23 research outputs found

    Adhesion of Trypanosoma cruzi Trypomastigotes to Fibronectin or Laminin Modifies Tubulin and Paraflagellar Rod Protein Phosphorylation

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    Background: The unicellular parasite Trypanosoma cruzi is the causative agent of Chagas disease in humans. Adherence of the infective stage to elements of the extracellular matrix (ECM), as laminin and fibronectin, is an essential step in host cell invasion. Although members of the gp85/TS, as Tc85, were identified as laminin and fibronectin ligands, the signaling events triggered on the parasite upon binding to these molecules are largely unexplored. Methodology/Principal Findings: Viable infective parasites were incubated with laminin, fibronectin or bovine serum albumin for different periods of time and the proteins were separated by bidimensional gels. The phosphoproteins were envisaged by specific staining and the spots showing phosphorylation levels significantly different from the control were excised and identified by MS/MS. The results of interest were confirmed by immunoblotting or immunoprecipitation and the localization of proteins in the parasite was determined by immunofluorescence. Using a host cell-free system, our data indicate that the phosphorylation contents of T. cruzi proteins encompassing different cellular functions are modified upon incubation of the parasite with fibronectin or laminin. Conclusions/Significance: Herein it is shown, for the first time, that paraflagellar rod proteins and alpha-tubulin, major structural elements of the parasite cytoskeleton, are predominantly dephosphorylated during the process, probably involving the ERK1/2 pathway. It is well established that T. cruzi binds to ECM elements during the cell infection process. The fact that laminin and fibronectin induce predominantly dephosphorylation of the main cytoskeletal proteins of the parasite suggests a possible correlation between cytoskeletal modifications and the ability of the parasite to internalize into host cells.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) [2009/52646-6]Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq) [303539/2005-4

    Reprogramming of Trypanosoma cruzi metabolism triggered by parasite interaction with the host cell extracellular matrix.

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    Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas' disease, affects 8 million people predominantly living in socioeconomic underdeveloped areas. T. cruzi trypomastigotes (Ty), the classical infective stage, interact with the extracellular matrix (ECM), an obligatory step before invasion of almost all mammalian cells in different tissues. Here we have characterized the proteome and phosphoproteome of T. cruzi trypomastigotes upon interaction with ECM (MTy) and the data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD010970. Proteins involved with metabolic processes (such as the glycolytic pathway), kinases, flagellum and microtubule related proteins, transport-associated proteins and RNA/DNA binding elements are highly represented in the pool of proteins modified by phosphorylation. Further, important metabolic switches triggered by this interaction with ECM were indicated by decreases in the phosphorylation of hexokinase, phosphofructokinase, fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase, phosphoglucomutase, phosphoglycerate kinase in MTy. Concomitantly, a decrease in the pyruvate and lactate and an increase of glucose and succinate contents were detected by GC-MS. These observations led us to focus on the changes in the glycolytic pathway upon binding of the parasite to the ECM. Inhibition of hexokinase, pyruvate kinase and lactate dehydrogenase activities in MTy were observed and this correlated with the phosphorylation levels of the respective enzymes. Putative kinases involved in protein phosphorylation altered upon parasite incubation with ECM were suggested by in silico analysis. Taken together, our results show that in addition to cytoskeletal changes and protease activation, a reprogramming of the trypomastigote metabolism is triggered by the interaction of the parasite with the ECM prior to cell invasion and differentiation into amastigotes, the multiplicative intracellular stage of T. cruzi in the vertebrate host

    Cooperation between protein kinase A (PKA) and high osmolarity glycerol reponse (HOG) pathways is affecting cell wall carbohydrate mobilization in Aspergillus fumigatus

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    Aspergillus fumigatus mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are involved in maintaining the normal morphology of the cell wall and providing resistance against cell wall-damaging agents. Upon cell wall stress, cell wall-related sugars need to be synthesized from carbohydrate storage compounds. Here we show that this process is dependent on cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) activity and regulated by the high-osmolarity glycerol response (HOG) MAPKs SakA and MpkC. These protein kinases are necessary for normal accumulation/degradation of trehalose and glycogen, and the lack of these genes reduces glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis. Alterations in glycogen synthesis were observed for the sakA and mpkC deletion mutants, which also displayed alterations in carbohydrate exposure on the cell wall. Carbohydrate mobilization is controlled by SakA interaction with PkaC1 and PkaR, suggesting a putative mechanism where the PkaR regulatory subunit leaves the complex and releases the SakA-PkaC1 complex for activation of enzymes involved in carbohydrate mobilization. This work reveals the communication between the HOG and PKA pathways for carbohydrate mobilization for cell wall construction

    Regulated Nuclear Trafficking of rpL10A Mediated by NIK1 Represents a Defense Strategy of Plant Cells against Virus

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    The NSP-interacting kinase (NIK) receptor-mediated defense pathway has been identified recently as a virulence target of the geminivirus nuclear shuttle protein (NSP). However, the NIK1–NSP interaction does not fit into the elicitor–receptor model of resistance, and hence the molecular mechanism that links this antiviral response to receptor activation remains obscure. Here, we identified a ribosomal protein, rpL10A, as a specific partner and substrate of NIK1 that functions as an immediate downstream effector of NIK1-mediated response. Phosphorylation of cytosolic rpL10A by NIK1 redirects the protein to the nucleus where it may act to modulate viral infection. While ectopic expression of normal NIK1 or a hyperactive NIK1 mutant promotes the accumulation of phosphorylated rpL10A within the nuclei, an inactive NIK1 mutant fails to redirect the protein to the nuclei of co-transfected cells. Likewise, a mutant rpL10A defective for NIK1 phosphorylation is not redirected to the nucleus. Furthermore, loss of rpL10A function enhances susceptibility to geminivirus infection, resembling the phenotype of nik1 null alleles. We also provide evidence that geminivirus infection directly interferes with NIK1-mediated nuclear relocalization of rpL10A as a counterdefensive measure. However, the NIK1-mediated defense signaling neither activates RNA silencing nor promotes a hypersensitive response but inhibits plant growth and development. Although the virulence function of the particular geminivirus NSP studied here overcomes this layer of defense in Arabidopsis, the NIK1-mediated signaling response may be involved in restricting the host range of other viruses

    Parasite-host cell interaction: modifications of Trypanosoma cruzi proteins during the adhesion to extracelular matrix

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    A doença de Chagas foi incialmente descrita em 1090 e após mais de 100 anos de investigações sobre essa doença, ainda pouco se sabe sobre os mecanismos ativados no parasita durante sua adesão e invasão à célula hospedeira. Glicoproteínas de massa molecular de 85kDa localizadas na membrana do parasita foram identificadas como principais elementos responsáveis pela interação com o hospedeiro. Essas proteínas também são capazes de se ligar a elementos da matriz extracelular (ECM) da célula hospedeira e esse evento parece ser crucial para modulação da adesão e invasão do parasita e consequente avanço da infecção. Embora diferentes elementos tenham sido identificados no hospedeiro como componentes da via de resposta a adesão ao parasita, as modificações induzidas pela sua ligação ao hospedeiro é ainda pouco conhecida. Modificações pós-traducionais de proteínas, incluindo a fosforilação, têm sido utilizadas por diferentes organismos na transdução de sinais extracelulares. Dessa forma, a identificação de proteínas diferencialmente fosforiladas durante a adesão de tripomastigotas de T. cruzi a ECM, fibronectina e laminina foi o objetivo dessa tese. Tripomastigotas foram incubados com ECM, fibronectina-, laminina- ou BSA- previamente aderidos em placas de cultura de células. Em seguida, os parasitas foram coletados e suas proteínas extraídas e separadas por 2D-PAGE. Os géis de eletroforese foram corados com Pro-Q Diamond (para identifiicação de proteínas fosforiladas) e posteriormente com coomassie colloidal (identificação de proteínas totais). Os spots com diferença significativa na coloração com Pro-Q Diamond (p< 0,05) foram identificados por LC-MS/MS. 54 spots foram diferencialmente fosforilados durante a adesão dos parasitas a ECM, dos quais 39 sofreram um aumento da intensidade de fosforilação e 15 uma redução. Já dos 43 spots diferencialmente fosforilados durante incubação com laminina, 16 aumentaram a fosforilação enquanto 27 sofreram redução da intensidade de fosforilação. Por fim, após incubação com fibronectina, dos 50 spots selecionados, 15 spots sofreram aumento da intensidade de fosforilação e 35 sofreram redução. Após identificação dos spots, as modificações por fosforilação/desfosforilação de proteínas de função desconhecida (hypothetical proteins), proteínas do citoesqueleto, proteínas do choque térmico (HSPs) e proteínas componentes do proteassomo do parasita foram as mais evidentes. A validação por immonoblotting de algumas proteínas identificadas indicou que a desfosforilação de proteínas do citoesqueleto junto com a fosforilação de proteínas do choque térmico são os principais eventos durante a resposta do parasita a adesão a ECM e a seus elementos. Além disso, a desfosforilação de ERK 1/2 observada indicou uma inativação dessa proteína em parasitas aderidos a fibronectina e laminina. Os resultados obtidos nessa tese sugerem uma provável relação entre modificações de proteínas do citoesqueleto e HSPs com a capacidade de internalização dos parasitas na célula hospedeira.The Chagas disease was firstly described in 1909. After more than 100 years of investigation about this sickness much less is known about the mechanism triggered in the parasite during the adhesion and invasion to the host cell. 85kDa glycoproteins were identified as the major element responsible for the attachment to the host. In addition, these proteins are able to binding to extracellular matrix elements and host cytoskeletal proteins and it event appears to be an essential step in host cell invasion by T. cruzi. Although downstream signal modifications have been studied in host cells upon parasite binding, the molecular changes induced on the parasite by ligand binding are largely unknown. Since post-translational modification of proteins by phosphorylation is one of the most important mechanisms employed by organisms to transduce external signals, identification of proteins modified upon adhesion of T. cruzi trypomastigotes to ECM, laminin and fibronectin of the host cell was pursued. Trypomastigotes (Y strain) were incubated with ECM, laminin-, fibronectin- or BSA-coated surfaces, followed by 2D-PAGE stained with Pro-Q Diamond (phosphorylated protein detection) followed by colloidal coomassie stain (total protein identification). Proteins with significant differences in Pro-Q Diamond stain (p<0.05) were identified by LC-MS/MS. 54 spots were differentially phosphorylated during parasite adhesion to ECM, in which 39 spots have increased their phosphorylation level and 15 have decreased their phosphorylation. From the 43 spots presenting modification to the phosphorylation on incubation with laminin, 16 corresponded to cases of increase of phosphorylation and 27 to cases of dephosphorylation. After incubation with fibronectin: from the 50 spots selected, 15 corresponded to increase of phosphorylation and 35 to dephosphorylation. The results show phosphorylation/dephosphorylation modifications of unknown proteins, parasite cytoskeletal proteins (alpha and beta tubulin and paraflagellar-rod proteins), heat shock proteins and proteasome proteins. The validation by immunoblotting of proteins and their phosphorylation intensities indicates that cytoskeletal protein dephosphorylation in addition to heat shock proteins phosphorylation are the most important event during the trypomastigotes adhesion to the ECM. Looking for downstream signaling, dephosphorylation of ERK1/2 was also shown in trypomastigotes adhered to fibronectin or laminin, suggesting its inactivation. Thereby, those results suggest a possible correlation between cytoskeletal proteins and HSPs modification and the ability of parasite to internalize into host cell

    Phosphorylation status of ERK1/2 in trypomastigotes incubated with laminin, fibronectin or BSA.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Representative immunoblotting of phosphorylated ERK 1/2 (p-ERK 1/2) or GAPDH protein during the times indicated. (<b>B</b>) Calculation of the ERK 1/2 phosphorylation ratio for each experimental point relative to BSA from 2 experiments as in (<b>A</b>); on the left, 49.1 and 34.8 correspond to molecular mass standards in kDa. Asterisks represent a comparison between the 5 min and 120 min points by the Student's t-test with p<0.05 for fibronectin and p<0.2 for laminin.</p

    Phenotype of <i>T. cruzi</i> trypomastigotes incubated with fibronectin, laminin or BSA.

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    <p>Incubation was for 2 h: (<b>A</b>) Localization of phosphoproteins is shown by the reactivity with anti-pS, -pT, -pY antibodies (red); nucleus and kinetoplast stained with DAPI (blue) and DIC images were also shown; white bars represent 3.2 µm. (<b>B</b>) Quantitation of parasite modifications (arrows) due to treatment with fibronectin and laminin, respectively, as compared to BSA treatment is shown; 6 fields with approximately 40 parasites each have been examined; asterisks represent a p<0.001 when experimental points were compared with the control by the Student's t-test.</p

    Phosphorylation status of PAR proteins upon incubation of trypomastigotes to laminin, fibronectin or BSA.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Representative immunoblotting of phosphorylated (pS, pT, pY) and PAR proteins immunoprecipitated during the incubation time. (<b>B</b>) Quantitation of 3 independent experiments as described in (<b>A</b>); asterisk represents a comparison between the 5 min and 120 min points by the Student's t-test with p<0.05, indicating a progressive PAR dephosphorylation. (<b>C</b>) Representative immunoblotting of phosphorylated (pS, pT, pY, top) and total (bottom) soluble (S) and insoluble (INS) immunoprecipitated PAR proteins from trypomastigotes incubated for 2 h with BSA, laminin (L) or fibronectin (F). (<b>D</b>) Calculation of the phosphorylation ratio relative to BSA from the experiments in (<b>C</b>); ratio: relative intensity of phosphorylated-PAR treatment/control (BSA); on the left, 80 corresponds to the molecular mass standard in kDa.</p

    Trypomastigote proteins modified by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation upon adhesion to laminin or fibronectin.

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    <p>Incubation was for 2 h: (<b>A</b>) Phosphorylated proteins were stained with Pro-Q Diamond. (<b>B</b>) total protein profile developed with colloidal Coomassie blue staining; molecular mass markers (kDa) are shown on the ordinates; spots with variation in phosphorylation status are circled in red. (<b>C</b>) profile of phosphorylated and dephosphorylated spots upon 2 h incubation. (<b>D</b>) functional distribution of proteins from C.</p