109 research outputs found

    Gluelump spectrum from Coulomb gauge QCD

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    We compute the energy spectrum of gluelumps defined as gluonic excitations bound to a localized, static octet source. We are able to reproduce the nontrivial ordering of the spin-parity levels and show how this is related to the non-abelian part of the Coulomb interaction between color charges.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Heavy quarkonium hybrids from Coulomb gauge QCD

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    Using the non-relativisitc reduction of Coulomb gauge QCD we compute spectrum of the low mass hybrid mesons containing a heavy quark-antiquark pair. The gluon degrees of freedom are treated in the mean field approximation calibrated to the gluelump spectrum. We discuss the role of the non-abelian nature of the QCD Coulomb interaction in the ordering of the spin-parity levels.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Efectos de la aplicación de una política de tarificación de infraestructuras a los vehículos pesados.

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    Algunos Estados Miembros de la Unión Europea, como Alemania o Austria, ya están aplicando sistemas de tarificación modulables, siguiendo las directrices de la política europea de tarificación de infraestructuras a los vehículos pesados. Los efectos potenciales de estos sistemas de tarificación abarcan impactos macroeconómicos, medioambientales y distributivos. La evaluación de dichos efectos constituye un área de investigación en la que se viene trabajando muy activamente en los últimos años. En este contexto, el presente artículo desarrolla una metodología para la cuantificación de los efectos de la política de tarificación de infraestructuras a los vehículos pesados. En concreto, permite evaluar los efectos sobre el índice de Precios al Consumo (IPC). La metodología, que se basa en la utilización de tablas input-output, ha sido validada en este trabajo para el caso de España. Los resultados obtenidos para el caso español muestran que, la aplicación de tarifas comprendidas entre 0,08 €/km y 0,12 €/km a los vehículos de más de 3,5 toneladas en toda la red interurbana, exceptuando autopistas de peaje, daría lugar a un incremento del IPC entre el 0,14% y el 0,21%. A la vista de los resultados, el trabajo discute las implicaciones a nivel estratégico de la aplicación de la tarificación y plantea los riesgos y oportunidades que ello supone para el caso español

    Do charges to freight trucks and trains in the European Union reflect their social marginal costs? Application to the case of Spain

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    In the last few years, the European Union (EU) has become greatly concerned about the environmental costs of road transport in Europe as a result of the constant growth in the market share of trucks and the steady decline in the market share of railroads. In order to reverse this trend, the EU is promoting the implementation of additional charges for heavy goods vehicles (HGV) on the trunk roads of the EU countries. However, the EU policy is being criticised because it does not address the implementation of charges to internalise the external costs produced by automobiles and other transport modes such as railroad. In this paper, we first describe the evolution of the HGV charging policy in the EU, and then assess its practical implementation across different European countries. Second, and of greater significance, by using the case study of Spain, we evaluate to what extent the current fees on trucks and trains reflect their social marginal costs, and consequently lead to an allocative-efficient outcome. We found that for the average case in Spain the truck industry meets more of the marginal social cost produced by it than does the freight railroad industry. The reason for this lies in the large sums of money paid by truck companies in fuel taxes, and the subsidies that continue to be granted by the government to the railroads

    Strategies of interpellation to the readers in actuality magazines

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    El propósito de esta presentación es el de comparar las estrategias de interpelación a los lectores puestas en juego en las tapas de revistas de actualidad, Noticias y Veintitrés, en sus versiones en papel y digitales. Haremos foco en las transformaciones producidas en la transposición de una tapa de revista en papel al soporte digital y en las consecuencias que trae aparejado dicho pasaje sobre el contrato de lectura de cada medio. Se trata, en suma, de establecer en qué medida el cambio de dispositivo modifica las operaciones de construcción de colectivos

    Ingot Laser Guide Stars Wavefront Sensing

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    We revisit one class of z-invariant WaveFront sensor where the LGS is fired aside of the telescope aperture. In this way there is a spatial dependence on the focal plane with respect to the height where the resonant scattering occurs. We revise the basic parameters involving the geometry and we propose various merit functions to define how much improvement can be attained by a z-invariant approach. We show that refractive approaches are not viable and we discuss several solutions involving reflective ones in what has been nicknamed "ingot wavefront sensor" discussing the degrees of freedom required to keep tracking and the basic recipe for the optical design.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, AO4ELT5 Conference Proceeding, 201

    Nuevo centro de salud materno infantil en el distrito de Puente Piedra

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    Actualmente, existe este establecimiento conocido como el Centro de Salud Santa Rosa, que se encuentra dentro del proyecto de “MEJORAMIENTO Y AMPLIACION DE LOS SERVICIOS DE SALUD DE LA RED INTEGRADA DE SALUD PUENTE PIEDRA, DISTRITO DE PUENTE PIEDRA, ANCÓN, SANTA ROSA Y CARABAYLLO PROVINCIA DE LIMA, DEPARTAMENTO DE LIMA” del Programa de inversiones de Salud (Pronis). El proyecto del Nuevo Centro de Salud de Puente Piedra, busca marcar un referente para una nueva percepción de los diseños hospitalarios. La creación de espacios en base a conceptos que tendrá como resultado la armonía y la función

    Multiple Spatial Frequencies Pyramid WaveFront Sensing

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    A modification of the pyramid wavefront sensor is described. In this conceptually new class of devices, the perturbations are split at the level of the focal plane depending upon their spatial frequencies, and then measured separately. The aim of this approach is to increase the accuracy in the determination of some range of spatial frequency perturbations, or a certain classes of modes, disentangling them from the noise associated to the Poissonian fluctuations of the light coming from the perturbations outside of the range of interest or from the background in the pupil planes; the latter case specifically when the pyramid wavefront sensor is used with a large modulation. While the limits and the effectiveness of this approach should be further investigated, a number of variations on the concept are shown, including a generalization of the spatial filtering in the point-diffraction wavefront sensor. The simplest application, a generalization to the pyramid of the well-known spatially filtering in wavefront sensing, is showing promise as a significant limiting magnitude advance. Applications are further speculated in the area of extreme adaptive optics and when serving spectroscopic instrumentation where “light in the bucket” rather than Strehl performance is required