35 research outputs found

    Aspects of rational behaviour in organisational management

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    The paper deals with the specific features of some behavioural aspects of organizational management. It offers a slightly different interpretation by focusing on rational behaviour, which, in our opinion, is a major factor and a key driver of more efficient communication and management


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    The successful managerial communication is one of the most widely spread and complex problems of social organizations. It also determines the effectiveness of the management process. The managerial skills are of key importance for the positive communication and successful realization of management activities. These skills are instrumental for the development and improvement of the new social and economic relationships in our society, which functions under the conditions of the increasingly globalizing 21st century economy

    Study of the opportunities of kinesitherapy to tackle obesity in school-age

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    Obesity is a disease associated with excessive accumulation of body fat. Obesity in children is not only aesthetic, but also one of the most serious medical and social problems of our time, which is constantly growing. Its great medical and social importance is determined by the fact that it favors the development of many diseases - type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and others. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Bulgaria ranks fifth in Europe in obese children.Objective: This study examines the possibilities of kinesitherapy as a means to tackle obesity in school age.The study was conducted within three months at the Medical Center for Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine „Prostor` - Varna. It involves 32 children with overweight and obesity between the ages of 7 and 15 years. Before and after the kinesitherapeutic program every child goes through a clinical medical examination including measurements of height and weight, calculation of Body Mass Index (BMI) and laboratory tests.After analyzing the obtained data, we report reduction in weight, depending on to what extent the recommendations for balanced nutrition and physical activity are followed for the rest of the day.Nutrition and physical activity are crucial to the health and prerequisite for ensuring optimal growth and development of children and adolescents.tudy of the opportunities of kinesitherapy to tackle obesity in school-age

    Estudio de la prevalencia de sarcopenia en pacientes en preoperatorio de colectomía por patología neoplásica

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    INTRODUCCIÓN La sarcopenia es un síndrome caracterizado por una pérdida progresiva de masa, fuerza y funcionalidad del músculo esquelético. La sarcopenia se relaciona con una mayor morbimortalidad en pacientes oncológicos, siendo un marcador de fragilidad y malnutrición. Se ha visto que existe una asociación entre la sarcopenia y complicaciones postoperatorias en el cáncer colorrectal, por lo que el periodo preoperatorio es el momento idóneo para prevenir estas posibles complicaciones y mejorar el estado del paciente.MATERIAL Y MÉTODOSEstudio retrospectivo de una cohorte de 328 pacientes sometidos a tratamiento quirúrgico por cáncer colorrectal en el Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet de Zaragoza entre los años 2020 y 2022. Se obtuvieron datos acerca de las características de los pacientes (edad, sexo, presencia/ausencia de ciertas enfermedades crónicas), parámetros indicadores del estado nutricional y datos relacionados con la morbilidad perioperatoria. Test estadísticos utilizados: comparación de medias (T student), de porcentajes (Chi-cuadrado) y correlación de Pearson. El estudio fue aceptado por el Comité de Ética de Aragón (CEICA).RESULTADOSExisten diferencias significativas entre prevalencia de sarcopenia de la muestra a favor de los hombres, con un 47% de sarcopenia probable y 40,9% sarcopenia confirmada, comparado con el 1,1% y 0% de las mujeres, respectivamente (p: 0.). Un IMC bajo se relacionó con la presencia de sarcopenia, con diferencias significativas (p: 0,0001) y no se encontró relación significativa entre la existencia de sarcopenia y la pérdida de peso. La prevalencia de sarcopenia fue mayor en los pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria (p: 0.014) y menor con los pacientes diabéticos que requerían insulinoterapia (p: 0.067). La presencia de sarcopenia se relacionó de forma significativa con la frecuencia de infecciones urinarias postoperatorias (p: 0,009). CONCLUSIÓNUn IMC bajo se relaciona con un mayor riesgo de desarrollar sarcopenia. La insuficiencia respiratoria se presenta como un factor de riesgo para sarcopenia, y la insulinoterapia podría ser un factor protector. La prevalencia de sarcopenia es mayor en los hombres que las mujeres. La presencia de sarcopenia se relaciono con una mayor aparición de infecciones de orina en el postoperatorio de cáncer de colon.<br /

    Microbiota-Dependent Immune Responses to Intestinal Parasites

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    The digestive tract plays a central role in nutrient acquisition and harbors a vast and intricate community of bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites, collectively known as the microbiota. In recent years, there has been increasing recognition of the complex and highly contextual involvement of this microbiota in the induction and education of host innate and adaptive immune responses under homeostasis, during infection and inflammation. The gut passage and colonization by unicellular and multicellular parasite species present an immense challenge to the host immune system and to the microbial communities that provide vital support for its proper functioning. In mammals, parasitic nematodes induce distinct shifts in the intestinal microbial composition. Vice versa, the commensal microbiota has been shown to serve as a molecular adjuvant and immunomodulator during intestinal parasite infections. Moreover, similar interactions occur within insect vectors of deadly human pathogens. The gut microbiota has emerged as a crucial factor affecting vector competence in Anopheles mosquitoes, where it modulates outcomes of infections with malaria parasites. In this review, we discuss currently known involvements of the host microbiota in the instruction, support or suppression of host immune responses to gastrointestinal nematodes and protozoan parasites in mice, as well as in the malaria mosquito vector. A deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying microbiota-dependent modulation of host and vector immunity against parasites in mammals and mosquitoes is key to a better understanding of the host-parasite relationships and the identification of more efficient approaches for intervention and treatment of parasite infections of both clinical and veterinary importance

    Aspects of digital game culture: the cases of eastern Europe and China

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    In 2006, a seminar on Aspects of Digital Game Culture was held at the TU Ilmenau, Department of Media Management. This seminar acknowledged the fact that in recent years, Digital Games (Computer-, Video- and Mobile-Games) have become an interesting topic for academic research. Within the booming sector of Game Studies the focus is no longer solely on the usage of digital games by children and teenager, or the influence digital games have on aggressive behaviour. Economic and cultural aspects of digital gaming play a significant role in the academic discourse on digital games. This paper presents two empirical studies on intercultural aspects of digital gaming. The first study explores the importance of digital games in Eastern Europe. The second, extensive study focuses on the emerging games market in Chin


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    Студията разглежда значението и влиянието на етиката върху поведението при управление на организацията в два аспекта: от гледна точка на човешкия фактор и от гледна точка на организационните фактори. За ефективността на управлението е необходимо оптимално взаимодействие между тях. При тълкуването на човешкия фактор голяма част от зследователите акцентират на някои от следните моменти:самосъзнание, емоционалност, преценка, познание и мотивация. В литературата по управление и организационните фактори са важни за формиране на етичното поведение. Те оказват комплексно влияние върху реализацията на управленския процес. В специализираната литература част от авторите акцентират на следните моменти: култура, климат,стандарти, поощрения и наказания, и лидерство.The study reviews the importance and the effect of ethics on behaviour in organizational management in two aspects: from the point of view of the human factor, and from the point of view of the organizational factors. In order management to be efficient, we should achieve an optimal interrelationship between these factors. Considering the human factor, many researchers put an emphasis on some of the following characteristics: selfconfidence, emotionality, assessment, knowledge and motivation. The management publication also point out the organizational factors as important elements for the formation of ethical behaviour. They have a complex impact on the implementation of the management process. Some authors put an emphasis on the following characteristics: culture, climate,standards, rewards and reprimands, and leadership


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    В съвременната управленска наука се налага мнението, че културата се оценява като водещ фактор в икономическото развитие, наред с пазара. Това доказва дълбоките промени на мисленето в хуманитарна насока и формирането на нов тип управленски отношения и управленс- ко общуване, основани на споделените ценности между ръководителя и подчинените в организацията. Целта на изследването в студията са организационната култура и етичните ценности като фактори за ефективност в управленското общуване. Това е един от широко разпространените и сложни проблеми в социалните организации, от който зависи ефективността на управленския процес. Основната изследователска теза е свързана с утвърждаване значението на организационната култура и етичните ценности, които са с изключително важен статут от гледна точка на изграждането и усъвършенстването на новите социално-икономически отношения в обществото в условията на глобализиращата се икономика на ХХІ век. Many contemporary researchers in the field of management science believe that culture is a factor that is as important for the economic development as the market itself. This shows that a profound change has occurred in the basic concepts in terms of a new, people-oriented bias as well as that today there is a new type of managerial relations and communication based on values shared by managers and their subordinates in the organization. The study aims to analyse the organizational culture and the ethical values as performance factors of managerial communication. This is one of the most common and complex problems that social organizations have to deal with and which affects the efficiency of their management. The main research thesis is to confirm the importance of organizational culture and ethical values for the development and enhancement of the new socioeconomic relations in the global economy of the twenty-first centur

    Tetracycline-related pigmentation in children`s dentition: a literature review

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    Introduction: Tetracycline antibiotics are broad-spectrum bacteriostatic drugs. These antibiotics are known for their chelating activity with polyvalent metallic cations such as calcium. The drugs have the ability to cross the placental barrier, reaching high concentrations in the hard dental tissues of the foetus and causing permanent pigmentation and enamel hypoplasia. The same effect can be observed in children on tetracycline therapy during teeth genesis.Materials and methods: A research was conducted in the online databases of `Google Scholar` and `PubMed`, using the keywords: `Tetracycline antibiotics`, `pigmentation`, `deciduous teeth` Several articles from Pharmacology and Paediatric Dentistry textbooks were also taken into consideration. The publications presented in the study were selected based on their relevance to the topic.Results: Superficial pigmentation can be initially seen in the cervical area where the enamel is the thinnest. The pigmentation varies from yellow to gray or brown depending on the relation between dose and body weight. The total dosage and the length of the therapy determine the severity of the pigmentation. The intensity of the staining also correlates with the stage of ontological development of the individual during which the drug was administrated. Tetracycline-related pigmentation in the deciduous dentition can occur from the beginning of the second trimester to eleven months after the birth and for the permanent dentition- the period between the end of the third trimester and 8 years.Conclusion: Tetracycline has the propensity of affecting the development of teeth in the foetus. Care must be taken with the drug`s intake to prevent any long-term consequences in children`s dentition. The usage of the antibiotic from pregnant women and children under 8 years of age is contraindicat­ed

    Periprocedural hemodynamic assessment of percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty 

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    Освен познатите ехокардиографски параметри за оценка на митрална стеноза, е необходимо познаване и на хе- модинамичноте характеристики. Изложеният текст описва и илюстрира стъпка по стъпка инвазивните параметри и значението им при пълна оценка на митрална стеноза при пациенти, подложени на перкутанна транскатетърна митрална валвулопластика. Besides the standart echcardiografic parameters for mitral stenosis assessment it is necessary to inquire the hemodynamic characteristics as well. The following article describes and illustrates step-by-step the invasive parameters and their significance in the assessment of mitral stenosis in patients who underwent percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty