19 research outputs found

    Physics teaching with simulations in HTML5

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    One of the functions of the Center of Distance Education of the School of Engineering of the University of Buenos Aires is the design of educational materials using various technologies, so as to facilitate the teaching and learning of science. In this context, a proposal of basic physics simulations design is presented. Previously, simulations were developed in other languages such as Java and Flash. The objective of the initial search was oriented to find open source simulations that can be easily customized or authoring tools such as GeoGebra or EJS. It is intended to avoid implementations from scratch since it is time consuming and difficult to implement in the short term. In particular, a process of development of simulations with HTML5 was started. The reason leading the change was the need to have educational materials that could be used from any terminal, particularly from mobile terminals so that students can make use of the simulator anytime and anywhere. An example of a simulation of a pendulum is provided which main objective is that the student could manipulate variables, observe the behavior of the pendulum and make inferences that help them understand and apply the physical model under study.Facultad de Informátic

    Physics teaching with simulations in HTML5

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    One of the functions of the Center of Distance Education of the School of Engineering of the University of Buenos Aires is the design of educational materials using various technologies, so as to facilitate the teaching and learning of science. In this context, a proposal of basic physics simulations design is presented. Previously, simulations were developed in other languages such as Java and Flash. The objective of the initial search was oriented to find open source simulations that can be easily customized or authoring tools such as GeoGebra or EJS. It is intended to avoid implementations from scratch since it is time consuming and difficult to implement in the short term. In particular, a process of development of simulations with HTML5 was started. The reason leading the change was the need to have educational materials that could be used from any terminal, particularly from mobile terminals so that students can make use of the simulator anytime and anywhere. An example of a simulation of a pendulum is provided which main objective is that the student could manipulate variables, observe the behavior of the pendulum and make inferences that help them understand and apply the physical model under study.Facultad de Informátic

    Una propuesta de aprendizaje universitario con TIC para recursantes

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    En el Laboratorio de Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje (LEVA) de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FIUBA) se desarrolla, desde el año 2006, un proyecto de investigación y desarrollo para incluir las TIC en la formación profesional, con el propósito de mejorar y personalizar la enseñanza. En el marco de la investigación-acción se implementa un curso semipresencial para recursantes en la asignatura Física I. Con dicho curso, el primero para el grado implementado en la Institución, no sólo se pretende el logro de los objetivos planteados al inicio de la bimodalidad sino responder a una necesidad concreta de los estudiantes. Es por ello que la intención general de este proyecto es contribuir al mejoramiento del rendimiento académico y a la retención de los alumnos recursantes, a través de una propuesta innovadora para la Institución. Para la evaluación de la implementación, se obtuvo información de varias fuentes: laboratorio, simulaciones, autoevaluaciones, foros y calificaciones.The Laboratory of Virtual Learning Environments (LEVA) at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Buenos Aires (FIUBA) has worked since 2006 on a research and development project to include ICT in vocational training, in order to improve and customize education. In the framework of action research and as a result of these investigations, a blended course was implemented for students who failed the course of Physics I. This blended course, the first one implemented in the institution, not only aims at achieving the goals set for this bimodality but also at responding to the specific needs of students. Therefore, the general objective of this project is to help improve academic performance and to retain those students who attend the course again, through an innovative teaching proposal for the institution. To assess the implementation of the project, information from several sources: laboratory, simulations, self assessments, forums and marks was obtained.Facultad de Informátic

    Herramientas en línea para desarrollar propuestas didácticas

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    En el siguiente trabajo se presenta una propuesta didáctica, en la que se utilizan recursos de la Web, para ser aplicada en el primer ciclo de una Facultad de Ingeniería. El interés en innovar, a través de diferentes recursos tecnológicos, surge como consecuencia de la dificultad que presentan los estudiantes para trabajar con diferentes modelos físicos. La propuesta desarrollada complementa el estudio de un modelo físico a través de la aplicación de dos programas que se obtienen en línea. Uno de ellos permite diseñar lecciones, las cuales pueden ser recorridas por los estudiantes según sus respuestas. Su uso es interesante porque facilita la personalización del aprendizaje a través de una herramienta accesible al docente y puede ser incorporada como SCORM o ser utilizada en forma independiente. El otro programa, diseñado en lenguaje Java, permite procesar videos codificados. Si bien en este trabajo se muestra un ejemplo aplicado a la Física universitaria, ambas herramientas pueden utilizarse en distintas situaciones didácticas y en diferentes niveles educativos. Con la implementación de las TIC al aula convencional no se pretende reemplazar recursos didácticos eficaces, pero sí enriquecerlos adaptándolos a las necesidades cognitivas de los estudiantes en acuerdo a un determinado contexto de formación.Facultad de Informátic

    Physics teaching with simulations in HTML5

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    One of the functions of the Center of Distance Education of the School of Engineering of the University of Buenos Aires is the design of educational materials using various technologies, so as to facilitate the teaching and learning of science. In this context, a proposal of basic physics simulations design is presented. Previously, simulations were developed in other languages such as Java and Flash. The objective of the initial search was oriented to find open source simulations that can be easily customized or authoring tools such as GeoGebra or EJS. It is intended to avoid implementations from scratch since it is time consuming and difficult to implement in the short term. In particular, a process of development of simulations with HTML5 was started. The reason leading the change was the need to have educational materials that could be used from any terminal, particularly from mobile terminals so that students can make use of the simulator anytime and anywhere. An example of a simulation of a pendulum is provided which main objective is that the student could manipulate variables, observe the behavior of the pendulum and make inferences that help them understand and apply the physical model under study.Facultad de Informátic

    ESASky v.2.0: all the skies in your browser

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    With the goal of simplifying the access to science data to scientists and citizens, ESA recently released ESASky (http://sky.esa.int), a new open-science easy-to-use portal with the science-ready Astronomy data from ESA and other major data providers. In this presentation, we announced version 2.0 of the application, which includes access to all science-ready images, catalogues and spectra, a feature to help planning of future JWST observations, the possibility to search for data of all (targeted and serendipitously observed) Solar System Objects in Astronomy images, a first support to mobile devices and several other smaller usability features. We also discussed the future evolution of the portal and the lessons learnt from the 1+ year of operations from the point of view of access, visualization and manipulation of big datasets (all sky maps, also called HiPS) and large catalogues (like e.g. the Gaia DR1 catalogues or the Hubble Source Catalogue) and the design and validation principles for the development of friendly GUIs for thin layer web clients aimed at scientists.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, ADASS 2017 conference proceeding

    ¿Qué queda de mí?

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    Este libro es una reclamación a quienes hemos sido, somos o seremos docentes. A quienes no hemos respetado a las personas que se han puesto junto a nosotros y nosotras, confiando su bien más preciado: la libertad. Estas páginas denuncian cada vez que convertimos una visión en la visión, una emoción en la emoción, un saber en el saber, un comportamiento en el comportamiento. Es un grito contra la imposición, la normalización, la neutralización y la universalización de una perspectiva particular. Una pugna contra cada proceso que no se ha conectado con las vidas de los aprendices. Un texto colaborativo realizado por alumnado de Educación y Cambio Social en el Grado en Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Málaga y coordinado por Ignacio Calderón Almendros