15 research outputs found

    Dissolution and bandgap paradigms for predicting the toxicity of metal oxide nanoparticles in the marine environment: an in vivo study with oyster embryos

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Taylor & Francis via the DOI in this recordDissolution and bandgap paradigms have been proposed for predicting the ability of metal oxide nanoparticles (NPs) to induce oxidative stress in different in vitro and in vivo models. Here, we addressed the effectiveness of these paradigms in vivo and under conditions typical of the marine environment, a final sink for many NPs released through aquatic systems. We used ZnO and MnO2 NPs as models for dissolution and bandgap paradigms, respectively, and CeO2 NPs to assess reactive oxygen radical (ROS) production via Fenton-like reactions in vivo. Oyster embryos were exposed to 0.5-500 μM of each test NP over 24 h and oxidative stress was determined as a primary toxicity pathway across successive levels of biological complexity, with arrested development as the main pathological outcome. NPs were actively ingested by oyster larvae and entered cells. Dissolution was a viable paradigm for predicting the toxicity of NPs in the marine environment, whereas the surface reactivity based paradigms (i.e. bandgap and ROS generation via Fenton-like reaction) were not supported under seawater conditions. Bio-imaging identified potential cellular storage-disposal sites of solid particles that could ameliorate the toxicological behavior of non-dissolving NPs, whilst abiotic screening of surface reactivity suggested that the adsorption-complexation of surface active sites by seawater ions could provide a valuable hypothesis to explain the quenching of the intrinsic oxidation potential of MnO2 NPs in seawater.This project was funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 655134 and NERC FENAC access grant No PR120021. TG acknowledges support from NERC grant NE/N006178/1

    The interweaving roles of mineral and microbiome in shaping the antibacterial activity of archaeological medicinal clays

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance: Medicinal Earths (MEs), natural aluminosilicate-based substances (largely kaolinite and montmorillonite), have been part of the European pharmacopoeia for well over two millennia; they were used generically as antidotes to ‘poison’. Aim of the study: To test the antibacterial activity of three Lemnian and three Silesian Earths, medicinal earths in the collection of the Pharmacy Museum of the University of Basel, dating to 16th-18th century and following the methodology outlined in the graphical abstract. To compare them with natural clays of the same composition (reference clays) and synthetic clays (natural clays spiked with elements such as B, Al, Ti and Fe); to assess the parameters which drive antibacterial activity, when present, in each group of samples. Materials and methods: a total of 31 samples are investigated chemically (ICP-MS), mineralogically (both bulk (XRD) and at the nano-sized level (TEM-EDAX)); their organic load (bacterial and fungal) is DNA-sequenced; their bioactivity (MIC 60) is tested against Gram-positive, S. aureus and Gram-negative, P. aeruginosa. Results: Reference smectites and kaolinites show no antibacterial activity against the above pathogens. However, the same clays when spiked with B or Al (but not with Ti or Fe) do show antibacterial activity. Of the six MEs, only two are antibacterial against both pathogens. Following DNA sequencing of the bioactive MEs, we show the presence within of a fungal component, Talaromyces sp, a fungus of the family of Trichocomaceae (order Eurotiales), historically associated with Penicillium. Talaromyces is a known producer of the exometabolite bioxanthracene B, and in an earlier publication we have already identified a closely related member of the bioxanthracene group, in association with one of the LE samples examined here. By linking fungus to its exometabolite we suggest that this fungal load may be the key parameter driving antibacterial activity of the MEs. Conclusions: Antibacterial activity in kaolinite and smectite clays can arise either from spiking natural clays with elements like B and Al, or from an organic (fungal) load found only within some archaeological earths. It cannot be assumed, a priori, that this organic load was acquired randomly and as a result of long-term storage in museum collections. This is because, at least in the case of medicinal Lemnian Earth, there is historical evidence to suggest that the addition of a fungal component may have been deliberate

    Role of humic acid in the stability of Ag nanoparticles in suboxic conditions

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    Stability and temporal changes in size distributions have been observed for citrate- (cit) and polyvinylpyrrolidone- (PVP) capped silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), in the presence or absence of sulfide and natural organic matter (NOM, as humic acid), while under suboxic conditions. There were substantial differences in the influence of the two capping agents, with PVP–AgNPs showing few or no significant changes in apparent stability or particle size distribution under the conditions examined, while the apparent size distributions of citrate-capped AgNPs changed rapidly. Sulfide and humic acid each individually caused immediate increases in cit–AgNP size distributions, which were then relatively stable over 60–145 days. This may be due to sulfide bridging and cation bridging, respectively. However, in competition, it was the influence of the humic acid that dominated that of the sulfide. These observations have implications for environmental fate and toxicity of AgNP. The increased stability in the presence of even low concentrations of NOM may limit the rapidity of Ag dispersal but may also concentrate the dose received by organisms, which subsequently ingest the stabilized particles

    Greco-Roman mineral (litho)therapeutics and their relationship to their microbiome : the case of the red pigment miltos

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    This paper introduces a holistic approach to the study of Greco-Roman (G-R) lithotherapeutics. These are the minerals or mineral combinations that appear in the medical and scientific literature of the G-R world. It argues that they can best be described not simply in terms of their bulk chemistry/mineralogy but also their ecological microbiology and nanofraction component. It suggests that each individual attribute may have underpinned the bioactivity of the lithotherapeutic as an antibacterial, antifungal or other. We focus on miltos, the highly prized, naturally fine, red iron oxide-based mineral used as a pigment, in boat maintenance, agriculture and medicine. Five samples (four geological (from Kea, N. Cyclades) and one archaeological (from Lemnos, NE Aegean)) of miltos were analyzed with physical and biological science techniques. We show that: a. Kean miltos and Lemnian earth/miltos must have been chemically and mineralogically different; b. Lemnian miltos must have been more effective as an antibacterial against specific pathogens (Gram + and Gram − bacteria) than its Kean counterpart; c. two samples of Kean miltos, although similar, chemically, mineralogically and eco-microbiologically (phylum/class level), nevertheless, displayed different antibacterial action. We suggest that this may constituteproof of microbial ecology playing an important role in effecting bioactivity and, interestingly, at the more specific genus/species level. From the perspective of the historian of G-R science, we suggest that it may have been on account of its bioactivity, rather than simply its 'red-staining' effect, that miltos gained prominent entry into the scientific and medical literature of the G-R world

    Surfactant protein A (SP-A) inhibits agglomeration and macrophage uptake of toxic amine modified nanoparticles

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    The lung provides the main route for nanomaterial exposure. Surfactant protein A (SP-A) is an important respiratory innate immune molecule with the ability to bind or opsonise pathogens to enhance phagocytic removal from the airways. We hypothesised that SP-A, like surfactant protein D, may interact with inhaled nanoparticulates, and that this interaction will be affected by nanoparticle (NP) surface characteristics. In this study, we characterise the interaction of SP-A with unmodified (U-PS) and amine-modified (A-PS) polystyrene particles of varying size and zeta potential using dynamic light scatter analysis. SP-A associated with both 100 nm U-PS and A-PS in a calcium-independent manner. SP-A induced significant calcium-dependent agglomeration of 100 nm U-PS NPs but resulted in calcium-independent inhibition of A-PS self agglomeration. SP-A enhanced uptake of 100 nm U-PS into macrophage-like RAW264.7 cells in a dose-dependent manner but in contrast inhibited A-PS uptake. Reduced association of A-PS particles in RAW264.7 cells following pre-incubation of SP-A was also observed with coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy. Consistent with these findings, alveolar macrophages (AMs) from SP-A−/− mice were more efficient at uptake of 100 nm A-PS compared with wild type C57Bl/6 macrophages. No difference in uptake was observed with 500 nm U-PS or A-PS particles. Pre-incubation with SP-A resulted in a significant decrease in uptake of 100 nm A-PS in macrophages isolated from both groups of mice. In contrast, increased uptake by AMs of U-PS was observed after pre-incubation with SP-A. Thus we have demonstrated that SP-A promotes uptake of non-toxic U-PS particles but inhibits the clearance of potentially toxic A-PS particles by blocking uptake into macrophages

    Nanoparticles in the lung and their protein corona: the few proteins that count.

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    The formation of protein coronae on nanoparticles (NPs) has been investigated almost exclusively in serum, despite the prevailing route of exposure being inhalation of airborne particles. In addition, an increasing number of nanomedicines, that exploit the airways as the site of delivery, are undergoing medical trials. An understanding of the effects of NPs on the airways is therefore required. To further this field, we have described the corona formed on polystyrene (PS) particles with different surface modifications and on titanium dioxide particles when incubated in human bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from patients with pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP). We show, using high-resolution quantitative mass spectrometry (MS(E)), that a large number of proteins bind with low copy numbers but that a few "core" proteins bind to all particles tested with high fidelity, averaging the surface properties of the different particles independent of the surface properties of the specific particle. The averaging effect at the particle surface means that differing cellular effects may not be due to the protein corona but due to the surface properties of the nanoparticle once inside the cell. Finally, the adherence of surfactant associated proteins (SP-A, B and D) suggests that there may be interactions with lipids and pulmonary surfactant (PSf), which could have potential in vivo health effects for people with chronic airway diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or those who have increased susceptibility toward other respiratory diseases

    Cerium oxide nanoparticles induce oxidative stress in the sediment-dwelling amphipod Corophium volutator

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Published online: 10 Nov 2015Cerium oxide nanoparticles (CeO2 NPs) exhibit fast valence exchange between Ce(IV) and Ce(III) associated with oxygen storage and both pro and antioxidant activities have been reported in laboratory models. The reactivity of CeO2 NPs once they are released into the aquatic environment is virtually unknown, but this is important to determine for assessing their environmental risk. Here, we show that amphipods (Corophium volutator) grown in marine sediments containing CeO2 NPs showed a significant increase in oxidative damage compared to those grown in sediments without NPs and those containing large-sized (bulk) CeO2 particles. There was no exposure effect on survival, but significant increases in single-strand DNA breaks, lipid peroxidation and superoxide dismutase activity were observed after a 10-day exposure to 12.5 mg L(-1) CeO2. Characterisation of the CeO2 NPs dispersed in deionised or saline exposure waters revealed that more radicals were produced by CeO2 NPs compared with bulk CeO2. Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) analysis revealed that both CeO2 NPs were predominantly Ce(III) in saline waters compared to deionised waters where they were predominantly Ce(IV). In both types of medium, the bulk CeO2 consisted mainly of Ce(IV). These results support a model whereby redox cycling of CeO2 NPs between Ce(III) and Ce(IV) is enhanced in saline waters, leading to sublethal oxidative damage to tissues in our test organism.This study was supported by grants from EPSRC EP/G043140/1, DEFRA LK0852 and EU FP7-262163 to TSG and CRT. The use of FENAC was supported by NERC access grant 2011/05/002. We acknowledge funding from NERC (NE/H013148/1) and the Centre for Environmental Nanoscience and Risk

    Dissolved Mn(III) in Water Treatment Works: Prevalence and Significance

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    Dissolved Mn(III) has been identified at all stages throughout a Water Treatment Works (WTW) receiving inflow from a peaty upland catchment in NE England. Ninety percent of the influent total manganese into the WTW is particulate Mn, in the form of Mn oxide (>0.2 μm). Approximately 9% (mean value, n = 22, range of 0–100%) of the dissolved (<0.2 μm) influent Mn is present as dissolved Mn(III). Mn(III) concentrations are highest (mean of 49% of total dissolved Mn; n = 26, range of 17–89%) within the WTW where water comes into contact with the organic-rich sludges which are produced as waste products in the WTW. These Mn(III)-containing wastewaters are recirculated to the head of the works and constitute a large input of Mn(III) into the WTW. This is the first report of Mn(III) being identified in a WTW. The ability of Mn(III) to act as both an oxidant and a reductant is of interest to the water industry. Understanding the formation and removal of Mn(III) within may help reduce Mn oxide deposits in pipe networks. Further understanding how the ratio of Mn(III) to Mn(II) can be used to optimise dissolved Mn removal would save the water industry significant money in reducing discoloration ‘events’ at the customers' tap