108 research outputs found

    Predictors of Life Satisfaction Among Older Adults in Siberia

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    Life satisfaction is one of the constructs that constitute subjective well-being and thus represents an important measure in evaluating the quality of life in older adults. The goal of this study was to identify which predictors were more strongly associated with life satisfaction in a community of older adults living in Tomsk (Siberia, Russia). We analysed the preliminary data from the Monitoring Wellbeing in Older Adults Survey conducted in 2014. A subset of items corresponding to socio-demographic, physical and psychological health, social support, social interaction, and independence aspects were extracted and included in the analysis. Two hundred eighty-four respondents (212 female, age range: 52-91) participated in the study. In this sample, 68% of the respondents reported to be satisfied with their life. Logistic regression analysis showed that having a higher income level, a well-equipped house, and a lower level of anxiety and loneliness are associated with an increase in life satisfaction in older adults. These results suggest that both material aspects and psychological health could play an important role in determining the quality of life of older adults. This study provides helpful clues about which factors should be more deeply investigated in the future development of the survey

    Unii indicatori ai stării funcționale a ficatului și stresului oxidativ la bolnavii cu hepatite cronice virale

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    Gastroenterology Discipline, Nicolae Testemitanu SUMPhBackground. Chronic HBV and HCV viral infections are able to induce oxidative stress (OS) in infected cells affecting the liver parenchyma with the negative course of the disease. Objective of the study. Study of cytolysis syndrome in patients with chronic viral hepatitis CVH (B, C, mixed B+C) depending on the markers of the SO / AOS system. Material and Methods. The study included 138 patients with CVH B, C, B + C (48.35 ± 2.15 years). Patients were divided into 3 groups: group I - 58 p. with CVH B, group II - 69 p. with CVH C, group III - 11 p. with CVH B + C. ALT, ASAT, markers of the SO / AOS system (ceruloplasmin (CP), superoxidismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA)) were examined in all patients. The control group (CG) served 30 practically health. Results. Results. The researched study established elevated ALAT values in all examined groups compared to CG values (p˂0.01, p˂0.01, p˂0.01). Cytolysis syndrome resulted in elevated serum levels of CP: versus CG indices (p˂0.05, p˂0.05, p˂0.05). SO manifested by elevated serum MDA levels in all examined groups, being higher in group I -7.12 ± 0.062 nmol / l, versus similar CG values (p˂0.01). These manifestations were accompanied by elevated serum SOD levels in all patients, being the most impressive in group I -52.43 ± 0.87 mgHb compared to the CG results (p≤0.05). Conclusion. In patients with CVH (B, C, B + C), oxidative stress causes a series of metabolic changes against the background of cytolytic syndrome, and disorders of the SO / AOS system. Serum ceruloplasmin in this context may serve as an additional marker of liver fibrosis.Introducere. Infecțiile cronice virale cu VHB și VHC sunt capabile să inducă stres oxidativ (SO) în celulele infectate cu afectarea parenchimului hepatic cu evoluție negativă a bolii. Scopul lucrării. Studierea sindromului citolitic la pacienții cu hepatite cronice virale HCV (B, C, mixtă B+C) în funcție de markerii sistemului SO/AOS. Material și Metode. Studiul a inclus 138 de pacienți cu HCV B, C, B+C (48,35±2,15 ani). Pacienții au fost divizați în 3 loturi: I – 58 p. cu HCV B, II – 69 p. cu HCV C, III – 11 p. cu HCV B+C. La toți pacienții s-au examinat ALAT, ASAT, markerii sistemului SO/AOS (ceruloplasmina (CP), superoxidismutaza (SOD), malondialdehida (MDA)). Lotul martor (LM) au servit 30 de persoane practic sănătoase. Rezultate. Studiul a stabilit valori crescute ale ALAT în toate loturile examinate comparativ cu valorile LM (p˂0.01, p˂0.01, p˂0.01). Sindromul de citoliză s-a soldat cu niveluri serice crescute de CP versus indicii LM (p˂0.05, p˂0.05, p˂0.05). SO s-a manifestat prin niveluri serice crescute de MDA în toate loturile examinate, fiind mai crescut în lotul I –7, 12±0,062 nmol/l versus valorile similare LM (p˂0.01). Aceste manifestări au fost însoțite de niveluri serice crescute de SOD la toți pacienții, fiind mai impunător în lotul I –52,43±0,87 mgHb comparativ cu rezultatele LM (p≤0.05). Concluzii. La pacienții cu HCV (B, C, B+C), stresul oxidativ determină o serie de modificări metabolice pe fondalul sindromului citolitic și dereglările sistemului SO/AOS. Ceruloplasmina serică în acest context poate servi ca indicator suplimentar al fibrozei hepatice

    Managerial Aspects of Forming Enterprises’ Competitive Advantages: The Case of Agri-food Sector

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    This study develops a methodological approach to evaluating the competitive advantages of agri-food companies in Ukraine. The materials used within the examination process were taken from 15 Ukrainian agri-food enterprises. The research methods were a multivariate linear regression model and cluster analysis. As a result of the regression model formation, a close relationship was revealed between firms’ competitiveness, potential, financial status, and production output and sales. Determination of the values of independent variables allowed predicting changes in the competitiveness of the studied agri-food enterprises for the next five years

    Profilul lipidic al pacienților cu infecție cronică virală B

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    Background. Based on preliminary data from our study, the majority of patients with chronic viral B (HBV) infection were overweight (37.5%) and obese (33.3%), with normal weight accounting for 29.16%, suggesting possible presence of lipid profile disorders in patients with chronic HBV infection. Objective of the study. Cholesterol values assessment in patients with chronic HBV infection. Material and Methods. The lipid profile was evaluated in 83 persons (p.) with negative viral hepatic markers (group I) and in 72 p. with chronic HBV infection (group II) (of which: serological form HBsAg "-"/anti-HBcor "+" were 56 p.(group IIA) and HBsAg "+" - 16 p. (group IIB)) by assessing the level of serum cholesterol. The t-student criterion was used to estimate statistical differences between groups’ averages. Results. The compared cholesterol values between groups revealed higher cholesterol values in group II – 5.08 ± 0.124 mmol/lversus group I - 4.66 ± 0.104 mmol/ l(p <0.01). There were also statistically significant differences between the cholesterol levels of patients in group IIA - 5.121 ± 0.128 mmol/l and group I (p <0.01 ). Conclusion. The prevalence of overweight and obesity, higher cholesterol level in patients with chronic HBV infection, reveals disorders in lipid metabolism. Highlighting these changes in HBsAg "-"/anti-HBcor "+" individuals also requires that the full lipidogram be examined in these individuals as well. Introducere. Conform studiului nostru preliminar, majoritatea bolnavilor cu infecție cronică virală B au fost supraponderali (37,5%) și obezi (33,3%), cei normoponderali constiduind 29,16%, ceea ce face posibilă prezența dereglărilor în profilul lipidic al pacienților cu infecție cronică virală B. Scopul lucrării. Aprecierea nivelului colesterolului la pacienții cu infecție cronică cu virusul hepatitic B (VHB). Material și Metode. La 83 de persoane (p.) cu marcherii hepatici virali negativi (lotul I) și la 72 p. cu infecție cronică cu VHB (lotul II), dintre care 56 p. cu forma serologică HBsAg"-"/antiHBcor"+" (lotul IIA) și 16 p. cu HBsAg"+" (lotul IIB), s-a evaluat profilul lipidic prin aprecierea nivelului colesterolului seric. Pentru estimarea diferențelor statistice s-a utilizat criteriul tstudent. Rezultate. Comparând valorile colesterolului între loturi, s-au relevat valori mai elevate ale colesterolului în lotul II – 5,08 ± 0,124mmol/l versus lotul I - 4,66 ± 0,104 mmol/l (p<0,01). S-au depistat, de asemenea, diferențe semnificativ statistice între nivelurile colesterolului pacienților din lotul IIA – 5,121 ± 0,128 mmol/l și lotul I (p<0,01). Concluzii. Prevalența persoanelor supraponderale și obeze, nivelul de colesterol mai ridicat la pacienții cu infecțieVHB, relevă dereglări în metabolismul lipidic. Evidențierea acestor modificări și printre persoanele HBsAg"-"/anti-HBcor"+" necesită examinarea lipidogramei desfășurate și la aceste persoane

    Развитие направлений деятельности ГПНТБ России в сфере образования

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    New vectors of RNPLS&T’s education activities and their prospects are discussed. The authors describe several projects accomplished by RNPLS&T departments independently and in collaboration with interested organizations to support professional development in the area of education, science and culture, including those intended for librarians and students of secondary schools, secondary vocational schools and universities.Освещены основные направления деятельности ГПНТБ России в сфере образования и перспективы их развития. Проанализированы результаты работ, выполненных подразделениями ГПНТБ России самостоятельно, а также совместно с организациями, заинтересованными в сотрудничестве, с целью повышения квалификации работников отраслей образования и науки, культуры, специалистов библиотек и тех, кто обучается в общеобразовательных заведениях и учреждениях среднего профессионального и высшего образования

    Rapid One-Step Selection Method for Generating Nucleic Acid Aptamers: Development of a DNA Aptamer against alpha-Bungarotoxin

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    Background: Nucleic acids based therapeutic approaches have gained significant interest in recent years towards the development of therapeutics against many diseases. Recently, research on aptamers led to the marketing of Macugen (R), an inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) for the treatment of age related macular degeneration (AMD). Aptamer technology may prove useful as a therapeutic alternative against an array of human maladies. Considering the increased interest in aptamer technology globally that rival antibody mediated therapeutic approaches, a simplified selection, possibly in one-step, technique is required for developing aptamers in limited time period

    A concise review of nanoscopic aspects of bioleaching bacteria-mineral interactions

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    Bioleaching is a technology for the recovery of metals from minerals by means of microorganisms, which accelerate the oxidative dissolution of the mineral by regenerating ferric ions. Bioleaching processes take place at the interface of bacteria, sulfide mineral and leaching solution. The fundamental. forces between a bioleaching bacterium and mineral surface are central to understanding the intricacies of interfacial phenomena, such as bacterial adhesion or detachment from minerals and the mineral dissolution. This review focuses on the current state of knowledge in the colloidal aspect of bacteria-mineral interactions, particularly for bioleaching bacteria. Special consideration is given to the microscopic structure of bacterial cells and the atomic force microscopy technique used in the quantification of fundamental interaction forces at nanoscale. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Evaluarea indicatorilor spectrului lipidic la pacienții cu astm bronșic și infecție cronică VHB

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    Gastroenterology Laboratory, Nicolae Testemitanu SUMPhBackground. Asthma and obesity are common comorbidities. In our study, a high frequency of chronic HBV infection was observed among patients with asthma, most of them being obese, which led us to evaluate the lipid profile in this group. Objective of the study. Evaluation of lipid spectrum indicators in patients with bronchial asthma (AB) and chronic HBV infection (HBV CI). Material and Methods. Lot I consisted of 87 people (p.) with BA, in whom the serum markers of HBV CI were positive; lot II -76 p. with HBV CI; lot III - 39 p. with BA, and lot IV - 90 p. practically healthy persons. Participants in the study were assessed the level of total cholesterol (Col.) in blood serum, LDL- and HDLcholesterol, triglycerides (mmol/l). Results. The levels of Col. in lot I(5.48±0.12), II(5.08±0.12) and III(5.3±0.28) were higher compared to lot IV(4, 64±0.1), in lot I being elevated the most(between lot I and IV– p<0.001, between lot II and IV – p<0.01, and between lot III and IV – p< 0.05). Differences in Col. values were also determined between lot I and II and between lot II and III(p<0.05). Higher levels of LDL-Col were determined in lot I(3.42±0.16) vs lot IV(2.81±0.18)(p<0.05), (lot II(3.22±0.13), lot III(4.83±1.26)). Comparing the HDL – Col. levels, statistical differences were determined between lot I(1.56 0.13) and lot II(1.22±0.06), also between lot III(1.75±0.15) and lot IV(1.37±0.05)(p<0.05). Conclusion. Increased values of total cholesterol, LDL- and HDL-cholesterol suggest the hypothesis of the involvement of HBV infection in lipid metabolism disorders in patients with bronchial asthma and chronic HBV infection, which requires additional diagnostic and treatment measures.Introducere. Astmul bronșic și obezitatea sunt comorbidități frecvent întâlnite. În studiul nostru s-a observat o frecvență înaltă a infecției cronice VHB printre pacienții cu astm bronșic, majoritatea dintre ei fiind obezi, ceea ce ne-a determinat să evaluăm profilul lipidic în această grupă. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea indicatorilor spectrului lipidic la pacienții cu astm bronșic (AB) și infecție cronică VHB (IC VHB). Material și Metode. Lotul I a fost constituit din 87 persoane (p.) cu AB, la care marcherii serici ai IC VHB erau pozitivi; lotul II -76 p. cu IC VHB; lotul III - 39 p. cu AB, iar lotul IV - 90 p. care se considerau practic sănătoase. Participanților în studiu li s-au evaluat colesterolul (Col.) total în ser, LDLși HDL-colesterolul, trigliceridele (mmol/l). Rezultate. Nivelul Col. în lotul I (5,48±0,12), II (5,08±0,12) și III (5,3±0,28) a fost mai mare față de lotul IV (4,64±0,1), în lotul I fiind cel mai mare (între lotul I și IV– p<0,001, între loturile II și IV–p<0,01, iar între loturile III și IV–p<0,05). De asemenea s-au determinat diferențe ale valorilor Col. între loturile I și II și între loturile II și III (p<0,05). S-au determinat nivele mai ridicate ale LDL-Col. în lotul I (3,42±0,16) vs lotul IV (2,81±0,18) (p<0,05), (lotul II (3,22±0,13), lotul II (4,83±1,26)). Comparând nivelurile HDL–Col., s-au determinat diferențe statistice între lotul I (1,56±0,13) și lotul II (1,22±0,06), de asemenea între lotul III (1,75±0,15) și lotul IV (1,37±0,05) (p<0,05). Concluzii. Valorile majorate ale colesterolului total, LDL- și HDLcolesterolului sugerează ipoteza implicării infecției VHB în dereglările metabolismului lipidic la pacienții cu astm bronșic și infecție cronică VHB, ceea ce impune măsuri suplimentare de diagnostic și tratament

    Деятельность ГПНТБ России в сфере образования: направления работы и перспективы развития

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    The authors discuss the main vectors of RNPLS&amp;T’s educational activities, in particular the program system of advanced professional education on the premises of the Library’s Learning and Educational Programs Division, specialized seminars and workshops for college lectur ers and students, graduate and post-graduate students of Moscow State Institute of Culture, webinars for librarians, research and educational organizations. The RNPLS&amp;T’s material and technical resources used for these events are described. The results of RNPL&amp;STs divisions (including those within the framework of the State Task Order) independent activities, and those achieved in collaboration with interested organizations and aimed at upgrading the skills of specialists in education, science and culture, are analyzed. The authors also focus on the projects held jointly with the National Library Association “Libraries of the Future”. The plans are to develop online educational programs and to cover pressing themes. Special attention is given to secondary schools and colleges, regional boarding schools, orphanages and organizations for children without parental support.Статья посвящена основным направлениям деятельности ГПНТБ России в сфере образования. Представлены: комплекс программ дополнительного профессионального образования, реализуемых на базе отделения учебных и образовательных программ библиотеки в последние годы; специализированные семинары для преподавателей и учащихся колледжей, бакалавров и магистров МГИК, вебинары разных типов для специалистов библиотек, организаций образования и науки; материально-технический комплекс ГПНТБ России, используемый для организации и проведения перечисленных мероприятий. Проанализированы результаты работ, выполненных самостоятельно подразделениями ГПНТБ России (включая работы в рамках государственного задания), а также совместно с организациями, заинтересованными в сотрудничестве с целью повышения квалификации работников сферы образования, науки и культуры. Отмечена деятельность, проводимая совместно с Национальной библиотечной ассоциацией «Библиотеки будущего». Отражены планы развития образовательного направления деятельности библиотеки, ориентированные на дистанционное образование и актуальную тематику. Особое внимание уделено работе со школами и колледжами, региональными школамиинтернатами для детей-сирот и детей, оставшихся без попечения родителей