89 research outputs found

    Study of the laws of oxidation of biodiesel

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    The paper discusses in detail the first stage of the catalytic oxidation of fatty acid methyl esters with atmospheric oxygen. According to the data obtained as a result of processing the kinetic data, it was concluded that the reactivity of the components of biodiesel. It is established that polyunsaturated and monounsaturated compounds have different reactivity. The kinetic pattern of consumption of unsaturated components of biodiesel was set up and kinetic constants were calculated, which are equal to: oxidation of C18/1 k1 = 0.106 ± 0.008 h-1, and oxidation of C18/2 k2 = 0.269 ± 0.005 h-1, respectively


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    Abstract: the article analyzes the main problems and contradictions in the formation of legal regimes for the regulation of robotics, artificial intelligence and other innovative technologies of our time. The work content shows the unpreparedness of modern legal science and practice to conceptual and legal design, legal and technical development of the regulatory legal acts aimed at the legislative fixation and regulation of the processes of using artificial intelligence and robots in public relations, as well as definition of responsibility and appropriate protection modes of legitimate interests, rights, freedoms in the system of personality - society - state. The subject of this study is the resolution of these problems and contradictions, as well as the identification of directions for the formation of a legal framework for the regulation of modern innovative technologies and digital processes unfolding in the modern society. The authors distinguish and analyze two consecutive stages: 1) development and introduction of necessary changes in the existingbranches of Russian law; 2) conceptual-legal and doctrinal-legal formulation of key development priorities, as well as reation of a new integrated branch of law - robotics law, which has an independent subject and method of legal regulation.Key words: drones, innovative technologies, artificial intelligence, law, legal regimes, robotic technologies,electronic perso

    Problemas de regulación legal de la robótica y la inteligencia artificial desde la perspectiva psicológica

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    The article analyzes the main problems and contradictions in the formation of legal regimes for the regulation of robotics, artificial intelligence and other innovative technologies of our time. The work content shows the unpreparedness of modern legal science and practice to conceptual and legal design, legal and technical development of the regulatory legal acts aimed at the legislative fixation and regulation of the processes of using artificial intelligence and robots in public relations, as well as definition of responsibility and appropriate protection modes of legitimate interests, rights, freedoms in the system of personality - society - state. The subject of this study is the resolution of these problems and contradictions, as well as the identification of directions for the formation of a legal framework for the regulation of modern innovative technologies and digital processes unfolding in the modern society. The authors distinguish and analyze two consecutive stages: 1) development and introduction of necessary changes in the existing branches of Russian law; 2) conceptual-legal and doctrinal-legal formulation of key development priorities, as well as creation of a new integrated branch of law - robotics law, which has an independent subject and method of legal regulation.El artículo analiza los principales problemas y contradicciones en la formación de regímenes legales para la regulación de la robótica, la inteligencia artificial y otras tecnologías innovadoras de nuestro tiempo. El contenido del trabajo muestra la falta de preparación de la ciencia y práctica legal moderna para el diseño conceptual y legal, el desarrollo legal y técnico de los actos legales regulatorios destinados a la fijación legislativa y la regulación de los procesos de uso de inteligencia artificial y robots en las relaciones públicas, así como definición de responsabilidad y modos apropiados de protección de intereses legítimos, derechos, libertades en el sistema de personalidad -sociedad -estado. El tema de este estudio es la resolución de estos problemas y contradicciones, así como la identificación de direcciones para la formación de un marco legal para la regulación de tecnologías modernas innovadoras y procesos digitales que se desarrollan en la sociedad moderna. Los autores distingueny analizan dos etapas consecutivas: 1) desarrollo e introducción de los cambios necesarios en las ramas existentes de la ley rusa; 2) formulación conceptual-legal y doctrinal-legal de prioridades clave de desarrollo, así como la creación de una nueva ramaintegrada del derecho: la ley de robótica, que tiene un tema y un método de regulación legal independientes

    Problemas de regulación legal de la robótica y la inteligencia artificial desde la perspectiva psicológica

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    The article analyzes the main problems and contradictions in the formation of legal regimes for the regulation of robotics, artificial intelligence and other innovative technologies of our time. The work content shows the unpreparedness of modern legal science and practice to conceptual and legal design, legal and technical development of the regulatory legal acts aimed at the legislative fixation and regulation of the processes of using artificial intelligence and robots in public relations, as well as definition of responsibility and appropriate protection modes of legitimate interests, rights, freedoms in the system of personality - society - state. The subject of this study is the resolution of these problems and contradictions, as well as the identification of directions for the formation of a legal framework for the regulation of modern innovative technologies and digital processes unfolding in the modern society. The authors distinguish and analyze two consecutive stages: 1) development and introduction of necessary changes in the existing branches of Russian law; 2) conceptual-legal and doctrinal-legal formulation of key development priorities, as well as creation of a new integrated branch of law - robotics law, which has an independent subject and method of legal regulation.El artículo analiza los principales problemas y contradicciones en la formación de regímenes legales para la regulación de la robótica, la inteligencia artificial y otras tecnologías innovadoras de nuestro tiempo. El contenido del trabajo muestra la falta de preparación de la ciencia y práctica legal moderna para el diseño conceptual y legal, el desarrollo legal y técnico de los actos legales regulatorios destinados a la fijación legislativa y la regulación de los procesos de uso de inteligencia artificial y robots en las relaciones públicas, así como definición de responsabilidad y modos apropiados de protección de intereses legítimos, derechos, libertades en el sistema de personalidad -sociedad -estado. El tema de este estudio es la resolución de estos problemas y contradicciones, así como la identificación de direcciones para la formación de un marco legal para la regulación de tecnologías modernas innovadoras y procesos digitales que se desarrollan en la sociedad moderna. Los autores distingueny analizan dos etapas consecutivas: 1) desarrollo e introducción de los cambios necesarios en las ramas existentes de la ley rusa; 2) formulación conceptual-legal y doctrinal-legal de prioridades clave de desarrollo, así como la creación de una nueva ramaintegrada del derecho: la ley de robótica, que tiene un tema y un método de regulación legal independientes

    Прогнозное моделирование межэтнических отношений в российских регионах на основе анализа идентификационных стратегий диаспорных и земляческих групп

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    В статье исследуется стратегическое взаимодействие социально-этнических групп в регионах полиэтнической России. Установлено, что диаспоры и землячества, наряду с остальным местным населением, являются активными субъектами (акторами) региональных социумов и существенно влияют на все стороны жизни в регионах. Сложная структура взаимоотношений разных акторов, характеризующихся многомерной идентификацией, определяет социально-идентификационные особенности конкретного региона, но при этом и определяется ими. Поэтому адаптация и интеграция мигрантов, диаспор и землячеств в региональных социумах — двусторонний процесс, включающий экстериоризацию ценностных ориентиров, норм и правил региональных и местных сообществ с учетом интересов диаспорных и земляческих групп, с одной стороны, и интериоризацию этих ориентиров, норм и правил в диаспорах и землячествах — с другой, на основе общероссийской идентификации. Исследо-вание такого двустороннего процесса осуществлено на основе разработки социокультурных этнических моделей: примордиалистской, конструктивистской и инструменталистской. Определено соотношение выявленных идентификационных стратегий, их роли в оптимизации этно-групповой и социально-территориальной идентичности в контексте общероссийской национальной безопасности

    Study of the laws of oxidation of biodiesel

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    The paper discusses in detail the first stage of the catalytic oxidation of fatty acid methyl esters with atmospheric oxygen. According to the data obtained as a result of processing the kinetic data, it was concluded that the reactivity of the components of biodiesel. It is established that polyunsaturated and monounsaturated compounds have different reactivity from each other. The kinetic pattern of consumption of unsaturated components of biodiesel was set up and kinetic constants were calculated, which are equal to: oxidation of C18/1 k1 = 0.106±0.008 h-1, and oxidation of C18/2 k2 = 0.269±0.005 h-1, respectively

    Study of the thermal conductivity of natural carbonates

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    The thermal conductivity of natural monoliths of calcite, dolomite marble, and limestone from various deposits was measured using the absolute stationary method of longitudinal heat flow in the temperature range of 50–300 K and the dynamic method in the range of 323–573 K. A majority of calcite marbles were inferior in thermal conductivity to dolomite marbles. At room temperature, the thermal conductivity coefficients of all studied samples were lower k = 5 W/(m K). The obtained data were compared with the literature data. The diversity of experimental data from different authors on the thermal conductivity of carbonates is associated with qualitative differences in the samples studie