18 research outputs found

    Modulation of the thalamus by microburst vagus nerve stimulation: a feasibility study protocol

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    Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) was the first device-based therapy for epilepsy, having launched in 1994 in Europe and 1997 in the United States. Since then, significant advances in the understanding of the mechanism of action of VNS and the central neurocircuitry that VNS modulates have impacted how the therapy is practically implemented. However, there has been little change to VNS stimulation parameters since the late 1990s. Short bursts of high frequency stimulation have been of increasing interest to other neuromodulation targets e.g., the spine, and these high frequency bursts elicit unique effects in the central nervous system, especially when applied to the vagus nerve. In the current study, we describe a protocol design that is aimed to assess the impact of high frequency bursts of stimulation, called “Microburst VNS”, in subjects with refractory focal and generalized epilepsies treated with this novel stimulation pattern in addition to standard anti-seizure medications. This protocol also employed an investigational, fMRI-guided titration protocol that permits personalized dosing of Microburst VNS among the treated population depending on the thalamic blood-oxygen-level-dependent signal. The study was registered on clinicaltrials.gov (NCT03446664). The first subject was enrolled in 2018 and the final results are expected in 2023

    The role of EEG-fMRI in studying cognitive network alterations in epilepsy

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    Brain functions do not arise from isolated brain regions, but from interactions in widespread networks necessary for both normal and pathological conditions. These Intrinsic Connectivity Networks (ICNs) support cognitive processes such as language, memory, or executive functions, but can be disrupted by epileptic activity. Simultaneous EEG-fMRI can help explore the hemodynamic changes associated with focal or generalized epileptic discharges, thus providing information about both transient and non-transient impairment of cognitive networks related to spatio-temporal overlap with epileptic activity. In the following review, we discuss the importance of interictal discharges and their impact on cognition in different epilepsy syndromes. We explore the cognitive impact of interictal activity in both animal models and human connectivity networks in order to confirm that this effect could have a possible clinical impact for prescribing medication and characterizing post-surgical outcome. Future work is needed to further investigate electrophysiological changes, such as amplitude/latency of single evoked responses or spontaneous epileptic activity in either scalp or intracranial EEG and determine its relative change in hemodynamic response with subsequent network modifications

    Clinical implications of connectivity and network analysis

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    Neuro-imaging and electrophysiology findings have increasingly established that epileptic activity is related to abnormal function within a network of cortical and subcortical brain structures (epileptic network) [18] as reflected in the new ILAE classification [20]. The estimation of connectivity and analysis of the related networks (connectomics, graph analysis) represent a fast growing field in clinical and basic neuroscience [12]. This brief non-extensive review highlights the growing clinical implications of recent studies mapping epileptic network connectivity from non-invasive measurements

    FIACH: A biophysical model for automatic retrospective noise control in fMRI

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    Different noise sources in fMRI acquisition can lead to spurious false positives and reduced sensitivity. We have developed a biophysically-based model (named FIACH: Functional Image Artefact Correction Heuristic) which extends current retrospective noise control methods in fMRI. FIACH can be applied to both General Linear Model (GLM) and resting state functional connectivity MRI (rs-fcMRI) studies. FIACH is a two-step procedure involving the identification and correction of non-physiological large amplitude temporal signal changes and spatial regions of high temporal instability. We have demonstrated its efficacy in a sample of 42 healthy children while performing language tasks that include overt speech with known activations. We demonstrate large improvements in sensitivity when FIACH is compared with current methods of retrospective correction. FIACH reduces the confounding effects of noise and increases the study's power by explaining significant variance that is not contained within the commonly used motion parameters. The method is particularly useful in detecting activations in inferior temporal regions which have proven problematic for fMRI. We have shown greater reproducibility and robustness of fMRI responses using FIACH in the context of task induced motion. In a clinical setting this will translate to increasing the reliability and sensitivity of fMRI used for the identification of language lateralisation and eloquent cortex. FIACH can benefit studies of cognitive development in young children, patient populations and older adults

    Functional Connectivity of the Anterior Nucleus of the Thalamus in Pediatric Focal Epilepsy

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    Objective: Whilst stimulation of the anterior nucleus of the thalamus has shown efficacy for reducing seizure frequency in adults, alterations in thalamic connectivity have not been explored in children. We tested the hypotheses that (a) the anterior thalamus has increased functional connectivity in children with focal epilepsy, and (b) this alteration in the connectome is a persistent effect of the disease rather than due to transient epileptiform activity. Methods: Data from 35 children (7–18 years) with focal, drug-resistant epilepsy and 20 healthy children (7–17 years) were analyzed. All subjects underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) whilst resting and were simultaneously monitored with scalp electroencephalography (EEG). The fMRI timeseries were extracted for each Automated Anatomical Labeling brain region and thalamic subregion. Graph theory metrics [degree (DC) and eigenvector (EC) centrality] were used to summarize the connectivity profile of the ipsilateral thalamus, and its thalamic parcellations. The effect of interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) captured on EEG was used to determine their effect on DC and EC. Results: DC was significantly higher in the anterior nucleus (p = 0.04) of the thalamus ipsilateral to the epileptogenic zone in children with epilepsy compared to controls. On exploratory analyses, we similarly found a higher DC in the lateral dorsal nucleus (p = 0.02), but not any other thalamic subregion. No differences in EC measures were found between patients and controls. We did not find any significant difference in DC or EC in any thalamic subregion when comparing the results of children with epilepsy before, and after the removal of the effects of IEDs. Conclusions: Our data suggest that the anterior and lateral dorsal nuclei of the thalamus are more highly functionally connected in children with poorly controlled focal epilepsy. We did not detect a convincing change in thalamic connectivity caused by transient epileptiform activity, suggesting that it represents a persistent alteration to network dynamics

    Interictal activity is an important contributor to abnormal intrinsic network connectivity in paediatric focal epilepsy

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    Patients with focal epilepsy have been shown to have reduced functional connectivity in intrinsic connectivity networks (ICNs), which has been related to neurocognitive development and outcome. However, the relationship between interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) and changes in ICNs remains unclear, with evidence both for and against their influence. EEG-fMRI data was obtained in 27 children with focal epilepsy (mixed localisation and aetiologies) and 17 controls. A natural stimulus task (cartoon blocks verses blocks where the subject was told "please wait") was used to enhance the connectivity within networks corresponding to ICNs while reducing potential confounds of vigilance and motion. Our primary hypothesis was that the functional connectivity within visual and attention networks would be reduced in patients with epilepsy. We further hypothesized that controlling for the effects of IEDs would increase the connectivity in the patient group. The key findings were: (1) Patients with mixed epileptic foci showed a common connectivity reduction in lateral visual and attentional networks compared with controls. (2) Having controlled for the effects of IEDs there were no connectivity differences between patients and controls. (3) A comparison within patients revealed reduced connectivity between the attentional network and basal ganglia associated with interictal epileptiform discharges. We also found that the task activations were reduced in epilepsy patients but that this was unrelated to IED occurrence. Unexpectedly, connectivity changes in ICNs were strongly associated with the transient effects of interictal epileptiform discharges. Interictal epileptiform discharges were shown to have a pervasive transient influence on the brain's functional organisation

    The relationship between EEG and fMRI connectomes is reproducible across simultaneous EEG-fMRI studies from 1.5T to 7T

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    Both electroencephalography (EEG) and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) are non-invasive methods that show complementary aspects of human brain activity. Despite measuring different proxies of brain activity, both the measured blood-oxygenation (fMRI) and neurophysiological recordings (EEG) are indirectly coupled. The electrophysiological and BOLD signal can map the underlying functional connectivity structure at the whole brain scale at different timescales. Previous work demonstrated a moderate but significant correlation between resting-state functional connectivity of both modalities, however there is a wide range of technical setups to measure simultaneous EEG-fMRI and the reliability of those measures between different setups remains unknown. This is true notably with respect to different magnetic field strengths (low and high field) and different spatial sampling of EEG (medium to high-density electrode coverage). Here, we investigated the reproducibility of the bimodal EEG-fMRI functional connectome in the most comprehensive resting-state simultaneous EEG-fMRI dataset compiled to date including a total of 72 subjects from four different imaging centers. Data was acquired from 1.5T, 3T and 7T scanners with simultaneously recorded EEG using 64 or 256 electrodes. We demonstrate that the whole-brain monomodal connectivity reproducibly correlates across different datasets and that a moderate crossmodal correlation between EEG and fMRI connectivity of r ≈ 0.3 can be reproducibly extracted in low- and high-field scanners. The crossmodal correlation was strongest in the EEG-β frequency band but exists across all frequency bands. Both homotopic and within intrinsic connectivity network (ICN) connections contributed the most to the crossmodal relationship. This study confirms, using a considerably diverse range of recording setups, that simultaneous EEG-fMRI offers a consistent estimate of multimodal functional connectomes in healthy subjects that are dominantly linked through a functional core of ICNs across spanning across the different timescales measured by EEG and fMRI. This opens new avenues for estimating the dynamics of brain function and provides a better understanding of interactions between EEG and fMRI measures. This observed level of reproducibility also defines a baseline for the study of alterations of this coupling in pathological conditions and their role as potential clinical markers