montrent en outre que les technologies MEMS offrent des possibilités d'augmenter très largement le rendement.This research work presents the conception, the development, and the characterization of a silicon-based microspeaker for portable electronic device applications, such as tablets and cellular phones. The objective is to investigate the potential of microsystem technologies with the goal of improving the sound quality and the electroacoustic efficiency, which are two main drawbacks of the today s microspeakers.By analyzing various parameters which influence the efficiency and the sound quality, we show that the monocrystalline silicon has very interesting mechanical properties which make it the proper choice to be deployed for the membrane as well as the suspension of the transducer.A stiffening structure is proposed to satisfy both the rigidity and the lightness of the membrane, for the sake of sound quality and high efficiency respectively. The magnets and the coil, which compose the electromagnetic motor of the device, are also optimized with the help of analytical and finite element models.Afterwards, the microfabrication of the MEMS microspeaker is studied step by step. It is indeed based on a SOI (silicon on insulator) substrate which makes possible the micromachining of the different parts and the assembly of bulk permanent magnets. The electroacoustic characterization of the MEMS microspeaker samples shows a very high sound quality. A sound pressure level of 80 dB at 10 cm is measured for an electrical power of 0.5 W. This classifies the MEMS microspeaker s efficiency among that of today s non-MEMS microspeakers.This work presents, moreover, the possibility of increasing even more the efficiency thanks to the MEMS technology.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Nonlinear Conditioning Circuits for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters

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