10 research outputs found

    Study of Deep Learning Techniques for Side-Channel Analysis and Introduction to ASCAD Database

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    To provide insurance on the resistance of a system against side-channel analysis, several national or private schemes are today promoting an evaluation strategy, common in classical cryptography, which is focussing on the most powerful adversary who may train to learn about the dependency between the device behaviour and the sensitive data values. Several works have shown that this kind of analysis, known as Template Attacks in the side-channel domain, can be rephrased as a classical Machine Learning classification problem with learning phase. Following the current trend in the latter area, recent works have demonstrated that deep learning algorithms were very efficient to conduct security evaluations of embedded systems and had many advantage compared to the other methods. Unfortunately, their hyper-parametrization has often been kept secret by the authors who only discussed on the main design principles and on the attack efficiencies. This is clearly an important limitation of previous works since (1) the latter parametrization is known to be a challenging question in Machine Learning and (2) it does not allow for the reproducibility of the presented results. This paper aims to address theses limitations in several ways. First, completing recent works, we propose a comprehensive study of deep learning algorithms when applied in the context of side-channel analysis and we clarify the links with the classical template attacks. Secondly, we address the question of the choice of the hyper-parameters for the class of multi-layer perceptron networks and convolutional neural networks. Several benchmarks and rationales are given in the context of the analysis of a masked implementation of the AES algorithm. To enable perfect reproducibility of our tests, this work also introduces an open platform including all the sources of the target implementation together with the campaign of electro-magnetic measurements exploited in our benchmarks. This open database, named ASCAD, has been specified to serve as a common basis for further works on this subject. Our work confirms the conclusions made by Cagli et al. at CHES 2017 about the high potential of convolutional neural networks. Interestingly, it shows that the approach followed to design the algorithm VGG-16 used for image recognition seems also to be sound when it comes to fix an architecture for side-channel analysis

    Far Field EM Side-Channel Attack on AES Using Deep Learning

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    We present the first deep learning-based side-channel attack on AES-128 using far field electromagnetic emissions as a side channel. Our neural networks are trained on traces captured from five different Bluetooth devices at five different distances to target and tested on four other Bluetooth devices. We can recover the key from less than 10K traces captured in an office environment at 15 m distance to target even if the measurement for each encryption is taken only once. Previous template attacks required multiple repetitions of the same encryption. For the case of 1K repetitions, we need less than 400 traces on average at 15 m distance to target. This improves the template attack presented at CHES\u272020 which requires 5K traces and key enumeration up to 2232^{23}

    Extraction de caractéristiques pour les attaques par canaux auxiliaires

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    Cryptographic integrated circuits may be vulnerable to attacks based on the observation of information leakages conducted during the cryptographic algorithms' executions, the so-called Side-Channel Attacks. Nowadays the presence of several countermeasures may lead to the acquisition of signals which are at the same time highly noisy, forcing an attacker or a security evaluator to exploit statistical models, and highly multi-dimensional, letting hard the estimation of such models. In this thesis we study preprocessing techniques aiming at reducing the dimension of the measured data, and the more general issue of information extraction from highly multi-dimensional signals. The first works concern the application of classical linear feature extractors, such as Principal Component Analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysis. Then we analyse a non-linear generalisation of the latter extractor, obtained through the application of a « Kernel Trick », in order to let such preprocessing effective in presence of masking countermeasures. Finally, further generalising the extraction models, we explore the deep learning methodology, in order to reduce signal preprocessing and automatically extract sensitive information from rough signal. In particular, the application of the Convolutional Neural Network allows us to perform some attacks that remain effective in presence of signal desynchronisation.La cryptographie embarquĂ©e sur les composants sĂ©curisĂ©s peut ĂȘtre vulnĂ©rable Ă  des attaques par canaux auxiliaires basĂ©es sur l’observation de fuites d’information issues de signaux acquis durant l’exĂ©cution de l’algorithme. Aujourd’hui, la prĂ©sence de nombreuses contremesures peut conduire Ă  l’acquisition de signaux Ă  la fois trĂšs bruitĂ©s, ce qui oblige un attaquant, ou un Ă©valuateur sĂ©curitaire, Ă  utiliser des modĂšles statistiques, et trĂšs larges, ce qui rend difficile l’estimation de tels modĂšles. Dans cette thĂšse nous Ă©tudions les techniques de rĂ©duction de dimension en tant que prĂ©traitement, et plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement le problĂšme de l’extraction d’information dans le cas des signaux de grandes dimensions. Les premiers travaux concernent l’application des extracteurs de caractĂ©ristiques linĂ©aires classiques en statistiques appliquĂ©es, comme l'analyse en composantes principales et l’analyse discriminante linĂ©aire. Nous analysons ensuite une gĂ©nĂ©ralisation non linĂ©aire de ce deuxiĂšme extracteur qui permet de dĂ©finir une mĂ©thode de prĂ©traitement qui reste efficace en prĂ©sence de contremesures de masquage. Finalement, en gĂ©nĂ©ralisant davantage les modĂšles d’extractions, nous explorons certaines mĂ©thodes d’apprentissage profond pour rĂ©duire les prĂ©traitements du signal et extraire de façon automatique l’information du signal brut. En particulier, l’application des rĂ©seaux de neurones convolutifs nous permet de mener des attaques qui restent efficaces en prĂ©sence de dĂ©synchronisation

    Kernel Discriminant Analysis for Information Extraction in the Presence of Masking

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    International audienceTo reduce the memory and timing complexity of the Side-Channel Attacks (SCA), dimensionality reduction techniques are usually applied to the measurements. They aim to detect the so-called Points of Interest (PoIs), which are time samples which (jointly) depend on some sensitive information (e.g. secret key sub-parts), and exploit them to extract information. The extraction is done through the use of functions which combine the measurement time samples. Examples of combining functions are the linear combinations provided by the Principal Component Analysis or the Linear Discriminant Analysis. When a masking countermeasure is properly implemented to thwart SCAs, the selection of PoIs is known to be a hard task: almost all existing methods have a combinatorial complexity explosion, since they require an exhaustive search among all possible d-tuples of points. In this paper we propose an efficient method for informative feature extraction in presence of masking countermeasure. This method, called Kernel Discriminant Analysis, consists in completing the Linear Discriminant Analysis with a so-called kernel trick, in order to efficiently perform it over the set of all possible d-tuples of points without growing in complexity with d. We identify and analyse the issues related to the application of such a method. Afterwards, its performances are compared to those of the Projection Pursuit (PP) tool for PoI selection up to a 4th-order context. Experiments show that the Kernel Discriminant Analysis remains effective and efficient for high-order attacks, leading to a valuable alternative to the PP in constrained contexts where the increase of the order d does not imply a growth of the profiling datasets

    Enhancing Dimensionality Reduction Methods for Side-Channel Attacks

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    International audienceAdvanced Side-Channel Analyses make use of dimensionality reduction techniques to reduce both the memory and timing complexity of the attacks. The most popular methods to effectuate such a reduction are the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the Linear Discrim-inant Analysis (LDA). They indeed lead to remarkable efficiency gains but their use in side-channel context also raised some issues. The PCA provides a set of vectors (the principal components) onto which project the data. The open question is which of these principal components are the most suitable for side-channel attacks. The LDA has been valorized for its theoretical leaning toward the class-distinguishability, but discouraged for its constraining greed of data. In this paper we present an in-depth study of these two methods, and, to automatize and to ameliorate the principal components selection, we propose a new technique named cumulative Explained Local Variance (ELV) selection. Moreover we present some extensions of the LDA, available in less constrained situations than the classical version. We equip our study with a comprehensive comparison of the existing and new methods in real cases. It allows us to verify the soundness of the ELV selection, and the effectiveness of the methods proposed to extend the use of the LDA to side-channel contexts where the existing approaches are inapplicable

    Deep Stacking Ensemble Learning Applied to Profiling Side-Channel Attacks

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    International audienc

    Deep learning for side-channel analysis and introduction to ASCAD database

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    International audienceRecent works have demonstrated that deep learning algorithms were efficient to conduct security evaluations of embedded systems and had many advantages compared to the other methods. Unfortunately, their hyper-parametrization has often been kept secret by the authors who only discussed on the main design principles and on the attack efficiencies in some specific contexts. This is clearly an important limitation of previous works since (1) the latter parametrization is known to be a challenging question in machine learning and (2) it does not allow for the reproducibility of the presented results and (3) it does not allow to draw general conclusions. This paper aims to address these limitations in several ways. First, completing recent works, we propose a study of deep learning algorithms when applied in the context of side-channel analysis and we discuss the links with the classical template attacks. Secondly, for the first time, we address the question of the choice of the hyper-parameters for the class convolutional neural networks. Several benchmarks and rationales are given in the context of the analysis of a challenging masked implementation of the AES algorithm. Interestingly, our work shows that the approach followed to design the algorithm VGG-16 used for image recognition seems also to be sound when it comes to fix an architecture for side-channel analysis. To enable perfect reproducibility of our tests, this work also introduces an open platform including all the sources of the target implementation together with the campaign of electromagnetic measurements exploited in our benchmarks. This open database, named ASCAD, is the first one in its category and it has been specified to serve as a common basis for further works on this subject

    Push for more : on comparison of data augmentation and SMOTE with optimised deep learning architecture for side-channel

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    Side-channel analysis has seen rapid adoption of deep learning techniques over the past years. While many paper focus on designing efficient architectures, some works have proposed techniques to boost the efficiency of existing architectures. These include methods like data augmentation, oversampling, regularization etc. In this paper, we compare data augmentation and oversampling (particularly SMOTE and its variants) on public traces of two side-channel protected AES. The techniques are compared in both balanced and imbalanced classes setting, and we show that adopting SMOTE variants can boost the attack efficiency in general. Further, we report a successful key recovery on ASCAD(desync=100) with 180 traces, a 50% improvement over current state of the art.Cyber Security AgencyWe gratefully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of the Titan Xp GPU used for this research. The authors acknowledge the support from the ‘National Integrated Centre of Evaluation’ (NICE); a facility of Cyber Security Agency, Singapore (CSA)