7 research outputs found

    Comunidades de meiofauna y foraminíferos de mucha profundidad a lo largo de un gradiente de producción primaria en el Mediterráneo oriental

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    Benthic metazoa and stained foraminifera (>32 μm) were studied in relation to prevailing environmental parameters in the Aegean Sea (Sporades Basin and Cretan Sea) and Levantine Basin (Ierapetra Basin) during the METEOR Cruise 40 Leg 3 (December 1997–January 1998). The sampling stations differed in nutrient contents, which were indicative of the oligotrophy of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Meiobenthic abundance decreased significantly with depth and the total standing stock in the top 6 cm sediment layer was significantly higher at the northern stations (204-231 ind./10 cm2). In the abyssal Ierapetra Basin, the abundance for all meiobenthic taxa was minimal (10-26 ind./10 cm2). Nematodes and foraminifera were dominant and accounted together for 79-93% of the total abundance. All taxa were concentrated near the surface of the sediment and only nematodes showed a deeper penetration into the sediments in the Sporades Basin. Concentrations of chloroplastic pigments, total organic carbon and total organic nitrogen were higher in the Sporades and Ierapetra Basins than in the Cretan Sea, reflecting: (a) the different productivity levels and, thus, the higher food availability in the former than in the latter; (b) the seasonal accumulation of organic matter from the euphotic zone down to the abyssal trenches; and (c) the transportation of large amounts of sediment and organic matter in the Sporades and Ierapetra Basins, which are located at the mouth of submarine canyons, through riverine inputs, flush flooding, sediment failure and dense shelf water cascading. Meiofaunal abundances in the Aegean Sea were positively correlated with chlorophyll a, phaeopigments and chloroplastic pigment equivalent (CPE), and were not correlated with any of the remaining sediment descriptors, thus indicating the dependence of meiofauna on food availability.Durante la campaña METEOR 40/3 (diciembre 97-enero 98) se estudiaron los metazoos bentónicos y foraminíferos teñidos (>32 μm) en relación a parámetros ambientales persistentes en el mar Egeo (Cuencas de Sporades y mar de Creta) y cuenca Levantina (cuenca de Ierapetra). Las estaciones muestreadas se diferenciaron por el contenido en nutrientes, y fueron indicativas de oligotrofia en el este del Mediterráneo. La abundancia del meibentos disminuyó significativamente con la profundidad; y el total de la población en los primeros 6 cm de sedimento fue significativamente más alto en las estaciones del norte (204-231 ind./10 cm2). En la cuenca abisal de Ierapetra, la abundancia de todos los taxa del meiobentos fue mínima (10-26 ind./10 cm2). Los nemátodos y foraminíferos fueron dominantes y representaron el 79-93% de la abundancia total. Todos los taxa se concentraron cerca de la superficie del sedimento y solamente los nemátodos mostraron una penetración más profunda en la cuenca de Sporades. Las concentraciones de pigmentos cloroplásticos, carbón orgánico total y nitrógeno orgánico total fueron más altas en las cuencas de Sporades y Ierapetra que en el mar de Creta, reflejando: (a) los diferentes niveles de productividad y la mayor disponibilidad de alimento en el primero que en el segundo, (b) la acumulación estacional de materia orgánica desde la zona eufótica hacia los canales abisales y (c) el transporte de grandes cantidades de sedimentos y materia orgánica en las primeras áreas, que se encuentran en la boca de cañones submarinos, a través de los influjos de ríos, arrastre por inundaciones, fallos de sedimentos y cascadas de aguas densas de plataforma. Las abundancias de la meiofauna en el mar Egeo estuvieron positivamente correlacionadas con la clorofila a, los feopigmentos y pigmentos cloroplásticos equivalentes y no estuvieron correlacionados con ningún otro descriptor del sedimento, indicando la dependencia de la meiofauna de la disponibilidad de alimento

    Ecology of foraminifera, a major component of meiobenthos at the bathyal and abyssal zone of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

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    In order to study the ecology of meiobenthos with special reference to foraminifera at the bathyal and abyssal zone of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, sediment samples were collected from a wide range of sampling stations, from 582m to 4617m depth. Sampling stations were indicative of the abiotic parameters and the specific characteristics of the study area (variety in depths, oligotrophic environment, extreme environmental conditions). At the bathyal zone, the analysed samples were collected at the Sporades Basin (1221-1250m) and the Cretan Sea (1840m), as well as at the West and the East Ionian Sea (582-1735m depth). At the abyssal zone, sampling stations were established along a transect from the Central to the Eastern Basin (2714-4000m) as well as at the Peloponnese (4617m) and Ierapetra Basin (4157-4261m). In addition, abyssal ssamples were also collected from both the anoxic zone and the area outside the influence of the brines at the Deep Hypersaline Anoxic Basins Discovery, L’ Atralante, Urania and Bannock (3080-3522m). Three more stations were studied at the eastern basin indicative of the sapropel S1 layer, proto-sapropel and post sapropel layers included. Samples were collected using a multicorer or a box corer and were further subsampled for physicochemical and sedimentological analyses as well as for biological analysis (of both metazoa and foraminifera). Foraminifera were identified into species or genus level. Benthic foramininifera were the second most abundant group after nematodes, followed by harpacticoid copepods and copepods nauplii. The contribution of foraminifera to the total meiobenthos was more important at the abyssal zone (up to 54% of the total meiobenthos). The foraminiferal abundance as well as the abundance of major metazoan groups were significantly decreased at the abyssal zone. The species number and diversity of the foraminiferal community were also decreased at the abyssal stations. The quantity and quality of the food available in the sediments was found to be the most important factor controlling the structure of the community at the bathyal zone, at all the stations at the abyssal zone, and outside the influence of the brines of the anoxic basins. In the South Aegean Sea (Cretan Sea), low levels of abundance were recorded (compared to the northern stations) thus indicating the oligotrophic nature of the south, while the North Aegean is strongly influenced by the rich in nutrients waters coming from the Black Sea. In the East Ionian Sea and at 600m depth in the West Ionian Sea, low abundances of meiobenthic groups are also indicative of the oligotrophy that characterises the Ionian Sea. The Peloponnese Basin, characterised by surprisingly high abundances compared to the other abyssal stations and coupled with high concentrations of chloroplastic pigments, verifies the role of such deep basins as natural traps for organic matter accumulated from the euphotic zone. Moreover, the high concentration of organic matter together with the increased numbers of planktonic individuals found in the anoxic zone of the Deep Hypersaline Anoxic Basins, further verifies the contention that some of these basins behave as natural sediment traps by accumulating sedimenting organic matter and decaying planktonic organisms. The results of the present study also indicate that all four Deep Hypersaline Anoxic Basins support, to a different extent, meiobenthic organisms such as bivalves, gastropods, foraminifera, nematodes. However, it is not so far known the specific adaptations they need in order to be able to survive at this kind of extreme environments, are not yet known. From the analysis of the dead assemblages of benthic foraminifera (benthic foraminiferal number and the diversity) preserved before, during and after the deposition of the sapropel S1, it is evident that foraminiferal community showed a clear response before, during and after the anoxia event during the Holocene. The typical of the deep-sea foraminiferal community is changed to a community represented by species tolerant to low concentrations of oxygen, followed by the typical normal community characterising the deep sea of the Eastern Meditrranean Sea, after the anoxic event.Για την οικολογική μελέτη του μειοβένθους και ειδικότερα των τρηματοφόρων στη βαθύαλη και αβυσσική ζώνη της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου, ελήφθησαν δείγματα ιζήματος από ένα ευρύ πλέγμα δειγματοληπτικών σταθμών, από 582m μέχρι 4617m βάθος. Οι σταθμοί δειγματοληψίας που επιλέχθησαν αντανακλούν τις αβιοτικές παραμέτρους καθώς και τα ιδιάζοντα χαρακτηριστικά της περιοχής έρευνας (ποικιλία βαθυμετρίας, ολιγοτροφισμός, ακραίες φυσικοχημικές συνθήκες). Στη βαθύαλη ζώνη, αναλύθηκαν δείγματα από τη Λεκάνη των Σποράδων (1221-1250m) και το Κρητικό Πέλαγος (1840m), από το Δυτικό και το Ανατολικό Ιόνιο Πέλαγος (582-1735m). Στην αβυσσική ζώνη, ελήφθησαν δείγματα κατά μήκος διατομής σταθμών από την Κεντρική προς την Ανατολική Μεσόγειο (2714-4000m), από τις Λεκάνες της Πελοποννήσου (4617m) και Ιεράπετρας (4157-4261m) καθώς και από τη φυσιολογική και ανοξική ζώνη των Βαθιών Ανοξικών Λεκανών Υψηλής Αλατότητας Discovery, L’ Atalante, Urania και Bannock (3080-3522m). Παράλληλα, μελετήθηκαν τρεις σταθμοί στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο (1560-2765m) τα ιζήματα των οποίων περιέχουν το νεότερο σαπροπηλό S1 και τα στρώματα πριν και μετά την απόθεση του S1. Η δειγματοληψία πραγματοποιήθηκε με δειγματολήπτη multi corer και box corer, απ’όπου έγιναν υποδειγματοληψίες ιζήματος για αναλύσεις των φυσικοχημικών και ιζηματολογικών παραμέτρων του ιζήματος καθώς και για τις πανιδικές αναλύσεις (μεταζώων και τρηματοφόρων). Η βιοκοινωνία των τρηματοφόρων αναλύθηκε σε επίπεδο γένους ή και είδους. Τα τρηματοφόρα βρέθηκε ότι αποτελούν τη δεύτερη σε αφθονία ομάδα μετά τους νηματώδεις, ενώ ακολουθούν τα αρπακτικοειδή κωπήποδα και οι ναύπλιοι των κωπηπόδων. Σημαντικότερη είναι η συμμετοχή των τρηματοφόρων στην αβυσσική ζώνη (μέχρι και το 54% της ολικής μειοβενθικής αφθονίας). Η αφθονία των τρηματοφόρων και των ομάδων των μεταζώων χαρακτηρίζεται από σημαντική μείωση στην αβυσσική ζώνη σε σχέση με τη βαθύαλη, ενώ σημαντικά μικρότερος είναι επίσης ο αριθμός των ειδών και η ποικιλότητα της βιοκοινωνίας των τρηματοφόρων. Η ποσότητα και η ποιότητα της διαθέσιμης τροφής στο ίζημα είναι ο σημαντικότερος παράγοντας που καθορίζει τη σύνθεση και τη δομή της βιοκοινωνίας στη βαθύαλη ζώνη και στη φυσιολογική περιοχή εκτός των Ανοξικών Λεκανών στην αβυσσική ζώνη. Στο Αιγαίο Πέλαγος, οι χαμηλότερες τιμές αφθονίας στο Κρητικό Πέλαγος σε σχέση με τη Λεκάνη των Σποράδων επιβεβαιώνουν τον ολιγοτροφικό χαρακτήρα του Κρητικού Πελάγους σε αντίθεση με τους βορειότερους σταθμούς που επηρεάζονται από την εισροή πλούσιων σε θρεπτικά νερών από τη Μαύρη Θάλασσα. Στο Ανατολικό Ιόνιο Πέλαγος καθώς και στο σταθμό των 600m στο Δυτικό οι χαμηλές τιμές αφθονίας ενισχύουν την άποψη για τον ολιγοτροφικό χαρακτήρα του Ιονίου Πελάγους, όμως η αύξηση που παρουσιάζουν στους σταθμούς των 800-1500m είναι ενδεικτική των αυξημένων συγκεντρώσεων θρεπτικών στη στήλη του νερού στο βάθος αυτό

    Distribución del meiobentos en fondos batiales del Mediterráneo: Una comparación entre lugares distantes

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    In order to study the distribution of meiobenthos (Metazoa and Foraminifera) at bathyal depths along a west-east productivity gradient in the Mediterranean Sea, stations along the continental slopes of the Balearic Sea, west Ionian and east Ionian Seas were sampled during the DESEAS Trans-Mediterranean Cruise in June-July 2001. Standing stock of total meiobenthos differed considerably among the sampling stations, with marked differences occurring between sampling depths and sites. At 600 m depth, meiobenthic abundances were slightly higher over the Balearic continental slope, whereas at the deeper stations (800 m and 1500-1700 m), abundances were significantly higher in the west Ionian Sea. Significant relationships were found between the abundances of major groups and the chloroplastic pigments, indicating that food availability is a major factor controlling the distribution of meiobenthos. Apart from the overall differences in productivity between the western and eastern Mediterranean Sea, local hydrographic features and topographic differences greatly influence the spatial variability of the environmental parameters within each sub-basin and thus the distribution of meiobenthos in the bathyal zone.Para el estudio del meiobenthos (Metazoa y foraminifera) en los fondos batiales del Mediterráneo a lo largo del gradiante de productividad oeste-este, se hicieron muestreos en la plataforma continental del mar Balear y del mar Jónico oriental y occidental, durante la campaña transmediterránea DESEAS (junio-julio, 2001). La biomasa permanente del meiobentos total difiere considerablemente entre las muestras de las distintas estaciones y profundiades. A 600 m de profundidad las abundancias de meiobentos fueron un poco más altas en la plataforma de Baleares, mientras que en las estaciones más profundas (800 y 1500-1700 m), las abundancias fueron significativamente más altas en el Jónico occidental. Se encontraron relaciones significativas entre las abundancias de los grupos mayoritarios y los pigmentos cloroplásticos, indicando que la disponibilidad de alimento es el principal factor que controla la distribución del meiobentos. Aparte de las diferencias globales entre la productividad del mediterráneo oriental y occidental, son las características hidrográficas y las diferencias topográficas quienes influencian fuertemente en la variabilidad espacial de los parámetros ambientales en cada sub-cubeta, y por tanto, en la distribución del meiobentos en la zona batial

    Arterial hypertension in patients under antineoplastic therapy: a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Cardio-oncology aims to mitigate adverse cardiovascular manifestations in cancer survivors, but treatment-induced hypertension or aggravated hypertension has received less attention in these high cardiovascular risk patients. METHODS: In this systematic review, we searched literature for contemporary data on the prevalence, pathophysiologic mechanisms, treatment implications and preventive strategies of hypertension in patients under antineoplastic therapy. RESULTS: Several classes of antineoplastic drugs, including mainly vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors, proteasome inhibitors, cisplatin derivatives, corticosteroids or radiation therapy were consistently associated with increased odds for new-onset hypertension or labile hypertensive status in previous controlled patients. Moreover, hypertension constitutes a major risk factor for chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity, which is the most serious cardiovascular adverse effect of antineoplastic therapy. Despite the heterogeneity of pooled studies, the pro-hypertensive profile of examined drug classes could be attributed to common structural and functional disorders. Importantly, certain antihypertensive drugs are considered to be more effective in the management of hypertension in this population and may partially attenuate indirect complications of cancer treatment, such as progressive development of cardiomyopathy and/or cardiovascular death. Nonpharmacological approaches to alleviate hypertension in cancer patients are also described, albeit adjudicated as less effective in general. CONCLUSION: A growing body of evidence suggests that multiple antineoplastic agents increase the rate of progression of hypertension. Physicians need to balance the life-saving cancer treatment and the inflated risk of adverse cardiovascular events due to suboptimal management of hypertension in order to achieve improved clinical outcomes and sustained survival for their patient

    Building a transnational biodiversity geo-database of the protected areas in the Adriatic-Ionian Macro-Region: approaches and results from the IMPRECO Project

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    The main objective of the project Common strategies and best practices to IMprove the transnational PRotection of ECOsystem integrity and services - IMPRECO is to enhance the safeguarding of ecosystem services and tackle their environmental vulnerability strengthening the potential of the protected areas in biodiversity, ecosystems, and ecosystem services conservation and maintaining through their transnational networking located in the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion.The aim of this research is to characterize the habitats and ecosystems involved in the coastal-marine protected areas considered, to set a biodiversity baseline, to understand what current ecosystems’ conditions are, to build up a transnational biomonitoring program of target species and habitats, and to assess their response to pilot actions. For doing that, a transnational inventory of species, habitats, ecosystems, and ecosystem services has been realized starting from the seven coastal-marine protected areas involved in the project. Data collection has been carried out by using different sources of information: scientific literature, officially available data from NATURA 2000 Standard Data Forms, checklists from local biomonitoring programs, personal observations and citizen science, historical maps, and data from new in-field analyses. Data were filled in the geo-databases according to the NATURA 2000 standards about habitat features, species protection level and species features. The presence of alien species (non-indigenous species, NIS) was also recognized, and references about data collection were provided in the databases