84 research outputs found

    Besökares påverkan på Nordens Arks vargflock

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    Zoo animals can be more or less disturbed by the presence of care takers as well as visitors. This may lead to stress and/or abnormal behaviour. The purpose with this study was to give a time budget of the behaviour of the captive wolves' (Canis lupus) and occurrence of behavioural disturbances and how this is affected of human visitors. For this purpose the wolves at Nordens Ark have been studied during off season as well as on season. The zoo Nordens Ark is an idealistic foundation which was founded in 1988 and is located at Åby säteri, 130 km north of Gothenburg. The park is open all year around and has about 140 000 visitors annually. The wolf pack consists of a family group of ten wolves, an alpha pair and their pups (3 males and 5 females). The wolves have three enclosures in connection with each other of 11 000, 2 500 and 1 000 m2. The observations were performed in connection with feeding and cleaning in the enclosure and continued for about two hours each time. A scan of the behaviour of the group was done every 30 seconds, two times daily for twenty days. Signs of abnormal behaviour were recorded continuously during the observation period. The study was performed during two periods corresponding off season (15 to 24 March) and on season (10 to 19 May) in 2004. During off season a larger proportion (25 %) of the wolves were active then during on season (13 %). The proportion of invisible wolves was 46 % off season and 56 % on season. The amount of inactive wolves were equivalent on season respective off season with 29 % and 31 %. Abnormal behaviour was observed at nine occasions off season while on season only three occasions were observed. Possible explanations for the higher proportion of active behaviour off season could be the fact that off season coincided with mating period and that one female wolf was pushed away from the pack and was euthanized during off season. This could also explain the higher proportion of abnormal behaviour off season. Another possible explanation could be that the number of feeding occasions off season were fewer and the time between feedings were longer, which could give raise to a larger tension and stress at feeding time and by that more abnormal behaviour off season. Despite that the proportion of inactive wolves was equal off and on season, the visitors may have influenced the wolves. On season it was noted that the wolves in higher extent chose a resting location in a part of the enclosure which was more protected from the visitors view than during off season. One could assume that the number of visitors influenced where the wolves chose to stay. 34Djurparksdjur kan vara mer eller mindre störda av närvaron av skötare såväl som besökare, vilket kan ta sig uttryck i avvikande beteenden, stress och/eller beteendestörningar. Syftet med denna studie är att ge en tidsbudget över djurparksvargars (Canis lupus) beteende och förekomst av beteendestörningar samt hur vargarna påverkas av antalet besökare. I detta syfte har Nordens Arks vargflock studerats under lågrespektive högsäsong. Djurparken Nordens Ark är en ideell stiftelse som bildades 1988 och ligger på Åby säteri, 130 km norr om Göteborg. Parken har öppet årets alla dagar och har ca 140 000 besökare per år. Vargflocken består av tio vargar, ett alfapar och deras valpar (3 hanar och 5 tikar). Vargarna har tre hägn i anslutning till varandra, om 11 000, 2 500 och 1 000 m2 vilka är bevuxna med barrskog. Beteendestudierna gjordes i samband med utfodring och rengöring i hägnet och pågick cirka två timmar per gång, två gånger dagligen. Registrering av beteenden skedde med scansampling där gruppens beteende registrerades med intervallet 30 sekunder under hela observationsperioden. Eventuella tecken på beteendestörningar registrerades kontinuerligt under hela observationsperioden. Studien genomfördes under två perioder motsvarande lågsäsong (15 till 24 mars) och högsäsong (10 till 19 maj) år 2004. En större andel av vargarna var aktiva under lågsäsong (25 %) än under högsäsong (13 %). Andelen osynliga vargar var 46 % under lågsäsong och 56 % under högsäsong. Andelen inaktiva vargar var likvärdig under låg- respektive högsäsong med 29% respektive 31 %. Vid nio tillfällen observerades beteendestörningar under lågsäsong medan det under högsäsong observerades vid tre tillfällen. Möjliga förklaringar till den högre andelen aktiva beteenden under lågsäsongen kan vara det faktum att lågsäsongen sammanföll med parningsperioden samt att en vargtik stöttes ut ur flocken och togs bort under lågsäsongen. Detta skulle också kunna förklara den högre andelen beteendestörningar under lågsäsongen. En annan möjlig förklaring skulle kunna vara att antalet utfodringar under lågsäsongen var färre och tiden mellan utfodringarna längre, vilket skulle kunna ge upphov till större spänning och stress inför utfodring och därmed fler beteendestörningar under lågsäsongen. Trots att andelen inaktiva vargar var likvärdig under låg- och högsäsongen kan besökarna ha påverkat vargarna. Under högsäsong noterades att vargarna i högre utsträckning valde en viloplats som var belägen i en mer insynsskyddad del av hägnet än viloplatsen de valde under lågsäsong. Man skulle alltså kunna anta att besökarnas antal påverkar var vargarna väljer att uppehålla sig

    Jämförelse av dietfoder till hund och katt

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    På den svenska marknaden saluför idag (år 2006-2007) fyra företag ett antal dietfoder till katt och hund. För de indikationer som ingår i denna studie finns det sammantaget 80 foder för hund och 69 för katt; från Specific (n = 12 katt, n= 13 hund), Royal Canin/Waltham (n=18 katt, n=24 hund), Eukanuba (n=11 katt, 12= hund) och Hills (n=27 katt, n=30 hund). De indikationer som behandlas i detta arbete är foder för övervikt, diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinala sjukdomar, dermatologiska rubbningar (t ex foderöverkänslighet), urinsten, njursjukdomar, postoperativ vård, leversjukdomar, hjärtsjukdomar, tandsjukdomar, foder för åldrande och för cancer. Huvudsyftet med examensarbetet var att få en överblick över jämförbara dietfoder för ett antal olika indikationer. I bilaga 3 och 4 är näringsinnehåll respektive råvaror mellan olika foder jämförda. Även den strategi som de olika företagen har använt för att behandla olika sjukdomar/indikationer samt den vetenskapliga dokumentationen som företagen redovisat är jämfört i arbetet. Foderföretagen uppger i sina produktkataloger näringsinnehåll som reducerat eller ökat för enskilda foder, men det finns inga exakta regler för hur lågt ett näringsämne ska sänkas för att betecknas som sänkt eller höjt. En näringsnivå som hos en tillverkare kan ange ett reducerat näringsinnehåll kan hos en annan tillverkare betecknas som normalt näringsinnehåll, det beror vad företaget har för "normalnivå". Detta försvårar för konsumenten att göra en snabb jämförelse och utvärdering av foder från olika tillverkare och med gällande näringsnormer. En gemensam definition av innebörden av reducerat respektive ökat innehåll av specifika näringsämnen vore önskvärt då det endast i några fall anges vad innehållet jämförts med. Det förekommer stora skillnader mellan energiinnehåll och näringsinnehåll i olika produkter avsedda för samma sjukdom/indikation även vid likvärdig strategi. Vid en jämförelse av deklarerat näringsvärde med NRC's (2006) näringsnorm för friska hundar visade det sig att att ett antal foder avviker från dessa. En stor del av avvikelserna uppges inte av tillverkarna i tillgänglig produktinformation. Deklarerade avvikelser under miniminormen förekommer hos 25 kattfoder och 45 hundfoder. Inga fodertillverkare deklarerade alltför höga värden. Sammanlagt förekom 36 avvikelser hos kattfodren, av vilka endast 8 % uppges i respektive produktinformation. Motsvarande siffra för hundfodren är 75 avvikelser varav 32 % deklareras i produktinformationen. Då Hills som enda företag inte velat uppge ett fullständigt deklarerat näringsinnehåll för sina produkter är en rättvis jämförelse mellan samtliga produkter inte möjlig. Över hälften av produkterna till katt- respektive hund (52 och 64 % för katt- resp hundfoder) innehåller ospecificerade animaliska råvaror, och dessutom uppger 8 resp 7 % av katt- och hundfodren spannmål (ospecifikt) som råvara. I dietfoder vore det önskvärt att samtliga råvaror är specificerade, eftersom många hundar är exemeplvis foderallergisker och även kan ha andra indikationer också. De vanligaste råvarorna i dietfoder till hund och katt var majs, ris, kyckling, ospecificerade animaliska produkter och ägg. De som är minst använda är pasta, tapioka, sorgum och anka. Sammanlagt finns 104 foder med två eller flera varianter och samma namn. Av dessa indikeras avvikelser i namnet (undantaget uppgift om torr- eller våtfoder) endast hos 19 av dessa, och de flesta foder med samma eller liknande namn avvek från varandra avseende råvaruinnehåll. En mer enhetlig och tydlig deklaration av eventuella skillnader mellan torr- och våtfoder efterlyses. En tydligare märkning av för vilka livsstadier samtliga produkter är avsedda, samt om de är möjliga att ge som enda utfodring under längre tid eller är avsedda endast för kortare bruk önskas också. Av företagen uppges en stor mängd källor och referenser men endast en mindre andel av referenserna var vetenskapliga artiklar som redogjorde för genomförda studier och en övervägande andel av referenserna var istället referenser till böcker och sammanfattande artiklar om olika indikationer

    Fuel quality and dry matter losses of stored wood chips - Influence of cover material

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    Irregular seasonal demand from heat- and combined heat and power plants means that outdoor storage of forest fuels is an inevitable step in the forest fuel supply chain. Storage of fresh comminuted biomass render substantial dry matter and energy losses. Covering can protect wood chips from rewetting, leading to a higher net calorific value and lower dry matter losses, and thus increase the amount of available energy. This study examined the combined effect of covering material on fuel quality and the amount available energy from wood chips stored in a full-scale pile. The combined changes in fuel quality and dry matter loss reduced the amount of accessible energy by 9.8% in the uncovered part, by 5.6% when covered with water proof or light semi-permeable cover materials and by 1.0% when covered with a thicker semi permeable material. Fuel quality of wood chips can be improved by covering the piles during storage but the gain is affected by the type of cover material. Seasonal storage in properly covered chip piles facilitate an increased annual utilisation of chippers and chip trucks which reduces overall biomass supply chain cost

    Sieving and covering of wood chips improves storability

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    Minimising dry matter losses during storage of comminuted forest fuels is desirable from both an economic and a sustainability perspective. This study examined fuel quality and amount of recovered energy during the storage of forest wood chips stored at full industrial scale at three locations, and the effect of sieving and covering piles with a water-resistant, vapour-permeable fabric. Sieving wood chips before storage, that is, reducing the number of fines smaller than 8 mm, reduced the cumulative dry matter losses to <2%, while cumulative dry matter losses after storage for 4–6 months using current practices, that is, unsieved and uncovered, reached 10.6%. The combined effect of storage management led to a value loss of 11.5%, while both covering and sieving led to lower losses, with the combination of sieving and covering giving a 1.3% value increase, and thus, increased storability

    Amerikansk Utrikespolitik gentemot Latinamerika - En studie i rött?

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    Monroedoktrinen skapades 1823 av den amerikanske presidenten James Monroe. Sedan dess har doktrinen utgjort en betydande del av den amerikanska utrikespolitiken gentemot Latinamerika. Medvetet eller omedvetet har doktrinen blivit en integrerad del i den amerikanska säkerhets- & utrikespolitiken. Genom Monroedoktrinen och dess korollarier har USA haft en förevändning att intervenera närhelst de ansett att intressena, som ska tillvaratas i doktrinen, har utmanats. Vi har i denna uppsats valt att analysera tre fall av amerikansk intervention i Latinamerika med målet att finna en gemensam drivkraft bakom amerikansk utrikespolitik i Latinamerika. I Kuba inför man 1962 ekonomiska sanktioner med mål att underminera det politiska systemet, i Chile använder man sig av covert actions för att avsätta Allende 1970-73 och i Panama genomför USA 1989 en militär intervention för att avsätta Manuel Noriega. Resultatet av analyserna pekar på att Monroedoktrinen haft en betydande inverkan på hur amerikansk utrikespolitik utformats

    Efficient utilization of industrial excess heat for carbon capture and district heating

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    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) from fossil and biogenic (BECCS) emission sources is necessary to limit global warming to well below 2\ub0C. The EU as well as Swedish national agencies emphasize the importance of CCS for emission intensive industries. However, the cost of implementing CCS is currently still higher than the cost of emitting CO2 via the EU ETS, for example. To incentivize rapid deployment of CCS, the concept of partial capture has been suggested, i.e. capturing only a fraction of the site emissions to reduce capture cost. Several studies have found that the utilization of excess heat from industrial processes could significantly reduce the capture cost as the heat required (~120\ub0C) may be available in significant quantities. However, available excess heat will not be sufficient to power full capture at most industrial sites. In Sweden, many industries utilize all or part of their excess heat in heat recovery units or in combined heat and power (CHP) plants to produce electricity and deliver heat to municipal district heating (MDH) systems. A broad implementation of CCS will, thus, effect the availability of excess heat for industrial heat and power generation. The future product portfolio of industrial processes with excess heat export and CHP plants can therefore be expected to include not only heat and power production, but also climate services (CCS/BECCS) and grid services (frequency regulation due to intermittent renewables).The aim of this work is to assess partial capture at sites that have access to low-value excess heat to power the capture process, whilst considering competition from using the excess heat for MDH delivery. The work is based on process modelling and cost estimation of CO2 capture processes using amine absorption for two illustrative case studies, a refinery and a steel mill, which both currently use excess heat for MDH. The main focus is on investigating how seasonal variations in the availability of excess heat as well as the demand of district heating impact cost-efficient design and operation of partial capture at industrial sites. A challenge when utilizing excess heat in connection to a process connected to a district heating system is that the heat source which can be used to power part of the capture process will exhibit seasonal availability, and thus may inflict extra cost for the CCS plant not running at full load, and therefore may counteract the economic motivation for partial capture. To prevent this, heat integration between CCS and municipal district heating is investigated, for example by utilizing heat from the CO2 compression so that low-pressure steam is released from MDH to provide heat to capture CO2 whilst maintaining MDH supply. The design of the amine absorption capture process will have to handle significant load changes and still maintain high separation efficiency within hydrodynamic boundaries of the absorber and stripper columns. The cost of such operation will depend on the solvent circulation flows, the number of absorber columns (including packing and liquid collectors/distributors) and capacity of solvent buffer tanks for storing unused solvent during the winter season. Assuming that a constant amount of CO2 is avoided, the avoidance cost of CCS based on excess heat with seasonal heat load variations is compared to the avoidance cost of CCS based on the use of external fuel to achieve a constant heat load to the reboiler

    Prototype of hybrid technology chipper-D4.6

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    INFRES - Innovative and effective technology and logistics for forest residual biomass supply in the EU (311881) is a collaborative project co-funded under the European Commission's FP7 Work Programme 2012 (FP7-KBBE-2012.1.2-01)201

    The use of digital photographs for the diagnosis of hand osteoarthritis: the AGES-Reykjavik study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The objective of the study was to standardize a method using digital photographs to diagnose and grade hand osteoarthritis (HOA), to compare it with radiographs and clinical examination with regard to prevalence and relation to symptoms, and finally to construct a simple shortened version suitable for use in very large studies, where a global estimate may be preferable.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>High quality photographs with standard distance and hand positioning were analysed for the presence of HOA and subsequently compared with standard radiographs and clinical examination in 381 random participants in the AGES-Reykjavik Study, a large population study. The mean age of the participants was 76 years.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using the photographic method, the most commonly affected joints were the second DIP joints followed by the third DIP joints and second and third PIP joints. Both interobserver (ICC = 0.83) and intraobserver reading agreements (ICC = 0.89) were acceptable. On comparison with radiography and clinical examination, aggregate scores were significantly correlated (R<sub>s </sub>0.35-0.69), more so in females (R<sub>s </sub>0.53-0.72) than males. Hand pain in males showed very little association with HOA findings by the three methods but all methods showed a comparable moderate association with hand pain in females. The performance of photography in predicting pain on most days for at least a month in females was comparable to that of radiography and clinical examination (AUC 0.63 <it>p </it>= 0.004). Analysis of intermittent pain yielded similar results for in the DIP and PIP joints (OR 3.2-3.3, <it>p </it>< 0.01), but for the CMC1 joints, both radiography (OR 9.0, <it>p </it>< 0.0001), and clinical examination (OR 9.8, <it>p </it>< 0.0001), had higher predictive odds ratios for pain than photography (OR 3.6, <it>p </it>< 0.0001)., A shortened, rapidly performed form of reading photographs also showed a high degree of correlation with the other methods (R<sub>s </sub>0.56-0.82).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>High quality hand photographs can be used to diagnose and grade hand osteoarthritis. The method has the advantage of being inexpensive and easy to perform. By using a slightly simplified method of reading, it appears to be highly suitable for use in large studies.</p

    Early Intervention for Children Aged 0 to 2 Years With or at High Risk of Cerebral Palsy International Clinical Practice Guideline Based on Systematic Reviews:International Clinical Practice Guideline Based on Systematic Reviews

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    IMPORTANCE: Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common childhood physical disability. Early intervention for children younger than 2 years with or at risk of CP is critical. Now that an evidence-based guideline for early accurate diagnosis of CP exists, there is a need to summarize effective, CP-specific early intervention and conduct new trials that harness plasticity to improve function and increase participation. Our recommendations apply primarily to children at high risk of CP or with a diagnosis of CP, aged 0 to 2 years. OBJECTIVE: To systematically review the best available evidence about CP-specific early interventions across 9 domains promoting motor function, cognitive skills, communication, eating and drinking, vision, sleep, managing muscle tone, musculoskeletal health, and parental support. EVIDENCE REVIEW: The literature was systematically searched for the best available evidence for intervention for children aged 0 to 2 years at high risk of or with CP. Databases included CINAHL, Cochrane, Embase, MEDLINE, PsycInfo, and Scopus. Systematic reviews and randomized clinical trials (RCTs) were appraised by A Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR) or Cochrane Risk of Bias tools. Recommendations were formed using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) framework and reported according to the Appraisal of Guidelines, Research, and Evaluation (AGREE) II instrument. FINDINGS: Sixteen systematic reviews and 27 RCTs met inclusion criteria. Quality varied. Three best-practice principles were supported for the 9 domains: (1) immediate referral for intervention after a diagnosis of high risk of CP, (2) building parental capacity for attachment, and (3) parental goal-setting at the commencement of intervention. Twenty-eight recommendations (24 for and 4 against) specific to the 9 domains are supported with key evidence: motor function (4 recommendations), cognitive skills (2), communication (7), eating and drinking (2), vision (4), sleep (7), tone (1), musculoskeletal health (2), and parent support (5). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: When a child meets the criteria of high risk of CP, intervention should start as soon as possible. Parents want an early diagnosis and treatment and support implementation as soon as possible. Early intervention builds on a critical developmental time for plasticity of developing systems. Referrals for intervention across the 9 domains should be specific as per recommendations in this guideline